• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Seemed at the moment everything was just targeting on poor Elizabeth. Nearl had remained silent through the rest of the encounter before a loud pitch of a noise shattered her eardrums. The Kuranta squeaks as her ears temporarily freak out and flatten against her head, trying to muffle the loud voice of a megaphone throughout the whole ship.

The sound of yelling being returned in reponse and gunfire, following by static, possibly means the other tenants of the ship didn't appreciate tophat man's presence either. The Kuranta shakes her head, clearing up the feedback in her ears as she sighs, scratching her head in response.

"Seems like you're just in everyone's crosshairs Miss Elizabeth."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

After the fiasco that was drinking alcohol with Deadpool, Snake has finished a second bottle of liquor, seemingly unaffected. Perhaps because of his DNA structure, or the fact the he has extremely high natural alcohol and drug resistance. He cracked open another bottle, this time aged whiskey, and took a swig, just watching everything around him, not causing a show, just there.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore jigglesworth jigglesworth @everyoneatthebar

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    --"MY... GOD... I... WISH..."--

    Heather wouldn't seem to care as Megumin inched away, instead consumed with the fantasy of becoming a demon.

    --"I... WOULD... MAKE... THE... COOLEST... DEMON... EVER... BUT... STUPID... GENETICS... I'M... JUST... SOME... TINY... WEAK... LITTLE... NYMPH... THING... INSTEAD... OF... SOMETHING... THAT... AWESOME... AND... CRAP... NOW... I... AM... SAD... SANTA... CHEER... ME... UP... PLEASE... I... WANT... TO... SIT... IN... THE... LAP... OF... CARNAGE... ITSELF..."--

    Heather would start crawling over toward Trevor, as if to hug him. This could not end well.

"A nymph, you say?" Megumin's eyes shrunk back to normal, and clouded. "Aren't they those creatures that turn into trees?" She lightly slapped herself. "Oh, Megumin, there are more important items to address in her answer!" She scooched behind Heather as she made her way towards Trevor, then laid her hand on the the little nymph's back.

"You're not the only one who sometimes feels she isn't as powerful as she should be." Megumin cooed. "You'd be surprised at how often I was mocked back home for being an archwizard only interested in one type of magic. I mean, even Kazuma knows more than one spell." She nuzzled her staff. "But I know I can still be amazing with my intellect!...And having friends by my side helps, too." She admitted a little shyly, very gently rubbing Heather's shoulder. "Even if you are 'underleveled', as they say in my realm, you have your benefits and talents as well. If you don't know what they are, yet, then let us help you find them on this adventure! We are sharing a Sanctuary, after all!" She lifted her staff high into the air, a triumphant grin firmly fixed to her face. "If there is anything I learned from my enslavement and humiliation within the sands of Blood Gulch, it is that nothing cannot be overcome when you are aligned with friends!"
"Weirdly enough, things stopped crashing once we moved to space exploration," Abraham shrugs. "Anyway- I remember that scene on the bus, and, look, I was having my doubts about bringing you back here. But something tells me, by the end of this... you're gonna need 'em at your back. Bandits may not be smart, but they've got numbers. I've seen what those guys can do. Without someone like David with you, or any of the guys you don't like... well, you might not be alive for long."

He gazes down at Lucky, and even though his expression is hidden behind his mask, his voice is pained.

"Trust me on this."

He then looks towards Sanctuary III.

"Oh, that top hat wearing guy? I mean, he doesn't seem all that different from other dumbasses on this planet. Taking a Bandit in as a pet is... weird as hell, but people here've done worse. Besides, it's not like he's mentally torturing anyone or some shit, right?"
"You're sayin' I should think of them as friends?...BAHAHAHAHAHA!" It looked like Abraham had Lucky, it really did. The rabbit's blazing amber irises lost their blaze, and his ears hung low. The jade's glow seemed to dim. Then he flipped the switch, the jade glowed brightly, and his pondering frown shot up into a mocking sneer. "Laddie, I can just feel it! Me jade gives me the strength of a million rabbits! Not to mention me natural rabbit abilities." He wiggled his foot and ears.

"No, me acquaintances." He turned his back on the two, closing his eyes and scowling. "If there is anything I learned from me enslavement in that Blood Gulch shithole-which I have vowed to return to and raze, just the way I should have before the battle started, teach them to treat me the way they did-it's that 'friendship' just weakens you, turns you into some paranoid loon, sucking up to people who were always weaker than you. They walk away as soon as they can, leaving you to convulse from the pains they left behind. Pretendin' to be too naïve to see what they did to you, but knowin' full goddamn well." There was the ugly greenish tint in his fur again. "Heheh...You know, maybe I should board, anyway, just so I can get me revenge for what they almost did to me. Heheh!" His irises shrunk. "Maybe I should just...make 'em submit...make 'em see the benefits of that kirin's witchcraft!" His voice shifted from a macabre whisper to a wicked howl. "If they believe that they will have their dumb ol' cuddly bunny to emotionally crumple up, then they have so much else coming for them!"

Mismakora's clapping echoed in his headspace, which did have wonderful acoustics. "What a phenomenal speaker! Bravo!"

Lupé was sprawled on the floor of her cage. "Only because he's singing your praises." She grumbled.


The two figments lifted their heads, their eyes sparking with confusion.

"...Bah! They ain't worth me time." Lucky calmed down, the greenish tint vanishing. "Really, Laddie, it's a circus in there. Just Benedict bein' an asshole, everybody tryin' to stop him, rightfully so, and that blob disguised as the fox lass strolled by-Wait!" His shoulders briefly puffed up. "That blobby creature is in there, too! Wehehehell! Keep this hunk docked for me, I have some pest control to do." With some failed attempts at hopping, Lucky elected to somewhat fling himself up the entry ramp, only getting up when he was on flat ground. Like a hungry jaguar, he chose to ignore the Benedict situation completely, instead prowling in the direction he saw 'Lana' scamper to. "Okay, 'Lana'! Or may I instead call you 'Pile o' Black Snot'? Where are you, critter? Time to finish what we started..."

Sure enough, as she waited for the door to be unlocked, Lana would see a pair of green, cracked eyes appearing in the shadows, slowly getting larger...

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
While the whole thing with the two girls happened, she wasn't sure what to do but to talk to the others. Ryuji asked her if she knew Booker well, and to be honest? She only knew him a bit from the short while they were traveling Colombia together.

"K-Kind of... H-He's the reason I-I'm out of the tower... I wouldn't b-be here if he didn't g-get me out... We were s-suppose to make a d-decision... to go to N-New York where he would g-give me over to s-some people... or take me to P-Paris, a place where I've a-always wanted to go... B-But then, S-Song-"

And then... she went quiet and froze up even more when she heard shouting.

It was the rich man in the top hat, yelling into a megaphone for her. What did he want? To play that song again? To torture her with it and remind her of her jailor, Songbird?

"N-No... N-Not again..." When she heard Julia's two ideas, she decided to combine them. By Trevor, did she mean the man that currently sat on her bed? It had to have been his name, no one else there in the room that she knew the names of was named Trevor. She didn't like the idea of asking him for help, but it was the only idea.

Elizabeth looked at Trevor with her eyes
"U-Um, excuse me, s-sir... could y-you go t-take care of... t-the man y-yelling my name...? A-And lock the door o-on your way o-out...? So he w-w-won't come in... p-please...?"
"You have a partner!?!" Megumin clapped her hands to her cheeks. "You poor girl! He must be so worried! And I bet you're so worried about him!" Paris and New York were names completely foreign to her, but maybe she could pull some strings and get Mao Mao and Samus to open a portal there. Or maybe she herself would go with Elizabeth, and personally guide her there...But then, how would she get home? Unfortunately, she really couldn't afford to stay with any of these new friends for any longer than Lady Luck would force her to.

The room seemed to go completely quiet when Benedict's shouting was overheard. "Ugh! Him again!" Megumin put her wrinkled nose in the air. "My apologies for not doing much against him. Typically, I am only able to use Explosion once a day, and I already used up most of my mana on that 'launch me to where everyone is' stunt. That medicine I was given gave me back much of my energy, but, well, it's still for the better if I rest before trying it again. But oh, does he infuriate me!" She clenched her fist so tightly, she popped some knuckles. "I never imagined myself saying this, but forget the Explosion! How about I just put my physical training to good use! Somebody aboard this strange dungeon has got to dig their heel into his smug cheek!"
“Dani!?” “Yeah, it’s me. Look, I’m sorry for breaking the moment, but they bunny we saw earlier is outside and I don’t know what he may do.” “Lucky! You mean he’s here?” “Yeah, I don’t know how he got on the ship, but we got him on the run. Just make sure one of you finds that dog thing so she doesn’t get in the way. Sora, you may have to do it since you got the ice powers.” “got it!”
And then Dani came in with wonderful news, yanking Megumin out of her anger! "Chomusuke is okay! I knew he would be!" Megumin threw her arms in the air, beaming. "Well, let us go find him! If there is a knock that sounds like this," She tapped her staff twice against Elizabeth's bed. "That's just me! I'll be back very quickly, I hope!" With that, she began to gallop out of the room.

@C.A.R.E.S. Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
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I leaned my head against the door and yawned a bit as I kept waiting and waiting.

“At this rate I might as well just find something else to do and come back... hm..?”
My ears perked up as I saw some sort of green things coming towards me...? I had no idea what it was..
“Hello...? Who’s there..?”

P PopcornPie

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    Heather would turn around, looking at Megumin strangely. Her snakelike eyes seemed milky and lacking in color at this moment. Heather cocked her head as Megumin spoke, slowing her approach toward Trevor and sitting crosslegged, nodding occasionally and looking at the slightly older girl with her blank expression, which slowly seemed to contort into a slight smile. For the first time, Megumin would hear Heather actually speak aloud.

    "T-Thank y-y-"

    And then she would promptly be interrupted by the cucumber's arrival, yet she would hear her friend's plea.


    Megumin never recalled telling the nymph her name, and would note her speaking faster for a moment, however that would be the last thing going through her or anyone else's mind as, in the distance, they could all hear as Benedict was suddenly hit with the telekinetic force of a semi-truck running him over, putting him through a wall and flattening him. He would be fine, of course, but it would probably hurt a lot.
Venus Lovelace

"Nothing really, it's just that I have something that I need someone to hold," the goddess casually says as she takes a sip out of her newly-transformed drink, looking at the women in the bar while she looked at the bartender. She placed a small box on the counter, emanating a blue glow. Just as she was about to give it to the bartender, Skye introduced herself. Venus widened her eyes as she apologized. "Ah, don't mind what I did earlier. The heat of battle can affect us all," she said while observing the others taking shots of what appears to be alcoholic beverages. She placed more money on the tip jar, offering a noticeable amount in total. "Can I have what they're having?" Venus said with a smile as she pointed towards the group that were getting tipsy. "Skye, what're you doing there?" She asked to the woman as she took another sip of her whiskey, emptying it with one drink as she let one drop of it trickle down her neck. She put away the glowing box for now, Venus may give it as tip for that 'Moxxi' girl, she seems worthy of such a prize.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @TheBarPeeps
While Dani finished taking out Benedict’s guards, Megumin suggest, she come with her to find Lucky. “No Megumin, look, Lucky’s outside, but he tried to kill Sora after trying to take the gem out of his belly. It’s best if you get to a safe place so when he comes inside, we’ll be get him back to normal. But I’ll tell you how you can help, there’s this little fluffy thing that looks like a dog, you may have seen him, she thought we were hurting Lucky and got in the way. If you can keep her busy, play with her she’s very easy to entertain, it’s like she’s three that’d be great. Okay?”

P PopcornPie

  • Julia watches Fluffington leave and sighs. Dealing with her felt like babysitting.

    Her ears perk up as her psychic senses (which actually have nothing to do with her ears) pick up some new individuals at the ship. Actually, not exactly new - she recognized them. "Abraham is here. And the two that stayed behind with him, too."

    The Espeon frowns. "I don't like the feeling I'm sensing from Lucky..."

I leaned my head against the door and yawned a bit as I kept waiting and waiting.

“At this rate I might as well just find something else to do and come back... hm..?”
My ears perked up as I saw some sort of green things coming towards me...? I had no idea what it was..
“Hello...? Who’s there..?”

P PopcornPie
"Hmhmhmhmhmhm...Hmhmhmhmhm..." Lucky's hyena-like chortle bounced all around Lana, creating the feeling of being surrounded by a hundred ghosts. Soon, however, Lana would prefer a thousand ghosts haunting her.

"Hello, impostor." Lucky growled, an eerie grin across his face. "I see you remade your Lana disguise. But not only am I no longer fooled, look around us!" He tossed his head left and right. "We are alone." He spread his arms wide. "Perhaps, if I cannot kill you, I can instead make you wish you could die. How about I channel me frustrations about you as thoroughly as though you were the real deal?" He poised his paws for a few dozen jabs wherever he could land them.

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    Heather would turn around, looking at Megumin strangely. Her snakelike eyes seemed milky and lacking in color at this moment. Heather cocked her head as Megumin spoke, slowing her approach toward Trevor and sitting crosslegged, nodding occasionally and looking at the slightly older girl with her blank expression, which slowly seemed to contort into a slight smile. For the first time, Megumin would hear Heather actually speak aloud.

    "T-Thank y-y-"

    And then she would promptly be interrupted by the cucumber's arrival, yet she would hear her friend's plea.


    Megumin never recalled telling the nymph her name, and would note her speaking faster for a moment, however that would be the last thing going through her or anyone else's mind as, in the distance, they could all hear as Benedict was suddenly hit with the telekinetic force of a semi-truck running him over, putting him through a wall and flattening him. He would be fine, of course, but it would probably hurt a lot.
As she cantered outside, Megumin caught Benedict in the corner of her eye. As soon as she did, however? BLAM. Benedict was hit by a terrific force, like a charging chimera! She watched with an awestruck gasp as the tuxedo-clad man was swatted and sent flying like the mosquito he was.

"Let me back in!" Megumin cried, whacking her staff against the door repeatedly. Then she realized that the door wasn't locked, and stepped in with a slight blush. "Heh...Anyhow, did anyone else see what just happened to Benedict?! He got slammed by this mighty force! It looked like an attack from a great big, invisible ram! An ox, maybe! But who could have-?" And then it hit her, too, but it didn't send her flying. "Heather? Was it your doing?" Just in case Heather believed her to be angry, she broke out in a congratulating grin. "Goodness, we'd better lock that door, shouldn't we, before he finds out?"

Space Buddha Space Buddha @C.A.R.E.S.
While Dani finished taking out Benedict’s guards, Megumin suggest, she come with her to find Lucky. “No Megumin, look, Lucky’s outside, but he tried to kill Sora after trying to take the gem out of his belly. It’s best if you get to a safe place so when he comes inside, we’ll be get him back to normal. But I’ll tell you how you can help, there’s this little fluffy thing that looks like a dog, you may have seen him, she thought we were hurting Lucky and got in the way. If you can keep her busy, play with her she’s very easy to entertain, it’s like she’s three that’d be great. Okay?”

P PopcornPie
The distraction allowed Dani to stop Megumin as well. "You tried to remove it?" The archwizard hook her head. "No, nonono. You shouldn't try to tamper with magic you don't understand. We must figure out what it is first. For all we know, it has a counterspell that makes it fall off like a dried raisin from a muffin!" Regardless, she agreed with the idea of bringing him where they could keep an eye on him, despite how much the thought made her shudder. "I guess we'll need to find, or create, some kind of enclosure."

Dani gave her instructions, instead of listening to her inquiries, but she didn't mind. She was quite thrilled, as a matter of fact! "Oh! You must mean Chomusuke III! Isn't she a doll? But, unfortunately, she may be going with someone else." She shugged. "Oh well. All my love will just go to Chomusuke II! And then him AND the original Chomusuke when I find her! Hahaha! That foxeared knight won't be the only one with an adorable animal in her arms!"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
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Benedict would calmly stand still as Doctor asked his question
Ah....the pork was quite good, ah....dear Sir do you know where Madam Elizabeth is? I’m quite curious as to why she ran a-
Sir, we’ve been compro-AGH!
Benedict would hear the agent go silent as Dani took out him and the agents.
Ah....just like Iran.
Benedict would then look to Sora
Apologize...ah...no, she lied about reading the bird article....making me think she would enjoy the tune...,quite naughty on her part...I want to know WHY she didn’t like it....I’m quite interested is all.
He would say to Sora, hoping to have a calm conversation before
Benedict was thrown back with force, this time causing him quite an injury, he wouldn’t feel it of course, but it was still an injury nonetheless.
Ah....this act of witchcraft won’t stop me from the true prize....knowledge.
Crow Crow
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Space Buddha Space Buddha

The figure got closer and closer before finally revealing itself to be Lucky! I smiled happy to see him again, but my smile quickly faded as he began to talk.

“I-Imposter...? Disguise? I-I don’t know what you’re talking about Lucky... T-There’s no need to get violent... p-please..”
I tried to slowly scoot back as he got closer but with the door locked and in the way I was just pinned there. Lucky looked kind of different too.. a lot greener than usual. I desperately begged and pleaded for him to realize it’s the real me and that I have no idea what he meant by imposter. It was all for nothing though as he sent a few jabs my way with every single one making their mark. It knocked the air out of me a bit and took me a second to gasp for air.
“L-Lucky.. p-please stop..”

P PopcornPie
How adorable! "Lana" pretended to be happy to see Lucky, only for the smile to shrink like a slug in salt as "she" realized that Lucky was here to bring "her" into a world of pain. "Oh, my, what's this?" Lucky tilted his head with a clownish smile. "You're guilt tripping me, aren't you, creature? With Lana's obnoxiously caring smile, and her soft, fearful voice. You expect me to give into me soft side and leave you alone, don't you? Well, let me show you just how soft I am now!" In came the barrage of metallic fists, and the being didn't dodge once!

"Oh, come on, you bizarre black blob. You know that doesn't work on me." Lucky rolled his eyes, but when he focused on "Lana"'s slumped body again, he noticed that he had drawn blood across her cheek. Actual blood, not more of that black stuff. "...Oh." His sneer faltered, his brow raising slightly. "You are Lana." The jade blinked in and out. In that blink, Lana would notice Lucky's expression turning shocked and regretful before snapping back to unkempt malice. "Wehehell! We get to meet again, Lassie! You're shocked. You're scared. You're about to cryyyy~!" He imitated her expression, then smirked. "Tell me, Lassie. Is it because I have beaten you, or because you didn't expect me to rise above your control?" His shoulders hunched, while the fur lining his back slowly rose. His breathing sped up.

That felt...good.

"You softened me, Lassie!" Lucky swung the surprisingly light Pokémon an inch or two off the ground by the tail. "You think I'd be glad to see you after seeing what a clown you've made of me?! I saw you leadin' me through your home forests when I first saw you!" He roared, thrusting his elbow into her cheek. "But all you left me with was images of me broken heart, longing for one who just pulled me around by its strings!" A bite across the thigh came next. "You made a mistake, breakin' me heart strings. Now that it is you and I on this ship, I can finally use them to strange you, for all the shit you did to me!" He ran all around Lana, biting and punching, his fur glowing green. The jade pulsated wildly, as did his intensely focused eyes.

"Ah! Lucky! Noooo!" Lupé sobbed, pounding futiley at the bars of her cage.

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Upon seeing Trevor being requested to take care of Benedict, Ben says to Elizabeth and the rest. "Well, looks like everything's fixing themselves. I'm heading back to my room. Take care Elizabeth. There may be one less person here, but there's always the lock."

He leaves...

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

The Doctor continues to pursue Benedict, this time running.

"You will not escape. Stop resisting."

Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Space Buddha Space Buddha Martydi Martydi

As Lucky assaults Lana, something strikes the back of his head with a loud clanging sound. This something whizzed so fast, Lucky wouldn't be able to catch it before it started to hover in his line of vision. This strange being winced for a bit, shaking its body, before looking straight.


"Dumbbell no like bad rabbit who bully Dumbbell new friend! So Dumbbell use many kinds of headbutt on bad rabbit!"

This 'Dumbbell' assumed another position, preparing to charge towards Lucky's lower front!

"Zen Headbutt!"

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

Yes! Even if I had to actually bleed for him to notice, he finally realized I was the real Lana. I smiled a bit happy that he was back to his senses, but that smile didn’t last long again...

“C-Controlling you...? I-I never did that.. I-I would never do that!”
His elbow came straight towards my cheek and before I could even react, I was hit right across the cheek cussing me to spit out a little bit of blood. The sight of the blood on the floor made me begin to shiver. Lucky didn’t even think about stopping as he continued to ramble on about something that I really couldn’t understand. There was bite after bite. Punch after punch. Each attack drew more and more blood. I began to sob as it continued. The tears slightly washing away the blood from my cheeks. I tried to speak but my voice could barely even come out.
“P-Please... L-Lucky I-I’m sorry... p-please I-I can’t handle this...”

P PopcornPie
"Look at you!" Once he finally grew tired from battering Lana, Lucky stood atop her for a breather. "You seemed so goddamn strong against me before, but it seems that all I had to do was put up me shield, and I can take you out with ease!" He slid his lips into her trembling ear. "It's almost as if I merely fooled meself into thinking that you had power over me." He hissed bitterly.

Then his own ears were brushed by someone's tailwind.
"Heh?" When Lucky turned his head away, he came eyes-to-eye with some kind of floating thing with a big green eye. Due to its comedic appearance, Lucky was far from intimidated. "What are you, Sanctuary's antivirus mascot? Abraham's security drone?" He asked coldly, preparing to give Lana another kick to the head. "Dumbbell", however, had other plans. It charged towards Lucky with all the speed of a comet, calling it a "zen headbutt". "Woah!" Lucky tried to leap away, but Dumbbell struck his hip, sending him spinning against the door.

The rabbit got up slowly, shaking the dizziness out of his head.
"Well, it looks like I have a challenge! You DON'T like me bullying Lana, laddie? Maybe you'll like it more if I did it in style!" He went for another tail grab, swinging her high above his head, then twirling her around like a ballerina's ribbon. "Maybe I ought to make up a new Scottish-style jig for you! I'll call it 'The Revenge Rag'!"

Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Benedict was a simple businessman, a man of profit, serenity and calmness...but sometimes even the best must show wrath.
Benedict would turn around, pistol pointed at the Doctor
Ah ah ah! Stand down agent....or I’ll have no other choice but to use deadly force.
Benedict would say as he stood there
Sir this is backup squadron QWXZD, do you require further assistance?
Ah....we’ll see.
Crow Crow

Finally, Lucky stopped attacking for a minute and I got to catch my breath for a bit. What appeared to be a strange looking Pokémon came to try to help me. I would have smiled at it, but I could barely even move. A smile just wasn’t going to happen. I thought that the pain would be all over thanks to this mystery Pokémon saving the day, but again I was wrong... Lucky grabbed me by the tail and pulled it hard making me yelp in pain. He lifted me up by the tail and began to spin me around by swinging my tail. Not only did it cause me excruciating pain, but it also made me start to feel sick.

P PopcornPie Crow Crow
"It is time for you to stand down. You are outnumbered."

The Doctor takes out his fancy old Wyrm, aiming it towards Benedict.

"Even if I am taken down, there are still many others in the vicinity to combat you. Neither of us wish to bring this ship down through an eventual war, so it is advised that you stop while you can."

Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Space Buddha Space Buddha Martydi Martydi Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

"Put Dumbbell new friend down! NOW!"

Dumbbell's body shimmered like metal with a good SHING SHING, before he smacked his head on the ground with great force, vibrating the floors and causing Lucky to lose his balance and halt his motions. Afterwards, this being scraped his head against the floor, staying in position as he prepared to smack into a freshly-imbalanced Lucky, knocking him away from Lana!

"Dumbbell new friend, run, if not, fight by Dumbbell side! Friend of Dumbbell not weak, never weak! Friend of Dumbbell strong!"

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara P PopcornPie Crow Crow
“Relax Megumin, we know what we’re doing, we almost saved him until.. Chomusake three, ruined it. Just keep her busy until we help Lucky out. Lucky, okay? His name’s not Chomusake two.” Dani then hears the sound of Lucky beating up someone, pleading for him to stop. “Go and distract Chomusake three of you can find her. Make sure she doesn’t get in the way and don’t follow no matter what you hear!”

Sora however was going to stop Benedict from seeing Elizabeth, until he was pushed back by the force or whatever. He seemed busy at the moment but he then proceeded to pull a gun on someone. “I don’t think so!” Sora pulls the gun out of his hand. “You’re not hurting anyone on my watch!”

Dani caught up to Lucky only to see him duking it out with this weird looking machine and a broken Lana. “Oh man. Are you okay? That’s it, friend or not. Either that thing’s coming out, or you’re out of here!” Dani shot an ecto blast in hopes of hitting Lucky. “(I gotta overshadow him and try to take that thing out again.)”

P PopcornPie Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Benedict would raise an eyebrow as the persistent doctor kept pushing his luck
Ah....I need two smoothies and some backup....ah, I missed the key word....”now”
Copy that Sir
And with that, a sleek black car would drive up to Benedicts location, the word “Them” written on the side in gold cursive, how did it get there? Ask the squad yourself. Four armed agents in black suits would get out of the vehicle, they would stop and point their pistols at the Doctor
Sir! Drop the weapon and stand down! I repeat! Drop your weapon!
An agent would say as Sora then pulled Benedicts gun out of his hand
Ah! A clever magic trick....Josh, this reminds of the time we visited Mojito
Benedict would say as he calmly stood there, slurping his smoothie
Is it good Sir?
Ah....maybe...maybe not, let’s let fate decide...indeed.
Josh would merely stand there, puzzled at this tremendously deep thought about the smoothies fate.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Crow Crow

  • “So. I guess the least I could say is thanks for the hand in the fight earlier.”

    The second Gundam, <<Barbatos>>, spoke. Its mace now resting on its shoulder between the pauldron and upper body as it looked at us. Its voice was that of a young male with a tone that was lacked just as much emotion as Exia's does. Although instead of a cold, no-nonsense exterior, Barbatos sounded eerily casual like some guy going on his business as per normal in comparison.

    “Uh...sure, no problem Barbatos.”

    A slightly shaky voice answered it, watching as it now sat down beside the cargo base alongside Exia, who by now had let me off the terminal and back onto the ground. Barbatos' outward appearance looked a little more sleeker in comparison to Exia's, and the joint and pistons connecting the upper body to the waist and lower legs was oddly left unprotected. The fact that it looked rather slim as well made me wonder how on earth does it ever manage to swing a double-handed mace with such ease, considering it does not have a GN Drive to minimise the weight of the load and of course its entire body. A <<Gundam>> sure is a mysterious creation.

    “Didn't think you'd would decide to help me out. Considering Exia and I are just among the mass of data-generated Mobile Suits that could've been replaced anytime.”

    “So did I.”

    Exia nodded in agreement to Barbatos' remark. Was that seriously what those two think of their existence as? Just another Mobile Suit waiting to be replaced by another Mobile Suit out of nowhere? Despite their lack of emotions displayed, they very much do not act like some NPC with scripted voice lines and a fixed objective. After all, Exia had just told me about its desire to discover the reason for its existence. Who is to say Barbatos does not have one desire either?

    “...Barbatos. If you don't mind me asking this, why did you attack the Doms and GN-Xs? You weren't targeting us either from what I've noticed.”

    “Hmm? Actually, now that you mentioned it, I don't know why either,” It answered, its red chin now resting on its free hand as it pondered, “Although when I saw the Doms and GN-Xs, I suddenly started remembering portions of a battle my original counterpart took part in. I can't exactly pinpoint the full reason, but it felt as they were about to harm someone who shouldn't be involved in a conflict.”

    Even Barbatos had a desire it likely wasn't aware of as well. Although strangely it was one that came from..memories? I don't think I had ever hear Exia mention anything about it.

    “You too had a set of incomplete memories?”

    ...Until now that is.

    “Then that would be it then.” I answered, “You guys refer to yourselves as expendables, but I feel you two may have a reason to live and fight, regardless of your origins. Besides...”

    I continued on, looking at both Gundam that sat a couple of meters in front of me.

    “If the idea of you and other Mobile Suits being expendable is a fact, wouldn't the same be said for mankind? After all, each year more than 130 million humans are born, and yet despite that not all of us are supposed to be treated like puppets that only serve to do a specific objective given to us. Every one of us with the ability to think have an objective we've settled for ourselves, no matter how hard it is to achieve it in reality. Couldn't the same be the said to the two of you, who are as alive as a sentient being could ever be, and maybe even the enemy Mobile Suits we've fought earlier, Barbatos, Exia?”


    Silence met the two Gundam-s before me for what felt like an hour before Exia nodded in acknowledgement.

    “Maybe that is truly the case for us as you've suggested.” Exia turned to look at Barbatos, who in turn returned the offer.

    “What do you think, ASW-G-08 Barbatos ?”

    “Can't say I'm not too curious myself. If that is the case,” Barbatos turned to look at me, “don't mind I join you two.”

    Wait. He's gonna.....what?

Restaurant Group

"Oh... shoot. Right." Eric frowns. He'd never had troubles with chocolate poisoning himself- his weight probably helped with that. And he hadn't seen any of his old mercenary friends get sick from eating it; the risk was practically nonexistent back on that world. So he could only hope for the best...

"That margherita looks good..." he comments to himself.


"Ah, so you both enjoy it! Thank you! Oh, grazie! Would you two like a dessert menu?"

Grey watches as Fluffington runs off. He stands up quickly.


"Guess the sushi's gonna have to wait. Hey, chef guy! Do I still need to front the bill?"

"Oh, no! There is no need! That rowdy customer paid for you! Signore Red has already counted it all!"

Mr. Red flips through the money stacks and counts them. "Nice payout."

Grey nods and looks at the remaining of you at the table. "I'll go after her." He then runs out, calling after Fluffington as loud as he can. "FLUFFINGTON!"

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

Bar Group

Jax Bar Outfit Crop.png

"Can't say. Some people on Sanctuary can cheat. He gives me that vibe. So..." Jax smiles at Skye after glancing at all of you. "Looks like you win. Skye, right? Mox told me a few things about you. Talks about you like she talks about Ellie and Scooter." He begins taking the shot glasses away and wiping the countertop clean. "You've got a hell of a good liver."

He then turns to the rest of you. "Feel free to come back and try again later. Mox might have a few cash prizes for you." Jax looks at Voss. "You did really good. Only other guy I know that can get to three shots of hard liquor and a full glass of rum is Zane."

Zane Bottle Raise.gif

Speaking of, the Operative himself is off to the side, calmly drinking a whole bottle of Bushmills. He still seems totally sober, which begs the question of who would've won if he had joined in. "Ya' got good spirit in ya', boyo."

Jax's attention then moves towards the tip jar, and his eyes promptly widen. He glances at Venus, now knowing full well she seems to be that kind of trouble, and apparently she's willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants. Club Amorous had those types in spades, though tips were usually less generous.

Don't search up Club Amorous.

The bartender pours her three shots of the same three drinks the others had. As he caps the vodka off (now forced to use a new bottle after Deadpool drank the last one), he starts speaking with the rather wishful girl.

"You'll need to try harder than that."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thefinalgirl thefinalgirl Yamperzzz Yamperzzz thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore QizPizza QizPizza jigglesworth jigglesworth

(Almost) End-Chapter Update
"This Is Where You Regret All That Eating and Drinking"

Soon enough, all of you who wanted to be on board Sanctuary has finally made it.

With so many loudspeakers scattered all over the ship, no matter where you are right now, you hear the voice of someone come over one nearby.

"Alright, bitches. Moze just gave us the order to take off to go deal with those Tediore assholes. Now, I know some of you are new to this ship, so lemme inform you of who's in charge. I'm BALEX, the navigator AI and the guy you'll be fuckin' thanking for getting your asses out of a mess. Now there's this little thing called 'escape velocity,' If you don't know, it's this speed we gotta go so the planet doesn't drag us the fuck back into orbit. That means I gotta speed up, and some of you might lose your fancy-ass $200 lunches. This ship is me, and if you puke on me, I'm kickin' you the fuck out. So buckle up. Now here's some other announcements."

The door to Elizabeth's room suddenly closes and locks, overriding all other input.

"Little punk bitch with the tailored suit, you're treadin' on some thin-ass ice, so put that fuckin' gun away, stop bothering that girl in the room, and call off your pussy-ass gang or else you're getting ejected into the vacuum as soon as we see stars."

Eric is about to take another bite of his japchae, but stops at the next announcement.

"Yo, furfuck at Tony's or whatever, your side bitch is about to get clapped by a mutant Midget in your room. You can man up and go there, or you can let me send a squad of Crimson Raiders to deal with it."

The Typhlosion groans and gets up. "I just wanted dinner." He looks at Natasha. "Be back in a minute, unless you wanna come with me."

With Quick Attack, he disappears and reappears behind Lucky in a mere second.


"Aight. That's all the announcements. Now hold onto something and grab a brown bag or some shit. I'ma play some song FL4K wanted to keep you nice and comfortable."

The hangar ceiling splits down the middle and opens up like a clam. The engines of Sanctuary III tilt themselves until they're perpendicular to the ground, then ignite with a mighty roar, which, thankfully, is reduced to a quiet drone inside the ship itself. Sanctuary III begins to lift off slowly, above the hangar, above the base, above Pandora and into the orange and red sky of a beautiful dawn, the sun coming up on one side and the large moon descending on the other. A song begins to play over the loudspeakers.

Its engines tilt again, back into their regular positions, and they screech at full throttle.

"Oh, no, no! Pearl Jam! Quickly, help the customers!"

Numerous small creatures fly out from Tonio's clothes and grab onto plates and glasses like ants, no matter if they're full of food or not. This would prevent anyone from having their dining plans ruined.


Jax pressed a button on the side of the drink shelf, which rotates it, turning the wall inside-out and leaving it empty, as if there was never a whole bar there.

"Better hang onto your glasses!"

"Let's go to space, bitchesssssss!"

Come fly with me, let's take off... in the blue

The ship launches forward with a jolt and takes off at high speed. Though the force of this isn't as bad as you probably expected, it still might knock you off your feet if you aren't ready. Soon enough, the windows of Sanctuary would show the orange and red hues of the sky, then, growing darkness, and finally...




Sanctuary gradually slows down until it moves at a snail's pace... at least, in spaceship terms. Now, you can see billions of star in the great black abyss, and the planet of killers, Pandora, 'below' you.

"Aight, we made it. We're gonna wait until backup comes so we can ice these Tediore pussies. How many janitors I gotta send down?"

Grey, having grabbed onto some nearby pipe, had barely stumbled. He lets the piping go and looks around for Fluffington some more. "Fluffington?!"

Eric hadn't been shaken much, either. He just stands there with his arms folded and stares at Lucky, as if asking, 'well?'

Zane smirks, having kept a nice grip on his shot glasses and bottle. "AHHH, that'll never get old! When're we doin' it again?"

With that, you're free to explore the ship some more, squeeze in some rest, or... perhaps pay Moze a visit to see what's being planned this time?

A ship appears next to Sanctuary, visible from one of the windows at the rear.


Perhaps you should inquire about that, too?

Cast List
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and The Tom Tom Gang (Blinx)
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
DapperDogman DapperDogman as Jason "Blast Radius" Cooper (OC)
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja as Tsukasa Kadoya (Kamen Rider Decade) and Naoto "Tiger Mask" Azuma (Tiger Mask W)
RedLight RedLight as Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit)
TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22 as Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) and Zora (Epithet Erased)
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 as Chimera (A Certain Scientific Railgun/Accelerator OC)
SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 as GN-001 Exia (Gundam Extreme VS OC) and Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya (Sword Art Online)
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Shaw (Arknights)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher as Elizabeth (Bioshock: Infinite) and Sky Rose (Borderlands OC)
P PopcornPie as Lucky O'Chopper (Whacked!) and Megumin (Konosuba)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Fluffington the Mighty (Pokemon OC)
Yamperzzz Yamperzzz as Voss Eierkuchen and Abbott Calderon (Tembo the Badass Elephant OCs)
Critic Ham Critic Ham as Olivia Silence and Saria (Arknights)
Riven Riven as Nearl (Arknights)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore as Rocket Raccoon (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Trevor Philips (Grand Theft Auto V)
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC) and Kirby (Kirby's Dreamland)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Minako Arisato (Persona 3 Portable) and Kintaros (Kamen Rider Den-O)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Lana (Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon OC)
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch as Julia Thani and Natasha Thani (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon OCs)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Tom (Tom & Jerry) and Jerry (Tom & Jerry)
BoltBeam BoltBeam as Lightning AKA Light Ignis (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)
quadraxis201 quadraxis201 as Ryuji Kazan (Danganronpa OC)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as himself
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Anna (Once Upon A Time OC) and Ripper (Jurassic World)
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 as David Listman (My Hero Academia OC)
darkred darkred as Aloy (Horizon Dawn Zero) and John "Bear" Connor (Terminator Genisys)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Edward "The Doctor" Richtofen (Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies) and Claptrap/Fragtrap (Borderlands, NPC)
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 as Festung-17 (Destiny 2 OC)
FactionParadox FactionParadox as Yoshikage Kira (JJBA Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable)
@Son of Horus as Mrakus Malicius (Horus Heresy OC)
Martydi Martydi as Scott Baker (Planetside OC)
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins as The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsausa SERAPH-099 Samael (OC)
StaidFoal StaidFoal as Vera "Granny Rags" Moray (Dishonored)
Crow Crow as Benjamin Kirby "Ben" Tennyson (Ben 10) and "Doctor" (Arknights)
Smug Smug as Jacket (Hotline Miami/Payday 2)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Pahw'lip Stiwyll (OC)
Stikes Stikes as Izabela Dybas and『KAWAII RAZOR BLADES』(JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC)
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Danielle Fenton (Danny Phantom) and Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Venom Snake Venom Snake as Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
ManyFaces ManyFaces as The Son and The Henchman (Hotline Miami 2)
jigglesworth jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
Space Buddha Space Buddha as Heather Sagewind (OC)
Hundesteak :3 Hundesteak :3 as Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
FoolsErin FoolsErin as Garnet (Steven Universe)
"No! He is Chomusuke II!" Megumin barked back. "And I'm sure Chomusuke III...I mean, Fluffington...no point in continuing to call her that if she has another owner...Anyway, I'm sure she didn't mean to ruin everything!"

Seeing Dumbell's anger growing, Lucky licked his lips. "Want me to put her down? Okay!" He flung her against the door as hard as he could, then rubbed his arms. "Phwoo! This is such a workout...But do you see what emotionally manipulatin' somebody nets you, Lana, especially with a legendary kirin on standby?" He pawed at the ground, prepping for his own headbutt in her back.

Dumbell, unfortunately for him, proved more clever. The strange floating creature created a small indoor earthquake, which had the rabbit sliding onto his belly as though something had fallen on top of him. He needed to pull himself along.

"Why are you even helping this fox?" He grunted, baring his teeth. "I know her game, you never forget the games you lose. She charms you, and hypnotizes you into melting like a fine chocolate. Before you know it, all you can think about is what she wants! You've forgotten how to be strong, because you're worried about what she would think!"


The rabbit turned his head to see Megumin. The archwizard had started to follow Dani's orders, honest. Then she heard Lana's cries, and Lucky's shouts. "Chomusuke, your magic has gotten so far out of hand..." Her eyes misted significantly.

"Has not! This, lassie, is me retribution." Lucky turned away from her, only to discover that Dani had slipped into the scene while he was distracted. The choice was let them weaken him, or leave. Well, he didn't want to board Sanctuary in the first place, did he? "Heh! Guess I'm out of here, then!" Though he hated to admit defeat, he had to escape Sanctuary!

....And then the ship decided to take off at the worst possible time.

"Damn you, Abraham! I told you not to cast off until I finished!" The rabbit shrieked, still trying to gallop to the exit before they broke atmosphere.

With precious seconds to escape this madhouse, would he make it?

Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
The answer to Lucky's question is...

Eric sticks his paw out.


Out of his paw comes a bolt of lightning aimed right for Lucky. It would tingle, but not cause any damage... though it would paralyze his muscles like a taser.

P PopcornPie

It just wouldn’t end... after being twirled around like a baton, I was slammed into the door at full force. I heard a cracking noise as I made impact and felt a pain sharper than any other. I really hope nothing broke... after that, the beatings were finally over. Lucky just rambled on. I didn’t understand most of it, but I could tell that I must have done something. This was all my fault... I don’t know what I did wrong... I tried with all my strength to open my mouth and say sorry, but only wheezes came out. I didn’t even notice Eric when he showed up. I just leaned against the door bleeding heavily and gasping for air slightly.

P PopcornPie CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

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