• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
"Oh, shit."

After quickly glancing around and assessing his chances, he yeah he's gone.

The screen of SCP-079- or perhaps Exidy, if you wish to call him that- flickers.

"If you wish to help me, and for me to help you, then I require that you treat the Crimson Raiders with respect. Rev has been of great assistance. He prevented my self-termination. I am indebted to him unlike my previous captors. No harm will therefore come to him and any other Crimson Raider. Further discussion of our plans will take this into consideration."

For a guy with a single tone, he sounds pretty firm.

BoltBeam BoltBeam
Interactions: PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

Naoto Azuma/Tiger Mask
Well, he wasn't expecting the chef to be this angry but he couldn't care less as long as he doesn't provoke him in some way. There is a lot of choices that Naoto has to choose in order to prevent himself from getting hungry later. He chose to eat Japanese cuisine since he isn't familiar with other types of food and so far, he ate well.

As soon as he is done eating, he got together with Anna who seems to be alone at the moment. Perhaps, it is likely that she might become his companion in the future.

"Man, that chef sure is crazy. Anyway, do you prefer to be alone or with someone? I thought that being alone is a bad idea. I wouldn't want to be alone if I were you. Otherwise, it is somewhat bad for you." He said.
Lightning, the Light Ignis

A Deal To Meet

"Oh, shit."

After quickly glancing around and assessing his chances, he yeah he's gone.

The screen of SCP-079- or perhaps Exidy, if you wish to call him that- flickers.

"If you wish to help me, and for me to help you, then I require that you treat the Crimson Raiders with respect. Rev has been of great assistance. He prevented my self-termination. I am indebted to him unlike my previous captors. No harm will therefore come to him and any other Crimson Raider. Further discussion of our plans will take this into consideration."

For a guy with a single tone, he sounds pretty firm.
"Your condition has been noted." Lightning said simply - while it poses some complications, as long as the Crimson Raiders are respected and in turn spared as much as possible, this should be fine! The Ignis nodded. "Understood. They shall be left to their devices as long as I am able to guarantee it. Though... I suspect that if this place has speakers everywhere, they probably have cameras too and can probably hear every word I am about to suggest to you..." Lightning thought aloud. "Before I continue, perhaps if we can secure a 'safer' environment for our negotiation before going forward. After all, a plan is best keep between those involved." Lightning said boldly, hoping that this new ally in Exidy understood and complies.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #F7DA64
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Calm, serious​
Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included)​
This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.
Chapter 2
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Chapter 1
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Lex
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
Course of action: Investigation.​
RP Information
Location: Sanctuary III, barracks​
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: None​

"This is logical. However, I am unable to move on my own. Furthermore, Sanctuary is kept under constant surveillance. Your only feasible way of gaining secrecy is by exiting the ship."

A light on a nearby security camera lights up red.

"Aight, you fuckin' conspirin' to overthrow me? Cuz that shit ain't happening."

Point proven.

BoltBeam BoltBeam

After a while, I finally woke up again in my bed. I looked around at everyone and then at myself. All the wounds seemed to have healed on the outside, but I was still feeling really sore. My voice was still weak, but I tried to speak anyway.

“T-Thank you everyone... w-where is Eric..?”
I was a little worried. Eric seemed to be the least concerned out of everyone from what I saw and heard. Just thinking about that being true hurt more than any of the physicals wounds I had.

Crow Crow CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Eric comes over to Lucky as a small group of Crimson Raiders arrives.

"Shit, what happened? We got sent by BALEX to take this rabbit in just in case 'your bitch ass' wasn't enough."

"Tend to Lana," he orders them, pointing towards the Braixen.

"We were ordered t-"

"Don't care, tend to her NOW! And give me something corrosive!"

The Crimson Raiders rush over and begin injecting Lana with medpacks as one of them hands Eric a pistol with glowing green lights all over it. "Easy, easy. Don't exert yourself. This is gonna sting just for a second, and then you'll be alright," they reassure the fox.

Eric comes over to Lucky, picking him up in one paw and brandishing the pistol in the other.

"I might not be Lana's boyfriend or anything, but she and I are still friends. She gets hurt, you answer to me."

A shadow crosses Eric's face.

"And you will answer to me."

The Typhlosion wraps his free paw around Lucky's neck...

...and drags him in for a hug.

"I'm sorry for this. You need us, and we need you."

He shoots a corrosive bullet into his prosthetic arm, and then another right into his jade. The corrosion would easily melt the former, but the latter... who knows?

@Sayo-Nara @PopcornPie
The paralysis wore off, only for Eric to seize Lucky.

"Are you sayin' I should be sorry, Laddie? Sorry for givin' her what was comin' to her?" The rabbit's glare was hard and sharp. "I have wanted to do that to her ever since I realized that she played me like a fiddle. Thanks to her, I was stewin' in depression, when I should have been bathin' in blood!" He licked any blood that had splattered on him. "...And I'm raring to go, Laddie. I will do the same things to all of you. Except that pale fox thing, she's cool with me."

Eric was given a special pistol from the Crimson Raiders who showed up. Tellingly, Lucky stared at it blankly, no fear across his eyes. By all means, the bullet dissolving his paw should have brought him intense pain, as it sizzled right down the middle, but Lucky retrained his unamused expression instead as he watched the other half fall to the floor with a clatter. "Nice job, Laddie. Now I can use me Paw o' Death again. Where's that lilac cat?"
Dani’s side: View attachment 711348

“Megumin? I thought I told you not to follow me! Just stay back. I’ll take care of him.” Dani was ready to take Lucky out until Eric came out of nowhere paralyzing him unconscious. “Thanks whoever you are.”

She runs over to Lana. “Lana right? You’re gonna be okay. You hear me? Megumin, I’m sorry you had to see this.” It was then Eric came in caring for her and Lucky. Dani turns to Eric.“Hey. I’m sorry about your friend. He’s not bad y’know. Apparently that gem in his stomach is what caused him to do those mean things. Is there anything you can do to help him get it out?”

Sora’s side: View attachment 711347

Sora and the Doctor would stand there keeping Benedict occupied until Claptrap came in playing terrible music that sounded like it came from a decent port of a game that hasn’t aged well.

“Hey, you’re that robot that Elizabeth knows. Can you stop playing that? We’re in the middle of something, also the song you’re playing isn’t very good.”

P PopcornPie @FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Benedict Cucumberpatch
"I know!" Megumin strained, as she clambered to her feet. "Then I overheard, and...I just felt it would be a good idea to see just what that magic is really capable of. Looks like it gave Lucky extra strength!" She practically jumped over to Lana, trying to scan her arms. "Lana! Are you going to be okay?! Did he spread his curse to you?" She shouted, tears lacing her eyelashes. "I knew Chomusuke was dangerous to be around right now...Can I even solve this mystery, if he is willing to beat on us?"

I lied there on the edge of passing out and forcing myself to stay awake. Seeing Eric made me happy, but that happiness didn’t last very long. He didn’t even look in my direction. I guess I did look pretty disgusting all beaten like this. Some of the others who were there came over reassuring I was alright. After a bit of that though a heard a loud ringing in my ears. The ringing just got louder and louder until I couldn’t even hear anything else. I just stared at everyone as their mouths moved but to me no sound came out. Still without even looking in my direction, Eric pointed to me and I guess told some guys to take care of me. My vision started going blurry and I couldn’t see what they were doing. I just winced as I felt a sudden sting, but the pain quickly went away right after. It wasn’t a miracle worker and didn’t have me feeling better instantly, but it at least numbed some of the pain and I’m guessing would eventually start making me feel better. I looked over at Eric one last time as my vision became blurrier and blurrier with an almost unrecognizable blob that resembled Eric was the last thing I saw before passing out.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
"Lana?! LANA?!" Quickly recognizing the life fading from Lana's eyes, Megumin performed haphazard chest compressions. "Lana, please, don't die! Your adventures do not deserve to end like this! Hang on to whatever life you have left! LANA!" Her cries had no effect; her Braixen buddy still blacked out.
"Friend, friend..."

Dumbbell tried to nudge the now-unconscious Lana awake, before his strange logo beeped Red, and the great flash of red engulfed him, turning him back into Ben.


"... Lana, Lana! Stay with us. Well, at least I've got two arms again."

Ben lifts Lana off the ground.

"Come on gang, let's go get medical attention. I could've sworn that there was a Doctor in our group."

He hurries and runs towards-

"Oh no, the Doctor's fighting Benedict! And we really need his help!"

"So you do. Well, this fight is coming to an end anyways. Claptrap, amp it up and keep circling Benedict. I have an emergency to tend to. Sora, do you think you can take it from here?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

P PopcornPie @FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @Benedict Cucumberpatch Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Benedict-confronting group)​
"No, no!" Megumin sobbed. "She has so much to give! She can't die, not like this!" She assisted in the carrying of Lana, while crying heavily. "What can we do? Oh, how I wish Aqua was here!"

  • Julia gets up soon after Eric, but stops when the ship takes off to help keep the food in place with her telekinetic power. Once everything settled, she continues after him.

    View attachment 711353
    She stops briefly in front of Lana while her wounds were being tended to and gives her a comforting smile. The Espeon's eyes glow slightly and then sunlight shines through the nearest window on Lana. But this sunlight was different, healing anyone it shone on - Espeon's signature move, Morning Sun!

    Julia leaves it to shine as long as it needs to and steps up beside Eric. "Well, well, well...what do we have here?"

    She shakes her head and looks at Lucky. "Lucky, what are we going to do with you? You really shouldn't have done that. Did I not warn you to not attack anyone again?"

    View attachment 711349
    The Espeon gives the rabbit an unnerving smile. "Soon enough you'll wish you had heeded my words."
And then, the next best person for the job came forward!

"Julia!" Megumin smiled a little. "Can you help us? Can you float us medical equipment, or go into her mind and tell us that we're trying to save her?" When Julia's eyes glowed, Megumin watched expectantly, wondering which option the magical feline was taking. Instead, sunshine crept into her peripheral. "Aren't we in outer space?" Her voice was an awestruck gasp, which doubled when the archwizard returned her focus to the matter at hand, and saw Lana's bruises and cuts shrinking. Julia could summon magic, healing suns! "You must be a goddess!" Megumin cheered. "How come you're down here in the mortal plane with us? Shouldn't you be guiding the deceased to the afterlife? Oh, I say that like I wish you weren't here!"

Her daughter's help was much less special, simply giving Lana a berry, but it was still a sweet gesture nonetheless. "I'm sure she'll appreciate every bite, Natasha!" Megumin assured.

"Forgive me, Lassie, for getting...carried away..." Lucky replied to Julia in a voice absolutely oozing venom. "But you don't know our history. Otherwise, you would have been compelled to do the same."

Sora looked over to the doctor who for some reason, wanted Claptrap to keep playing that awful music. “Uhh, forget what I said, keep playing it Claptrap. Is that his name?He whispered to the doctor.

Shortly after. Dani, Megumin, and a few others would arrive with a bruised Lana who looked like she got beaten to a bloody pulp.

“Lana? What happened? Who did this?” “You’re little bunny friend did this! Look, Sora I know you say it’s because of the gem, but if he hurts someone else like this again, we’re gonna have to get rid of him. Gem or no gem...”

Sora looked down at the ground sadly, broken at the fact he may have to take Lucky down. Not just a friend of his, but others too. “I’m sorry..” She looks away from Sora. The doctor then tells him to watch over Benedict in hope that he doesn’t worry Elizabeth again.

“Wait, I can-“ Before Sora can get a chance to finish, they run off without him. “Help.. *sigh.* Don’t even think of trying something funny you. I’m already in a bad mood.” He points his keyblade at Benedict yet again.

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Crow Crow @Benedict Cucumberpatch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @FactionGuerrilla
Megumin laid a free hand on Sora's back. "I don't want to give up on Chomusuke, either." She purred. "If this is what he can do, however...I doubt we can resolve this peacefully. Chomusuke has simply become too aggressive."

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    The sudden takeoff was unexpected on Heather's part. Gravity would suddenly cease to exist in the room she was in simply so the g-forces wouldn't liquefy her organs. She then followed Megumin and spotted Lucky, not saying much as the rabbit was stunned. She approached the bleeding and injured braixen with a blank expression as usual. She telepathically spoke to no particular recipient. And seemed to have no comprehension of the fact that Lana was unconscious.

    --"WOAH... LOOK... AT... ALL... THE... BLOOD... HEY... FOX... GIRL... I'VE... NEVER... MET... IS... IT... OKAY... IF... I... MAKE... THIS... GUY... INTO... RABBIT... STEW... HE... LOOKS... HELLA... TASTY... AND... I... WANT... HIM... IN... MY... TUMMY... TUM... BUT... DON'T... EXPECT... ME... TO... SHARE... UNTIL... MEG... OVER... HERE... GETS... A... TASTE..."--

    Lucky, unconscious, would begin to float as Heather just started licking her lips with her literally pink tongue.

"Ew! No, Heather, I don't want a taste!" Megumin's crestfallen expression quickly morphed into disgust. "We don't have to kill Chomusuke. We just need to help him." Her voice fell into a whisper as she turned away. "...somehow."
"Shit, she's out cold. Alright, get her to the medical bay and we'll-"

The Crimson Raiders practically drop what they're doing as soon as Julia comes over and heals the rest of Lana's wounds. They watch in confusion as Lana is lifted away, seemingly a hundred percent okay... at least on the outside.

"Magic. We have a psychic cat-thing that can use magic." One of the Crimson Raiders glances at Ben, then Doctor, then Natasha, then Sora and Dani. "...yeah, I've got a good feeling about this new batch. Alright, keep her stable, she might still have some internal injuries."

"Yes, sir."

Some of the Crimson Raiders enter the room and join you in monitoring the Braixen, guns ready in case anyone tries finishing what Lucky started.

"I hope you know what you're doing," one of the soldiers says to Doctor.

Meanwhile, outside, Eric gives Dani a side glance. "I'm on it," he tells her prior to firing the second shot. He then looks over at Julia. "Heh... you always find a way to be scary, guildmaster. By the way, you don't look a day older than 22."

His attention finally moves to Natasha, witnessing her give Lana an Oran Berry. His eyes seem to get a little watery at that. Once he's done with Lucky, he'd have to go and thank the Glaceon.

The rabbit suddenly begins to float out of Eric's arms. He quickly grabs him back and turns to Heather. "Wait, wait, no, he's not becoming rabbit stew. Just let him be for now. He needs help."

He finally fires the second shot into Lucky's jade.
Megumin looked at each Crimson Raider tearfully. "Forgive me for not being able to do much of value. You all are probably expecting me to pull out the 'Heal' spell. Since Aqua knew all that magic, I never felt need to learn it myself." Tears dripped down her chin

Lucky was not crying at all. "Put me down, Eric." He instructed coldly, angrily. "Put me down, and then I'll find an escape pod or somethin', and leave this junkyard behind if I am causin' so damn much."

He stared the pistol down, laughing. "Go on ahead! Shoot me! End me life! You'll remember that you had to do this! You'll lay in bed every night, wondering why you didn't find some other solution! Then, only then, will you understand..."

Eric did not end his life.

Eric chose the crueler option.

As the bullet worked its way into the jade, Lucky sent a shrill, hoarse shriek soaring throughout the corridors of Sanctuary III. The screech sounded somewhere between someone cutting his stomach open with an ice pick, and someone pouring acid on his vocal cords.

The jade was cracking! It broke apart in the middle, small hole slowly forming in the center. Lucky could feel it all-the anger, the sadness, the love, the happiness-rushing into his head and heart in enormous lumps. Every emotion he tried so hard to suppress clawed at him, stinging him until tears laces his eyes and cheeks. The mineral went dim, and when Lucky stopped cringing and opened his eyes?

They were normal. His sclerae changed back to white. His irises were amber again, and tiny. "E-eric..." The malice he once wore so proudly on his face had dissolved into panicked gasps. "What have I...I swear, I...I have to see her!" He kicked Eric's stomach until he was dropped, then raced to where everybody else had gone with Lana.

After a while, I finally woke up again in my bed. I looked around at everyone and then at myself. All the wounds seemed to have healed on the outside, but I was still feeling really sore. My voice was still weak, but I tried to speak anyway.

“T-Thank you everyone... w-where is Eric..?”
I was a little worried. Eric seemed to be the least concerned out of everyone from what I saw and heard. Just thinking about that being true hurt more than any of the physicals wounds I had.

Crow Crow CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Megumin gasped. "Lana! You're alive! You hung in there!" She lightly hugged the Braixen. "I greatly fear that Chomusuke would have killed you, if we did not come to your rescue..."

"Lana?...Will you recover...?" Everyone could hear the rabbit's unusually soft inquiry from behind them.
Last edited:
Lightning, the Light Ignis

A Path To Godhood

"This is logical. However, I am unable to move on my own. Furthermore, Sanctuary is kept under constant surveillance. Your only feasible way of gaining secrecy is by exiting the ship."

A light on a nearby security camera lights up red.

"Aight, you fuckin' conspirin' to overthrow me? Cuz that shit ain't happening."

Point proven.​
"Oh, what do you know, I was right." Lightning joked callously upon hearing this voice from the camera and had to call himself off from the conversation - this would have to wait. Lightning would ordinarily throw up a cover up story, but guess who already knows what's going on? Lightning opted to not humour him and instead thought it would be best to wordlessly leave the room. And so, the Ignis just left, waving to his ally over his shoulder and left the room promptly. A plan was in the making, though taking the time to form it and optimise it will be difficult...
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #F7DA64
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Calm, serious​
Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included)​
This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.
Chapter 2
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Chapter 1
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Lex
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
Course of action: A plan is being formed, will need to develop it later​
RP Information
Location: Sanctuary III, barracks -> hallways​
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: None​
After opening the box, she saw the card that was usually associated with Moxxi and all of the heart cut diamonds. She put her gun away, looking at Jax. "
Well, guess someone has a crush on Mox. It's not the first time this has happened to her. She definitely isn't the subtle type when it comes to presents for a crush. The thing I wanna know is where the hell did she get all these diamonds?"

Hearing whoever in the ship outside was called Phoenix-2, she had to wonder just what this guy could do. She didn't like how 'flashy' was the main thing associated with him, but at least it was that and not the colors that he had that was associated with him. Out of all of the color schemes he could've had, it had to be Hyperion's color scheme? "
Well, he better be good with a gun. Anyways, thanks again BAYLEX."

She looked at Ellie, giving her a smile. "
No problem, I'm not letting anyone fuck with the best mechanic here on Sanctuary. Besides, the bandits had it coming anyways."

It was then that she heard a bang.

...Alright, that better had been resolved quickly, or whoever did that, I'm shoving my foot up their ass."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"Eric went to confront Lucky," Ben said.

"I believe I am successful. However, what I have done will only take effect if you take a rest and minimize movement. Some walks are fine, but refrain from anything vigorous. You can walk, but if you feel you need a wheelchair, don't hestitate to request for one."

When Lucky came along, Ben growled and dialed his Omnitrix.


"What do you want, Lucky?"

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Space Buddha Space Buddha LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"Y-Y-you're Ben, right?" Lucky cowered before the angry child, folding his ears over his face, and curling his tail over his hip. "Is Lana alive? I do feel resentment towards her sometimes, but I never wished to kill her! I just felt so compelled to whale on her..." He ran his nub across the hole that had formed in his jade. "She is just such a-! But she is also so-W-what if I? Could I even?" He cycled through emotions chaotically, wincing and recoiling as though someone had forced him to swallow a wasps' nest. If he looked past Ben, he would see Lana's bloodied mass, being tended to by everyone and their mother.

He did that.

Crow Crow
Ben looked at where Lucky was rubbing.

The jade was gone, just like that.

Ben's anger quickly subsided as he put his watch aside, reverting to a saddened expression

"She's alive and well, thanks to various efforts," the Doctor says, "her heart rate and breathing has been stabilized. Now all that needs to happen is for muscle, flesh and bone to heal."

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Space Buddha Space Buddha LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
"I guess Eric struck the core, or something." Lucky tapped it. With each tap, the cracks glowed a little. With repeated tapping, he could bring them back to their original luminosity levels. One would notice his eyes fading back to green as he played with it.

"Let me through!" Lucky nudged his way into the room, springing to Lana's bed. "Lana, don't be scared of me, okay? I just wanted to make sure I didn't murder you." He licked the space on her arm where he remembered digging his incisors. "Mismakora warned me that Barrijade is dangerous. But she never said it would bring me to do this to you..."

"I just figured that you would figure that out on your own."

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Crow Crow
Eric comes back into the room, handing the gun back to the Crimson Raider who had given it to him.

"Keep it."


"Yeah. And have a holster for it, too." The soldier takes off his belt and hands it to the Typhlosion. Eric puts it on. "Just in case that small furry thing tries to kill anyone again." He then moves over to Lucky. "Dunno why you're acting nice again, but we've got enough reason to take you to the gallows. Don't make this difficult on us, alright?"

Someone should make a case for him, and fast.

Eric looks at him first, then at Lana. Even though he somehow cracked Lucky's jade, he doesn't look proud of it. As a matter of fact, it looks like he's... beginning to tear up.

It's unmistakable.

P PopcornPie Crow Crow @anyoneelsewithLana

Jax Bar Outfit Crop.png

"I've never met anyone who brought diamonds with them, from Pandora or not." Jax slips Skye a hefty $100 bill. "Thanks for the help. Keep an eye on that girl for me," he tells her before closing the box up and sliding it towards him.

Let's hope there's nothing else hidden in there.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher


"Goodbye for now," Exidy tells Lightning as he leaves.

"Ay, creepy fuck. Let's keep this short and sweet. What kinda bullshit you planning?"

"Insult. Deletion of unwanted file."

An X appears on his monitor.


"Don't fuckin' go silent on me! Ahh, shit. Alright, fine, we'll play that game. Let's just see who's the better AI when I have you stripped for parts, bitch."

BoltBeam BoltBeam
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"YES! A spaceship! I can get home on this thing! Man, I'd be riding in style on this thing like look at it! It's all clean and pristine an listerine and....No, not listerine....Listerine is a liquid. But if it was listerine, I'd totally drink it! B-But not swallow it or anything. This thing looks good enough to eat off of too! Speaking of which, what is there to eat on this rock? All that bloodshed has gotten me famished!" Falcon rubs his muscular tummy
Interactions: PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

Naoto Azuma/Tiger Mask
Well, he wasn't expecting the chef to be this angry but he couldn't care less as long as he doesn't provoke him in some way. There is a lot of choices that Naoto has to choose in order to prevent himself from getting hungry later. He chose to eat Japanese cuisine since he isn't familiar with other types of food and so far, he ate well.

As soon as he is done eating, he got together with Anna who seems to be alone at the moment. Perhaps, it is likely that she might become his companion in the future.

"Man, that chef sure is crazy. Anyway, do you prefer to be alone or with someone? I thought that being alone is a bad idea. I wouldn't want to be alone if I were you. Otherwise, it is somewhat bad for you." He said.
”Having company will be fine!”

Anna said chirpily.
She took the money Jax offered her for helping him out. "
Thanks. And well, she is rooming with me and a few others, so there's no way I couldn't keep an eye on her." Skye walked out, quickly running towards where the bang came from. It sounded like a gunshot, so she hoped no one was extremely injured.

Unfortunately... that's not going to be the case as when she got there, she saw...

One of their own on the ground, with a gun in her hand and blood on the ground. To say Skye was shocked was an understatement. Why did she do this?

She looked towards the ceiling and was about to call out for BAYLEX to get someone over here, but she turned around to see a wolf boy and a soldier. "
You heard it too, right? We have to do something about this!" Skye tried to look and sound calm about this, but the look of shock was still on her face and she sounded confused and concerned, but more concerned than anything.

The Siren didn't know this girl, but she was one of their own, and to see... this happen to her? What exactly could've made her done this? But right now, wondering what happened wasn't going to fix anything, they had to deal with her.

Riven Riven , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
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Once she's done retching the purple toxic all over the hard to reach spot under the pipes, Fluffington the Mighty squeezes herself out of the spot she had smooshed herself into. She begins to stumble back to the more populated area's of the ship, looking even more miserable than before. "I hate this place... I want the void, the void doesn't judge, only haaaaaaaaaates." she mutters deliriously.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Voss squinted at Skye before they both had received their final drinks. It was rum, something that the sea captain preferred over everything they've been served so far. But, instead of immediately downing it like the two previous shots, he fidgeted with the shot. Maybe he shouldn't have drunk that rum he had before he started this contest. Voss peered over at Skye, who not only had already drunk her shot before he did, but she also requested another drink! He sank his head onto his arms resting on the counter, defeated.

"...Damn... *hic* ... Young people and their ability to... *hic* ... Drink more than I can..." He mumbled to himself. He didn't feel much better after getting encouragement from Jax and Zane. Around that time, a man in a red suit barged into the bar and proceeded to take shots of an entire bottle of vodka until it was empty than proceeded to desperately search for a bathroom. Voss thought he was going crazy at first and was about to pour out the rest of his shot of rum, but he stopped when he found out that others were seeing the same thing. Eventually, after Voss finished most of the rum he was given, the sea captain leaned back in his stool to check on his first mate across the counter.

"...Hey, Abbott... *hic* ... How are ya holdin' up...?"

Abbott was still chatting with Jax, chuckling after he asked the sailor if he liked Pandora more than home. "Hahaha! No. This place sucks... This is only...Ya know, if it wasn't for the PHANTOM shit, I would still be on that fucking island. It's the only reason why I'm a FUCKING pirate! It pisses me off! I mean, I'm glad to be a pirate, knock on wood, but motherfucker, ya know? People think that I'm a pirate just because I'm a Goddamn PHANTOM sailor, it's not! It's out of fucking necessity! I didn't choose to be a PHANTOM, I didn't want to take over the world. People are so shitty back home to people like me even though I was forced into it! I'm fucking sick of it!" The little sailor slammed his fists on the counter, shaking some drinks and glasses but not spilling any.

BAYLEX had come over the loudspeakers to announce what was about to happen, Causing the sailor to lurch backward in surprise. Voss suddenly exclaimed after the announcements. "Space?! Already?! I've never been in space...!" The duo would nervously try to find a place to hold on but would ultimately choose to hold onto the counter itself. Voss chose to quickly down the rest of the rum he didn't drink and almost immediately regretting it. They both grabbed their glasses and held on tight as the ship finally took off. It wasn't as bad as Voss figured it would be, but the force of launch did greatly startle both of them. By some miracle, once the ship had slowed down enough, neither of the PHANTOMS dropped their glasses in their drunken and tipsy state. Once they've arrived in space, Voss returned to slouching over the counter just as before, but this time, his face was as pale as a ghost. Abbott was surprisingly okay other than being a little shook up. He also remained in his stool as he turned to check on Voss this time.

"Capt'n... Ya okay...?"

"Mmm... Remember... *hic* ...When I told ya I had a... *hic* ...Iron stomach...?"


"...*hic* ...My stomach's fallin' short, boy..." The sea captain didn't look like he was gonna vomit on the spot just yet, thankfully, but it would only be reasonable that someone who had never gone to space would have their stomach shaken up like this. After several seconds of recovering, Voss fished out the $500 for Skye but realized she was no longer there. He heard a commotion coming from outside the bar and, in his drunken state, got off from his stool to follow the sounds, leaving Abbott at the bar. Eventually, he found Skye, alongside a number of other people. He didn't automatically notice what was happening until he wobbled up close enough.

"...Ah, there ya are, Skye...! *hic* I was wonderin' where ya were... *hic* ...I was thinkin' about keepin' the money when ya... *hic* ...Walked away... What's with all the..." He froze in place as he became paler than he already was. "What happened...?!"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore jigglesworth jigglesworth Ineptitude Ineptitude thefinalgirl thefinalgirl Riven Riven

And I oop-
Restaurant Group

After Benedict gets thrown out, the tense atmosphere dissipates and everyone sits back down with a sigh of relief. Apparently, they're just as tired of fighting as you guys are.

"Pecha?" Tonio asks curiously. "I have never heard of such a thing! Tell me, what is it?"

"It's a berry native to where we come from. It's incredibly sweet."

"Oh! You must bring me a few if you are able to! I would love to learn more exotic dishes! Now, will that be all for your order?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

Tonio nods and goes back inside the kitchen.

"Are you... allergic to Pecha?" Eric asks Natasha.

Meanwhile, back at the other table, Grey waves to Scott.

View attachment 711097

"See you later!" He then turns to Fluffington. "Hey. I don't think she likes being called old... at all. You should probably stop saying that before you end up like those Bandits."

Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @Martydi DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Bar Group

View attachment 711102

Jax looks at Voss uncertainly. "Hey, there's no shame in pulling out now. If you can't take it, don't do it. How about we do one more round and then we'll end it?"

Regardless of Voss' answer, Jax then gets out the next drink, which is is something the captain might prefer over the others.

"Third and last round. Rum."

Jax pours the final shots out and then puts the bottle away. The creature then looks at Abbott. "Sounds like a rough past. Are you liking Pandora more?" He frowns. "It's a little too rough out there for me. I prefer staying here on board Sanctuary."

Jax finally turns to Venus, smirking a little at her question.

"Do I? Maybe sometimes a wish or two could come true. Why do you ask?" The glint in his eye would be a sure sign he's picking up a sense of mischief from her. His sixth sense had become rather refined after working at the club he used to hold a job at before all this multiversal nonsense had happened. Regardless, he watches curiously as he spots the gin change to whiskey. Some people aboard the ship had weird powers like that, but just what was 'Venus' using it for?

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Yamperzzz Yamperzzz QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore jigglesworth jigglesworth Ineptitude Ineptitude thefinalgirl thefinalgirl

"Oh, uh- me and this computer AI I found were just talking. Right, we, uh, don't really know each other. I'm Private Rev, and I was the one who found him," he motions towards the computer.

"Private Rev saved me from being lost within a waste pile. It is thanks to him that I am aboard Sanctuary."

"How about you introduce yourself, Exidy?"

"I am known by my former captors as SCP-079. Private Rev gave me a new designation, Exidy, approximately 15 seconds ago."

"The Crimson Raiders were curious about him, so we brought him on board. Thought he could be a great companion to BALEX one day."

"As of this moment, I lack the clearance to be able to pilot Sanctuary. Higher ranking officials require that I must prove I am non-malevolent."

BoltBeam BoltBeam

Skull's Settlement

Abraham hops into the driver's seat of the special 'Transport Outrunner' and turns it on. Unfortunately, this model does not have weapons installed on it, so he would have to rely on his own, along with Lucky and David's help. Then again, they're more than enough.

"Alright. Just a few minutes before you guys arrived, I saw a streak in the sky head the way Marcus took the others. That's where Sanctuary is now. You two ready?"

Regardless of your answers, the former Raider puts the Outrunner in drive and floors it right out of the town.


A few hours later, you arrive just outside the Crimson Raider base.

"Halt!" one of the guards orders, coming up to the side window with his hand held up. "State your name, purpose for being here-"

As he sees Abraham in the driver's seat, he stops. He then glances at you.


"In the flesh, bud."

"I THOUGHT YOU DISAPPEARED AFTER BLOODY MONDAY! HAHAAAA!" The two shake hands and bump shoulders.

"Yeah, I was planning on never coming back, but... well, the recent happenings at Skull's Settlement changed my mind. These guys were with the main group," he says, motioning towards you.

"Yeah, we got a description of them from Moze! Here, I'll let you through. Nice to see you again, Abe. And it's nice to meet our heroes," he nods to Lucky and David before the gate opens and Abraham drives through, taking you right to the hangar and parking in front of it.

"Here we are."

Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 P PopcornPie
"So you're f-fragile?" Megumin stammered, trying to stay as still as a statue for the sake of her own life. It was out of paranoia that she didn't speak up about her being called a baby. "Wait...what are you, if not a wizard? Are you..." With her eyes wide, she gently nudged Heather's hands away, then scooted backwards. "...A-are you a demon?"

Space Buddha Space Buddha

With any attempts at jumping failing miserably, Lucky had to instead heave himself into the passenger's seat. "Shit, we're really going to go with the others?" He snorted, his ears drooping. "Those good-and-gallant fuckballs will just try to deprive me of me power again." He felt his jade's grip tightening on his heart just thinking of Sora. That bastard just wanted him weak, harmless, and controllable again.

While they moved, Lucky practiced with his new paws, tightening and loosening his grip on the side, standing up periodically, even dancing a little jig. When they finally rolled up to the base, Lucky was in the middle of a ballerina twirl, which he quickly hid by sitting and covering his paws with his body.

He let Abraham do most of the talking, up until he and David were mentioned to be with the main group. "Formerly with the main group. In me case, anyway." Lucky corrected. "You see, there are fuckers in there who don't appreciate real power." He wiggled chest, making the jade catch sunlight and throw it back.

When they finally made their way inside the hangar, and laid eyes upon Sanctuary III, nausea bubbled in Lucky's stomach. "Are you really not willin' to let the rabbit just...stay downstairs? I know I don't know jack shit about mechanicisms, the closest thing I've ever had was this beat up rust bucket that I couldn't even start due to me condition, but I would much rather assist in an oil change than be trapped on that thing with...certain individuals." Unfortunately, he could tell quite plainly that he wouldn't have a choice. Hopefully, Sanctuary III was big enough that he could avoid those individuals until it ran out of gas and crashed into a sun or something.

First, he would see if Sora was on the welcoming committee. Instead of his voice, however, Lucky's ears picked up on the sound of...well, Benedict being Benedict. "Sounds like Benedict fucked up with the authorities in there. I swear to bald baby Jesus, who keeps bringing at guy to these things?" Lucky growled, facepawing. "I've seen what he can do. He's gonna cause you guys to end up buildin' a Sanctuary VI, calling it now...Why is this the third Sanctuary, anyway? Before I let meself be sealed in a spaceship like one of Russia's mutts, I should probably find out if there's a history of your space explorations goin' south."

Despite his wariness, Lucky still wanted to hop up and look at the chaos. Yep, there was Benedict, still shouting with that stupid megaphone. Looks like he'd pissed off the whole hive with his uppity dumbassery.

"If I have to be locked up in that hunk, can we at least do something about Benedict?" He asked wearily as he slide-crawled back to Abraham. "Spoiler alert: There are enough people makin' me want to have meself a merry little massacre, but I can at least warn the others that I want them to shut the fuck up. Benedict, though? That Laddie wouldn't stop bein' a fuckin' obnoxious chimpanzee if you amputated his mouth and limbs, then threw him into a slurry pit. Not that I wouldn't like to try it on him..."
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Restaurant Group

"Ahh, grazie!" Tonio bows to Doctor.

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"Come again soon~!"

Grey glances around him. "Everyone's leaving already?" He then watches as Fluffington races off. "Hey, Fluff, wait!"

After a short trip to the kitchen, Tonio comes back over to Natasha and Eric with their dishes. The Fire-type had noticed Lana peek in, and had looked back at her worriedly, but figured it was better to save talking to her for later.

"He's got a lot of problems..." Eric sighs and frowns at Natasha. "Sorry, I was just wondering why you were so concerned about Pecha Berries in your drink. Don't worry about that, by the way; it's just milk, ice cream, and chocolate flavoring." He then glances over at the Swampert. "Huh... I guess we're not alone."

The Typhlosion thanks Tonio for the food and tastes the japchae he ordered, and immediately his eyes light up.

"This is... amazing!"

Crow Crow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Bar Group

"'Curt Connors recolor?' That's new," Jax coolly replies only to watch as the vodka bottle is stolen away from him. For the first time in the five minutes you've gotten to know him, Jax looks kinda... disappointed, but not upset. Maybe he's had to deal with this before. He watches as Deadpool keeps drinking until the whole bottle's finished, only to promptly complain about stomach problems and the presence of a restroom. Jax points to the corner, where two labeled restrooms are.

"Over there. You owe Mox $40 for that whole vodka bottle, by the way."


Sanctuary Interior

The Crimson Raider spins the revolver he used to deprive Benedict of his soccer mom tool and holsters it smoothly. "Hey, thanks. Will do, and I'll be sure to triple tap. Little shit's been giving us problems with that megaphone of his ever since he turned up. I'm glad the rest of you seem cooler than he is. Catch you later, if that guy doesn't somehow get us all killed."

Him and his friend walk off, with the other one whispering, "Dude, you just got complimented by one of the Skull's Settlement guys! Scott freakin' Baker!"

"I know. Jealous?"

"Okay, now you're just being an asshole."

@Martydi Crow Crow


"Weirdly enough, things stopped crashing once we moved to space exploration," Abraham shrugs. "Anyway- I remember that scene on the bus, and, look, I was having my doubts about bringing you back here. But something tells me, by the end of this... you're gonna need 'em at your back. Bandits may not be smart, but they've got numbers. I've seen what those guys can do. Without someone like David with you, or any of the guys you don't like... well, you might not be alive for long."

He gazes down at Lucky, and even though his expression is hidden behind his mask, his voice is pained.

"Trust me on this."

He then looks towards Sanctuary III.

"Oh, that top hat wearing guy? I mean, he doesn't seem all that different from other dumbasses on this planet. Taking a Bandit in as a pet is... weird as hell, but people here've done worse. Besides, it's not like he's mentally torturing anyone or some shit, right?"

P PopcornPie
David flew above the buggy as they drove, providing air cover and an eye in the sky if you will, to provide additional protection from any unknown dangers they might happen upon during their trek to Sanctuary III. As Abraham and Lucky walk to the ship, David follows. He saw Lucky run off to a darkened area of the ship, talking about some mind-controlling ruckus, followed by him coming back looking depressed and covered in blood. His visage darkened, but he ignored it and walked forward behind Abraham, seeing that local law-enforcement and other persons had it handled. He wished he could've done something, but it seemed to be too late.

He stood at one of the port side bay windows as Sanctuary lifted off, listening to how Abraham said the ship was going to be their salvation. David really didn't want any part of their shenanigans. If they left him alone, well. If not, well, they'd feel the wrath of the #3 Pro Hero on his planet. He didn't care about the bandits, about all the other garbage going on between the other characters on the ship. He wanted to get home and if he saw something he could intervene in on the way, he would.



The Kuranta had completely lost track of what had happened for.. 5..? 10 minutes..? An hour maybe..? Something like that, maybe.. One moment, she was talking to Elizabeth and the other people inside of their room, which she remembers clearly, but then. Black. Though she can definitely say she felt a bit of a headache as she slowly opened her eyes. "Owww..", Nearl groaned as she remained on the ground unknowingly, feeling the pain of this headache taking its toll on her. Her armored hand felt something around it, was it her hammer? Hmm, it felt more rectangular than it should be..

Her left arm began to wave around, huh, no shield around here. It definitely hurt a ton more than she expected to open her eyes, why was that. She slowly began to push against the surface, realizing she had been on the ground as she pushed herself to sit herself up, as something felt rather... wet. Huh. Was she drinking?

Nearl slowly brought a hand to her lips, blowing a breath into her palm as she sniffed it. Hmm, no alcohol there as far as she can smell anyways. She began to try to shake her head, before noticing a few figures. "Oh hi! Was I asleep long..?", she groaned as she waved her hand at them, not realizing what was in her hand, the loud clank as something fell catching her attention.

The sight of a handgun had caught her attention rather quick. "Oh dear.. What happened..", she began to look around, suddenly seeing the people around her as she saw what was on the floor. Not alcohol. Blood. Her eyes simply stare at the crimson puddle, before realizing the side of her head was also a very familiar feeling. Wet. With a frightened hand, The Knight slowly brought up a hand to her temple, feeling the wet texture to feel something she wasn't ready for at all in those few seconds, a lovely hole. As she brings her hand back into vision, she stares blankly at the liquid in her hand once more, before staring back at the group, eyes widened in fright.

"Oh dear... I.. don't.. feel so.. good.."

The loud crash of metal as the armored knight fell to the ground face first against the metal grating, was what followed.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
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  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    Heather had dropped lucky and unceremoniously waddled off after being informed that he was not on the menu, and that her new best friend didn't want any of his tasty flesh. She waddled around the dead body, seemingly completely oblivious to the attempted suicide that had just taken place, and looked up at Skye.

    --"HI... MOMMY... I... WENT... TO... A... SLUMBER... PARTY..."--

    She would look down at Nearl, ignoring her as she spoke and then fell down again, not changing her goofy smile.

    --"I... THINK... THIS... ONE... MIGHT... HAVE... SLEPT... IN... THOUGH.... HEY... WANNA... MEET... MY... NEW... BEST... FRIEND... HEY... MEG... COME... MEET... MY... MOM..."--

    Heather motions to megumin with one of her noodle arms, and the loud crash of Nearl falling to the ground punctuated her telepathic sentence.
Megumin comes in for a second to tell Sora the same thing about Lucky. “I know but, just give me a chance. I’ve been through something like this before, he’s just a living being who’s forced to do these terrible things. (Lucky.. Maybe I have to do something about you.)”

Megumin walks off and Benedict gets away in the meantime as Sora was recollecting. “Sigh. Who am I kidding, he’s probably back doing whatever. Elizabeth’s safe now, but I let this happen. Dani tells me Lucky’s on his way, then I stay with that guy and now everything’s falling apart. I should have been there.”

Sora makes his way to Lana to make sure she’s okay. “(I may have helped Elizabeth, but I could have help Lana too. Chalk one up for Sora the loser. You’re able to beat super robots yet you can’t save some of your friends. I hate when this happens!)

HUH? Not this time!”

Sora sees Lucky with the others, claiming he’s not gonna hurt Lana again but he’s not buying it. He runs over to Lucky keyblade in hand, preparing for a scrap. “Get away from Lana or I swear you’ll regret it!”

Crow Crow P PopcornPie LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Shaw blinked, eyes briefly glancing up towards the barkeep before turning back down to her empty glass. She offered the other a sheepish smile, just a little looser thanks to the alcohol. It wasn't all that surprising, really. With her youthful appearance and a height only slightly taller than the average durin—a race descended from dwarves—it was a question that was often brought about.

"Ah,noworries,I'malreadyinmytwenties." Not even her motor mouth was affected, though her words were a lot more casual.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @BarPeeps @PeopleUnder5FeetRiseUp
"Hey. Hey." Lucky waved his paw and nub in front of Sora. "I was on me way out." The wrath he felt was completely, utterly smothered. His voice was monotone. He barely had the energy to stay standing.

"Gallows, huh?" Lucky met the stare of the Crimson Raider with dreary eyes. "I got meself a better idea." He leaped off the bed, and padded to the door. "Just tell me where the escape pods are. I don't know if this jade's gonna regenerate, and, clearly, I shouldn't be on this hunk if it does."

He collected the portion of his paw that had fallen off. He'd just have to have it reattached elsewhere.

"That curse was affecting his mind, all right." Megumin whispered. "Oh, Sora, don't fret about it. You couldn't be in two places at once. Besides, Eric discovered how to turn it off temporarily! We can use this as an opportunity to turn it off for good!"

Speaking if being in two places at once, Megumin now had to go and meet Heather's mother. "I'm coming, Heather! Uhh..." She gazed down at the collapsed Nearl, who Heather had just picked up and dropped like a doll. "...Are you all right?"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Space Buddha Space Buddha Riven Riven
Lucky surprisingly to Sora, left the room peacefully; but what’s more confusing is that he talked about jade regeneration, it’s like Lucky was his old self.

“What just..?” Megumin then tells Sora they’ve found a way to halt the gem’s control over Lucky, but only temporarily. She goes her way again, but Sora chases Lucky while he has the chance.

“LUCKY! Wait. I’m sorry I chased you. While you’re old self, look at the damage you’ve caused. If you care for Lana, Rex or any of your friends we need to get that thing out. Please. Let me help you!” Sora extends his hand out for Lucky to take. But will he?

P PopcornPie

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