• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

My ears twitched as I heard someone come into the room. I slowly sat up and yawned as it woke me up while stretching my arms a bit. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and saw that it was Natasha and Eric. I couldn’t tell what Natasha said under her breath l, but maybe that was for the best.
“Oh, hey you two! Looks like we’re gonna be roomies! I hope you two don’t plan on sleeping tonight! We’re gonna stay up all night watching movies and playing board games an-“
I cut myself off as Natasha lied down next to Eric. I... probably didn’t need to see that right after waking up if at all. I quickly jumped off the bed and attempted to casually walk towards the door.
“W-Well uh... I’m gonna go see if I can find some popcorn for the movies tonight.. H-Hehehe.. I’ll be back later.”
I quickly closed the door as I exited the room. I didn’t have a key so hopefully they’d let me back in once I got back. Of course, I wasn’t actually just going to go get popcorn. I just needed to get out of there. I wandered around the Sanctuary with no real aim as to where I was going.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
--Minako Arisato--
OST: Like A Dream Come True
Status: Good
Money: $8500
Gun 1- The Buttplug
Gun 2 - Nebula
Shield - Mr. Caffeine
Interaction: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @RestaurantGang

"Really?!" Minako said in excitable disbelief, hearing Elizabeth tell her that there is, and sure enough, it exists. As the rat piloted man-mecha walked over to their spot, Minako knew what to order, immediately telling him, "I'll have one--no wait, TWO big bowls of Ramen, please!" She says with a child-like grin. One is for her, of course, and the other is for Kintaros. If he managed to have some left overs, she'll take it.

Minako HAS been dead for a long time, so her hunger must be way off the charts by now. Kintaros began to fully manifest, now taking a seat beside Minako, crossing his arms as he sighed, pondering if he could even eat Ramen
Hearing that everyone agreed with her, she was relieved that no one objected. She really didn't want there to be anymore fighting, as they were safe now. Eventually, they'd have to go and fight some more, her helping in other wags rather than fighting, but for now? It was time to relax.

Her eyes looked towards Nearl, who apologized and she understood her reasons. "
I forgive you, Miss Nearl. I understand wanting to get involved to help your friend." It was like earlier when they were all outside of the bus, when she helped keep a bullet from hitting Sora. She too, was willing to get in a fight if only to protect her friend.

Well not actually get into a fight, but rather help from a distance. It still is a nice sentiment either way.

Someone new entered the restaurant, no doubt having heard the gunshots the wealthy man fired. It was Ryuji, and she smiled again. "
Oh! Ryuji! We're fine now, thank you for being concerned." Elizabeth then looked at Minako and Kintaros. "There's a pajama party that's going to happen at Julia's room later, I was wondering if you two would like to join us for it? I've never been to one, but from what Mister Sora has told me, it sounds like so much fun. Have you ever been to one, Miss Arisato and Mister Kintaros?"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , Riven Riven

Skye heard Voss talk to her, Zane, and Price after walking up to them, and she turned around to look at him. "
Oh, hey Voss. We're doing great." When asked about her drink, she looked at it. "Oh, this little thing? It's my usual, the 'Adios Motherfucker' as it's called. I got it all the time once I found out about it a few years ago when I first started coming to the bar Moxxi opened over on Promethea. Too bad the place was shut down... what a good bar it was."

As it was close to empty, she decided to just down it. After downing said drink, she looked at Moxxi. "
Another one? Please?" She looked back at Voss after ordering another one. "You wanna try it? It's some good shit."

After asking Voss that, her attention went to two things: one was that one of the underage people that came with heard the gunshots as well and went to go look. "
You be careful over there."

The second? A cat and mouse getting absolutely shitfaced. "
I'm not seeing this, am I? Can't be, it usually takes ten or fifteen of these to get me drunk. That cat and mouse is getting absolutely wasted. Eh, as long as they're having fun, it's not hurting anybody."

Skye then looked at the rest of the group, or well the ones that can drink. "
Alright, I think its time we all had some fun. What do you guys say to a drinking competition? Winner gets paid $500 by all the losers or if you don't wanna pay up, the losers have to either tell an embarrassing or funny story or tell a secret. Gotta be one that you would never tell anyone. What do you guys say to that? I'd invite the cat and mouse, but they already have a head start."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , Yamperzzz Yamperzzz , quadraxis201 quadraxis201 , Chungchangching Chungchangching , the legal ones in the bar gang
Nearl continues to happily cuddle and snuggle the eevee with affection, still occasionally giving the top of her head nuzzles with giggles. Opening her eyes, she notices Fluffington struggling to pull from her grasp, reaching for a drink on the table.

"Why didn't you just ask for it you little cottonball?", she asks sweetly with a grin, giving one of her ears another gentle kiss as she grabs the glass and brings it close to Fluffington's mouth.

While everyone cooled down after telling Benedict to behave himself, Ryuji comes in thinking there’s a shooting going on.

“Hey Ryuji. Nothing’s wrong, we were just getting worked up until Elizabeth calmed us down. You can join the dinner party if you like.” Sora then hears himself being called Mister by Elizabeth again. “It’s okay, Elizabeth. You don’t have to call me mister every time. Just Sora is fine.” He said giving a smile to her.

quadraxis201 quadraxis201 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @restaurantgroup
As Benedicts contract was torn, he would stand still, a twinkle in his eye
Ah....you did this to yourself
Then he would be bombarded with attacks on his culture, a shame...they’ll never taste delectable Pokémon meat
Ah.....animals are made to be....eaten....and I am merely eating...at a restaurant no less....but if you do wish me to I will stop.
Benedict would say before taking more sips of his wine, examining everyone else.
Ah....I must say knight woman....You would make a fine Agent.
He would say aloud as he subtly passed Nearl a card from across the table. It was a tiny black business card, with the word “Them” written on it in gold cursive.
As for the creature....she’d make a fine dish indeed...with a little Braixen sauce and some typhlosion liver it would taste divine.
He would then look to Elizabeth
Ah! You witch! You remind me of someone....I can’t place who though....ah....Josh look through the civilian records please.
He would command Josh before he would begin to search through the “Them” records as Benedict continued, now noticing her Bird necklace
Ah....I see you’re a bird fanatic....I myself am registered with the.....bird club....this weeks lesson is on songbirds! You really must read the article, did you know songbirds have a unique mating call? At least that’s what the article says....songbirds are quite fascinating.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Riven Riven
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
P PopcornPie
@ table crew

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Fluffington the Mighty begins to sup on her smoothie, her eyes sparkling in joy! Delicious food, good company, cuddles, and judging from the actions and words of weird guy with the Top Hat, the prospect of some training battles after! She didn't know exactly what Dialga, the cheating bint, did to her. But seeing as this is the result? Fluffington the Mighty wasnt going to complain! Hopefully the Main Course would come soon!!
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @restaurantgroup
Megumin would just kind of...well, shut out Benedict's revolting speech, and focus on Elizabeth. "Pajama party?" She shook her head. "Alas, I neglected to bring my pajamas. I cannot come."

Shiny gold print caught her eye, and she glanced over to see Benedict giving Nearl a new card, one that simply had "THEM" written on it. To finish, he spoke of making Fluffington, Lana, and Eric into some horrifying excuse for a main course. She sighed through her nose. "Riddle me this. If you think that all animals are to be eaten, then why do you have the bird?" She cocked an eyebrow.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
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"It would be preferred if you could look after yourself," the Doctor said to Megumin as she cut his cheese-covered steak.


"... you're all entertaining Benedict aren't you?" Ben says, all while gorging his mouth of sushi. "Because that's usually how the darndest things start. I, on the other hand, will steer clear of turning into Vertebreak kebab, Riolu fillet or Wildvine Caesar Salad."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @restaurantgroup​
"Archwizard." Megumin corrected though gritted teeth. "So regardless of if they are smart enough to think, and speak, and feel complex emotions, every animal is either a slave or a meal to you? Have you ever dwelled upon how fucked up that is?"

Ben cut in, and it only made her feel worse. "Even if you just turn into animals, he tries to put you on a plate?!" She scooched a little ways away from the table, a napkin full of crackers on her lap.

Crow Crow @Benedict
Julia listens silently to Benedict's description of a meal made of Pokémon meat, with the Braixen and Typhlosion presumably being Lana and Eric. She puts a paw over her mouth, looking like she was going to be sick. Fortunately others were already telling him off. "Can we not talk about this in the middle of a meal..?"

Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Grey, Tonio) DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Fluffington) thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Timmy's Dad/Mr. Whiskers) Crow Crow (Ben) TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Elizabeth) Riven Riven (Nearl) Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora) ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials (Kirby, Lilith) Martydi Martydi (Scott) P PopcornPie (Megumin) Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @restaurantgroup​
Elizabeth looked over to Benedict, hearing him get her attention. Though, what he called her was something she was never called before. A lamb, sure, but witch? Her powers could be considered witchcraft, so he had reason to call her one, but she really wasn't a witch.

Though, she had to address eating the creatures, which she didn't even know their species, before continuing to listen to him. "
I don't think you should be talking about that while they're trying to eat. Plus, they wouldn't want to hear someone try to eat their own kind, with a description or not!"

She saw him tell his assistant to search through records with "Them" written in bold letters on the front of them. Well, he seemed to could others as just them. Really, he reminded her of Jeremiah Fink with how he was minus the slaves Fink had. Wait, did this man secretly have slaves? If he did, something told her the two would get along well, especially with how he was willing to eat an entire race.

He mentioned her being a bird fanatic, which reminded her of the pendant she had on. It was back when she was on the beach with Booker and she asked him to pick, which resulted in her having her bird pendant. While the cage could be literal for her, the bird was more symbolic, saying that she was free now from the tower. And now, she was free from Colombia temporarily.

And then, he mentioned something that made her freeze up. One look at her and people could tell that she froze up at the mention of it, though she was trying to hide it.

It was the mention... of songbirds.

Songbird... the thing she wanted to be free of.

Long ago, she thought his call to be calming, but now? She was afraid of it, whenever it played, he would come. He wasn't here now, and there wasn't any way for him to come here, but she was still terrified of it.

O-Of course I've read the article... th-they're lovely birds." Her voice was slightly shaking, due to her trying to hide her fear.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch , everyone around her
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[div class=Operative]Reaper Operative S099-6350-7851
[div class=Board][div class=Logo][div class=Sheet]
[div class=title]SERAPH-099 Samael
[/div][div class=Image]
COLOR: #33CC33
FONT: Verdana

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Muffled Crusty Half-eaten Hotdog
MENTAL CONDITION: Expectant Hotdog
LOCATION: In Samael's Shoulder
[div class=tabs][div class=tab]Profile[/div][div class=tab]Combat[/div][/div]

[div class="tabsContent tabs1"]INTERACTIONS: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (GM) TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Skye)
MENTIONS: Yamperzzz Yamperzzz quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Chungchangching (Bar Gang)

Samael grunted in mild affirmation at Skye’s comment. He wouldn’t know how hard she could actually kick, but that didn’t really matter, considering that it wouldn’t happen. It wasn’t like he had an appendix-his body had those trivial vestigial structures removed. Also, between the dangerous gas expelled by a 25mm cannon’s muzzle brake, and wasting ammunition, entertaining the hotdog was an easy option to reject.

"Hahaha, you doubt me, mortal? I will strike you down with the power of my other slave-Angel of D- No, you’re right, I don’t want to fight you. I’ll just...take my leave..." Delsausage gave up trying to be intimidating and tried to hop back over to Samael’s shoulder, only to flop onto the ground helplessly. "Uhm...a little help here, Sammy?"

"Stop calling me that. I’m not repeating myself again," the SERAPH picked up the filthy hotdog and slid him back into his pouch. They had Ribcage and telepathically interrogated him or something-time to go. Samael nodded to Kendall’s appreciation as he grabbed a bag of currency FL4K scrounged up from Ribcage’s office. It was clear that Samael thought FL4K’s methods of showing appreciation were much more welcome. Objective secured, minimal wear on his gear, and a bonus made for a successful mission in the soldier’s eyes. The only thing he would complain about was the hot dog that refused to shut up.

With that, Samael squeezed out the human-sized door of the emcee booth and made his way with the others to the extraction point. They were greeted by numerous crudely put together VTOLs piloted by bandits, but judging from the fact that they weren’t immediately firing at them, they must be friendly, or at least too dumb as a collective to start shooting. It turns out to be the former, so Samael hopped on, gripping onto the roll bar on the cockpit to steady himself as the VTOL struggled to haul an extra couple thousand pounds.

However, with a bit of luck and proper redistribution of weight (aka, Samael commandeering the vehicle from its pilot), Samael made it to the Crimson Raider base safe and sound. The same couldn’t be said for the bandit he threw out a couple miles back. That said, the Buzzard, as a jury-rigged VTOL was called on this planet, was now about as useless as the pilot that used to own it. It was a miracle Samael managed to fit into the cockpit, much less fly it, but the irreparable damage to its chassis from fitting the SABRE exosuit into its cockpit was what really killed it.

Luckily, a busted Buzzard was hardly a bump in Samael’s plans. The group of misfit mercenaries were introduced to a real ship, the Sanctuary III. The debrief was interesting...in the sense that there appeared to be a much more complex web of interactions that initially anticipated. Interesting in that they thought they should trust a telepath. Interesting in that they assumed Samael wanted to get back home that eagerly. Luckily, they weren’t entirely clueless, having been so kind as to provide $7,000 in physical currency for personal use and a free firearm. He’d seen the ones that others were using, and the elemental damage seemed...useful.

"Awwww sick! $7,000 and a free gun is pretty cash money. Sammy, grab my share and then we’ll head off to Zeke’s to grab some big dakka. I may be an all powerful hotdog, but I gotta limit myself for the sake of these poor bandits."

"Just because you called me that again, I’m not helping you," the SERAPH ignored Delsausage’s pleas for his money and gun, and as soon as Samael left the bridge of the Sanctuary, Delsausage knew that the man was serious about not being called "Sammy". The sausage’s pleas turned into apologies, but Samael didn’t care. He just arbitrarily chose a room to call home for now so that he would have a place to stash his equipment. Off came the SABRE exosuit and the accompanying autocannon, leaving Samael with his tech suit (seraph_techsuit.jpg) and Nakir.

With his "bare essentials" and a hotdog on his shoulder, Samael headed off to find a bar, where he hoped he could get a drink or two to wash away the stupidity lodged into his mind from the hotdog’s mouth. To his delight, there was a bar directly on the Sanctuary III. He strolled in and took a seat at the counter, taking off his helmet and looked straight at the woman behind the bar, "A Scotch and Soda on the rocks. Don’t go easy on the Scotch."

"I’ll take a cup of hot water and some champagne," chimed in the hotdog. Delsausage had in mind to take a bath. First in the water, then in champagne, and then finally in the water again. That is what one would consider "true luxury". Also, Delsausage desperately needed a bath after all that he rolled in. He shuddered to think about what he’s touched aside from sand and dirt. "And throw in a towel, if you would be so kind."

As Samael awaited his drink, he overheard Skye talking about a drinking contest. A rare grin spread across the SERAPH’s face-he was always one for getting completely drunk, especially when there was a cash prize involved. "Count me in, Skye. I feel like getting a couple thousand bucks richer."

[/div][div class="tabsContent tabs2" style="display: none;"]ABILITIES: Samael is a SERAPH, purpose bred to be the best supersoldiers in the galaxy. Aside from the endless list of augmentations, and enough combat and firearms training to make special forces operators feel like kindergarteners, Samael excels at tracking, explosives, artillery operation, combat engineering, and setting traps. Among the private military sector, he and his team are renowned as the best trackers money can afford, with no terrain too difficult for him to navigate and operate in. Samael also happens to be well studied in basic surgery and forensic pathology, two sides of the same coin. With his training as a Segadores, Samael has also been introduced to strategies used to destroy dangerous ideas and silence people too eager to talk. All of this combined with a mind enhanced by Artificial Intelligence means that it is near impossible to overwhelm Samael physically, intellectually, or creatively.

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[div class=accord]Seraph HK-N720-G “Nakir” 7.20x50mm Rifle
The HK-N720-H is the grenadier configuration of the standard issue Nakir assault rifle produced by Seraph Manufacturing. It is chambered in 7.20x50mm FMJ fed from a 40 round drum mag. It's advanced recoil compensation system and electronic firing system makes it one of the most accurate and reliable rifles in production with a considerable fire rate of 800 rounds/minute. Underslung is a three-round revolver-style 20mm grenade launcher that fires high-explosive grenades. On the top top rail is a VCOG smartscope while a secondary red dot sight sits at a 45 degree angle on the side along with an LED flashlight and laser sight combo. (hk-n720_nakir__baseconfig20.jpg)
[div class=accord]Seraph GE-S25 "Samael" 25mm Autocannon
A chain driven autocannon designed to be wielded by an mechanized suit or mounted to a vehicle. It fires 25x85mm depleted uranium armor-piercing discarding sabot rounds out of belt-fed 100-round drum mag at up to 600 rounds per minute. The rounds this weapon fires are sufficient to punch through armored vehicles and any cover short of 2 feet of concrete with ease. The amount of firepower this weapon packs is offset by an impossible amount of recoil for a human to control and incredible weight, such that most SERAPHs can only practically wield it with the loader arms of his SABRE exosuit. The only exception is Samael, who is capable of wielding this monstrosity with his bare hands for short periods of time. Attached to the weapon is a red dot sight, compensator, smart targeting system, and floodlight. (ge-s25_samael_35.jpg)
[div class=accord]Smart AI “Psychopomp”
Psychopomp, otherwise known as “Psycho” is Samael’s assigned Smart AI. It was originally a standard AI optimized for running combat simulations and proposing optimized tactics real-time. After Samael’s recruitment into the Segadores, Psycho has been altered to serve the Segadors, informing Samael on the targets assigned to him by the Segadors and leading him to complete objectives in ways that complete objectives of the Segadores.
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[div class=accord]-Foresight of the Reaper
A relatively basic and stereotypical ability of Reapers, but mistakenly attributed to all Reapers. Samael is able to see the True Name and remaining life force of a person, as well as instantly recognized targets marked by the Segadores. A person's remaining life force can be used to approximate how much longer they have to live, but is by no means an exact science. This ability will not work on immortals. If Samael or a person in his vision would die or sustain a lethal blow within the next six seconds there is a slim chance that Samael will be able to foresee it and react accordingly.
[div class=accord]-Hindsight of the Reaper
When faced with a being that has killed within the last 24 hours, Samael is able to determine the cause of death and the instigator of said cause of death if no unnatural cause obstructs it. This ability will not work on beings he has killed himself or on those who have died as the result of non-human causes.
[div class=accord]-Glare of the Reaper
Anyone whom Samael intentionally stares at will feel an overwhelming sense of dread and imminent death. If they do not freeze in fear, they will run away blindly, rendering them vulnerable. A person can only break free if their will is greater than Samael's or if Samael looks away.
[div class=accord]-Piercing Gaze of the Reaper
Arguably the most powerful ability from the Reaper’s Eye, Samael can fire “spears” of invisible energy towards anything in his vision, punching through anything short of three inches of titanium. This requires no physical movement on his part, allowing him to kill without moving a muscle. However, beings not marked for death cannot be directly affected by this power, so Samael often has to be creative with its use.
[div class=accord]SERAPH Augmentations
All SERAPHs are provided extensive and invasive augmentations to ensure their combat superiority. These augmentations can be divided into three broad categories: Hardware, Wetware, and Manaware. Hardware includes cybernetic and implanted enhancements, Wetware includes genetic biological enhancements and will only list the effects of the modifications, and Manaware includes any form of magical enhancement.
[div class=accord]Hardware
-Spinal Neural Interfaces
-Direct Neural Interface
-Auxiliary Neural Interfaces
-Titanium-Tungsten Skeletal Implants
-Integrated AI Matrix Suite
-Superconductor Nervous System Package
-Cardiovascular Regulator
-Hormonal Regulator
[div class=accord]Wetware
-Greatly Enhanced Muscular Density/Regeneration/Recovery
-Enhanced Stem Cell Production
-Enhanced Immune System
-Enhanced Metabolism
-Enhanced Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex
-Enhanced Pain Threshold
-Enhanced Cardiovascular System
-Retinal-Inversion Stabilizer
-Robust DNA Replication
[div class=accord]Manaware
-Oculus Aquilae - Eagle Eye
-Obscuras Animae - Covered Soul
-Magistri Tempus - Master of Time
-Loricatorum Pellis - Armored Skin
-Ut Obscurum - To Make Obscure
-Sanitatem - Healing
-Si Metus - Intimidation

Benedict would look at Megumin
Ah ah ah witch! Not every animal is food nor a slave....take Franklin for instance.
He said as he pulled out a rock with googley eyes and a bow tie
Franklin is a lone wolf....he abides by his own rules because he makes the rules...and look at him...living the American dream indeed.
Benedict was then interrupted by Ben who actually gave some really good ideas for future dishes
Ah....Josh write that down....Mister Ben....for that you get a hefty raise of a cent!
Benedict then responded to Julia
Ah...not a fan of Pokémon food? Too bad, I’m more of a Roserade salad type of guy myself....couldn’t live without it.
As he was speaking Elizabeth brought wonderful news, she read the article!
Ah...splendid! Then you must’ve heard the call....so wondrous to the ears....I think I’ll play it now....don’t worry my flute skills are....on point.
Benedict would then snap as Josh approached and gave Benedict a flute. Benedict would then do a few breathing exercises before finally
putting his mouth on the flute

P PopcornPie
Crow Crow
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
--Minako Arisato--
OST: Like A Dream Come True
Status: Good
Money: $8500
Gun 1- The Buttplug
Gun 2 - Nebula
Shield - Mr. Caffeine
Interaction: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @RestaurantGang

As Minako awaited for the Ramen to be finished, Elizabeth asked her out to a slumber party on Julia's room. Now Minako didn't exactly know if she saw that person, but by all means, sure.

"Yeah, I'm down." Minako nodded, soon turning to Kintaros. "By the way, I think this'll be your first Pajama Party, huh?" She asked as Kintaros simply snored. "Oh. He's out cold."

As soon as that was out of the way, a rather small man in a business suit with an eloquent accent began to make conversation with Elizabeth, talking about Songbirds. Somehow, the mere mention of the avian creature caused a sudden change in Elizabeth's mood, albeit subtle. Is she afraid of them? She ponders, as the small man began to play an odd tune on his flute...

_That sounds great!
>That sounds bad!
_I think you should stop.

"I don't mean to be rude, but..." Minako spoke, getting the attention of the little rich man, "I don't think you're a very good flute player." She said a bit bluntly, shrugging.
Once he started mentioning the call and got a flute, she started getting a bad feeling. A very bad feeling. "
N-No, I've heard the-" And then...

He played it.

The song she would always hear when he would come to her. The song she heard whenever he was near. This wasn't a bird call, as bird calls wouldn't be done with an instrument, but with your mouth and your mouth alone... this was his call.

Immediately, she started hyperventilating and panicking. "
S-Stop...! Stop, p-please...!" She covered her ears, her hands shaking like crazy. Elizabeth quickly got up, not caring if the chair was knocked over or not, and ran. There was only one place where she knew she could be safe: her room.

Once she got to the room, she opened the door unless it was open, then she ran in, and closed the door. The brunette ran to her bed, grabbing the pillow and using it to cover her ears as she tried to block out the music. But, she then started hearing his screeches which were hallucinations, and her mind started playing the song over and over.

What if... What if she really wasn't safe? All this time, she thought that he wouldn't be able to follow her, but what if he found a way and manage to come here? The song could be calling him here right now and try to take her away! Feeling a chest pain, she put a hand over her chest, shaking and starting to cry.

This is what Songbird did to her... instill enough fear into her with the song. And right now, it caused a panic attack in her.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch , everyone else at the table
--Minako Arisato--
OST: Troubled
Status: Good
Money: $8500
Gun 1- The Buttplug
Gun 2 - Nebula
Shield - Mr. Caffeine
Interaction: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @RestaurantGang

"Ah, Elizabeth-san!" Minako stood up after Elizabeth stood up and left the dining room. It appears the flute did more than just make her uncomfortable. It genuinely scared her. She turned to the sleeping Kintaros before hand. "Kin-chan, if our Ramen gets here, save mine, okay?" She said as she made her way out, "I'll be back!" She told everyone as Minako headed back where Elizabeth would--their room.

When Minako got to her room, she saw Elizabeth covering her ears with a pillow, breathing heavily. She seems to be scared. So scared. Like someone is going to kill her. The song the little rich man played could be related to her past fear?

>Comfort her
_Stay Silent

"Hey..." Minako made her presence known, rubbing the frame of the door. "Are you okay?" She asked, walking towards Elizabeth.
Julia glares back at Benedict. "Considering my world is only inhabited by Pokémon, all of which can talk and have their own hopes and dreams, and are more 'human' than you could ever be? No. That's cannibalism."

She frowns as Elizabeth starts having a panic attack from hearing whatever it was that Benedict was playing on his flute. The poor girl runs out of the room, followed by Minako.

"Excuse me a moment." She says to those at the table and follows the two that had left.

The Espeon walks into the room after Minako. She slowly approaches Elizabeth, then gently rests a paw on her shoulder and speaks softly. "Elizabeth. It's alright. Don't be afraid. He's not here."

Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Grey, Tonio) DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Fluffington) thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Timmy's Dad/Mr. Whiskers) Crow Crow (Ben) TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Elizabeth) Riven Riven (Nearl) Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora) ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials (Kirby, Lilith) Martydi Martydi (Scott) Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Minako) P PopcornPie (Megumin) Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @restaurantgroup​

As I wondered around, a girl ran past me seeming to be extremely upset. I couldn’t just ignore something like that... I followed behind her as she ran to what appeared to be her room. Someone beat me to it and reached her room before me, but I followed her inside anyway. I peaked over to see what was going on only to feel even worse seeing the state of the girl. I wasn’t very good at cheering people up, but I thought that I might as well try.

“U-Um excuse me...? Are you alright..? What happened..?”
I put my paws on the bed as I slowly got closer.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Sora was minding his own business, waiting for his food not wanting to argue further, cause not only does he not like to be involved in these kinds of things, but it is also the request of a friend. Then Benedict decided to play a song on his flute very loudly.

“Ahg. Can you stop? That’s very loud?” Apparently it’s causing people pain in more ways then one as Elizabeth seemed to be in so much pain, she leaves the restaurant.

“Elizabeth..” Sora turns to Benedict, and points the Keyblade at him and takes the flute out of his hands. “What is wrong with you! First you beat up bunnies, trying to eat Pokémon, now you’re making people upset. Someone’s should teach you some real manners.”

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @restaurantgroup
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The song and the sounds of his screeching were enough to block out anyone calling out to her. It just got louder and louder as she eventually couldn't be able to breathe. She even started to feel dizzy just by being on the bed. If he did get here somehow... she didn't want to go back to the tower.

She didn't want to lose her friends.

And the only way to make sure he didn't capture her and take her back was to... to...

Before she could finish that thought, she felt someone touch her. Jolting up, she saw Minako, Julia, and a new person there. Even though all she could hear were the song and the sounds of his screeching, she could read their lips but barely. She looked at them, tears running down her face, shaking. "
...S-S-Songbird... Wh-What if he... What i-if he found a-a way h-h-h-here...? Th-Th-That song... it calls h-h-him... I-I-I don't want to go b-back to... the tower...! I DON'T W-W-WANT TO GO BACK...!"

Whatever happened... it scared her immensely.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara , LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

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