• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Lilith reassures Grey while she played with her hair a little more. "Well yeah but there's this one glaring detail you probably didn't remember. Dani said something about helping us find that Ribcage guy and I kind of joined into her plan, little did I know I and probably her as well is that we were giving away our plan to hundreds of bandits, this raccoon guy yelled at us to cut it out but I acted like a brat and sarcastically snapped back at him, then Skye was finally able to smack some sense into me and now were here."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Grey)
Nearl didn't respond to Benedict's words as she continued to beat and bash him with the shield, the click of a gun, immediately caught her attention as she suddenly lifts her heel to kick his weapon off to the side, placing it back on him to hold him in place.

The Knight gives the eevee a gentle kiss on her head as she finally releases Benedict to return to the table, taking a seat with Fluffington as she returns her face to a satisfied grin as she resumes the petting of the eevee.

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Scott Baker

Even with everything he saw earlier, the situation in the restaurant was probably the most bizarre thing Scott has encountered on Pandora. First Megumin breaking in and taking off with her rant about prisons. Then very unsettling staff of the establishment. And finally, a fight over a man trying to eat Fluffington. During the last of those events Scott considered joining in, but it was over before he could decide on a course of action. "Just as I thought things could not get any weirder." Baker said to himself while securing his pistol back in its holster.
Benedict smiled as the waiter took his order
Ah....Josh, just like every other waiter...we must....time this one.
Benedict would then turn on his stopwatch before glancing around
Ah! Finally! The appetizer arrived! Benedict would think as he looked at Fluffington
Ah, nothing better to do than....dig in I suppose....ah, I’m a classic little clown.”
Benedict would say as he began to toss salt and pepper on Fluffington before attempting to spread butter on her
After Benedict did so, Josh would pull out some silverware as well
Ah ah ah Josh....we didn’t say the blessing.......dear God, I pray that....you pay your fees in due time, after all, it would be a shame if one of your angels just.....went away for a bit....ah, amen.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
@ table crew​
Fluffington the Mighty is dragged away from her blissful encounter by yet annother abduction. This time she was having some grainy things and something slick spread over her coat. A little frown would cross her face, this is the Opposite of Snuggles!! She would instinctively being to shake the substances off, splatering Benedict and anyone near him with the unwanted condiments.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @restaurantgroup
A loud shriek was what was mustered from the Knight as she watched Fluffington being yanked from her by this dimwit in a top hat. Nearl wasn't having it. With a dash of inhuman speed, Nearl has hopped up and out of her seat, grabbing for her Shield. With both of her hands, she swings the shield at Benedict, attempting a solid whack at his head as she picks up Fluffington in her arms.

A few seconds pass as she returns to her seat, the shield on her back and Fluffington on her lap as she reaches for a napkin, helping wipe up the mix of condiments.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Ah...the dish is moving....time to...put it down....Josh, activate operation appetizer
Benedict would say as he flew threw the air after being hit by Nearls shield.
As he crashed into a nearby booth, there would be silence as the dust settled.
Josh would follow Benedicts request and stand to the side holding a beatbox.
Then, the dust would finally settle, and Josh would press play

Benedict would emerge from the dust, dawning a chefs outfit, with the biggest fake mustache anyone’s ever seen
Ah! Madam Knight....I believe you’ve stolen something....very special to me....my appetizer.
Benedict said as he pulled out a frying pan, cleaning it profusely as he spoke
Ah....now....it’s time to feast.
Benedict would say as both he and Sous Chef Josh charged at Nearl, frying pans and whisks brandished
Riven Riven
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

Nearl remains silent as she was repeatedly hit with a frying pan. The sound of the clanking on her head hitting her ears only pissing her off more and more as her head bumps repeatedly. She keeps her arm with Fluffington close to her chest as possible, not allowing anyone to get near her as she continues to protect her little friend with her life.

She slowly looks at Benedict as she continues to be bashed by the frying pan, anger in her eyes. "You.. are.. pissing.. me.. off!", she screams, having enough as she suddenly throws his friend to the side and knocks Benedict to the ground, beginning to repeatedly whack and smack him with the shield as she steps atop of him with her heels to keep him in place of her assault.

Megumin watched all of this with a sigh, of course concerned but too drowsy to help. "I saw Benedict doing this before, I should have been counting down the minutes until it happened again." The corners of her lips tipped upwards. "Benedict really ought to learn that he'll NEVER get away with trying to eat animal friends. There are simply too many animal lovers around him."
Before you know it, Tonio comes back out from the kitchen and sets his hands on Timmy's Dad's shoulders with the most innocent of smiles. "Oh, spiacente, you must forgive him. He is not supposed to be out here tending to the guests..." He then looks at Doctor. "Unfortunately, it appears even my Pearl Jam has its limits," he explains cryptically before glaring at Timmy's Dad. And then smiling again as he takes the rest of your orders! "Come, come, Timmy's father. There is much more culinary work to be done!"

"YOU FUCKED UP THE DOUGH, YOU FUCKING DONKEY!" says a voice from the kitchen.

"Much culinary work!"

He then glares at Benedict, Nearl, and Fluffington.

"Please do not disturb the atmosphere."

The tense stare is held for a moment too long before Tonio then 'guides' Timmy's Dad back to the kitchen 'gently.'
"Woah!..." Megumin recoiled a bit. "I sure am glad it wasn't me that time..." Though, while Tonio was there, she probably should have asked about those energizing drinks.

Fortunately, a red stick figure arrived with appetizers. "Oh, boy! Any meager scrap would perk me right up!" She happily began to wolf down the...whatever was on the plate. The more she nibbled, the brighter the color of her face became. It looked like someone was inflating her with a bicycle pump.
Benedict merely sat there calmly as he was thrown to the ground, being bashed repeatedly with a shield wasnt fun
Benedict would say as he pulled out his pistol and aimed it at Nearl
My appetizer please....or I’ll be forced to use this little scoundrel.
Riven Riven
Fluffington sighs as Nearl and Benedict were caught fighting by the nice chef. "I would like everyone to note I am a passenger, I am not involved in this battle! And would also like us to return to the table like civilized Pokemon. Eating is important after all." She calls out from her safe space in Nearl's bosom.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @restaurantgroup
Nearl didn't respond to Benedict's words as she continued to beat and bash him with the shield, the click of a gun, immediately caught her attention as she suddenly lifts her heel to kick his weapon off to the side, placing it back on him to hold him in place.

The Knight gives the eevee a gentle kiss on her head as she finally releases Benedict to return to the table, taking a seat with Fluffington as she returns her face to a satisfied grin. as she resumes the petting of the eevee.

Fluffington, once again, proved to be charming. "We shall be civilized, indeed!" While Megumin's voice was cheerful, her eyes showed further clouding with jealously. Fluffington looked much happier with Nearl than Megumin could ever make her. "Gosh, do I wish Chomusuke was here." She pouted, her face nestling her her palm. "He's the warmest little rabbit I have ever touched. But as long as he has that curse of his, I don't know how I'll sleep tonight..."

And screw it, she was gonna say it. "Benedict, what is it with you and eating talking animals? First it was Lana, and now it's Fluffington spattered with condiments! What, did Lana devour your infant child?"
Benedict would merely pull out another, much LARGER pistol as his original one was kicked away. Then the civilian witch dared to mock him by kissing his meal.
Benedict had no choice
Ah....deadly force authorized.
He would say as he slowly approached Nearl, shooting a few rounds at her armor
I will get my appetizer....this old chef is....storming
Benedict would then continue to shoot when Megumin asked why he liked to eat animals
Ah...I’m a carnivore....not a vegan, indeed.
He would say as Josh started to peck at Nearls armor
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
P PopcornPie
Riven Riven
"HOLY SH-Sorry, sorry...!" Megumin gasped. "Remember what our waiter said? Your malevolence will get us kicked out! And I have only just begun recovering my energy!" Her ever trusty staff would have to come in handy again. She would attempt to hook Benedict's pistol with it. If she succeeded, then she would yank the thing away. "Of course we're intended to eat meat, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't restrain yourself around the talking animals! She is clearly sentient enough to have her own hopes, dreams, and relatives! When I eat an onion duck, or a rack of lamb, that is being a carnivore. When you try to devour a sentient Fluffington, that is cannibalism!"

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
The rounds of the weapon were not doing well against her armor as Nearl remained unfazed, still petting and giving the Eevee joyful hugs. The Knight continued to simply have happy giggles and a grin, simply enjoying Fluffington's company. She gently lays her head against the shiny's fur, enjoying the soft texture as she looks over to Benedict, still having herself secured around Fluffington.

"Thanks!" , she yells to Megumin with her happy smile as she was seemingly defending Nearl's decision. The smile of the Kuranta remains bright as she watches Megumin attempt to yank the weapon from him. She looks over at Benedict, still cradling the eevee.

"I've no idea!" Megumin strained. "The first time I saw him, he attempted to devour Lana for no bloody reason!" She shook her head. "It must be some type of custom where he's from."
As Benedicts gun was retrieved, he would simply....stop
Ah...you’ve taken my gun....I wonder what will be taken from you in return.
He would say to Megumin before the Knight woman would ask him what his deal was, then they proceeded to talk about culture
Ah....my apologies....I didn’t know I was in the presence of two....culture fanatics! Allow me to show you my....license.“ Benedict would say as he pulled out a large document as big as himself. On the top it would read: “Talking animal Cookery License”
Ah....and it’s signed by....myself....so you know it’s official..now hand it over so I can eat....besides, you still want to see your loved ones I assume.
Riven Riven
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
P PopcornPie
A sudden swipe of the arm was all she needed to rip a gash through the document, clearly pissed as she still held onto the Eevee. Perhaps now is the best time to stop messing with her.

The Kuranta looked back at Benedict after tearing the document, gritted teeth showing.

"Lay one finger on her, and you're losing an arm."

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
Megumin tightly gripped the pistol, panting, and letting out a little laugh. She wasn't such a loser after all, apparently! "I am simply keeping the peace." She huffed, as she stuffed the pistol in her hat. "Honestly. Whatever is going on beneath our noses, we have to stay on good terms with each other to get out of it!"

To her nausea, Benedict turned out to be licensed in the culinary preparation of talking animals, and gave each of them a calling card. Megumin accepted hers with her fingertips, looking away with a pained-looking grimace. "It...It is a custom? Oh, Heavens..." By just looking at Benedict's signature, Megumin could hear thousands of Fluffingtons, Lanas, Kendalls, and Aqua knows what else, screaming in pure agony as they were chopped up, boiled, baked, sliced, diced...

It was like looking at a photo of the Demon King's dinner party, really.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Riven Riven
Scott Baker

After being knocked down, Benedict started attacking again. Scott quickly stood up and reached for his sidearm, but calmed down seeing how the bullets appeared to have no effect on Nearl's armour. With a sigh, he took the time to put his helmet back on and toggle the HUD before pulling out his pistol and the mag-cutter. In the meantime, Benedict produced a ridiculously large document, from God knows where. "Alright, that's enough." Auraxian declared "Stop bothering the animal..." he pointed his knife in the general direction of Fluffington "... and go back to your table. We are here to have a meal, not fight and I'd appreciate if you stuck to it. If you want to eat something, pick out whatever is on the menu." Scott backed up the last argument by putting his knife back into its sheath, only to grab a random appetizer from the table and eat it. He didn't address Nearl's attack on the document, but seeing how things went down, deescalation had to start from Benedict.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch - himself ; Riven Riven - Nearl ; P PopcornPie - Megumin
Elizabeth looked over at Lilith, hearing her problems. "
If it's any consolation, you aren't annoying. But, if you feel like you are, you can go ahead and apologize to them. It would have to be later, I think they're already at the bar, having their party. I don't think we met, my name is Elizabeth."

It was then that a fight between three of their own broke out, the girl that was convinced this was all a trap coming in later. She wanted to step in, she really did, but the rich looking man pulled out a gun. Nearl did have armor, as she could see, but there were weak points that he could potentially spot and target. As Scott them to stop, she stood up having enough of the fighting. "
Please, can't we just sit down and enjoy a meal and not fight with weapons?! We just got done with a mission where all of you or most of you fought, and we get to a safe haven away from the world outside and all you three want to do is fight each other when we just now have a chance to eat?! I'm sure we're all hungry and maybe some of us hadn't eaten for days! So please, sit down and stop fighting!"

This rubbed Elizabeth the wrong way, all she wanted to do was make friends and eat, probably have the pajama party sometime afterwards. Yet, they were more concerned with fighting than they were with food, and this made her disappointed in the ones participating. After she was done yelling at them to stop fighting and come sit down, she sat back down at her seat and sighed.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp , Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch , Martydi Martydi , Riven Riven , P PopcornPie , ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials

Looking at Moxxi, she had a fake look of sadness. "
Aww... and here I was willing to submit my application to be your fifth child." She smiled at her, the first actual smile she showed towards someone, and took another sip. At this point, the drink was getting close to the bottom of the glass. "Yeah, I'd do the same for you, why wouldn't I? And why did they call her The Firehawk? I always thought it was cause of the fire theme she had going on."

Hearing the faint sounds of gunfire coming from next door that she could barely hear over the music, she quickly looked to where it came from. "
Guys? Anyone else hearing gunshots?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , bar gang
Scott Baker

Scott looked at Elizabeth with a concerned expression. He did not want to fight anymore than she did, but he also wasn't going to stand by idly while the restaurant erupts into a brawl, especially given the cause of this particular conflict. And so, he once again called for cessation of hostilities. "She is right. We have more important things to do than fight." Deciding that a little show of good will is a great starting point, Baker sat back down and grabbed another appetizer. He put his gun back in the holster, but still held his hand close to its grip.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher - Elizabeth ; Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch - himself ; Riven Riven - Nearl
"Yeah! Like figuring out where Chomusuke is. And how to get home from here. Mayhaps we can ask one of these other patrons..." Now that her brain was back to functioning, she would observe that not one person here looked like they fit in with the others. Suddenly, Megumin felt like they were all trapped in some floating junk drawer in the sky. "And didn't our chef say that he, too, was drawn into this place? By the look of it, he was quite content. But I'm not. I'll never find my party at this rate." She grumbled, munching another appetizer. "It drives me crazy, thinking about what grand dungeons they could be scaling right now!"

Sora’s side: ED2D7AE7-30A2-49F0-B428-CB72A1D9BF27.jpeg

While thinking what to eat, Sora notices Benedict from the Blood Gulch. “You again? I’m not gonna let you hurt any of these innocent.. whatever Lana and she is” The “she” refers to Fluffington. But before Sora could do anything, Elizabeth begs the gang to stop fighting, this little plea convinces Sora to let it it go. “Okay, sorry Elizabeth, but you be on your best behavior got it? He said that last part towards Benedict, making sure he doesn't cause anymore problems.

After deciding what he’ll have, Sora finally orders. “I’ll have some baked catfish with a side of crabs, with a lemon soda. Hold on a second.” Sora would noticed a little friend he met in the woods one time. “Little Chief? Is that you? How’d you get here?”

Dani’s Side: AC9A01CC-1609-4881-923A-99FF4930886B.jpeg

Still covering her eyes in embarrassment, Dani answers Moxxi’s question on why she and everyone else is here. “Well for starters, we were sucked up by portals, and we’ve been fighting bandits, and helping people as a means of trying to get home. If you have some water, that’d be nice.”

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @restaurantgroup @bargroup
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Contrary to popular belief, Nearl actually doesn't want to fight as much as anyone else does. Truth be told, she just wants to enjoy her salad and wine. The fact of the matter, she just wanted to love Fluffington, and wasn't very happy and agreeable to the idea of her fluffy friend being someone else's next meal.

The Kuranta pouts, little offended that everyone really thought that she was wanting to break a fight. Even though she wasn't human, she gets hungry and tired of fighting like everyone else too y'know? Her ears droop and flatten against her head, little ashamed of how far she got with the fighting, but really, she just wanted to enjoy a meal with the eevee.

She let's out a sigh as she returns to her seat like before, still cradling Fluffington on her lap as she gestures to the little chef and Timmy's Dad. "If it wasn't mentioned before, I'd like a large ceasar salad, perhaps a slice or two of lemon, and a glass of red wine.", The Knight meekly asks, now just trying to be polite with the whole situation. The Kuranta let's out an exhausted sigh as she reaffirms her ponytail, before continuing her stroking of Fluffington's tail and back, trailing her fingers through the Shiny's glistening coat, before turning to Elizabeth.

"I'm sorry Miss Elizabeth, I just care about my little friend here. I wasn't intending a fight, I just didn't want to see her be eaten."

P PopcornPie
Martydi Martydi
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Abbott watched nervously as Moxxi took a beer and poured him a shot to start. It was better than getting a full pint of beer right off, he supposed. Regardless, the little sailor sat on one of the stools and fidgeted with the shot for a long time before anxiously replying to Moxxi, "...Uh, thank you, ma'am..." He continued to toy with the drink rather than consuming it. As a response to Moxxi, Voss said, "Yeah. If ya don't mind, I'd like some rum. Don't care what kind. Please an' thank ya." As she would prepare Voss' drink, the sea captain would interact with his first mate, noticing how hesitant he is to drink.

"Look, boy, if ya just drink that one shot, I'll be happy. It'll taste gross at first, but its somethin' that'll you'll get used to. Plus, it's not that bad. I don't think you'd be able to handle the hard liquor I like. Speakin' of which..." He paused to eye at one of the slot machines within the bar itself. "Once I get my drink, I'm gonna play on the slot machines over yonder."

"You like to gamble?" Abbott straightened his back and looked at Voss as if he was frightened. Voss, in turn, sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before stating, "I told ya, I'm not the kind of person who bets everythin' they own on gamblin'. I'm not that stupid. I'm just gonna play on it for a bit. Just like with alcohol, ya have to use it responsibly!" The sea captain patted the sailor on the back before handing him a measly $5 from their current savings. "If ya ever want to try it, here's some money to get started." Voss winked at Abbott and, in return, the sailor cringed at him.

Afterward, Voss shouted at Skye and Zane from wherever they are. "How are ya mates holdin' up? Oh! What's that ya got, Skye? That looks good. And Zane?" Then he glances over to Price. "Price! How ya've been? I haven't spoke to ya in a while! Good to see ya again." While Voss casually spoke to the three, Abbott finally tried a small sip of his drink, which he immediately struggled to swallow. After a few seconds, when he managed to do so, a look of absolute disgust went over his face as he shuddered.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Zane and Moxxi) TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Skye) jigglesworth jigglesworth (Price) @Open_For_Interaction​
Tom and Jerry again.PNG
I was stumbling about, absolutely shitfaced after a couple of drinks. What can I say? I'm a total lightweight. I'm so drunk in fact that I can't remember how many drinks I had. Was it 10 or 12? I wasn't even done drinking yet, I still had one more glass to down until Jerry came into the scene, looking everywhere with his hands on his hips. He rubbed the back of his head before he saw me and tilted his head after seeing my drunken state.

I offered him the shot and he politely refused. Of course, with my determination to get what I want: I forced it upon him. He denied me again. I decided to grab him by the tail and started dipping him into the glass of alcohol.

Cut to us drunkenly humming songs in the table while I guzzled a bottle of beer.

[Please for the love of God, interact with me I am desperate]​
Ryuji Kazan

Ryuji made a shrugging gesture when Moxxi made her proposal. "Well, I am from another universe, and I plan on returning home, so I doubt I'll be staying 'round the Crimson Raiders for another two years, but... who knows? Maybe another random purple wormhole will open and spit me right back on Pandora. If I'm old enough by then..." He turned his head towards Moxxi. "...I'll take you up on that offer."

He then noticed the cat and mouse from earlier getting drunk. "Welp... I can now officially say I've seen a cat and mouse get completely and utterly trashed. i would think alcohol might not be the best thing to give them, but then again, I'm not the 'Ultimate Veterinarian'." Ryuji pointed to them with both hands and said to Tom and Jerry, "You do you, animal friends... you do you."

Ryuji got up and stretched a bit. "Alright... I think that's enough absorbing the atmosphere of an on-ship bar for me. I'll see you fine people later. I think Elizabeth and Minako went to go get some food... I oughta do the same. No use fighting on an empty--" He paused as he heard the faint sound of gunshots, just as the "Siren" had mentioned. "Actually, yes. I do hear gunshots, so..." Ryuji pointed to Skye with both hands, then pointed right in the same manner. "...now would be the time for me to haul ass before someone winds up becoming Swiss cheese. Seeya."

While Ryuji didn't know where the restaurant was, he was thankfully able to follow the sounds of firearm discharges and sprint all the way there. Ryuji burst open the doors to the restaurant, a bit out of breath. "Alright, who the heck was shooting in here?" He said to everyone present.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Chungchangching Chungchangching
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
(Open for Interactions)

  • Julia shakes her head and smiles at Lilith. "Don't be too hard on yourself. You haven't bothered anyone as much as you think."

    She picks up her smoothie after the red stickman delivers their drinks and appetizers. It was almost weird enough to surprise her. Almost.


    The Espeon glares at Benedict as he starts trying to eat Fluffington. She sips her smoothie and pulls out Lucky's Paw O' Death, pointing at him. "I'm going to have to ask you to stop trying to eat my friend and disrupting the atmosphere, or I'll have to authorize lethal force, got it?"

    She puts her weapon down as Benedict is disarmed for the second time. "Elizabeth is right. We're all tired of fighting and just want to eat in peace. If you want...meat..."

    Her nose wrinkles as she says the word. "...then order it from the menu."
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Naoto Azuma/Tiger Mask
Naoto wants to know more about this mysterious corporation but for now, he needs something to eat and drink so he won't be desperate for food and drink later than now.

He went to the restaurant as he is looking for a menu. There, he saw a chef that he is not familiar with and he went over there to ask him about the menu.

"Um, excuse me, but do you know where the menu is?" He asked the chef.

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