• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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There were three options: either Heather was a very light sleeper, she wasn't asleep at all, or Megumin was a more effective alarm clock than she imagined. Either way, she greeted Heather with a kindly smile. "Hello! You were causing a little disturbance with your magic, and-WAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Because she evidently didn't think this through, Megumin had her face banged against the mattress and held there, while she wriggled like a fish. "If you wish for 'no touchy', then why am I being touched?" She whined through a face full of soft fabric, springs, and mattress filling.

Space Buddha Space Buddha

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    --"DON'T... BE... A... BABY... YOU... PEOPLE... DON'T... BREAK... AS... EASILY... AS... THOSE... WHO... BIRTHED... ME... INTO... THIS... PITIFUL... FORM.... AND... THIS... IS... JUST... GENTLE... TOUCHY... NOT... DEATH... TOUCHY... BUT... I... CAN... DO... BOTH..."--

    Heather release the telekinetic hold on Megumin, but continue to stroke her hair and smile like some kind of stalker.

Restaurant Group

After Benedict gets thrown out, the tense atmosphere dissipates and everyone sits back down with a sigh of relief. Apparently, they're just as tired of fighting as you guys are.

"Pecha?" Tonio asks curiously. "I have never heard of such a thing! Tell me, what is it?"

"It's a berry native to where we come from. It's incredibly sweet."

"Oh! You must bring me a few if you are able to! I would love to learn more exotic dishes! Now, will that be all for your order?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

Tonio nods and goes back inside the kitchen.

"Are you... allergic to Pecha?" Eric asks Natasha.

Meanwhile, back at the other table, Grey waves to Scott.


"See you later!" He then turns to Fluffington. "Hey. I don't think she likes being called old... at all. You should probably stop saying that before you end up like those Bandits."

Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Martydi Martydi DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Bar Group

Jax Bar Outfit Crop.png

Jax looks at Voss uncertainly. "Hey, there's no shame in pulling out now. If you can't take it, don't do it. How about we do one more round and then we'll end it?"

Regardless of Voss' answer, Jax then gets out the next drink, which is is something the captain might prefer over the others.

"Third and last round. Rum."

Jax pours the final shots out and then puts the bottle away. The creature then looks at Abbott. "Sounds like a rough past. Are you liking Pandora more?" He frowns. "It's a little too rough out there for me. I prefer staying here on board Sanctuary."

Jax finally turns to Venus, smirking a little at her question.

"Do I? Maybe sometimes a wish or two could come true. Why do you ask?" The glint in his eye would be a sure sign he's picking up a sense of mischief from her. His sixth sense had become rather refined after working at the club he used to hold a job at before all this multiversal nonsense had happened. Regardless, he watches curiously as he spots the gin change to whiskey. Some people aboard the ship had weird powers like that, but just what was 'Venus' using it for?

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Yamperzzz Yamperzzz QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore jigglesworth jigglesworth Ineptitude Ineptitude thefinalgirl thefinalgirl

"Oh, uh- me and this computer AI I found were just talking. Right, we, uh, don't really know each other. I'm Private Rev, and I was the one who found him," he motions towards the computer.

"Private Rev saved me from being lost within a waste pile. It is thanks to him that I am aboard Sanctuary."

"How about you introduce yourself, Exidy?"

"I am known by my former captors as SCP-079. Private Rev gave me a new designation, Exidy, approximately 15 seconds ago."

"The Crimson Raiders were curious about him, so we brought him on board. Thought he could be a great companion to BALEX one day."

"As of this moment, I lack the clearance to be able to pilot Sanctuary. Higher ranking officials require that I must prove I am non-malevolent."

BoltBeam BoltBeam

Skull's Settlement

Abraham hops into the driver's seat of the special 'Transport Outrunner' and turns it on. Unfortunately, this model does not have weapons installed on it, so he would have to rely on his own, along with Lucky and David's help. Then again, they're more than enough.

"Alright. Just a few minutes before you guys arrived, I saw a streak in the sky head the way Marcus took the others. That's where Sanctuary is now. You two ready?"

Regardless of your answers, the former Raider puts the Outrunner in drive and floors it right out of the town.


A few hours later, you arrive just outside the Crimson Raider base.

"Halt!" one of the guards orders, coming up to the side window with his hand held up. "State your name, purpose for being here-"

As he sees Abraham in the driver's seat, he stops. He then glances at you.


"In the flesh, bud."

"I THOUGHT YOU DISAPPEARED AFTER BLOODY MONDAY! HAHAAAA!" The two shake hands and bump shoulders.

"Yeah, I was planning on never coming back, but... well, the recent happenings at Skull's Settlement changed my mind. These guys were with the main group," he says, motioning towards you.

"Yeah, we got a description of them from Moze! Here, I'll let you through. Nice to see you again, Abe. And it's nice to meet our heroes," he nods to Lucky and David before the gate opens and Abraham drives through, taking you right to the hangar and parking in front of it.

"Here we are."

Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 P PopcornPie
Turns out Benedict was alright. "Well that's good, I don't really know why they threw you out but-" Before she could finish her sentence he threw a flare into the restaurant. "Okay maybe I do kind of know why." Lilith enters back into the restaurant and was pretty thankful that everyone was done fighting, she sits back in her seat and glances at everyone a bit. "Jeez you guys really should've saved all that fighting for the bandits."

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch (Benedict)
Fluffington the Mighty tilts her head, her face scrunching up in confusion. "Like those bandits?..." Then, as if someone flipped a switch, her eyes light up. "You mean we can battle!" A wide grin streches across the Eevee's face. "Yeah! Lets do it! Battle battle battle!" She is making an effort to keep from disturbing the peace of the area, but she is so excited she is shaking.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
restaurant group

As the flare comes in, a large bubble comes in from the side and contains it before gently moving it back outside.

"Thanks, Hunter."

"'s no big deal," a Swampert casually replies.

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There Benedict and Josh were, alone together in a foreign land, despised by the locals....just like the Iran incident. Josh stood there silently as Benedict pulled out his flute
Hm......what power do you wield?....intriguing.
Benedict needed answers, but how would he get them? Benedict pulled out his walkie talkie
Agent....any sign of the girl?
Ah...he is very good at standing down.
No...you’re awful.
Benedict would say to Josh before looking around
Where’s Michigan?...ah....too bad for him....Josh, we’ll make proper wanted posters after we find madam Elizabeth.
Benedict would then turn on his megaphone as loud as it could possibly be as he began to walk around outside the restaurant
His voice would echo throughout the area as he searched...he saw the bubble float the flare back outside....but he would not care as he had a new mission now
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
@ anyone else​
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Restaurant Group


"Ya' mean the fighting we did save up for the Bandits?" Grey asks Lilith as she returns. "At least he's gone for now. I hope we don't have to work with him again anytime soon..." The fox then turns to Fluffington. "Why don't we calm down, Fluff? Let's just eat."

Then, Grey hears the ear-grating sound of a megaphone and a very unwelcome voice coming through it.



Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Sanctuary Interior

Outside, there are a LOT of Crimson Raiders who end up holding their ears because of Benedict's antics.

"Agh, it's that little asshole again!"

One of the Crimson Raiders takes out their weapon and shoots Benedict's megaphone instantly.

"Shut the fuck up before we throw you out!" he says angrily.

Ah... just like the Iran incident indeed

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Space Buddha Space Buddha TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Crow Crow Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch The The rest of C.A.R.E.S. (who probably heard that)​

  • The Espeon shakes her head at Fluffington. "Not right now. I want some proper sleep before we do any more fighting."

    "Not again..." She groans and covers her ears as Benedict's voice starts ringing out from his megaphone. That was loud enough that probably everyone in Elizabeth's room could hear it... Actually, on second thought...you might want to lock your door. Or maybe you could ask that Trevor guy to do something about him?
"Fret not, Grey, I will deal with the disobedient man in the top hat," the Doctor says as he completes his meal, "Thank you for the meal, Chef Tonio. May we meet again for another glorious meal."

"It seems that you have handled the situation before I have," the Doctor said to some of the Crimson Raiders, "he has many tricks up his sleeve, so I will take it from here.

And take it I will."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    --"DON'T... BE... A... BABY... YOU... PEOPLE... DON'T... BREAK... AS... EASILY... AS... THOSE... WHO... BIRTHED... ME... INTO... THIS... PITIFUL... FORM.... AND... THIS... IS... JUST... GENTLE... TOUCHY... NOT... DEATH... TOUCHY... BUT... I... CAN... DO... BOTH..."--

    Heather release the telekinetic hold on Megumin, but continue to stroke her hair and smile like some kind of stalker.

"So you're f-fragile?" Megumin stammered, trying to stay as still as a statue for the sake of her own life. It was out of paranoia that she didn't speak up about her being called a baby. "Wait...what are you, if not a wizard? Are you..." With her eyes wide, she gently nudged Heather's hands away, then scooted backwards. "...A-are you a demon?"

Space Buddha Space Buddha

Skull's Settlement

Abraham hops into the driver's seat of the special 'Transport Outrunner' and turns it on. Unfortunately, this model does not have weapons installed on it, so he would have to rely on his own, along with Lucky and David's help. Then again, they're more than enough.

"Alright. Just a few minutes before you guys arrived, I saw a streak in the sky head the way Marcus took the others. That's where Sanctuary is now. You two ready?"

Regardless of your answers, the former Raider puts the Outrunner in drive and floors it right out of the town.


A few hours later, you arrive just outside the Crimson Raider base.

"Halt!" one of the guards orders, coming up to the side window with his hand held up. "State your name, purpose for being here-"

As he sees Abraham in the driver's seat, he stops. He then glances at you.


"In the flesh, bud."

"I THOUGHT YOU DISAPPEARED AFTER BLOODY MONDAY! HAHAAAA!" The two shake hands and bump shoulders.

"Yeah, I was planning on never coming back, but... well, the recent happenings at Skull's Settlement changed my mind. These guys were with the main group," he says, motioning towards you.

"Yeah, we got a description of them from Moze! Here, I'll let you through. Nice to see you again, Abe. And it's nice to meet our heroes," he nods to Lucky and David before the gate opens and Abraham drives through, taking you right to the hangar and parking in front of it.

"Here we are."
With any attempts at jumping failing miserably, Lucky had to instead heave himself into the passenger's seat. "Shit, we're really going to go with the others?" He snorted, his ears drooping. "Those good-and-gallant fuckballs will just try to deprive me of me power again." He felt his jade's grip tightening on his heart just thinking of Sora. That bastard just wanted him weak, harmless, and controllable again.

While they moved, Lucky practiced with his new paws, tightening and loosening his grip on the side, standing up periodically, even dancing a little jig. When they finally rolled up to the base, Lucky was in the middle of a ballerina twirl, which he quickly hid by sitting and covering his paws with his body.

He let Abraham do most of the talking, up until he and David were mentioned to be with the main group. "Formerly with the main group. In me case, anyway." Lucky corrected. "You see, there are fuckers in there who don't appreciate real power." He wiggled chest, making the jade catch sunlight and throw it back.

When they finally made their way inside the hangar, and laid eyes upon Sanctuary III, nausea bubbled in Lucky's stomach. "Are you really not willin' to let the rabbit just...stay downstairs? I know I don't know jack shit about mechanicisms, the closest thing I've ever had was this beat up rust bucket that I couldn't even start due to me condition, but I would much rather assist in an oil change than be trapped on that thing with...certain individuals." Unfortunately, he could tell quite plainly that he wouldn't have a choice. Hopefully, Sanctuary III was big enough that he could avoid those individuals until it ran out of gas and crashed into a sun or something.

First, he would see if Sora was on the welcoming committee. Instead of his voice, however, Lucky's ears picked up on the sound of...well, Benedict being Benedict. "Sounds like Benedict fucked up with the authorities in there. I swear to bald baby Jesus, who keeps bringing at guy to these things?" Lucky growled, facepawing. "I've seen what he can do. He's gonna cause you guys to end up buildin' a Sanctuary VI, calling it now...Why is this the third Sanctuary, anyway? Before I let meself be sealed in a spaceship like one of Russia's mutts, I should probably find out if there's a history of your space explorations goin' south."

Despite his wariness, Lucky still wanted to hop up and look at the chaos. Yep, there was Benedict, still shouting with that stupid megaphone. Looks like he'd pissed off the whole hive with his uppity dumbassery.

"If I have to be locked up in that hunk, can we at least do something about Benedict?" He asked wearily as he slide-crawled back to Abraham. "Spoiler alert: There are enough people makin' me want to have meself a merry little massacre, but I can at least warn the others that I want them to shut the fuck up. Benedict, though? That Laddie wouldn't stop bein' a fuckin' obnoxious chimpanzee if you amputated his mouth and limbs, then threw him into a slurry pit. Not that I wouldn't like to try it on him..."
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
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I was happy to see that Elizabeth was doing alright and even agreed to join for movie night I made sure to show her where it would be before walking away to find something to do once again. My stomach began to growl a bit. I remember seeing a place to eat earlier so I decided to go over there. I peeked in and saw Natasha and Eric inside sitting with each other... my stomach just growled a bit louder, but I began to slowly back away from the restaurant.

“I’ll just eat something later...”
I began to wander around a bit longer, but I eventually just went back to my room since I knew Eric and Natasha were no longer in there. I soon came across another problem. The door was locked and I didn’t have a key.
“Are you kidding me..? Ugh...”
There was nothing else for me to do, so I just sat down on the floor in front of the door as I waited for someone to come by with a key or at least someway to open the door.
“Well... at least today can’t get much worse... right...? Aaaaand I’m talking to myself again...”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Ryuji Kazan

All of a sudden, objects in the room started floating. "You know... we're not even in space yet, and things are floating. Whoever's making things float... please don't." Ryuji said rather plainly. He listened to Elizabeth's response to Ben's question, and nodded softly. "I see... so someone did try to save you. Did you know this 'Booker' well?" When the pajama party was brought up again, Ryuji thought for a bit, then said, "That pajama party of yours... I suppose I might want to come with, after all. Might help build friendships, something I... kind of need in this universe."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
(Open for Interactions)
Scott Baker

Scott hadn't even managed to get far from the restaurant before something happened again. Benedict started yelling into a megaphone, only to be silenced by a gunshot from a Crimson Raider. A little less permanently than Scott hoped at first, but still. It was however doubtful that this incident taught him more than anything that happened previously. "Good shot." Scott congratulated the soldier who silenced Benedict "Next time try aiming a bit closer to the head." Despite the hyperbole in this statement, the auraxian was visibly tired of Benedict's antics. Antagonising someone so much within such a short timespan was a significant achievement. "Need any help with that?" Scott simply asked when Doctor declared his intention to take further action.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow - bane of megaphones ; Crow Crow - Doctor

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    --"MY... GOD... I... WISH..."--

    Heather wouldn't seem to care as Megumin inched away, instead consumed with the fantasy of becoming a demon.

    --"I... WOULD... MAKE... THE... COOLEST... DEMON... EVER... BUT... STUPID... GENETICS... I'M... JUST... SOME... TINY... WEAK... LITTLE... NYMPH... THING... INSTEAD... OF... SOMETHING... THAT... AWESOME... AND... CRAP... NOW... I... AM... SAD... SANTA... CHEER... ME... UP... PLEASE... I... WANT... TO... SIT... IN... THE... LAP... OF... CARNAGE... ITSELF..."--

    Heather would start crawling over toward Trevor, as if to hug him. This could not end well.

Finally making his mind up and heading into the bar, Deadpool noted that there was apparently a drinking contest happening between a cast of colorful characters. A living Build-a-Bear with a triangular face, Ryu from Street Fighter but in the army, a stereotypical My Chemical Romance fangirl, and Painty the Pirate were just a few of the participants, each downing shots of rum. Putting his incredible artwork to the side on a table, Deadpool went over to the bar to join in on the fun. "Oh boy, a drinking contest! Hey, Curt Connors recolor, gimme some of that stuff there!" Grabbing a shot glass and the bottle of vodka that was used earlier, Deadpool started to go ham with his pouring and drinking, guzzling it all like crazy, looking just like this:

Knowing that his powers prevented him from ever getting drunk, DP entered the contest knowing that he could win easily because of this simple fact. However, his powers didn't prevent him from having another issue with his body. Slamming the glass on the table after finishing the entire bottle, Wade yelled out, "BOOM! THAT'S HOW YOU WIN A DRINKING CONTEST, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" Five seconds afterwards, Deadpool immediately felt something wrong, and quickly placed his hands near his lower stomach and crotch areas. "...actually, I think I'm gonna back out of this whole thing. Gotta make things fair, because... WHERE IS THE FUCKING BATHROOM IN THIS PLACE?!" He then started to dance like crazy, and looked around hurriedly, trying to see if there was a Men's Room nearby. "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! I HAVE TO STOP DOING THIS AT BARS!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Yamperzzz Yamperzzz jigglesworth jigglesworth Venom Snake Venom Snake and everyone else in the bar.
With everyone rejecting the Idea of a post meal workout, Fluffington the Mighty's mood quickly dies a horrible, painful death. Her gaze lowers amd her ears droop sadly. It seems nobody wants to join her in building camaraderie, nor do they even appreciate her efforts. "Oh... ok...." the Eevee flops her tail on the table, several golden coins falling out of it.
Fluffington the Mighty used Payday!
The heartbroken ball of fluff quicky excuses herself and flees into the bowels of the ship.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Restaurant Group

"Ahh, grazie!" Tonio bows to Doctor.

Tonio Bow.png

"Come again soon~!"

Grey glances around him. "Everyone's leaving already?" He then watches as Fluffington races off. "Hey, Fluff, wait!"

After a short trip to the kitchen, Tonio comes back over to Natasha and Eric with their dishes. The Fire-type had noticed Lana peek in, and had looked back at her worriedly, but figured it was better to save talking to her for later.

"He's got a lot of problems..." Eric sighs and frowns at Natasha. "Sorry, I was just wondering why you were so concerned about Pecha Berries in your drink. Don't worry about that, by the way; it's just milk, ice cream, and chocolate flavoring." He then glances over at the Swampert. "Huh... I guess we're not alone."

The Typhlosion thanks Tonio for the food and tastes the japchae he ordered, and immediately his eyes light up.

"This is... amazing!"

Crow Crow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Bar Group

"'Curt Connors recolor?' That's new," Jax coolly replies only to watch as the vodka bottle is stolen away from him. For the first time in the five minutes you've gotten to know him, Jax looks kinda... disappointed, but not upset. Maybe he's had to deal with this before. He watches as Deadpool keeps drinking until the whole bottle's finished, only to promptly complain about stomach problems and the presence of a restroom. Jax points to the corner, where two labeled restrooms are.

"Over there. You owe Mox $40 for that whole vodka bottle, by the way."

92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower

Sanctuary Interior

The Crimson Raider spins the revolver he used to deprive Benedict of his soccer mom tool and holsters it smoothly. "Hey, thanks. Will do, and I'll be sure to triple tap. Little shit's been giving us problems with that megaphone of his ever since he turned up. I'm glad the rest of you seem cooler than he is. Catch you later, if that guy doesn't somehow get us all killed."

Him and his friend walk off, with the other one whispering, "Dude, you just got complimented by one of the Skull's Settlement guys! Scott freakin' Baker!"

"I know. Jealous?"

"Okay, now you're just being an asshole."

Martydi Martydi Crow Crow


"Weirdly enough, things stopped crashing once we moved to space exploration," Abraham shrugs. "Anyway- I remember that scene on the bus, and, look, I was having my doubts about bringing you back here. But something tells me, by the end of this... you're gonna need 'em at your back. Bandits may not be smart, but they've got numbers. I've seen what those guys can do. Without someone like David with you, or any of the guys you don't like... well, you might not be alive for long."

He gazes down at Lucky, and even though his expression is hidden behind his mask, his voice is pained.

"Trust me on this."

He then looks towards Sanctuary III.

"Oh, that top hat wearing guy? I mean, he doesn't seem all that different from other dumbasses on this planet. Taking a Bandit in as a pet is... weird as hell, but people here've done worse. Besides, it's not like he's mentally torturing anyone or some shit, right?"

P PopcornPie
Dani would stop be occupied not looking at anything, hearing people chitter about this and thing, eyes still closed. “Uhhh, hears I heard Moxxi’s gone that’s good, I still didn’t get my water. Hey, Jax right? Can I please get my- AHHHHHHHHHHH!” Dani flew out of the bar screaming her heart out at the sight of Jax wearing nothing but what looked like underwear. She continued to fly somewhere until she saw Lucky outside the restaurant. “*Gasp!*”

She turns invisible before Lucky or anyone can see her, she looks for the others to inform Lucky’s back but see the others with a crying Elizabeth, a annoying Trevor, and a ticked off Heather. “I hate to interrupt what they’re doing, or have no idea why Elizabeth’s crying, but Lucky may try to hurt someone again. I have to warn them.”

After warning Trevor to be polite, and who knows how long of comforting Elizabeth, Benedict is kicked out of the restaurant and speaks into a microphone before having it get shot down. But that’s the least of her worries, as there’s now a floating bed, Trevor, and now Ryuji, but at least he’ll be able to help.

“*Sigh* At least the fancy guy’s gone. But what do we do with her? Hey Ryuji, maybe you can help out here?” “I’ll do you one better!” Dani revealed herself to the group about to tell them the bad news.

“Dani!?” “Yeah, it’s me. Look, I’m sorry for breaking the moment, but they bunny we saw earlier is outside and I don’t know what he may do.” “Lucky! You mean he’s here?” “Yeah, I don’t know how he got on the ship, but we got him on the run. Just make sure one of you finds that dog thing so she doesn’t get in the way. Sora, you may have to do it since you got the ice powers.” “got it!”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @C.A.R.E_squad thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher quadraxis201 quadraxis201 LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
As Benedicts megaphone was shot out of his hands, he would stand there in frustration....just....like...the Iran incident.
Ah.....mmmmmmm....ah ah ah me....killing everyone right now wouldn’t be profitable.
Benedict would reassure himself as he thought of another way to find Elizabeth....oh dear. Now the Doctor and Scott Baker were looking at him funny. Benedict would carry his usual smile
Good evening gentlemen....ah, Doctor....how was your meal.
Crow Crow
Martydi Martydi
While the whole thing with the two girls happened, she wasn't sure what to do but to talk to the others. Ryuji asked her if she knew Booker well, and to be honest? She only knew him a bit from the short while they were traveling Colombia together.

K-Kind of... H-He's the reason I-I'm out of the tower... I wouldn't b-be here if he didn't g-get me out... We were s-suppose to make a d-decision... to go to N-New York where he would g-give me over to s-some people... or take me to P-Paris, a place where I've a-always wanted to go... B-But then, S-Song-"

And then... she went quiet and froze up even more when she heard shouting.

It was the rich man in the top hat, yelling into a megaphone for her. What did he want? To play that song again? To torture her with it and remind her of her jailor, Songbird?

N-No... N-Not again..." When she heard Julia's two ideas, she decided to combine them. By Trevor, did she mean the man that currently sat on her bed? It had to have been his name, no one else there in the room that she knew the names of was named Trevor. She didn't like the idea of asking him for help, but it was the only idea.

Elizabeth looked at Trevor with her eyes
U-Um, excuse me, s-sir... could y-you go t-take care of... t-the man y-yelling my name...? A-And lock the door o-on your way o-out...? So he w-w-won't come in... p-please...?" Her eyes shifted towards everyone else in the room with a look in her eyes, that was full of desperation to help her.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , everyone else in Elizabeth's room

Skye gave Voss a smile, seeing through his act. Only reason why she could see through the act was cause she herself did it a long time ago and she saw a few others do it as well, so the act wasn't fooling her. "You sure about that? I ain't losing this contest."

She looked at Jax, hearing that it was the final round. "
Awww, only three? Well, we can't all be having really bad hangovers later when it's time to do work." Grabbing the glass of rum, she downed it quickly. Like with the first drink, it didn't actually affect her. "So, judging by how everyone's doing, who's the winner? Also, an 'Adios Motherfucker', please?"

Suddenly, someone comes in and it was the guy that asked her and Rocket if they had tacos earlier on the bus. He seemed to want to join in on the contest judging by what he yelled out when he came into the bar. And then...

He started drinking the whole bottle of vodka.

Really, she was surprised and impressed. Maybe this guy would actually be the winner of the contest, winning by a landsli- and he looked like he was about to have an accident. Would this count as a victory if you drank a whole bottle but it didn't agree with you?

After the guy would run off to the bathroom and after seeing Dani fly out, she turned to Jax. "
...so are we gonna count that as a victory?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Yamperzzz Yamperzzz , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower
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In the middle of Dani’s warning, Elizabeth then looks to the rest of the group, wanting to take care of Benedict. “Great, now what do we do?” “Well, we can’t just say no. Listen, long story short, some short thing in a top hat played a song that upset Elizabeth and that’s the reason why she’s crying.” “Oh great, another moron. I saw him talking to someone, I think he has guards around the restaurant.” “Huh?” “Never mind, I’ll take care of them, you worry about making sure this top hot guy’ doesn’t bother Elizabeth. And don’t worry about Lucky, I’m a ghost remember?” “Whew. Thanks Dani, I mean it.” Dani giggles. “No problem. We’ll be back before you know it Elizabeth.”

Once the two left Elizabeth’s room, the two split up with Dani taking care of Benedict’s guards, taking them out one by one, leaving Sora to deal with the creature himself.

“Hi, look, Elizabeth wants you to leave and I don’t want to fight. If you want to tell her you’re sorry, I’ll tell her for you.”

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @C.A.R.E_squad

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