• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
--Minako Arisato--
OST: Living With Determination
Status: Good
Money: $8500
Gun 1- The Buttplug
Gun 2 - Nebula
Shield - Mr. Caffeine
Interaction: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

It wasn't long until someone else took notice of what was happening to Elizabeth. The first one to notice was some kind of strange large cat that spoke with two tails, her fur, pink, a red gem on her her head. This is followed by a yellow foxlet. Both of them, speaking.

The revaltion was much simpler than she anticipated. Songbird wasn't actually a bird, but a person. Perhaps he was the one who tormented Elizabeth, trapped her inside that tower she mentioned back then? Regardless, Minako walked towards her bed and sat beside her.

"It's okay...He won't get you." Minako tried to comfort her lady friend, putting her hand above Elizabeth's "We're pretty far from wherever he comes from." She says, "We promised we'll protect you, won't we?"
Nearl frowns slightly at the card she was passed. The word "Them", not very intriguing to her as she shrugs and sticks it into her pocket. As Fluffington sips her smoothie, Nearl keeps a satisfied grin, still petting her slowly through her tail.

Her other hand is tapping her fingers against the table, waiting for her meal. When Benedict began to play the song, The sounds of shrieking and panicking from Elizabeth drew Nearl's attention once more. Instead of worry, this one, was one of anger. As she stands up, she walks over to Benedict, suddenly slapping the flute out of his hands and mouth onto the floor."What is your problem!", The Kuranta yells angrily as she storms off, making sure to grab Fluffington's smoothie.

As she went off and followed into Elizabeth's direction, it seemed some others had the same thought of seeing if Elizabeth was alright. Nearl let's out a sigh as she gives Fluffington's head a gentle pat, before placing her atop Nearl's head once more. "Sorry to drag you along once more little friend, I don't trust you alone with that idiot in the top hat." Nearl's ears flatten and part, giving space for Fluffington as she still held the eevee's smoothie in her hand.

Nearl had followed the group to their current room, the Knight immediately seeing her Warhammer as she walked into the room with a peeking head, Fluffington atop of her head as well. She gives the entryway a gentle rap with her knuckles as she slowly slips in, one of her ears flicking as she moves closer to the group and Elizabeth, a look of pure genuine concern on her face as she took a knee by Elizabeth, allowing Fluffington vision of what was happening. Nearl slowly became more and more distraught as she saw Elizabeth's tears, pulling out a small handkerchief to wipe away a few loose droplets.

Julia's eyes and the gem in her forehead start to glow faintly as she puts a paw to Elizabeth's forehead. As she did so, the hallucinations and song fade away like a speaker turned off in the middle of playing.

"I can sense everyone aboard this ship. None of them are him."

Interactions: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Elizabeth) Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara (Lana) Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Minako) Riven Riven (Nearl)​
Benedict was going to get a lesson taught to him until Sora hears Elizabeth saying “She doesn’t want to go back.” “Teh. I’m going to comfort Elizabeth, I mean it this time. Behave yourself or next time I won’t be afraid to show you not to be a pinhead!” Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

Sora enters the room, to see her crying and scared for her life.
“Hey, Elizabeth. It’s me Sora, I’m sorry for what that guy did to you. Whatever’s the problem is, we’ll help you through it. It’s okay.” Sora gives her a comforting hug, insuring everything’s alright.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @C.A.R.E_squad
From what she could make out from Minako's words, she only read "he won't get you" and "we promised we would protect you". She wanted to believe that would be true, and it would, but with Songbird? It wouldn't work, Songbird couldn't be stopped, and he would catch her and bring her back to the tower. "
Y-Y-You can't... You can't p-protect me fr-fr-from him... H-H-He's a l-l-l-large mechanical b-bird..."

It was then that Julia put a paw to her forehead, the gem on her started to glow, and then... nothing.

She heard... nothing.

The screeches and the music went away, making her able to hear everyone that came to check in on her. "
J-Julia... th-thank you... But he w-wouldn't be in here... He would be f-flying..."

It was then that Nearl and Sora came in, Nearl wiping her tears away and Sora giving her a hug. Instantly, she hugged him back, crying even more to the point where it was more like sobbing. They were all here for her, something that only happened once back on the bus. And back then, she was grateful for them caring about her, and the same could be said here.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , Riven Riven , LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
"Elizabeth, I've kicked the butts of large birds and large robots countless times. If there's anyone who can protect you from something that's both, it's me," Ben declares, "as long as I'm around, you won't need to worry."

"A little concentrated. With so many consoling the victim..."

The Doctor towers over Benedict, his shadow engulfing the little man's entire body.

"... whoever shall confront the perpetrator?"

He sips his wine ominously. How he did it through his helmet was a mystery.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @RestaurantGroup​
Restaurant Group

Tonio Portrait.png

At last, Tonio comes out of the kitchen with a large cart and several platters on top. For some odd reason, he's still carrying a knife. He politely hands each of you your meals before finally turning to Benedict. Odd... there's nothing left on the cart for him.

"Now, you there..."


"You're still destroying the peace of my restaurant, are you?!"

Tonio Knife Throw.gif

Tonio suddenly raises the knife and throws it right into his chair, narrowly missing him. The crazed chef raises a fist, trembling in rage.


His fist flies towards Benedict... only to steal away his flute.

"Stop causing disturbances for the other guests! For what you've done, you will now pay for everyone's meals!"


"He won't."

Mr. Red WOOSHes back in from the kitchen. "Yo, boss man!" He turns to Benedict. "This the guy that's giving you problems?"

"Yes! See to it that he pays the bill for these other kind guests!"

"You got it."


Tonio then smiles at all of you as if nothing ever happened. "Please, do eat," he says as he hands Naoto a menu.

The food would be incredible. The flavor might be unlike anything you've ever tasted! Maybe; for some of you, that might be an exaggeration. But this is most definitely a place worthy of three Michelin stars.

Oh, and apparently, Fluffington's drink apparently wouldn't be the special one. Tonio might not trust her to follow the rules well enough, and the last thing anyone wants is to see an Eevee exploding before being healed up again in the middle of their meal.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @RestaurantGroup

Bar Group


Moxxi quickly pours you each your respective drinks, taking a few extra moments to admire Samael and Voss. Just then, someone else walks out from the backroom. He looks like a mix between a sea creature and a human... well, really, he's a sea creature with the build of a human. It's... offputting, especially when he's dressed about as suggestively as Moxxi is.

Jax Bar Outfit Crop.png
(I've reached peak furry. Please forgive me.)

"Hey, Mox. Time for my shift?"

"That's right, doll. These customers are about to have a drinking game. Make sure to keep 'em wet for me, Jax."

"You got it."

Moxxi turns to Skye. "Sorry, sugar. I've got a project to work on. Stay safe." She then winks at all of you before leaving through where this other character had come from.

"Hey there," he says casually. "I'm Jax, and I'll be your Beverage Artisan for the rest of the morning. Moxxi's busy doing her own thing nowadays, so she has me run the bar when she can't. You should stop by her casino. So- you ready to start that drinking game?"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher QizPizza QizPizza Yamperzzz Yamperzzz quadraxis201 quadraxis201


Eric looks at Lana guiltily as she leaves. His stomach then growls.

"Man... how long's it been since we last ate?" He gets up. "I saw a restaurant on the way here. Tonio's, or something. We should go there. Don't worry, I'll pay."

The Typhlosion then leaves, and a minute later arrives at the restaurant.

"Ah, yes, more customers!" Tonio says happily as he comes on over. "How many will be dining today?"

"Two." He glances over at the table with everyone else. "Man, looks like everyone else beat us here. Can't blame 'em..."

"Right this way!"

Tonio guides him and (hopefully Natasha, if she came with him) over to a table for two off to the side. Eric sits down as the chef passes them both a menu. "What will you have for your drinks?"

The Typhlosion looks the menu over. "Just some iced tea, please."

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
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The Kuranta grins as she sees Elizabeth acknowledged her efforts to cheer her up. Nearl keeps her cheerful smile, still wiping up Elizabeth's tears with her kerchief, before tucking away the cloth back into her pocket, as she joined Sora in hugging her new friend. Of course, The Knight made sure to keep balance as she hugged Elizabeth as well, just so Fluffington wouldn't go toppling off of her head. She had her arms wrapped around the smaller framed girl as she also gave her back a pat and her head a pat.

"Thanks for being a good friend Miss Elizabeth! If you need anything, I will be here to return the favor!"

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
--Minako Arisato--
OST: Living With Determination
Status: Good
Money: $8500
Gun 1- The Buttplug
Gun 2 - Nebula
Shield - Mr. Caffeine
Interaction: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Crow Crow

"A bird...?" Minako mutters, "I don't think it could reach us through several planets..." She pondered, hearing that the Songbird is actually a bird. A metal bird, to be exact. Makes sense, but that changes nothing. As Sora and the blonde cat eared lady started to hug Elizabeth, Minako joined in and hugged the three of them at once...At least, attempted to.

Interaction: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch @RestaurantGang

Kintaros jolted away at the sounds of loud footsteps, tensing up in alarm as he saw the cook run up to a tiny man in anger! However, it would soon be revealed that the cook only took the tiny man's flute and soon enough, their meal was served. The smell alone makes Kintaros smile. Although his face physically cannot express it.

"This smells wonderful!" Kintaros commented, pulling apart his chopsticks and then began to eat. You can see the noodles go to his closed lips and somehow through it, slurping, as per japanese custom to show respect to the chef.
Fluffington the Mighty is quick to start eating her food. She eats with speed and precision, making sure not to waste any, while also maneuvering herself to be between the others and her meal as much as she can from her position. When she is done, her dishes are clean, except for the Eevee sober and fur left behind. She licks the last of the sauce off of her face before she lets out a quick audible burp to show her compliments, as per tradition, before returning looking around for her special drink. "Huh, where is... OH! He said to wait to drink it away from others, so obviously it's gonna be in a travel cup after!! Mr. Chef is so smart! I had forgotten!!" She then calls out to the waiter. "Mr. Red Guy!! Can you give my compliments to the Chef?! The sauce was of a good thickness, the noodles cooked enough without going overboard, and all was made in a timely manner! Also, it tasted fantastic!!" Fluffington nods her head and sits to wait for her special drink.
The Eevee turns to Julia, "Great choice! We should invite the other Pokemon next time!"
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch @restaurantgroup

"Lilith... that raccoon guy's probably next door drinking his brains out and goes off at being called a raccoon. He's hardly in a position to be judging anyone else. There's nothing wrong with making a few mistakes. We all make them sometimes. In the end, our plan went off without any problems."

Grey smiles at the ghost.


"Besides, I think you did great."

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Scott Baker

For a moment Scott considered running after Elizabeth when she escaped the restaurant, but then realized he has no idea where she might be going. He resigned himself to staying here and making sure Benedict won't pull any more stunts. That was when Tonio showed up with their food, and news for Benedict. Deciding the restaurant's owner gave enough reason for Benedict to stay silent, Scott happily turned to the food. He picked up the dishes ordered by Elizabeth and the ones who ran after her, then placed them where they sat previously, in case they came back. With this done, the auraxian picked up his own lasagna. He once again took off his helmet before digging into the food. It was the best meal he had in a while, whoever cooked it sure knew what he was doing. "No kidding, this is great." Scott agreed with Fluffington.

  • Julia smiles and gives Elizabeth a hug as well, albeit a bit awkwardly, mostly because of her anatomy. "Everything is going to be okay."

    She releases her after a moment and steps back. "If you'd like, I can let you know when the top hat idiot is gone from the restaurant. Or maybe we can get some takeout for you."

    After waiting a moment for a reply, if any, the Espeon walks back to the restaurant, arriving just in time to receive her meal. She smiles at Tonio warmly. "Thank you."

    As she digs in, Julia stops for a moment just to appreciate the flavor. "Dear Arceus...this has got to be the best pasta I've ever tasted!"

    She raises an eyebrow at Fluffington's speedy eating. When Fluffington brings up the other Pokémon, she points toward Tonio leading Eric and Natasha to a different table. "Like them?"
Lilith frowns a little bit less and grabs grabs her shoulders. "Thanks...I appreciate it I guess." She said in response to Grey's uplifting complement. Kirby smiles a bit knowing that Lilith was starting to feel a little better and gives her a hug, the hug caught Lilith by surprise looking back at him. She starts to smile a bit and hug him back.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Grey)
Shaw sipped on her glass, watching passively as the other patrons of the bar engaged each other through small talk and the like. The gin and tonic was bright and zesty. The combination of juniper, coriander and citrus all jumped out of the glass to meet her senses; and the vibrant aromas were balanced out by the light, bittersweet flavor of the tonic water. It was refreshing, really.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher QizPizza QizPizza Yamperzzz Yamperzzz quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @BarPeople
Lightning, the Light Ignis

Branching Out

It had been however long it 'had' been, but alas, the Light Ignis finally conceded and opted to leave the room he had sentenced himself to, and now to roam what lied outside of it. Perhaps he could find someone or multiple people to actually 'care about', as these humans speak of? The thought still riddles the Ignis with so many questions - maybe he can find them answered. Regardless, he was armed in his Duel Disk once more as he abundantly floated around the hallways upon exiting his room and now seemingly roaming the hall where 'other' rooms lie, of the same 'kind' - perhaps he'll find someone if anyone at all. "How quiet... I like this, but it's incredibly dull." He grumbled to himself, then sighing as his wanders continued.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #F7DA64
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Bored, irritably bored​
Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included)​
This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.
Chapter 2
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Chapter 1
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Lex
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
Course of action: Chilling out.​
RP Information
Location: Sanctuary III, halls (near rooms)​
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: Everyone(?)​
Benedict would’ve been very confused as Elizabeth ran away, did he play it wrong? He would’ve tried again if it weren’t for Sora and Nearl making sure he didn’t.
Miss Elizabeth! I say did I play it wrong!
Sora would then call him a pinhead and walk away along with Nearl
False....it’s round.
Then....this mysterious man spoke to Benedict....he was almost as mysterious as he, whoever he was he was a LOT taller
Perpetrator? For what....ah, I just played a measly flute for a fellow bird lover....perhaps I played a key wrong....C-A-G-E....hm, perhaps I played the E wrong indeed.
He would say to the mysterious man
I do wonder why she ran away.....intriguing.
A knife would fly into Benedicts chair narrowly missing him as the crazed once cool Chef came screaming at Benedict. Pay for the meals? Seems like Tonio didn’t realize that whatever the price of this meal is will be a penny compared to Benedicts wealth.
Of course Dear Sir, here you go.....I hope this pays and serves as a humble apology....I was merely playing a flute for a fellow bird lover! Ah....are you a bird lover Mister Chef? Mister Red? Oh I bet Mister Red is.
Benedict said as Josh handed Red a large suitcase filled with cash.
Benedict would then turn to the mysterious man once again, sipping from his “Them” wine
Dent in my wallet? Ah.....wrong, as you can see I prepared a suitcase just for this occasion....or for bribery....I just am sorry I scared poor Madam Elizabeth with my flute playing.
Benedict then realized he was hungry still....and there was no food on the cart. Benedict would’ve pulled out his megaphone but he really didn’t wish to be assassinated by Tonio tonight.
Mister Red! Can you can bring out my food now! Josh....be prepared to sue this place for false advertising...we have a....stellar case and it could work.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Crow Crow
Riven Riven
@Table group​
Benedict would look at Megumin
Ah ah ah witch! Not every animal is food nor a slave....take Franklin for instance.
He said as he pulled out a rock with googley eyes and a bow tie
Franklin is a lone wolf....he abides by his own rules because he makes the rules...and look at him...living the American dream indeed.
"...That's a rock."
The Espeon glares at Benedict as he starts trying to eat Fluffington. She sips her smoothie and pulls out Lucky's Paw O' Death, pointing at him. "I'm going to have to ask you to stop trying to eat my friend and disrupting the atmosphere, or I'll have to authorize lethal force, got it?"
"You see? Pokémon are no different from us!...Well, in terms of brains." Megumin nodded.

Julia then threatened Benedict with...The Paw o' Death!? "That's Chomusuke's weapon!" Megumin's eyes twinkled in awe. "How ever did you get it from him? He must have bitten you all over!"
Though, she had to address eating the creatures, which she didn't even know their species, before continuing to listen to him. "I don't think you should be talking about that while they're trying to eat. Plus, they wouldn't want to hear someone try to eat their own kind, with a description or not!"

She saw him tell his assistant to search through records with "Them" written in bold letters on the front of them. Well, he seemed to could others as just them. Really, he reminded her of Jeremiah Fink with how he was minus the slaves Fink had. Wait, did this man secretly have slaves? If he did, something told her the two would get along well, especially with how he was willing to eat an entire race.

He mentioned her being a bird fanatic, which reminded her of the pendant she had on. It was back when she was on the beach with Booker and she asked him to pick, which resulted in her having her bird pendant. While the cage could be literal for her, the bird was more symbolic, saying that she was free now from the tower. And now, she was free from Colombia temporarily.

And then, he mentioned something that made her freeze up. One look at her and people could tell that she froze up at the mention of it, though she was trying to hide it.

It was the mention... of songbirds.

Songbird... the thing she wanted to be free of.

Long ago, she thought his call to be calming, but now? She was afraid of it, whenever it played, he would come. He wasn't here now, and there wasn't any way for him to come here, but she was still terrified of it.

O-Of course I've read the article... th-they're lovely birds." Her voice was slightly shaking, due to her trying to hide her fear.
As he was speaking Elizabeth brought wonderful news, she read the article!
Ah...splendid! Then you must’ve heard the call....so wondrous to the ears....I think I’ll play it now....don’t worry my flute skills are....on point.
Benedict would then snap as Josh approached and gave Benedict a flute. Benedict would then do a few breathing exercises before finally
putting his mouth on the flute
"Hey, are you all right?" Megumin's brow furrowed in concern. She would expect a reaction like Elizabeth's from talk of demons, or liches, but a songbird never harmed anyone, right?
Once he started mentioning the call and got a flute, she started getting a bad feeling. A very bad feeling. "
N-No, I've heard the-" And then...

He played it.

The song she would always hear when he would come to her. The song she heard whenever he was near. This wasn't a bird call, as bird calls wouldn't be done with an instrument, but with your mouth and your mouth alone... this was his call.

Immediately, she started hyperventilating and panicking. "
S-Stop...! Stop, p-please...!" She covered her ears, her hands shaking like crazy. Elizabeth quickly got up, not caring if the chair was knocked over or not, and ran. There was only one place where she knew she could be safe: her room.

Once she got to the room, she opened the door unless it was open, then she ran in, and closed the door. The brunette ran to her bed, grabbing the pillow and using it to cover her ears as she tried to block out the music. But, she then started hearing his screeches which were hallucinations, and her mind started playing the song over and over.

What if... What if she really wasn't safe? All this time, she thought that he wouldn't be able to follow her, but what if he found a way and manage to come here? The song could be calling him here right now and try to take her away! Feeling a chest pain, she put a hand over her chest, shaking and starting to cry.

This is what Songbird did to her... instill enough fear into her with the song. And right now, it caused a panic attack in her.
The song was riddled with sour notes that seemed to give everyone a headache, including Megumin. "Please, I would appreciate it if you put that infernal instrument away!" She begged, pressing her head to the table and her hands to her ears.

For Megumin, it heavily irritated her. But it seemed to have an even worse effect on Elizabeth. She seemed downright...afraid? It turned her into a sobbing wreck, running out of the room. "Elizabeth, wait!" Megumin leaned over the table, stretching her hand, to no avail. "Nice going!" She snarled to Benedixt.
Julia glares back at Benedict. "Considering my world is only inhabited by Pokémon, all of which can talk and have their own hopes and dreams, and are more 'human' than you could ever be? No. That's cannibalism."

She frowns as Elizabeth starts having a panic attack from hearing whatever it was that Benedict was playing on his flute. The poor girl runs out of the room, followed by Minako.
Before she could finish that thought, she felt someone touch her. Jolting up, she saw Minako, Julia, and a new person there. Even though all she could hear were the song and the sounds of his screeching, she could read their lips but barely. She looked at them, tears running down her face, shaking. "...S-S-Songbird... Wh-What if he... What i-if he found a-a way h-h-h-here...? Th-Th-That song... it calls h-h-him... I-I-I don't want to go b-back to... the tower...! I DON'T W-W-WANT TO GO BACK...!"
Megumin was the fourth to follow, quietly stepping into the room with her eyes wide. "Go back? Where?" She tilted her head. "Could you be the only one who doesn't wish to go home? And who does this song call?" She looked over her shoulder, but there were no songbirds coming. "Whoever he is...I bet we could take him on, if he comes to hurt you!" She jabbed the air. "I don't know what this tower is, but I bet we could even dismantle it, brick by brick!"

When Megumin's words of comfort didn't seem to have much effect, Julia made use of her psychic power to reassure Elizabeth that nobody villainous had come. "See? Nothing to..." The archmage glanced around at their unfamiliar environment. "Well, no songbirds to be afraid of, anyway. Come on, let's just find a Benedict-free table, and enjoy our food without that malevolent!" She held the door open for everybody, then tailed them back to the restaurant.
Eric looks at Lana guiltily as she leaves. His stomach then growls.

"Man... how long's it been since we last ate?" He gets up. "I saw a restaurant on the way here. Tonio's, or something. We should go there. Don't worry, I'll pay."

The Typhlosion then leaves, and a minute later arrives at the restaurant.

"Ah, yes, more customers!" Tonio says happily as he comes on over. "How many will be dining today?"

"Two." He glances over at the table with everyone else. "Man, looks like everyone else beat us here. Can't blame 'em..."

"Right this way!"

Tonio guides him and (hopefully Natasha, if she came with him) over to a table for two off to the side. Eric sits down as the chef passes them both a menu. "What will you have for your drinks?"

The Typhlosion looks the menu over. "Just some iced tea, please."
"Kendall! Natasha! Hi!" Megumin greeted them with an energized wag of her invisible tail. To her delight, it looked like their food was ready, too!

  • Julia smiles and gives Elizabeth a hug as well, albeit a bit awkwardly, mostly because of her anatomy. "Everything is going to be okay."

    View attachment 710410
    She releases her after a moment and steps back. "If you'd like, I can let you know when the top hat idiot is gone from the restaurant. Or maybe we can get some takeout for you."

    After waiting a moment for a reply, if any, the Espeon walks back to the restaurant, arriving just in time to receive her meal. She smiles at Tonio warmly. "Thank you."

    As she digs in, Julia stops for a moment just to appreciate the flavor. "Dear Arceus...this has got to be the best pasta I've ever tasted!"

    She raises an eyebrow at Fluffington's speedy eating. When Fluffington brings up the other Pokémon, she points toward Tonio leading Eric and Natasha to a different table. "Like them?"
"Mmmmmmhmmm!" Megumin nodded excitedly after her first bite. The spaghetti was warm, not too soft, not too salty. It was the perfect blend of well grown wheat, and fresh tomato! "If it were possible, I would save some for Kazumi! Or maybe I could find a way to keep coming back here for more!" Come to think of it, this was a near perfect snapshot of the last meal she had alongside her party...And that brought a bittersweet flavor to both the meal and her expression.
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Voss laughed loudly after Skye announced the name of her current drink to him. Abbott was startled by this sudden outburst but continued to take small sips of his shot, grimacing every time he did so. After a few seconds, Voss finally responded to Skye. "Hehe! I love how ya said that so casually. If I had to say that, even if it was my regular, I would never be able to keep a straight face" He chuckled a little bit more as he received his rum from Moxxi. "Thank ya, sweetheart." He would then drink from it as he proceeded to interact with Skye.

"Oh, maybe later," the sea captain would say in response to Skye's question. "But, it does give me an idea..." Just as he mentioned this, Jax came in to take Moxxi's place, much to his dismay. Nonetheless, Voss eyed Moxxi on her way out before turning his attention towards his new bartender. After Skye asked Voss if he'd like to try her drink, he would notice that Abbott had finished his shot of beer.

"Abbott, my boy! Ya finished it! How do ya feel?"

"...I feel weird..."

"But is it a good kind of weird that yer feelin'?"


"Ya feel like yer gonna spew?"

"Not yet, but we're getting there."

"Haha! Good enough for me! Hey, Jax! Get you get this sailor of mine something fruity? But nothing too strong, he doesn't normally drink."

"But you said earlier that I only had to drink that one shot!"

"Oh, Abbott! Just try a little bit of this one for me. I don't think that standard beer stuff was the best for ya. I feel like ya'd like this a lot more. Just a little bit, I won't push ya too far!"

Voss' first mate would only sigh in response. The sea captain would then return his attention towards Skye. "That sounds like a GREAT idea! I'm in!" He briefly leaned over to Abbott to add, "Ya don't have to be a part of this. 'Sides, I know ya'd keel over far before anyone loses. Watch how a professional does this!" Abbott cringed at Voss again but didn't say a word.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Jax and Moxxi) TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Skye) @Bar_Gang​
Restaurant Group

Tonio Portrait.png

At last, Tonio comes out of the kitchen with a large cart and several platters on top. For some odd reason, he's still carrying a knife. He politely hands each of you your meals before finally turning to Benedict. Odd... there's nothing left on the cart for him.

"Now, you there..."


"You're still destroying the peace of my restaurant, are you?!"

Tonio Knife Throw.gif

Tonio suddenly raises the knife and throws it right into his chair, narrowly missing him. The crazed chef raises a fist, trembling in rage.


His fist flies towards Benedict... only to steal away his flute.

"Stop causing disturbances for the other guests! For what you've done, you will now pay for everyone's meals!"


"He won't."

Mr. Red WOOSHes back in from the kitchen. "Yo, boss man!" He turns to Benedict. "This the guy that's giving you problems?"

"Yes! See to it that he pays the bill for these other kind guests!"

"You got it."
Megumin watched all of this with an expression of pure glee. She gave Tonio a kind, innocent smile, then waited until he left to shoot Benedict the most smug grin she could muster.
"Looks like nobody approves of your world's 'customs', Benedict!" She chirped, happily taking another mouthful of pasta. "And you'd be hard pressed to find one that does."
Benedict would’ve been very confused as Elizabeth ran away, did he play it wrong? He would’ve tried again if it weren’t for Sora and Nearl making sure he didn’t.
Miss Elizabeth! I say did I play it wrong!
Sora would then call him a pinhead and walk away along with Nearl
False....it’s round.
Then....this mysterious man spoke to Benedict....he was almost as mysterious as he, whoever he was he was a LOT taller
Perpetrator? For what....ah, I just played a measly flute for a fellow bird lover....perhaps I played a key wrong....C-A-G-E....hm, perhaps I played the E wrong indeed.
He would say to the mysterious man
I do wonder why she ran away.....intriguing.
A knife would fly into Benedicts chair narrowly missing him as the crazed once cool Chef came screaming at Benedict. Pay for the meals? Seems like Tonio didn’t realize that whatever the price of this meal is will be a penny compared to Benedicts wealth.
Of course Dear Sir, here you go.....I hope this pays and serves as a humble apology....I was merely playing a flute for a fellow bird lover! Ah....are you a bird lover Mister Chef? Mister Red? Oh I bet Mister Red is.
Benedict said as Josh handed Red a large suitcase filled with cash.
Benedict would then turn to the mysterious man once again, sipping from his “Them” wine
Dent in my wallet? Ah.....wrong, as you can see I prepared a suitcase just for this occasion....or for bribery....I just am sorry I scared poor Madam Elizabeth with my flute playing.
Benedict then realized he was hungry still....and there was no food on the cart. Benedict would’ve pulled out his megaphone but he really didn’t wish to be assassinated by Tonio tonight.
Mister Red! Can you can bring out my food now! Josh....be prepared to sue this place for false advertising...we have a....stellar case and it could work.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Crow Crow
Riven Riven
@Table group​
The grin shrunk into a scowl. "Maybe they aren't willing to serve you because you threatened to eat Fluffington, and then made Elizabeth have a panic attack!" Though she was aware of her hypocrisy, Megumin took great joy in getting to lecture him. "I merely hope that you are now aware of songbirds carrying a very real point of trauma for her!" Honestly, Rex shouldn't have stopped Lucky from shooting him. Most villains had some kind of redeeming quality. Benedict just made her want to tear her hair out. "One of these days, you will realize that the world does not revolve around you."
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The smell of enticing food had reached the Kuranta's nose, despite going back to the barracks. Her ears begin to flicker as her nose lifts to the air, suddenly realizing something. Her ears flickered, huh, it seemed Fluffington sneaked off back to the Resturaunt when she wasn't paying attention. All is good. She shrugs as she stands up and takes her Warhammer in hand, placing it back on her back.

She keeps a tender grin as she gives Elizabeth's shoulder a gentle pat with an armored glove, "Come on now! I can smell the food!"

Mentioned: DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher


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