• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Benedicts patience was wearing thin, real thin. He would snap his head towards Megumin with a “Crack!” Before speaking
If you wish for me to assimilate my culture into your witch one...you are just as bad as you believe me to be....now, I was having a discussion about birds, how was I supposed to know she didn’t like songbirds? It’s like me arresting you because you talked about your weird witch things.....besides, what if the world did revolve around me....you don’t know as much as you think you do witch.
Benedict would state calmly before sipping some more wine as Josh served a backup platter of roast beef, to which Benedict would begin to eat
P PopcornPie
"Well it sure as hell beats sleepin' with any of you jerg-offs..." Rocket murmured when Skye complimented his makeshift bed. He would then smile slightly when Price accepted his offer to join them in their room, but otherwise, no words were spoken from Rocket as they were led into the bar... apparently called Moxxi's. Rocket hopped up onto one of the barstools and placed his orders, ignoring much of the conversation going on around him for now. "Scotch. Single-malt. Speyside. No ice." Rocket said clearly, hoping his order would be heard loud and clear.

By the time he'd been served his drink and Skye mentioned gunshots, he merely waved off her concerns while leaning back against the counter. "Bah, there's probably gunshots goin' off here every other hour..." He said, before returning to taking all his shots. Gesturing to Moxxi, Rocket made an up motion with his hand. "Keep 'em comin', toots. Keeeeeep 'em comin'..." Not long after, Skye had proposed a drinking contest of sorts. A brow was lifted at such a proposition, though Rocket was never one to shrink from an honest challenge. Not even when it came to drinking.

Especially not when it came to drinking.

"Count me in!" He laughed as he grabbed a shot glass and took a sharp shot, letting the specially ordered scotch run down his throat before slamming the glass down onto the bar. "Let's get shitfaced, assholes!" He cheered eagerly. Before long, Moxxi had been replaced by some blue asshole who looked a lot lamer than she did, but Rocket didn't really care to comment on it at this point, mainly because he was more eager to get their particular little competition all nice and sparked up. He simply sat there, hunched over the bar, shot glass tightly gripped in his small paw.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow QizPizza QizPizza TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher jigglesworth jigglesworth Yamperzzz Yamperzzz DapperDogman DapperDogman Chungchangching Chungchangching
Maybe... Songbird wasn't really here after all. He would've come by now, but maybe, he was already on his way. Right now, he wasn't here, as the others kept reassuring her. More joined in the hug, making it more like a group hug and she wasn't complaining about that as it was still a hug.

She looked at everyone there who was concerned about her and came to help. "
Th-Thank you, everyone..." Nearl kept wiping her tears away, which she was thankful for her doing that. Noticing someone she had never met before standing in the doorway, she looked at it. It was another creature, like Julia and her friends. "O-Oh, I'm sorry you h-have to see me like this... My n-name is Elizabeth..."

She then looked at Megumin, who asked her these different questions. "
S-S-Songbird... I once considered him a-a friend... He's a mechanical b-bird who p-protected me... But ever since I wasn't able to open tears to go anywhere, I started h-hating him... H-He wouldn't let me leave the tower... I-It wasn't until after I left that I... I was a-afraid of going back to the tower... If he took me back... it would be a fate w-worse than death... Th-That song... It used t-to bring me c-comfort... Now...? I-It scares me..."

Hearing suggestions about what to do next, she looked at Julia and Megumin. "
I-I don't think... h-having another table with him there is a good idea... He may t-try to come and play the song again... I-I'll just stay h-here..." She looked at Julia for the last bit. "P-Please...? Can you...? If you can... th-thank you, Miss Thani..."

P PopcornPie , LilacMonarch LilacMonarch , Riven Riven , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara , rest of C.A.R.E.S.

Seeing the new bartender come over and take over Moxxi's job for now, she looked at Moxxi. "
You got someone new? Well, he does look interesting. Colorful too." She waved bye to Moxxi before looking at those that wanted to participate in, looking at Samael first. "You wish, I'm gonna become $500 richer. Try to keep up, I've won one or two of these." Then, she looked at Voss. "I figured you for a drinking contest professional. And my usual is pretty fun to order, or really say." Finally, she looked at Rocket. "Hell yeah, that's the spirit!"

Skye looked at Jax, holding out a hand for him to shake. "
Name's Skye, I'm one of Moxxi's friends." After he accepted her handshake, she looked at the others once he asked if everyone's ready for the contest. "Uh, we'll wait for some more people. Anyone else wanting to take part in this?" Regardless of there were more people that wanted to join or not, she looked at Jax. "Looks like we're good to go. Start handing out the shots."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Yamperzzz Yamperzzz , QizPizza QizPizza , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , everyone else at the bar
"Arch. Wiz. Ard." Megumin snarled, hiding her fright behind eyes as hot and hard as lava rock. "For your information, in Belzerg, we understand that if it talks, it is on the same level if sentience as us. And not all of us are archwizards. Some are thieves, some are archpriests, others are standard crusaders." Her tone was matter-of-fact, leaning backwards with her eyes closed and her arms folded. "Mayhaps we are not asking you to conform, so much as we wish for you to have some decency! Especially since you have made Elizabeth unwilling to return!"

As for why...should Megumin tell him? It was the most dreadful story of a mechanical-whatever that means-bird imprisoning her in a tower, and apparently being on the run ever since. "There weren't any mechanical birds back in Belzerg. Mayhaps she would like to travel with me. Even if I cannot find my way back to Belzerg, I could at least guide her to the Cape. Either way, she Will be safe from this Songbird character. Besides, I do require someone to guard me while I heal. Unless...?" Her eyes lifted to Julia. "...maybe Julia has some idea of what I can do to mend my brain. She's the one with the telepathy, after all."

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch (mentioned in passing: LilacMonarch LilacMonarch )
Benedict would calmly keep eating letting the wrath show in his eyes and behind his mysterious smile
Elizabeth has failed to return on her own accord, I merely had a chat, and she got scared....I wasn’t given the proper information as to why so how am I guilty....besides, I’m not from your world witch, maybe there you all are fine and dandy prancing with the rabbits and the deer....but back home.....ah, that’s classified, but let’s just say you wouldn’t last five minutes.....w i t c h
Benedict would stare calmly as he took a sip of some more wine, his hand ready to go into his coat and pull out his pistol if the witch made any more reason to annoy the man
P PopcornPie

Soon, a bunch of people came in to cheer the lady up. A bunch of them began to hug her. I would have joined in on the hug but there wasn’t really any room for me to join in. At least the lady introduced herself.

“Um... I-I’m not really sure what was going on or what caused this, but would you maybe want to join me for movie night tonight miss Elizabeth...?”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
While Kirby was sitting with Lilith he looked over and noticed that Elizabeth was getting showered by hugs like it was a competition or something, he didn't really know what was going on or why it was happening but he still felt like joining in because Kirby loves to cheer people up so he joined in on the group hug as well.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Elizabeth)
The Radiant knight simply grins as Kirby has also joined in the group hug, to which in response she backs up, allowing more space for them to hug around. Nearl now begins to follow her instincts, her nose now practically dragging her body to the door as she steps with clicks from her heels. Her tail begins to wag as she continues to smell the inviting scent.

"So what's the plan then, bringing our food here, no Benedict table, waiting till he leaves.."
Nearl has begun tapping her foot in anticipation, not in a rushing kind of matter, but more or less, trying to cover up her groaning stomach.

Trevor and Joe watched as Deadpool entered the room, played a song about dicks, cut off Ribcage's arms, and made a fancy picture with the excess blood. By the time Deadpool exited the room, Ribcage was finally dead, having bled out while succumbing to every other injury that Trevor and Joe had inflicted upon him. Once Deadpool was gone, the dynamic duo stared at the door for a moment, and then looked to each other.

"Ya know..." Trevor began, his voice trailing off as he glanced over to the door, pointing at it with a shaky index finger. "I like that guy..."

"He's certainly a character..." Joe muttered as he wiped the blood off his fists with a wet cloth. The southern draw in his voice was abundantly noticeable. The elderly man took a long glance around the room, jaw open as he licked at the roof of his mouth. Some blood had flown into his mouth. Great. After spitting out the aforementioned blood, Joe shrugged as his eyes gazed upon Ribcage's body. "I'll get this mess here cleaned up... you go relax." Joe's breathing was slightly heavy. Everything that had happened today, what with the clobberings and the beatings and the torture sessions, the old man was quite tired. He'd had enough of big groups for tonight, he reckoned.

"Iiiiif ya say so!" Trevor exclaimed as he turned to leave, raising his arm in a slight wave as he waltzed back through the door and out into the open ship. As the door closed behind him, Trevor simply strolled around the ship silently, until he found the restaurant. He watched from afar, staying silent as he saw a man calling himself "Timmy's Dad" come out with a rat on his head.

"Well, I promise you there's nothing fishy going on here!" Timmy's Dad shouted, laughing soon after. His expression soon turned grim, however, as he continued his thought.


"That is... unless Dinkleberg is somehow involved..."
He muttered, before turning around on a heel, facing a plant. Like a cobra awaiting its next prey, Timmy's Dad proceeded to pounce on the plant, tackling it to the ground in a heap of fury! "I HAVE YOU NOW, YOU REPTILIAN FIEND!!" He shouted. Mister Whiskers was facepalming quietly the entire time. As Mister Turner stood back up, brushing the dirt off his suit, he felt a hand on his shoulder. After hearing Tonio out, the warm smile he'd greet you all with returned. "I see! Well, I suppose I'll be on my way now! It was nice meeting you all!" He exclaimed with a wave as he was ushered back into the kitchen. If any of you were to look up, you would find the rat on his head smiling and waving at all of you as well.

Meanwhile, back with Trevor, the psychopath merely watched from the doorway as all this transpired. Suddenly, the little shit in the top hat began to cause a scene, which ultimately resulted in that Elizabeth girl from the bus getting up and running off, tears in her eyes. Trevor watched as a few others followed her, confused at what the top-hat man had done. "Well... this is interesting..." Trevor mused. Slowly, Trevor left the restaurant and followed the group of dedicated Elizabeth supporters back to her room. He listened outside for a bit, hearing her sniffles and everyone comforting her. And then, just as everything started to go back to normal, and Elizabeth slowly but surely regained her ability to speak and think rationally...


"Hi there!!!" Trevor shouted as he violently swung the door open, strolling in and throwing up his arms in a grandiose fashion. "I'm here for the pajama party!" He exclaimed, throwing himself onto the bed and sitting right next to Elizabeth. "Ya know, I was thinking that we could get our nails done, tell stories about boys we have crushes on, watch some fucked up show about teen pregnancy... OH it's gonna be so fuckin'..." Trevor paused for a moment as he shut his eyes, inhaling deeply through his nose as he clenched his fists so tight that you could see every individual vein pop out on his arms. "FUN!" He finally shouted, releasing all the tension in a mere instance with that final word.

Yeah, you probably wouldn't be getting rid of him for a bit.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Riven Riven Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch P PopcornPie Martydi Martydi


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Nearl was about to look back as she enjoyed the distant scent of the food, before suddenly being frightened by the arrival of a new character at the door frame suddenly right into her face. The Knight had jumped back a few steps, nearly tripping at this man that has just popped up right in her face.

Trevor and Joe watched as Deadpool entered the room, played a song about dicks, cut off Ribcage's arms, and made a fancy picture with the excess blood. By the time Deadpool exited the room, Ribcage was finally dead, having bled out while succumbing to every other injury that Trevor and Joe had inflicted upon him. Once Deadpool was gone, the dynamic duo stared at the door for a moment, and then looked to each other.

"Ya know..." Trevor began, his voice trailing off as he glanced over to the door, pointing at it with a shaky index finger. "I like that guy..."

"He's certainly a character..." Joe muttered as he wiped the blood off his fists with a wet cloth. The southern draw in his voice was abundantly noticeable. The elderly man took a long glance around the room, jaw open as he licked at the roof of his mouth. Some blood had flown into his mouth. Great. After spitting out the aforementioned blood, Joe shrugged as his eyes gazed upon Ribcage's body. "I'll get this mess here cleaned up... you go relax." Joe's breathing was slightly heavy. Everything that had happened today, what with the clobberings and the beatings and the torture sessions, the old man was quite tired. He'd had enough of big groups for tonight, he reckoned.

"Iiiiif ya say so!" Trevor exclaimed as he turned to leave, raising his arm in a slight wave as he waltzed back through the door and out into the open ship. As the door closed behind him, Trevor simply strolled around the ship silently, until he found the restaurant. He watched from afar, staying silent as he saw a man calling himself "Timmy's Dad" come out with a rat on his head.

"Well, I promise you there's nothing fishy going on here!" Timmy's Dad shouted, laughing soon after. His expression soon turned grim, however, as he continued his thought.


"That is... unless Dinkleberg is somehow involved..."
He muttered, before turning around on a heel, facing a plant. Like a cobra awaiting its next prey, Timmy's Dad proceeded to pounce on the plant, tackling it to the ground in a heap of fury! "I HAVE YOU NOW, YOU REPTILIAN FIEND!!" He shouted. Mister Whiskers was facepalming quietly the entire time. As Mister Turner stood back up, brushing the dirt off his suit, he felt a hand on his shoulder. After hearing Tonio out, the warm smile he'd greet you all with returned. "I see! Well, I suppose I'll be on my way now! It was nice meeting you all!" He exclaimed with a wave as he was ushered back into the kitchen. If any of you were to look up, you would find the rat on his head smiling and waving at all of you as well.

Meanwhile, back with Trevor, the psychopath merely watched from the doorway as all this transpired. Suddenly, the little shit in the top hat began to cause a scene, which ultimately resulted in that Elizabeth girl from the bus getting up and running off, tears in her eyes. Trevor watched as a few others followed her, confused at what the top-hat man had done. "Well... this is interesting..." Trevor mused. Slowly, Trevor left the restaurant and followed the group of dedicated Elizabeth supporters back to her room. He listened outside for a bit, hearing her sniffles and everyone comforting her. And then, just as everything started to go back to normal, and Elizabeth slowly but surely regained her ability to speak and think rationally...


"Hi there!!!" Trevor shouted as he violently swung the door open, strolling in and throwing up his arms in a grandiose fashion. "I'm here for the pajama party!" He exclaimed, throwing himself onto the bed and sitting right next to Elizabeth. "Ya know, I was thinking that we could get our nails done, tell stories about boys we have crushes on, watch some fucked up show about teen pregnancy... OH it's gonna be so fuckin'..." Trevor paused for a moment as he shut his eyes, inhaling deeply through his nose as he clenched his fists so tight that you could see every individual vein pop out on his arms. "FUN!" He finally shouted, releasing all the tension in a mere instance with that final word.

Yeah, you probably wouldn't be getting rid of him for a bit.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Riven Riven Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch P PopcornPie Martydi Martydi

This man, this, Trevor, was.. seemingly unstable. She kept her head and a gaze on the new character as he came into the room, bellowing on. The amount of eye twitching on Nearl, followed by the ear flicking and for once, a completely flattened tail, was certainly a new batch of events for the Kuranta.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
"That is... unless Dinkleberg is somehow involved..." He muttered, before turning around on a heel, facing a plant. Like a cobra awaiting its next prey, Timmy's Dad proceeded to pounce on the plant, tackling it to the ground in a heap of fury! "I HAVE YOU NOW, YOU REPTILIAN FIEND!!" He shouted. Mister Whiskers was facepalming quietly the entire time. As Mister Turner stood back up, brushing the dirt off his suit, he felt a hand on his shoulder. After hearing Tonio out, the warm smile he'd greet you all with returned. "I see! Well, I suppose I'll be on my way now! It was nice meeting you all!" He exclaimed with a wave as he was ushered back into the kitchen. If any of you were to look up, you would find the rat on his head smiling and waving at all of you as well.

Meanwhile, back with Trevor, the psychopath merely watched from the doorway as all this transpired. Suddenly, the little shit in the top hat began to cause a scene, which ultimately resulted in that Elizabeth girl from the bus getting up and running off, tears in her eyes. Trevor watched as a few others followed her, confused at what the top-hat man had done. "Well... this is interesting..." Trevor mused. Slowly, Trevor left the restaurant and followed the group of dedicated Elizabeth supporters back to her room. He listened outside for a bit, hearing her sniffles and everyone comforting her. And then, just as everything started to go back to normal, and Elizabeth slowly but surely regained her ability to speak and think rationally...


"Hi there!!!" Trevor shouted as he violently swung the door open, strolling in and throwing up his arms in a grandiose fashion. "I'm here for the pajama party!" He exclaimed, throwing himself onto the bed and sitting right next to Elizabeth. "Ya know, I was thinking that we could get our nails done, tell stories about boys we have crushes on, watch some fucked up show about teen pregnancy... OH it's gonna be so fuckin'..." Trevor paused for a moment as he shut his eyes, inhaling deeply through his nose as he clenched his fists so tight that you could see every individual vein pop out on his arms. "FUN!" He finally shouted, releasing all the tension in a mere instance with that final word.

Yeah, you probably wouldn't be getting rid of him for a bit.
Well, Mr. Timmy's Dad certainly was a character. The way the mere mention of this Dinklberg character made Mr. Timmy's Dad turn murderous, coupled with the fact that the latter had outright admitted to have been stalking the former before being "hired" here, made a thick wad of fear form in Megumin's throat. "Do you all believe that we should be looking out for 'Dinkleberg'?" She whispered, with a swallow. "I mean...Mayhaps Mr. Timmy's Dad is from the post-Dinkleberg apocalypse..." Fortunately, all she needed to do was remember that Julia could sense if Dinkleberg was aboard Sanctuary, and she was able to calm herself.

Heheh, yes, that Mr. Timmy's Dad was a character. But he was the charming, friendly kind of weird.

Unfortunately, in came the closest to a physical embodiment of the revolting, hostile kind of weird Megumin had ever seen.

"Oh! Hi...Um...I think I recognize your voice. You're the one who dressed up as 'Santa', correct?" She nodded and smiled at the others nervously. "Welcome to our party...E-eh?" The more of Trevor's plans were revealed, the more of her appetite he took away. And he ended it off by shouting so loudly that Megumin fell out of her hair, and was pretty sure she'd wet herself. "U-u-um...Would anyone want to have a magic duel, or...? I mean, I can still use a little Explosion..."

@Diners @C.A.R.E.S.

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    Feeling a great disturbance in the force, and also her airflow, Heather would roll over, eventually crawling out of bed and beginning to walk in the general direction of familiar psychic emanations. She was, of course, sleepwalking, and had no real sense of how many people she bumped into or how many walls she collided with. She was most likely trying to get to the bar, but she ended up eventually coming into Elizabeth's room shortly behind Trevor, stumbling over and falling onto the bed. No one recognized the strange child, though they could all tell that any object within two feet of her began to slowly float off of the ground.

As few others and Sora were comforting Elizabeth, Trevor came in busting the room ruining the moment, seemingly trying to make things worst on purpose.

“There’s nothing fun about any of that. Look, she’s having a bad time, if you want to stay okay; but try not to say stuff like if you’re gonna stay.”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @C.A.R.E_squad
Fluffington the Mighty waved to Mr. Whiskers as the crazy chef was ushered back into the kitchen. Seeing as the chef hadn't come back out yet, she tries to flag down the waiter, wherever he was. "Mr. Red! Mr. Red!"
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Restaurant Group

Mr. Red opens the case up and looks at the money. "Sick." He then points out the door. "Now get out." The stick figure then looks at Fluffington. "Yo, little guy, what's up?"

Benedict's disturbances are starting to annoy the other customers in the restaurant, too; you can see some people very obviously pull out their weapons and rest them on their laps just in case.


Grey just sighs.

Eric waves back to Megumin as Tonio happily goes off to get Natasha and him their drinks. He then turns back to the Glaceon. "So... I... haven't been there in a few months... how's the guild been doing?" he asks nervously. "How's Syl and your dad been?"

Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Bar Group

Jax Bar Outfit Crop.png

Jax smirks at Skye and the rest of you. Seems like he likes you. You have no idea how great of a change this is from his normal bartending.

"You got it."

What Jax lacks in feminine appeal, he makes up for in flashiness. The new bartender puts on a show for you, flipping bottles and the like, swiftly pouring you each a single shot in one sweep.

"Let's start it off strong. First round, hard whiskey."

At the same time, he gives Abbott a nice, cold glass of Bramble.


"And here's something tame for you. First time, huh? Got dragged along by your friend?" The sea creature motions towards Voss with his head.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Yamperzzz Yamperzzz QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore jigglesworth jigglesworth Ineptitude Ineptitude quadraxis201 quadraxis201 (Anyone I'm forgetting?)


From one of the rooms, Lightning would hear two voices.

"You're gonna need a name," says a man's voice.

"I was not given a name at the date of my creation. I was only given a designation," a monotone, robotic voice replies.

"Hey, what about Exidy? That's what it says on your keyboard."

Maybe you should check that out? Food for thought. Or you could keep wandering the ship.

BoltBeam BoltBeam
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Restaurant Group

Mr. Red opens the case up and looks at the money. "Sick." He then points out the door. "Now get out." The stick figure then looks at Fluffington. "Yo, little guy, what's up?"

Benedict's disturbances are starting to annoy the other customers in the restaurant, too; you can see some people very obviously pull out their weapons and rest them on their laps just in case.

View attachment 710709

Grey just sighs.

Eric waves back to Megumin as Tonio happily goes off to get Natasha and him their drinks. He then turns back to the Glaceon. "So... I... haven't been there in a few months... how's the guild been doing?" he asks nervously. "How's Syl and your dad been?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Bar Group

View attachment 710729

Jax smirks at Skye and the rest of you. Seems like he likes you. You have no idea how great of a change this is from his normal bartending.

"You got it."

What Jax lacks in feminine appeal, he makes up for in flashiness. The new bartender puts on a show for you, flipping bottles and the like, swiftly pouring you each a single shot in one sweep.

"Let's start it off strong. First round, hard whiskey."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Yamperzzz Yamperzzz QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore jigglesworth jigglesworth Ineptitude Ineptitude quadraxis201 quadraxis201 (Anyone I'm forgetting?)


From one of the rooms, Lightning would hear two voices.

"You're gonna need a name," says a man's voice.

"I was not given a name at the date of my creation. I was only given a designation," a monotone, robotic voice replies.

"Hey, what about Exidy? That's what it says on your keyboard."

Maybe you should check that out? Food for thought. Or you could keep wandering the ship.

BoltBeam BoltBeam
Princess Anna

Before Anna could so much as blink, her hand rushes out and grabs the whiskey.

Move aside. You will just dull everything up.

Mr. Red opens the case up and looks at the money. "Sick." He then points out the door. "Now get out."

Benedict's disturbances are starting to annoy the other customers in the restaurant, too; you can see some people very obviously pull out their weapons and rest them on their laps just in case.


Grey just sighs.

Eric waves back to Megumin as Tonio happily goes off to get Natasha and him their drinks. He then turns back to the Glaceon. "So... I... haven't been there in a few months... how's the guild been doing?" he asks nervously. "How's Syl and your dad been?"
Megumin just giggled. Benedict was paying for it, all right! It reminded her, however, that she wasn't the best example of customer etiquette, either. Better make up for that before she was next to be asked to leave. "Oh, by the way, sirs, let me apologize for my rudeness earlier. That was just the grogginess speaking in my place. Plus, I've had experience in being kidnapped across the multiverse, and that last experience...It kind of gave me some trust issues." She waved her staff all around the restaurant. "But I will say, this is divine compared to Blood Gulch! At least here, I can rest assured that I am in my original body...I am, right? You didn't clone me while I was passed out or anything?"

All right, all right, she absolutely had to get her mind out of that gutter. Her ears picked up on Eric's question instead. "You three are part of a guild?" Megumin's eyes lit up. "Is that like a party? Do you go through a lot of dungeons?"
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  • Julia looks at Megumin and shakes her head, spinning the Paw on her...paw. "I'm sure he wanted to, but...well, it's a long story."

    She listens absently to the archwizard lecturing Benedict, then glares at Fluffington when she calls her 'old' again. "Please stop calling me that."

    The Espeon gives Mr. Red a 'thank you' smile for telling Benedict to leave.
Ryuji Kazan

Ryuji's arms fell limply as he breathed a sigh of relief when Elizabeth and Sora assured him that nothing was wrong. "Oh... thank goodness. In that case, I might as well sit down and-"

Or, for that matter, Ryuji wanted to sit down, but then Benedict decided to open his mouth and play a certain (poorly performed) ditty on his flute, the likes of which caused Elizabeth to burst into tears and flee towards her room.

/That little gremlin is a serious trouble magnet. One of these days, If he ever manages to make me upset, a rocket is going firmly up his cornhole. He'd have to really try to do that, though./ He thought.

"I'll... get something to eat later." Ryuji said, turning to Benedict and, though his eyes were hidden thanks to his goggles, he was staring daggers at him. "Your treat." He said to Benedict before following Elizabeth and the entourage of people that were trying to calm her down. He followed her back to the room where she (as well as Ryuji, Sora, Minako, and Nearl) was staying, and upon noticing the group hug, Ryuji hesitated at first, but then decided to join in and hug Elizabeth, too. Just as Elizabeth had one of her nerves struck by Benedict's stupidity, one of Ryuji's nerves had been struck just the same, as if a not-too-distant memory had been called back into existence. "Whatever it is that's troubling you, know that we're here."

Then, a certain foulmouthed Canadian had barged his way in. "There's this great thing they've invented called 'knocking', you know. I suppose Ribcage has had enough, then?" Ryuji said to Trevor, mild annoyance in his voice as he remained in the hug.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
Just as she was about to be calmed down enough for her speech to go back to normal, getting a hug from a round, pink creature as well as Ryuji...

He came through the door, violently swinging it open, making her freeze up once again.

Elizabeth just couldn't catch a break this morning, could she? First, the rich man in the top hat decided to play her a certain song that caused a panic attack in her, and brought up songbird's. Because of this, she started blaming herself on the inside for the reason the people that stayed here with her weren't getting to eat their well-earned meals. And now? The creepy man from the bus came in, sitting next to her and talking about things they can do at the pajama party.

I-I... I don't really h-have any boys that I... have a-a crush on..."

She felt something else land on the bed and looked to see a child. The girl was usually with the Siren, so... why was she here? Was she sleepwalking or lost in a daydream? There wasn't a greeting from her or anything, so it had to have been one of the two? It was then that objects within two feet around them started floating, which surprised her. This wasn't Elizabeth's doing, so was it the little girl?

Of course, she was unable to move to lightly shake the girl as Trevor was still there and she was still sitting there on the bed, frozen just by from his presence alone Just trying to talk to her wouldn't be enough to get through to her.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Space Buddha Space Buddha , ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials , quadraxis201 quadraxis201

Skye looked back hearing two others enter the bar. One looked like he was in the military, and the other... just by her appearance, she knew that the girl that just stepped in was a princess. A bloodied princess, but a princess nonetheless.

Of course you two can come in and join us, we were just about to start anyways." She looked at the princess. "Though, try to keep up, princess, but if you want, we could always just give you water." The Siren then turned to Zane, not hearing a response from him. "You joining us, Zane? I wanna see if you could outdrink us all." Her attention turned towards their bartender, seeing his smirk.

Oh, he was enjoying this.

After he sent the drinks their way, she rolled her eyes at the first drink. "
Not holding back, huh?" Grabbing it, she quickly took the shot, downing the entire thing. Surprisingly, her reaction was fine as she stared at Jax. "Alright, what's next?"

Who knows how many drinking contests she participated in at both the bar on Promethea and with the members in the gang? That was known only to her and some part of it, Moxxi.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss , Venom Snake Venom Snake
Nearl remained frozen as the strange man continued to talk on about what was it, crushes..? Nails being done..? Shows of teenage pregnancy..? This man seemed to just get more and more bizarre by the second he was around. Before the Kuranta could say something, yet ANOTHER person had walked in. This one seemed tired, possibly sleep walking with how drowsily she moved to the bed. How, odd. But wait, there was more.

She was... floating? Nearl blinked as she tilted her head to see the situation, it seemed that she floated off of the ground. Was she seeing things? Couldn't be, was she..? The Knight frowned slightly, ears flattened as she scratched at her head, this place just got more and more strange.

The Radiant Knight let out a soft sigh, clearing her head slightly of the whole situation as she turned to the bed, now facing the group that was there and those on the bed. She casually pulls her Warhammer out and sticks it on the ground headfirst, laying her arms against it's base bottom with a simple grin, her fluffy tail wagging slightly side to side.

Seems Miss Elizabeth is very popular by the looks of it.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Space Buddha Space Buddha
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
quadraxis201 quadraxis201

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