• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Eric came into the room which once again made me extremely happy. I slowly reached my paw out towards him, but it quickly retracted back as I decided I might as well not even bother. I’ve lost in more ways than one today. I saw Lucky came in causing me to flinch and start to cower and shake as he came closer, but he didn’t try to hurt me again. He seemed to be sorry for
what he did... sort of.. I couldn’t really stay mad at him. It wasn’t in my nature. I just looked at him with a smile.

P PopcornPie CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
She turned around when she heard footsteps and saw it was Voss. He probably should've stayed back at the bar, but he probably went after her to pay her the $500. Right now, the money didn't matter. "I don't know, I just found her like this!"

Skye ran over to the woman, shaking her awake. "
Hey! Are you okay?!" She leaned down to try to hear a heartbeat before she saw her eyes open slowly and backed away. So she was still alive... good. Asleep? Why did she think she was asleep? Was she under someone or something's control?

Sleepwalking usually didn't result to this.

When she lifted her hand, her eyes widened seeing the hole in her hand. While it was great the hole wasn't in her head... the hand was still a bad place for a hole to be. The woman passed out and she kneeled down, grabbing her right arm and putting it around her neck, on her left shoulder. She looked back at the three men that stood there. "
One of you, come here and grab the other side."

Looking up, she called out to BAYLEX. "
Hey BAYLEX! Let the infirmary know there's someone coming that needs their help! Also, where's the infirmary?" Her attention turned towards Heather, seeing that she was away. "Hey Heather, see you're awake. And uh, that's nice, but we gotta get this girl to the infirma- wait, best friend?"

Shaking her head, she kept the woman still. "
Listen, we can talk more there once we get her there." Skye then saw Heather's new best friend come over, who she recognized to be Price's kid. "We can introduce ourselves after we get this woman to the infirmary." After someone came over to help grab the other side, she started moving towards where BAYLEX told her the infirmary was.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , P PopcornPie , Space Buddha Space Buddha , Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
"Hey, you! Are you awake?!" Megumin's mild concern quickly inflamed when Nearl didn't get up. "D-don't worry, I'll help you! Come on, Heather, I'm afraid your mom will have to wait!" With sweat drenching her forehead, she ran around, looking for someone who could potentially save Nearl.

"Okay, I've alerted everyone I could! Now to just-Who are you?!" While her back was turned, someone had come to assist! "Heather, did you summon her? Either way, thank Heavens!" She wiped sweat off her brow. "Allow me to assist!" She held Nearl's legs, and somewhat stumbled alongside all the other rescuers due to her small size. "This is terrible! First Lana, now this! What else could possibly go wrong..."

Riven Riven TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Space Buddha Space Buddha

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    Heather rolled her eyes, and looked over to Nearl's injury. She raised a hand, and a shimmering violet glow would appear over the wound, halting the flow of blood like a bandage would. After that, she would clench every part of her body while exerting her mental force. Space itself would warp as pink fluid dripped out of Heather's nose, and the infirmary would come to them. From the perspective of the others, they would be instantaneously transported to the infirmary, with the bleeding of Nearl's wounds halted and a very dizzy girl with a nosebleed hugging Skye's leg.

    --"THERE... ALL... DONE... NOW... PLAY... WITH... ME... MOTHER..."--

    Heather then fell over, continuing to trickle pink from her nostril. Could she have really just... done that all along? Probably, but it would appear she exerted herself quite a bit. She must be really excited to see mom again.

    Meanwhile, those steering the ship would find that all of the vessel had strangely moved a great number of meters instantly, and anyone going to check out the actual infirmary would find that it is now simply a segment of hallway.


So, Rocket had no idea what was going on.

He had gotten too drunk to know or care.

They were in space now, apparently... that was cool.

Stumbling throughout the ship, the not-raccoon was having the time of his life as he heard the familiar song in his head.

"Come a little bit closer...
You're mind kind of man...
So big and so strong...
I'm all alone...
And the night is so--"

His eyes fell on Skye from across the hall. Smiling, Rocket waved at her and the others, waving his rifle scarily loose in the air as he did so. Why Rocket had his gun in his hands right now was a mystery to everyone. But after trudging on past the infirmary, Rocket saw something else. He saw that... that rat bastard rabbit thing attack the weird happy girl from earlier. Well, he'd seen it before, but people had put a stop it. But now he was trying to escape and was a lot less surrounded. Now, Rocket normally wouldn't have cared about such a sight, but drunk Rocket meant a more emotionally unstable Rocket. And a more emotionally unstable Rocket had memories flashback to him. And when Rocket had memories flashback to him...


"HEY DOUCHEFACE!!" The drunk Rocket shouted, a noticeable slur in his voice as he shakily held up the rifle. He attempted to aim it at the rabbit's skull, but his arm was of course off due to being drunk. "Y-you like messin' with experiments like her, do ya!?" He shouted angrily. It looked like tears were forming in his eyes as he spoke. "Well maybe we didn't ask to get made!? You ever think about that, huh!?"


A blast was fired off to Lucky and anyone else nearby, made of pure energy. Luckily, Rocket's aim was off so it missed. "Let's see if you can laugh at me when after five or six good shots to your FRICKIN' FACE!" Rocket shouted at the top of his lungs as he began to charge up another shot.

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @whoeverisaround​
Before Lucky could have a chance to take Sora’s hand, Rocket appears out of the blue, trying to defend Lana albeit a bit late.

“Rocket wait. Lucky’s himself again. The gem in him is what caused him to go crazy, but pay attention. It’s not glowing. Someone shut it down for awhile, but I need his help to take it out before he hurts anyone else. Lana’s fine too, just calm down, I don’t want to fight you.”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The Kuranta groaned as she was heaved up by Megumin and Skye, her armor hitting against itself as it clanks. Although Nearl was certainly falling in and out of consciousness, the hole in her head was certainly not helping the situation, least she wasn't feeling the pain for the most part. She continues to groan as she was lifted up and walked off, her eyes slowly opening up again, "Wha.. what... what is.. happening.." At this point in time, poor gal was actually just lost in both reality and physically.

She notices a little girl raise her hand over the wound, yet though it wasn't sealing, with the glow, the bleeding indeed stopped. A flash of light came through and there have appeared in what looks like a hospital room. "Huh..", she muttered as she looked at herself, surely the wound wasn't threatening, but Oripathy doesn't help the bit of blood loss that has already happened, as shown by the stain on her armor and the mess left where she was found.

"So, tired.."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
P PopcornPie
Yam Yam
Yam Yam [/user]​
With Heather's best friend helping out with the legs, she was about to turn to the other three men who were just standing there when they just... appeared. It seemed to be an infirmary, which it probably was. Now she would question it, but they didn't have time. She called out to anyone in the infirmary, still helping the woman out. "
Hey! Anyone here?! We need help!"

Something attached itself to her leg and she looked down to see Heather with a nose bleed. "
Heather, are you okay? Listen, after we get her to someone, we can play, but right now, we have to take care of this." Hearing the woman say something, she shook her. "Hey, stay with us now!"

If it turned out no one would help them, she'd have to help the woman herself.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , P PopcornPie , Space Buddha Space Buddha , Yamperzzz Yamperzzz , anyone in the infirmary
Lucky surprisingly to Sora, left the room peacefully; but what’s more confusing is that he talked about jade regeneration, it’s like Lucky was his old self.

“What just..?” Megumin then tells Sora they’ve found a way to halt the gem’s control over Lucky, but only temporarily. She goes her way again, but Sora chases Lucky while he has the chance.

“LUCKY! Wait. I’m sorry I chased you. While you’re old self, look at the damage you’ve caused. If you care for Lana, Rex or any of your friends we need to get that thing out. Please. Let me help you!” Sora extends his hand out for Lucky to take. But will he?

P PopcornPie
There came Sora behind him. Sweet, innocent Sora, trying to make the situation better. Lucky just sighed. "Look, Laddie, don't worry about it. I should be the one apologizing. But I have a feeling that I won't be sorry in a couple minutes." He tapped on his jade quite a bit harder, but nothing chipped off. The cracks didn't even expand. "But you don't get it. It'll make me weak again. Remember how paranoid I became, because I thought I sold you all to Toffee? That will just happen again without this shield." He held himself. "I know it's harsh, but I'm strong this way. Useful this way. And it's only me first adventure with this on. Maybe I just have to balance it, that's all."

Eric came into the room which once again made me extremely happy. I slowly reached my paw out towards him, but it quickly retracted back as I decided I might as well not even bother. I’ve lost in more ways than one today. I saw Lucky came in causing me to flinch and start to cower and shake as he came closer, but he didn’t try to hurt me again. He seemed to be sorry for
what he did... sort of.. I couldn’t really stay mad at him. It wasn’t in my nature. I just looked at him with a smile.

P PopcornPie CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
He saw Lana's fluffy little head peek up from the crowd of medics on her room, smiling at him. It just made his frown fall lower. Was it a reassurance that she was going to be all right? Cheering on Sora? A "good riddance" expression? "She's just so innocent...I really do just...feel that I resent her, you know? If she hadn't been all adorable and shit, I wouldn't have discovered this side of me in the first place." His ears folded. "Maybe what happened was I took me feelings of feeling weak around her, and turned it into a desire to prove me strength." The ears drooped. "I definitely overdid it."

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    Heather rolled her eyes, and looked over to Nearl's injury. She raised a hand, and a shimmering violet glow would appear over the wound, halting the flow of blood like a bandage would. After that, she would clench every part of her body while exerting her mental force. Space itself would warp as pink fluid dripped out of Heather's nose, and the infirmary would come to them. From the perspective of the others, they would be instantaneously transported to the infirmary, with the bleeding of Nearl's wounds halted and a very dizzy girl with a nosebleed hugging Skye's leg.

    --"THERE... ALL... DONE... NOW... PLAY... WITH... ME... MOTHER..."--

    Heather then fell over, continuing to trickle pink from her nostril. Could she have really just... done that all along? Probably, but it would appear she exerted herself quite a bit. She must be really excited to see mom again.

    Meanwhile, those steering the ship would find that all of the vessel had strangely moved a great number of meters instantly, and anyone going to check out the actual infirmary would find that it is now simply a segment of hallway.

"Th-the fuck?!!" Lucky watched the ship's features move around all around them with an agape jaw. "Is that Julia?! What the shit is she fuckin-Oh." He explained somewhat blankly, pointing to Nearl just as they were warping away. "There's some kind of situation over there."

"Woah!" Megumin was left a little dizzy after the teleporting, but she knew she had to put her own dizziness aside. "Good thinking, Heather, I think...We probably shouldn't be tampering with this ship like that...Anyway!"
The Kuranta groaned as she was heaved up by Megumin and Skye, her armor hitting against itself as it clanks. Although Nearl was certainly falling in and out of consciousness, the hole in her head was certainly not helping the situation, least she wasn't feeling the pain for the most part. She continues to groan as she was lifted up and walked off, her eyes slowly opening up again, "Wha.. what... what is.. happening.." At this point in time, poor gal was actually just lost in both reality and physically.

She notices a little girl raise her hand over the wound, yet though it wasn't sealing, with the glow, the bleeding indeed stopped. A flash of light came through and there have appeared in what looks like a hospital room. "Huh..", she muttered as she looked at herself, surely the wound wasn't threatening, but Oripathy doesn't help the bit of blood loss that has already happened, as shown by the stain on her armor and the mess left where she was found.

"So, tired.."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
P PopcornPie
Yam Yam
Yam Yam [/user]​
"She's alive! She's hanging on!" Megumin gasped in relief. "That's twice now we've come to a rescue just in time! Now, just rest, friend, that wound looks really nasty. Oh! Would it help if I brought Fluffington? I bet it would! I will be right back!" In two shakes of a familiar's tail, she dashed out of the infirmary, got a bit lost thanks to the mixed up corridors, found the dizzy Fluffington, snatched up the Eevee, presumably tipped off whoever she was with, got lost again, came inside the infirmary, and gently placed Fluffington on her chest. "I know I would feel better if my fluffy little friend was by my side."

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @Whoever was next to Fluffington
With Heather's best friend helping out with the legs, she was about to turn to the other three men who were just standing there when they just... appeared. It seemed to be an infirmary, which it probably was. Now she would question it, but they didn't have time. She called out to anyone in the infirmary, still helping the woman out. "
Hey! Anyone here?! We need help!"

Something attached itself to her leg and she looked down to see Heather with a nose bleed. "
Heather, are you okay? Listen, after we get her to someone, we can play, but right now, we have to take care of this." Hearing the woman say something, she shook her. "Hey, stay with us now!"

If it turned out no one would help them, she'd have to help the woman herself.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , P PopcornPie , Space Buddha Space Buddha , Yamperzzz Yamperzzz , anyone in the infirmary
"What to do! What to do..." Megumin decided to try covering the wound with her hat. "This should help with the bleeding!" She said hopefully. "Should I run back to the restaurant, and see if I can get you a drink? Or maybe a snack? You simply must have your nutrients!"
"HEY DOUCHEFACE!!" The drunk Rocket shouted, a noticeable slur in his voice as he shakily held up the rifle. He attempted to aim it at the rabbit's skull, but his arm was of course off due to being drunk. "Y-you like messin' with experiments like her, do ya!?" He shouted angrily. It looked like tears were forming in his eyes as he spoke. "Well maybe we didn't ask to get made!? You ever think about that, huh!?"


A blast was fired off to Lucky and anyone else nearby, made of pure energy. Luckily, Rocket's aim was off so it missed. "Let's see if you can laugh at me when after five or six good shots to your FRICKIN' FACE!" Rocket shouted at the top of his lungs as he began to charge up another shot.
Before Lucky could have a chance to take Sora’s hand, Rocket appears out of the blue, trying to defend Lana albeit a bit late.

“Rocket wait. Lucky’s himself again. The gem in him is what caused him to go crazy, but pay attention. It’s not glowing. Someone shut it down for awhile, but I need his help to take it out before he hurts anyone else. Lana’s fine too, just calm down, I don’t want to fight you.”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Suddenly, a bullet brushed the very tips of the hairs on Lucky's ears. As usual, it wasn't the threat of being killed that angered him, so much as the insult. "Excuse you..." His old wrath started to reignite. "...just who are you callin' 'doucheface', ya noodle-nosed trash chomper?" He started to stalk towards Rocket with his ears flat. "She ain't no experiment. At least, I don't think. We could still be clones..." He tapped his chin. "But regardless, listen. I just lost control of meself back there. And she is fine. So how about you just let me leave this oversized subway train behind...Or, perhaps, you won't let me cross your bridge until I've found a way to stuff your tail in your throat."

At Sora's protest, he simply stuck his arm in front of him. "Don't worry about me. I am fluent in 'drunk asshole'." Lucky snarled. "Hey, you stupid troll. Why don't you come over here, and check out me well? I think I've lost me pretty purple unicorn, and I would love some help in finding her!"
Hearing that he had to pay for the bottle of vodka he drank through, Deadpool quickly fumbled through his pouches and pockets to find where he kept his stash of money in case of any situations that required payment. "C'MON... C'MOOOOONNN!" After rummaging through ammo and extra nachos, among other things, he finally found some cash. Taking two $20 bills out of his pouch, Deadpool slapped it on the table, put the shot glass he used on top of it to ensure it didn't go anywhere, and made a mad dash to the Men's Room. "HERE! THANK YOOOOOOOUUUUUUU!" Bursting through the door, DP ran to one of the urinals, and did his business for 2 minutes straight, even managing to keep his balance when the ship started to take off. Finishing up, he even washed his gloved hands at the sink, and came back out into the bar to notice something in the window that caught his attention.

As Deadpool saw the mysterious white spaceship floating next to Sanctuary, he freaked out and pulled out his notepad along with a marker. "OH SHIT, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT DOING HERE?!" As quickly as he could, Wade ripped a page out of the notepad and wrote words on the sheet, believing that since he was in some sort of alien world filled with various strange and shifty characters, a situation like this was very possible (at least in his completely messed up mind). "YOU GUYS NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT SPACE PEDOPHILES WITH WHITE SPACESHIPS! THEY PROBABLY ARE EVEN PRETENDING TO HAVE WEIRD SPACE CANDY! WE GOTTA HIDE!" He finished writing his sign, got some tape from another pouch, stuck it to the top and bottom of the sheet, and posted it on the window, facing the white spaceship. He then dove behind a table, slightly peeking over the top, to see what could potentially happen. The sign stated:


CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow and everyone else still in the bar.
Voss swiftly put away his money after Skye spoke. Now wouldn't be a great time to give it to her. He stood there with the two other men, unsure of whether he should help. Even though this scene has definitely sobered him up a bit, he was still impaired. Thankfully, before he could properly react, a little child witch came along to help lift Nearl. The first child came with another, who the sea captain recognized as Heather from before they left to go to the bar. She scared him quite a bit, and honestly, she still does.

Heather walked by Nearl's unconscious body completely unfazed by the scene. In fact, she believes that Nearl's only asleep. Skye seemed to only be mildly annoyed by the children's requests, unlike what Voss would be if he was in her situation. Is she their mother? Just then, Rocket came back, shaking like a cloth in the wind while carrying a rifle. He seemed mostly friendly until he spotted a particularly ugly-looking rabbit within the group. From then on, the raccoon began to wave his rifle erratically trying to aim it towards Lucky's face. During his drunken attempt to aim the gun at him, he awkwardly waved it at other people such as Voss himself, who flinched several times at the sight of it.

Eventually, Rocket tried to fire a shot at Lucky but thankfully missed. However, the clearly upset raccoon was already preparing to shoot again. By instinct, the also intoxicated sea captain ran up to Rocket and grabbed the rifle, yanking it upwards as the group was suddenly transported to the Infirmary. Voss was too distracted to notice as he was trying to steal the gun from him. During this altercation, the sea captain would try speaking to Rocket to deescalate the situation.

"Hey hey HEY! Gimme that! Yer in no shape to carry that thing around! Ya can't just go shootin' people yer mad at! Why don't ya just take some deep breaths and relax?" Voss glanced over at Lucky, clearly not having it. "Don't try to aggravate him even more. Give the raccoon some space!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie Space Buddha Space Buddha CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @Guys_In_The_Infirmary​
Abbott tried to yell after Voss after he left to give Skye her $500 that he still needed to pay for their drinks too. But, the sea captain left him there, leaving the sailor with only the $5 he gave him in case he wanted to play on the slot machines. Abbott insisted that he didn't want to use it for gambling since he hates the concept but, of course, Voss didn't listen. $5 was certainly not enough to pay for both their drinks. He sighed as he rested his head on his hand. Oh well, he'll probably come back soon...

In the meantime, Voss' first mate saw from the corner of his eye a man exiting the bathroom. They'd been in there during take-off, so Abbott didn't want to think about what sort of mess the stranger must've consequently made in there. Just as they walked out of the bathroom, the man noticed something from outside the bar window and began to frantically write in a notepad. Abbott tilted his head in curiosity as Deadpool starting exclaiming about random things, but it seemed like he was concerned about something out in space. The sailor suspected that, just like himself, most people were unfamiliar with space. He figured that Deadpool must've just seen an asteroid or something. Maybe he was just off his rocker, who knows. Maybe it's a little bit of both.

Eventually, the man ripped a page from his notepad and taped it onto the window, then proceeding to take cover behind a table. Deciding to check it out, Abbott got off from his stool and wobbled over towards the window to see. The sign's face was taped towards the window, so the writing was reversed in Abbott's perspective. However, the sailor did notice something alongside the sign. He saw what was the cause of Deadpool's initial concern -- the white ship. Abbott involuntarily flinched.

"Woah! I don't remember them saying anything about being more than one ship with us..." He further investigated by looking more through the window. It wasn't like there was a volley of ships behind them. There was only this one, lonely, white ship following ours, looking much different from their's, too. Abbott couldn't help but feel nervous in such a strange place, but he tried to remain optimistic nonetheless.

"...I-I'm sure that it's nothing to worry about, heh. Maybe it's a friendly ship? It's probably just passing by." He nervously chuckled. "No need to worry, my man!"

92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow @PeepsAtTheBar
Last edited:
Sora was started feeling frustrated. Even when he beats up the people he cares for, Lucky still thinks he’s weak without enhancements.

“Are you kidding me? That thing literally makes you go nuts. Say it does make you stronger, you nearly beat Lana to death and threaten to kill me. If the point of this is to become stronger and protect us, then it’s failing. Wake up man! You can be useful without that thing. It’s changing you for the worst. Get rid of it before these guys think they’re nothing but trouble.”

Lucky spoke back to Rocket, calling him names. “Lucky. Calling Rocket names while he’s drunk isn’t the wisest of ideas.” Then another person out of nowhere tried to snatch the gun away from Rocket while calling him the dreaded R word. “Neither is calling him that!”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
Honestly, despite how drunk he was, Rocket was at least somewhat listening to what Sora was saying. No, really. Visibly, the not-raccoon began to slowly lower his weapon to the ground as he thought about what Sora said. And then... Lucky started speaking.

"TRASH CHOMPER!??!?" Rocket snarled angrily, quickly aiming the rifle again. The four exit holes of blissful, plasmic fury began to swell up again, while the beast behind the gun snarled angrily. "Let's see who's bitin' dirt after I burn your frikkin' head off, you buck-toothed asshole!" Rocket cried out, shaking his head slightly. Tears were clearly in his eyes as he spoke, and there was a certain pain in his tone that hadn't been present before. Suddenly, though, his rifle was grabbed by Voss, and just as sora said, he had made the mistake of calling him the forbidden "R-word". Keeping his grip on the rifle, Rocket said,


"You think I'm some stupid thing too! You all do! That's all any of you think of me, isn't it!? Just some... some little freak!" He shouted as he looked over at the ground, his grip on the gun loosening a bit. Suddenly, though, the familiar snarl returned, just as quickly as it had gone away. Rocket's finger curled on the trigger again, and he pulled on it until the familiar balls of heat began to churn inside of it. If Voss didn't move his hand when he felt the heat swell up inside, he would no doubt get his fingers vaporized by the time Rocket fired. Either way, he would have had to let go of the rifle, giving Rocket the chance to take hold once more.


"That fancy hat guy called me rodent!" Rocket shouted sadly, before looking at Lucky and pointing at him. "And he called me trash chomper! Well, I didn't ask to be made! And I didn't ask to be stuck here with you assholes neither!" He cried out, before finally lifting his gun again, this time charging a shot so big that it would envelop Lucky, Voss, and Sora in one clean shot.


"I'll show you who's laughing when you're all nothin' but FRIKKIN' ASH!!!"

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie
"Stay away from my friends, you oversized hamster!"

As the powerful beam charged towards the trio, a being phases into existence, rising from the floor. Its palms shapeshift into flat, reflective metal sheets that allowed the energy attack to hit, before they were deflected back towards Rocket!


"I think it's time for another cleanup! What do you say, gang!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie

"Chaos again... our priority is-"

The Doctor was ever so shocked to see who joined Lana.

"It can't be..."

He looks again.

"Nearl, what happened?"

He rushes to her and holds her hands.

"And why... why wasn't I there?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie Space Buddha Space Buddha CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Riven Riven @GuysInTheInfirmary​
With key in hand, Sora runs in front of both, Lucky and Voss. “Hey, hold on! Everybody’s going through things right now. Nobody didn’t ask to be here either but we’re trying, we’re getting closer to home, and the fancy guy’s known for being a jerk.” He continued hoping Rocket would listen.

“But if you get rid of us you may not have as big of a chance to get home. So think of the people you care about and how happy they’ll be to see you. Just let us go and we won’t call you anymore names. Is that fine?” He give Rocket a nervous “please listen to reason” but also sincere face.

But before Rocket can say something Ben also shows up trying to take him down.
“Stop!” Sora used reflect to save Rocket from the blast, he then used Stop on Ben and proceeded to walk towards him.

“Listen to me. I don’t know who you are, but trying kill each other isn’t going to help. Can’t we just go through one moment without anyone trying to upset or kill anyone?!?!”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow P PopcornPie Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
And as she was about to put the woman down on an empty bed, someone came over, one she recognized as one of the three doctors earlier. If she remembered, he was the one that was a block of ice during the whole raid on Skull's Settlement and it seemed he knew this woman.

Looking at the man, she handed her over to him as she heard Rocket's yelling. It was just one thing after another, and really, she was getting just a tiny bit stressed by the insanity. After he'd take her, she picked up Heather and put her on an empty bed and turned around to face the man and the girl who was Heather's best friend. "
As you can probably hear outside, I need to go take care of something, can you two take care of that woman and Heather, please?"

Regardless of whether or not they agreed, she ran out to the yelling and saw what was happening. "
HEY! All of you calling Rocket names need to stop and put down your weapons before I launch all of you into space!" She walked over to the group, standing next to Rocket. "Listen, he's drunk, he's clearly going through shit, and he hates being called names as you can already tell. Let me handle this and rest of you can shut the fuck up and back off. Okay? Okay, glad we've all come to an understanding."

Skye looked at Rocket, kneeling down. "
Hey, Rocket, I think you need to sit down, you've had a lot of drinks. Plus, operating heavy machinery isn't the greatest to do while drunk, believe me I made that mistake a few times before in the past. So, maybe, going to sleep is a good idea so you don't have to deal with these assholes." Really, she was trying her best to calm him down.

Would it work? She wasn't sure, but hopefully it did as he was more prone to listening to her.

Crow Crow , Space Buddha Space Buddha , P PopcornPie , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Riven Riven
Nearl was clearly just out of it as she lied on the bed. Upon being laid down, she groaned again as she brought another hand to her temple, her ears flattening against her head, "Ow.. My head hurts.. This headache sucks.." Well, it seems she's alright for the most part despite the situation. The Kuranta surprisingly is still able to function, yeah, I know, she's honestly just that tough. Didn't say she was invincible though.

Nearl drops her arms as a familiar friend had been placed on her chest and a hat was put against her head. The Knight's face of discomfort slowly turns into a small grin as she brought a hand up to Fluffington's head, giving her a gentle pat atop and a soft scratch against her ear, "H-hi Fluffington..! Did you enjoy your dinner..?" This definitely helped a bit in comfort for sure.

As another familiar face came in to take her other hand, her grin turns into a more neutral and confused look, "D-doctor..?" The Kuranta tilts her head to his question, still looking quite a bit dazed as Heather's magic was still effectively holding the bleeding. "I.. I honestly don't know..", The Kuranta responds with a frown, "I was talking to.. Miss Elizabeth.. and I just woke up with this.. Is it a symptom of the Oripathy..? Did it.. cause this..?"

The knight herself was genuinely confused.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
P PopcornPie
Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
Space Buddha Space Buddha
Crow Crow
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Rocket kinda just stood there and watched as his shot was deflected back at him, and then Sora came in and deflected it again. He kept his rifle aimed, though, growling as he stared at Ben. Sora's words fell on deaf ears due to Ben's little comment. "I'll kill you with the rest of 'em, you oversized goblin!" Rocket managed to say through his tears and his grit teeth. Finger on the trigger and ready to be pulled, Rocket was about to fire off another shot towards the group, but then Skye stepped in at the last second. Skye, one of the few who hadn't called him names or insulted him this entire trip. Skye, one of the few who Rocket believed treated him like an equal.

After her words had been spoken, Rocket was clearly in an inner-conflict with himself. He glanced down at the ground while still holding his rifle in the air. "...fine." He muttered under his breath, finally lowering the rifle. "But I can't promise that when all this is over, I won't fry every last one of those jerks..." He said to Skye, staring down at the ground still, before turning and walking off in the other direction, away from everyone else.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Crow Crow P PopcornPie Yamperzzz Yamperzzz

  • Julia laughs when Lucky says he can use his old weapon again. "You seriously think I'm going to let you have that back, after what you just did? You really are a fool!"

    "I know far more than you think,"
    She replies. "And no, I would not have been 'compelled' to do that. Unlike you, I can control myself."

    She shakes her head at his request to be able to take an escape pod. "You said that last time. And yet, here you are. Causing us problems again."

    The Espeon smiles at Eric's compliment. "Thank you."

    She frowns as Lucky goes off to apologize after the jade is damaged, apparently able to actually feel guilt for what he'd done now. And yet...

    "You're right," She nods to Sora. "He's still deluding himself into believing that jade is helping him regardless of what it just made him do. We should get rid of it while we have the chance. He's a danger to everyone around him."

    Julia walks to Rocket and puts a barrier around his gun's trigger to prevent him from shooting it again. "I think you've had a few too many drinks, bud. You can't even aim straight. So put the gun away before you blow out a wall and get us all killed."

    Fortunately it seemed the others had already talked some sense into him and Rocket walks off.
"Ah, I see. My apologies, Rocket."

The 'oversized goblin' looks towards the occupied hospital beds.

"... a chaotic night. Two patients. Is this a sign that more will be here tomorrow?

... also Sora you can turn that thing off now, I get it. I won't kick Rocket's butt anymore, alright?"

Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

"You can tell me more after you've been treated. It may pique my interest, but my core interest is your well-being. Aside from your head, what else hurts, Nearl?"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Space Buddha Space Buddha Crow Crow Riven Riven @EveryoneInTheRoom​
Sora was started feeling frustrated. Even when he beats up the people he cares for, Lucky still thinks he’s weak without enhancements.

“Are you kidding me? That thing literally makes you go nuts. Say it does make you stronger, you nearly beat Lana to death and threaten to kill me. If the point of this is to become stronger and protect us, then it’s failing. Wake up man! You can be useful without that thing. It’s changing you for the worst. Get rid of it before these guys think they’re nothing but trouble.”

Lucky spoke back to Rocket, calling him names. “Lucky. Calling Rocket names while he’s drunk isn’t the wisest of ideas.” Then another person out of nowhere tried to snatch the gun away from Rocket while calling him the dreaded R word. “Neither is calling him that!”

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
"Exactly. I gotta learn to control it. I know that now." I don't Lucky snorted. "I simply want you to let me jog on. I'm fairly sure I can find those escape pods on me own. Didn't want to come on this flight anyway."
Honestly, despite how drunk he was, Rocket was at least somewhat listening to what Sora was saying. No, really. Visibly, the not-raccoon began to slowly lower his weapon to the ground as he thought about what Sora said. And then... Lucky started speaking.

"TRASH CHOMPER!??!?" Rocket snarled angrily, quickly aiming the rifle again. The four exit holes of blissful, plasmic fury began to swell up again, while the beast behind the gun snarled angrily. "Let's see who's bitin' dirt after I burn your frikkin' head off, you buck-toothed asshole!" Rocket cried out, shaking his head slightly. Tears were clearly in his eyes as he spoke, and there was a certain pain in his tone that hadn't been present before. Suddenly, though, his rifle was grabbed by Voss, and just as sora said, he had made the mistake of calling him the forbidden "R-word". Keeping his grip on the rifle, Rocket said,


"You think I'm some stupid thing too! You all do! That's all any of you think of me, isn't it!? Just some... some little freak!" He shouted as he looked over at the ground, his grip on the gun loosening a bit. Suddenly, though, the familiar snarl returned, just as quickly as it had gone away. Rocket's finger curled on the trigger again, and he pulled on it until the familiar balls of heat began to churn inside of it. If Voss didn't move his hand when he felt the heat swell up inside, he would no doubt get his fingers vaporized by the time Rocket fired. Either way, he would have had to let go of the rifle, giving Rocket the chance to take hold once more.


"That fancy hat guy called me rodent!" Rocket shouted sadly, before looking at Lucky and pointing at him. "And he called me trash chomper! Well, I didn't ask to be made! And I didn't ask to be stuck here with you assholes neither!" He cried out, before finally lifting his gun again, this time charging a shot so big that it would envelop Lucky, Voss, and Sora in one clean shot.


"I'll show you who's laughing when you're all nothin' but FRIKKIN' ASH!!!"

Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie
Unfortunately, Rocket was far from willing to move. He just stood there, having an emotional breakdown about some stupid shit, while Voss tried in vain to remove his weapon.

Their combined insults made the raccoon downright homicidal, creating a bigass energy blast from his rifle. "Wow, you're damn serious, aren't you?" Lucky grinned. He pawed at the ground, wagging his this. "This is fun!" He liked his lips, stalking around Rocket like a leopard.
"Stay away from my friends, you oversized hamster!"

As the powerful beam charged towards the trio, a being phases into existence, rising from the floor. Its palms shapeshift into flat, reflective metal sheets that allowed the energy attack to hit, before they were deflected back towards Rocket!


"I think it's time for another cleanup! What do you say, gang!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Yamperzzz Yamperzzz Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie

"Chaos again... our priority is-"

The Doctor was ever so shocked to see who joined Lana.

"It can't be..."

He looks again.

"Nearl, what happened?"

He rushes to her and holds her hands.

"And why... why wasn't I there?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie Space Buddha Space Buddha CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Riven Riven @GuysInTheInfirmary​
"We don't really know!" Megumin wailed. "I was just walking over to Heather, when we noticed that she was like this. When we picked her up, it turned out that she had this wound!" She lifted the hat to reveal Nearl's gunshot wound. "Isn't it dreadful?"

Lucky reacted to Ben's entrance with unkempt joy. "This is great. This is what I long for!" He cackled. "Chaos. Violence. A chance that one of us will be-!" Crinkle, crink, crack. And all malice disappeared.

The rabbit's eyes slowly shifted down to his chest, his breathing tense. His jade was steuggling to come back to life, its cracks blinking, the hole trying to seal itself. "Eep..." He covered it up with his arms, looking around with a bitten lip.
With key in hand, Sora runs in front of both, Lucky and Voss. “Hey, hold on! Everybody’s going through things right now. Nobody didn’t ask to be here either but we’re trying, we’re getting closer to home, and the fancy guy’s known for being a jerk.” He continued hoping Rocket would listen.

“But if you get rid of us you may not have as big of a chance to get home. So think of the people you care about and how happy they’ll be to see you. Just let us go and we won’t call you anymore names. Is that fine?” He give Rocket a nervous “please listen to reason” but also sincere face.

But before Rocket can say something Ben also shows up trying to take him down.
“Stop!” Sora used reflect to save Rocket from the blast, he then used Stop on Ben and proceeded to walk towards him.

“Listen to me. I don’t know who you are, but trying kill each other isn’t going to help. Can’t we just go through one moment without anyone trying to upset or kill anyone?!?!”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow P PopcornPie Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
"No! This is survival of the fittest!" Lucky blurted out, only to plug his mouth.
And as she was about to put the woman down on an empty bed, someone came over, one she recognized as one of the three doctors earlier. If she remembered, he was the one that was a block of ice during the whole raid on Skull's Settlement and it seemed he knew this woman.

Looking at the man, she handed her over to him as she heard Rocket's yelling. It was just one thing after another, and really, she was getting just a tiny bit stressed by the insanity. After he'd take her, she picked up Heather and put her on an empty bed and turned around to face the man and the girl who was Heather's best friend. "
As you can probably hear outside, I need to go take care of something, can you two take care of that woman and Heather, please?"

Regardless of whether or not they agreed, she ran out to the yelling and saw what was happening. "
HEY! All of you calling Rocket names need to stop and put down your weapons before I launch all of you into space!" She walked over to the group, standing next to Rocket. "Listen, he's drunk, and he hates being called names as you can already tell. Let me handle this and rest of you can shut the fuck up. Okay? Okay, glad we've all come to an understanding."

Skye looked at Rocket, kneeling down. "
Hey, Rocket, I think you need to sit down, you've had a lot of drinks. Plus, operating heavy machinery isn't the greatest to do while drunk, believe me I made that mistake a few times before in the past. So, maybe, going to sleep is a good idea so you don't have to deal with these assholes." Really, she was trying her best to calm him down.

Would it work? She wasn't sure, but hopefully it did as he was more prone to listening to her.

Crow Crow , Space Buddha Space Buddha , P PopcornPie , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Riven Riven
He decided to use Skye's speech as a coverup. "Eeyup. Asshole. That's me." He answered flatly, trying to scamper away. "This has been dissatis-lovely!"
Nearl was clearly just out of it as she lied on the bed. Upon being laid down, she groaned again as she brought another hand to her temple, her ears flattening against her head, "Ow.. My head hurts.. This headache sucks.." Well, it seems she's alright for the most part despite the situation. The Kuranta surprisingly is still able to function, yeah, I know, she's honestly just that tough. Didn't say she was invincible though.

Nearl drops her arms as a familiar friend had been placed on her chest and a hat was put against her head. The Knight's face of discomfort slowly turns into a small grin as she brought a hand up to Fluffington's head, giving her a gentle pat atop and a soft scratch against her ear, "H-hi Fluffington..! Did you enjoy your dinner..?" This definitely helped a bit in comfort for sure.

As another familiar face came in to take her other hand, her grin turns into a more neutral and confused look, "D-doctor..?" The Kuranta tilts her head to his question, still looking quite a bit dazed as Heather's magic was still effectively holding the bleeding. "I.. I honestly don't know..", The Kuranta responds with a frown, "I was talking to.. Miss Elizabeth.. and I just woke up with this.. Is it a symptom of the Oripathy..? Did it.. cause this..?"

The knight herself was genuinely confused.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
P PopcornPie
Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
Space Buddha Space Buddha
"Something must have happened to put this hole in your head." Megumin spoke nervously, putting an ice pack on Nearl's head. "But who? Chomusuke lost his weapon, and nobody here has threatened gun violence against anybody else. Except..." Without her hat holding it, the pistol she'd taken from Benedict slid off her scalp, rolling onto the floor. She clasped her hands over her mouth, while her cheeks slowly flushed. "...Benedict!" You could see the heavy smoke pouring out of her ears. "That...son...of a BITCH!"
As he was breaking down what happened to Ben. Skye enters the scene, telling Rocket everyone around him is an asshole.

“Well, excuse me for being here your majesty! I’m over here trying to help calm everyone, and Rocket down too. I just wanted to talk to Lucky.” Exclaimed Sora, still keeping Ben frozen in place.

Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
"And we're done talking!" Lucky hollered from afar. "Byyyye!"
Rocket kinda just stood there and watched as his shot was deflected back at him, and then Sora came in and deflected it again. He kept his rifle aimed, though, growling as he stared at Ben. Sora's words fell on deaf ears due to Ben's little comment. "I'll kill you with the rest of 'em, you oversized goblin!" Rocket managed to say through his tears and his grit teeth. Finger on the trigger and ready to be pulled, Rocket was about to fire off another shot towards the group, but then Skye stepped in at the last second. Skye, one of the few who hadn't called him names or insulted him this entire trip. Skye, one of the few who Rocket believed treated him like an equal.

After her words had been spoken, Rocket was clearly in an inner-conflict with himself. He glanced down at the ground while still holding his rifle in the air. "...fine." He muttered under his breath, finally lowering the rifle. "But I can't promise that when all this is over, I won't fry every last one of those jerks..." He said, staring down at the ground still, before turning and walking off in the other direction, away from everyone else.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Crow Crow P PopcornPie Yamperzzz Yamperzzz
"Bye to you too!" Lucky shouted to Rocket. There. That was all the conversation he was going to have. Now he had to leave. The jade continued to warn him with crinkling, and the feeling of it realigning itself across his heart.

  • Julia laughs when Lucky says he can use his old weapon again. "You seriously think I'm going to let you have that back, after what you just did? You really are a fool!"

    "I know far more than you think,"
    She replies. "And no, I would not have been 'compelled' to do that. Unlike you, I can control myself."

    View attachment 711677
    She shakes her head at his request to be able to take an escape pod. "You said that last time. And yet, here you are. Causing us problems again."

    The Espeon smiles at Eric's compliment. "Thank you."

    She frowns as Lucky goes off to apologize after the jade is damaged, apparently able to actually feel guilt for what he'd done now. And yet...

    "You're right," She nods to Sora. "He's still deluding himself into believing that jade is helping him regardless of what it just made him do. We should get rid of it while we have the chance. He's a danger to everyone around him."

    View attachment 711675
    Julia walks to Rocket and puts a barrier around his gun's trigger to prevent him from shooting it again. "I think you've had a few too many drinks, bud. You can't even aim straight. So put the gun away before you blow out a wall and get us all killed."
And then Lucky ran into Julia. "Grrr, fuck! Leave me alone!" The rabbit snapped, wildly thrashing. "I don't give a shit what you think I'd do with it! Unless you want me to put you in Lana's fur, you're going to have to let me escape this madhouse!" He tensed up, feeling heat rise in his head. "Just...GET OUT OF ME WAY!" He pushed Julia out of the way, then galloped down the corridor, his decapitated paw held in his ears.

"Heheheh, it felt so good to finally show up that bi-" The rabbit thrashed his head around. "No, no! I have to focus on findin' the way off this joint!"
Just mere seconds after Sora talked back to Skye, Rocket includes him in the list of people he may or may not fry. “I’m right here! I didn’t even call you anything and I’m over trying to help you.

Sora let Ben go, promising not to cause more trouble. “Just listen next time. Let things play out first.” Lucky then tried to escape Sora but failed horribly. “Get back here. Everyone keep getting in a bunch of jams cause of this thing. It’s gonna go.”

Sora transforms into Valor form and tries to rip the broken jade out. One with the Keyblade, the other with his bare hand!

P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Crow Crow
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