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"Oh, you mean Mister Whiskers?" Timmy's Dad asked as he glanced up to the rat in question. "I dunno! One day while I was spying on Dinkleberg through my binoculars, I got sucked through some weird portal vortex thingy, and then brought here! That's when I met Mister Whiskers, and he started to forcibly control my body without my consent by pulling my hair!" He shouted happily, before "Mister Whiskers" tugged up on his hair, causing him to lift his arm. "Now, Mister Whiskers forces me to make food here without being paid!"

Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Riven Riven Crow Crow DerpyCarp DerpyCarp LilacMonarch LilacMonarch ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie

"Uh...yeah." Lilith said in response to Timmy's Dad's outrageous story. She then pauses for a bit before realizing what he just said about his neighbor and looked back to him. "Wait didn't you say something about spying on someone, that sounds kind of creepy."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Timmy's Dad)
Hearing a new voice, she looked to see a man in a buisness suit with a rat on his head. So, this was the chef as he said so himself. "
I did, sir. It's your specialty? Well, then I hope it's good." When hearing how he got here and what the rat was doing to him, it sounded a bit like slavery with the whole getting forced to do what the rat wanted.

...Doesn't that sound like slavery? And wait, you were spying on someone? Why?" Alright, there was some pretty weird stuff so far, even for her, but this was taking the cake.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

  • Julia raises an eyebrow at Tonio's description of his 'Stand' infused drinks. "Yeahhh, I prefer more gentle methods of healing."

    She looks a bit offended by the way Fluffington referred to her. "Excuse me? I am not old."

    The Espeon frowns at Timmy's Dad, then looks up at the rat on his head. "I'd have to agree with the others. Controlling someone against their will is not an acceptable practice..."
Scott Baker

When unconscious Megumin has been taken care of, Scott wanted to return to the discussion, but before he could respond to Elizabeth, a man who was apparently the owner of this restaurant appeared and started taking orders. More than happy to finally get some food, Scott pondered for a few more seconds before putting in his order. "I'll have a lasagna and a glass of water." He said, deciding to pick from the prominent Italian section. With his order placed, Scott took off his helmet and hung it from the back of his chair. He then tried to pick up the conversation with Elizabeth again while Julia handled orders from Fluffington and Megumin, but was interrupted by the arrival of Timmy's Dad and the unsettling explanation of his current situation. Scott discreetly opened the cover keeping his pistol in its holster, just in case. "I'll have to agree with the ladies here, this sounds really fishy." He said, in relation to concerns raised by Julia and Elizabeth.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher - Elizabeth ; LilacMonarch LilacMonarch - Julia ; thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore - Timmy's dad ; @whoeverelseisnearby
Tired from the fighting and slightly sore, Jason enters the bar and finds a seat, placing down a handful of bills and offering a noncommital "Anything with kick" as he looks around, rubbing his neck. His body had taken some lumps in the fight outside the complex, and when the group walked in he only ended up taking more, that place felt like walking into a shooting gallery for the bandits. Thankfully their aim was awful, and he'd only been nicked once, the rest of his injuries were bruises where shrapnel from his explosions had come back to bite him.

He sighs and manages a slight smile to the others at the bar offer them each in a turn a small nod "Good fighting out there" he says, almost managing to look like his usual heroic self "Even you, Irish" he says, chuckling as he nods to Zane "Those gadgets of yours are impressive" he turns to face Skye who he raises a brow to slightly "So, you're uh...Siren, that's what they keep calling you" he says, furrowing his brows in thought "What's that mean exactly?" he chuckles to himself before adding "You a maneater like the barkeep here?" he asks jokingly, pointing to Moxxi with a thumb

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Yamperzzz Yamperzzz TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
--Minako Arisato--
OST: Like A Dream Come True
Status: Good
Money: $8500
Gun 1- The Buttplug
Gun 2 - Nebula
Shield - Mr. Caffeine
Interaction: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

It wasn't long until Minako is called onto the table for the meal, about to be prepared by some Italian guy and some random man with a rat piloting him.

Huh. Bettwe not question that.

As she received the menu, Minako began to look through what she wants to eat. She decides on the prosciutto and the risotto.

"Do you want something to eat, Kin-chan?" Minako asked her bodymate as he manifests as sand beside her.

"I am fine with a simple with a simple drink of tea." He says, "Although Sushi would also be preferable."

"Do they even have those...?" Minako.asked, searching for the japanese.section of the.menu.
Tonio Bow.png

"Oh, no, no! If you choose one of our special drinks, you may order inside. However, you must drink it outside," Tonio tells Doctor. "I have a special power named a 'Stand.' Its ability is to incorporate itself into food and drink. It will add more flavor and take away any ailments you feel. Tiredness, headaches, fatal illnesses. Even dead skin. However, the process can be a bit... graphic, I'm afraid. I have received few complaints about it in the past, so it is now only an option on our menu!"

Tonio smiles warmly.


"Spiacente. If you were to know more, you might lose your appetite."

His face suddenly turns dead serious.


"And do tell your child to not ruin the atmosphere for our other patrons."

The chef then looks around with another innocent smile, apparently having memorized your orders perfectly without the use of a notepad. "If that is all, I will go and prepare your orders! A waiter will return with your drinks!" He leaves, going into the kitchen. Apparently, he didn't even bat an eye at Benedict's order- maybe he considers it a wonderful challenge.
"I'm not a child." Megumin argued flatly. "But a-ah...See, I'm not good at n-not cursin' when I'm tired. Maybe I just need...more shuteye..." Her eyelids fluttered, and her breathing slowed. But before she should drift off...
"Ah, understood. So while its effects are not appealing to look at, they are efficient. That's basically my job in worst case scenarios."

The Doctor's tone expressed confusion, not a single ounce of fear from intimidation.

"My... child?"

He looks towards Megumin.

"... you are mistaken."

The Doctor ponders.

"How does Silence deal with Ifrit? Hmmm...."

The Doctor dumps the idea away and whispers to Megumin.

"Megumin, was it? You should keep your volume low in this establishment. If a plot is going on behind our backs, screaming, shouting and hollering about it will only make our eventual escape leagues more difficult, as it is not only allies who have heard it, but enemies. Your allies have a hard time believing you, but obviously the enemies will be more convinced should it hold true, giving them an advantage over us. If a plot is truly going on, they will be wary of you due to your words, and all form of escape will be disabled in preparation for what you have unsubtlely prepared, and the greatest irony would be that you, who intended to be our saviour, would be our eternal doom due to your foolishness. Any further action and what you fear could actually happen. Is that understood?"
...the Doctor pulled her close, and hissed into her ear. "Woa...Yeah, yeah...Probably a bad thing to say in front of the guy who makes our food..." Her eyes went wide,and she noticeably turned pale...well, pale-er, this was one malnourished archwizard. "You know, Explosion isn't subtle at all. Want me to just blow 'em up now? As long as somebody carries me afterward, I'll be okay." She waggled her staff. "But hey. I don't mean to put you in doom. You guys? You guys are my (yawn) party now." She wrapped her arms around the Doctor, and whoever was sitting on her opposite side. "I just want you to stay safe, y'know? It's my job to l-look out for ya!"

"Oh, and, um..."
Megumim snickered. "Chef said to tell your child not to ruin the...what fuckin' was it...uh, stratosphere in here. And you volunteered. Does that make me your child?...But not really, 'cause I'm not a child?"
The Knight is in awe once more as she brings her second hand up and cups the cheeks of Fluffington, squishing her cheeks and flopping her ears side to side, mirroring with her own ears. "I missed you my little friend! Such a sweetheart..",
Megumin's eyes clouded with jealousy. "Yeah, well, when I find Ch-Ch-chomi-Chomusuke II, I am gonna give him...the sweetest fuckin' cuddles...We'll have an affection fight. Ya like that? Yup, let's throw some fuckin' hugs." She squeezed the Doctor, petting the crown of his head. "Look at me go, I'm already training..."
"Did someone say Ratatouille?" A sudden deep, manly, male voice asked from the side of the dining area you all found yourselves in.


"Because Ratatouille happens to be MY specialty!" The man, known simply as Timmy's Dad, exclaimed absent-mindedly. "Hi, I'm Timmy's Dad, and I'll be your chef for tonight!" He shouted. If any of you chose to look up, you would no doubt notice the tiny rat sitting in his hair, smiling down at all of you. "Are there any other special dishes that you want me, Timmy's Dad, to cook for you?"
"Oh, you mean Mister Whiskers?" Timmy's Dad asked as he glanced up to the rat in question. "I dunno! One day while I was spying on Dinkleberg through my binoculars, I got sucked through some weird portal vortex thingy, and then brought here! That's when I met Mister Whiskers, and he started to forcibly control my body without my consent by pulling my hair!" He shouted happily, before "Mister Whiskers" tugged up on his hair, causing him to lift his arm. "Now, Mister Whiskers forces me to make food here without being paid!"
"N-now I know I need some sleep." Megumin rubbed her eyes. The guy before her eyes. This man had clothes she had never seen before, and his head was bizarrely constructed, all angular and asymmetrical. He was nauseating enough to look at without the rat on his head. To be fair, that rat did look pretty well groomed. "Can I just...get something energizing? Like fu-some coffee. Or, uh...what's that grainy white stuff that makes you hoppy?" She ignored any concerned looks around her while she rubbed her chin and hummed. "...Uh, whatever the fuck it's called, something with a lot of it in it should have me back to normal." Her brain struggled to put the letters together. "'S'...'U'...'C'? No, I think it was 'S-U-G'...and was it 'A' or 'E' at the end?"
Last edited:
As they were talking to the chef, she looked to see someone come over to the table. A smile appeared on her face once she saw it was Minako. "Oh, Miss Arisato!" Sand appeared next to her, manifesting into Kintaros. "Mister Kintaros! This place is amazing, isn't it?"

Hearing that they were wondering if there was sushi on the menu and seeing that Minako was looking for it, she flipped to the Japanese section of her menu and showed them. "
They do have it. Here, there's food from all different places in the world."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Skye looked over at where the voice she didn't recognize come from, praising the group for their fighting during the mission earlier. "Hey, thanks. We tried our best." Nodding in response to him saying that they keep calling her a Siren, she took a sip, a little past halfway done with her drink. "Yep, I'm a Siren."

She turned around in her seat to face him. "
Being a Siren means your a powerful woman, the powerful part coming from the powers that each Siren has. To tell you the truth, that's all I know since Promethea didn't exactly have books on what Siren's are so I couldn't learn anything other than I have badass powers."

A small laugh came from her when he mentioned if she was a maneater like Moxxi. "
Nah, it depends on the Siren's personality. Though, I could be if I wanted to. Isn't that right, Mox?"

DapperDogman DapperDogman , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    Seemingly unrelated to anything, Heather would start frantically rolling over in her sleep. Given that she was floating, it looked as though she was having a mid-air seizure, but in fact, her dreams had just gotten very, very confusing.

    "i-it's... not... hot.... when... m-mommy... does... it..."

    She would then plummet onto her bed, falling face-first into the pillow. This probably would not result in her suffocating herself, but you never know.

The moment a bar was mentioned, Shaw was up on her feet and ready to go. Contrary to the popular belief that the firefighter lived a completely sober life, with a career like hers it was inevitable that her coworkers would drag her to drinking parties. A way to take off the edge when you're off risking your life as a job, they would tell her. One way or another, she ended up drinking sometimes on her off days or after a particularly difficult operation. So she dropped off her equipment in one of the vacant rooms and away she went.

Entering the establishment, the zalak meandered over to the counter and clambered onto one of the stools. She slid a few bills across to the admittedly attractive barkeep. "Somegin-tonicstostartoffwith,please."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @Barpeeps
Benedict smiled as the waiter took his order
Ah....Josh, just like every other waiter...we must....time this one.
Benedict would then turn on his stopwatch before glancing around
Ah! Finally! The appetizer arrived! Benedict would think as he looked at Fluffington
Ah, nothing better to do than....dig in I suppose....ah, I’m a classic little clown.”
Benedict would say as he began to toss salt and pepper on Fluffington before attempting to spread butter on her
After Benedict did so, Josh would pull out some silverware as well
Ah ah ah Josh....we didn’t say the blessing.......dear God, I pray that....you pay your fees in due time, after all, it would be a shame if one of your angels just.....went away for a bit....ah, amen.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
@ table crew​
Lilith and Kirby
While she was hanging out with everyone else in the restaurant Lilith had a lot on her mind, she was noticeably more quiet then she was a moment earlier and was playing with her hair a bit.Finally she spoke up to the group about what she was thinking about. "Hey guys, I've been thinking about something lately and I'm not sure if you guys would understand it but I feel like I should really talk about it right now. Ever since I realized that I've been starting to annoy some of the people here, more specifically Skye, and I feel like it was mostly because I came off as arrogant or overly sarcastic but I really don't want to give them that impression. That's not who I am at all, I'm really apprehensive and I try to mask that by acting like I'm laid back and easy going, I really feel like I need to apologize to them for everything I've done."
Once Lilith was done explaining her thoughts and feelings Kirby started to feel very remorseful of her and looked a little saddened, he scoots a little closer to her and gives her a pat on the back, Lilith would quickly notice this and turn towards him. "Well...at least I still have you little guy." She said before patting him on the head.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Grey)
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch (Julia)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Elizabeth)
P PopcornPie (Megumin)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch (Benedict)

@ All others in restaurant group​
Fluffington the Mighty is dragged away from her blissful encounter by yet annother abduction. This time she was having some grainy things and something slick spread over her coat. A little frown would cross her face, this is the Opposite of Snuggles!! She would instinctively being to shake the substances off, splatering Benedict and anyone near him with the unwanted condiments.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @restaurantgroup
A loud shriek was what was mustered from the Knight as she watched Fluffington being yanked from her by this dimwit in a top hat. Nearl wasn't having it. With a dash of inhuman speed, Nearl has hopped up and out of her seat, grabbing for her Shield. With both of her hands, she swings the shield at Benedict, attempting a solid whack at his head as she picks up Fluffington in her arms.

A few seconds pass as she returns to her seat, the shield on her back and Fluffington on her lap as she reaches for a napkin, helping wipe up the mix of condiments.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Ah...the dish is moving....time to...put it down....Josh, activate operation appetizer
Benedict would say as he flew threw the air after being hit by Nearls shield.
As he crashed into a nearby booth, there would be silence as the dust settled.
Josh would follow Benedicts request and stand to the side holding a beatbox.
Then, the dust would finally settle, and Josh would press play

Benedict would emerge from the dust, dawning a chefs outfit, with the biggest fake mustache anyone’s ever seen
Ah! Madam Knight....I believe you’ve stolen something....very special to me....my appetizer.
Benedict said as he pulled out a frying pan, cleaning it profusely as he spoke
Ah....now....it’s time to feast.
Benedict would say as both he and Sous Chef Josh charged at Nearl, frying pans and whisks brandished
Riven Riven
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
As Nearl had continued to calm down and smile as she cleaned and petted at Fluffington, the sound of brandishing tools and silverware and Italian music now blaring as she slowly looks up at the direction of Benedict, her grin now a stone cold look of dissatisfaction. With Benedict now charging at Nearl, enough was enough.

A sudden burst of bright golden light momentarily flashes around Nearl and every witness in the resturaunt in the shape of a horse's head as she stares cold and blankly at Benedict charging. She holds Fluffington close to her chest with her free arm, as she clutches her shield tightly in the other, running directly at ramming speed in the direction of Benedict, face first as she and her shield glow a bright yellow.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
Fluffington was rescued by Nearl, and all was well. Well, it was well until Benedict emerged from the dust cloud baring a Frying Pan and Mustache. She quirks an eyebrow at him, unamused. "I know I'm not that smart, but you shouldn't be making a scene at a restaurant." she chastises the self proclaimed chef and gentleman. "Also look out." She says to Nearl.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @restaurantgroup
Benedict would merely keep charging before stopping right of Nearl
Ah.....how do you like...this apple.
He would state as he attempted to whack Nearl on the head with a frying pan, meanwhile Josh would try to jump on Nearl and grab fluffington
Ah...it’s not making a scene if you’re merely picking up your appetizer.
Benedict would say before trying to hit Nearl several more times with his pan
Riven Riven
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Nearl remains silent as she was repeatedly hit with a frying pan. The sound of the clanking on her head hitting her ears only pissing her off more and more as her head bumps repeatedly. She keeps her arm with Fluffington close to her chest as possible, not allowing anyone to get near her as she continues to protect her little friend with her life.

She slowly looks at Benedict as she continues to be bashed by the frying pan, anger in her eyes. "You.. are.. pissing.. me.. off!", she screams, having enough as she suddenly throws his friend to the side and knocks Benedict to the ground, beginning to repeatedly whack and smack him with the shield as she steps atop of him with her heels to keep him in place of her assault.

Restaurant Group

Luckily for Minako, there'd be a nice palette of Japanese food on the menu, sushi and tea included.

"Lilith... you haven't done anything wrong. You don't need to apologize," Grey says, shaking his head and smiling. "You're one of us. Whatever 'us' means in this weird, dysfunctional group."

Then the fight between Benedict, Nearl, and Fluffington breaks out.


"Speaking of dysfunctional. Can't you guys just take a break for ONE SECOND?!"

Before you know it, Tonio comes back out from the kitchen and sets his hands on Timmy's Dad's shoulders with the most innocent of smiles. "Oh, spiacente, you must forgive him. He is not supposed to be out here tending to the guests..." He then looks at Doctor. "Unfortunately, it appears even my Pearl Jam has its limits," he explains cryptically before glaring at Timmy's Dad. And then smiling again as he takes the rest of your orders! "Come, come, Timmy's father. There is much more culinary work to be done!"

"YOU FUCKED UP THE DOUGH, YOU FUCKING DONKEY!" says a voice from the kitchen.

"Much culinary work!"

He then glares at Benedict, Nearl, and Fluffington.

"Please do not disturb the atmosphere."

The tense stare is held for a moment too long before Tonio then 'guides' Timmy's Dad back to the kitchen 'gently.'

A waiter, like Tonio had promised, comes out from the kitchen carrying a tray of your drinks and appetizers. But, as would be expected when pulling people from across the whole multiverse, this waiter looks... particular.


"Wassup. I'm Mr. Red. Boss man told me I'll be your waiter for tonight."

Yes, he is a red stick figure. After giving out your orders, he backs up and gives you finger guns with his... stick hands?

mr red finger guns2.gif

"Catch you later."

He then runs back into the kitchen as a literal blur. He just WOOSHed out of the room.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials DerpyCarp DerpyCarp LilacMonarch LilacMonarch TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Martydi Martydi Crow Crow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


"Right on, sugar. Lil became more uptight when she had to step up as leader of the Crimson Leaders, but when I first met her... she was called the Firehawk for a reason." She then purses her lips at Skye. "Aww, Skye. You know I already have kids of my own to take care of. But we've been through a lot together- I'll put in a good word for you and make sure the Raiders have your back. It's what you'd do for me, right?"

She then glances at Shaw. "Slow down, doll. You're going to knock yourself out before you can even start drinking."

Zane then turns to her. "'sides, lass- aren't ya' a bit too young to be lookin' fer' a pint? Ya' did some good work back at Steele's Holdout, but you should be searchin' fer' another reward. But! I've seen others like you who were half my age. How the hell does that work?"

Moxxi then regards Jason Cooper. "You must be Blast Radius. I heard you did some damage to those Bandits at Skull's Settlement. I haven't heard stories of so many Bandits being blown since Torgue dropped his load back in the Crater of Badassitude. I think you've deserved this... reward." She quickly prepares and gives the hero a transparent drink of turquoise tinge, served cold in a rectangular glass. "This is a special little drink called 'Brick's Fist.' Has the biggest kick out of my entire collection. Perfect for a man like you."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Ineptitude Ineptitude DapperDogman DapperDogman


Eric slinks back to the barracks and meets FL4K, who only has Mr. Chew and Horror by their side.

"Kendall. You appear to be distraught."

"Just... tired, FL4K sir."

"Ah. Then you must be searching for your room. I believe Julia allowed you and Natasha to sleep in the same room as her." The robot points at the door.

"...thanks. Oh, and- do you know if anyone sells shields here?"

"Dr. Zed."


Eric goes into the room and flops on the bed, yawning and moving aside in case Natasha wants to join him.


LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Benedict merely sat there calmly as he was thrown to the ground, being bashed repeatedly with a shield wasnt fun
Benedict would say as he pulled out his pistol and aimed it at Nearl
My appetizer please....or I’ll be forced to use this little scoundrel.
Riven Riven

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