• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
--Minako Arisato--
OST: Specialist ~ Reincarnation
Status: Good
Money: $8500
Gun 1- The Buttplug
Gun 2 - Nebula
Shield - Mr. Caffeine
Interaction: TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher LilacMonarch LilacMonarch thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara @C.A.R.E.S

As the hug dissipated, another problem came in the form of the Creepy Old Man from before, bursting into the scene and promptly setting himself beside Elizabeth who started spouting some typical girly stuff about how slumber parties worked. At least according to him.

"I didn't know you wanted to get your nails done, Oji-san." Minako said, as if genuinely taking everything Trevor says in face value, her left cheek puffing as if about to laugh. She's teasing him. This is some juicy shit, if I do say so myself. As Ryuji brought up Ribcage again, Minako couldn't help but ask. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. What happened to him?" She asked the old man, trying to get some information.
When he notices Jax beginning to pour each of them a shot of whiskey, Voss quickly downs the rest of the rum he requested for earlier. Then, once he gets a hold of the shot of whiskey Jax had just prepared for them, he swiftly finishes that as well. Once that was all set and done, the pirate shuddered for a good few seconds before stating, "Heh... That was just a walk in the park!

Meanwhile, Abbott watched as Jax poured him a glass of Bramble, which he proceeds to fidget with similar to what he did to his previous shot. He had barely drunk anything, but he was already beginning to show signs of being tipsy. He plucked one of the raspberries from his drink and ate it before speaking to Jax. "...Yeah... I don't drink a lot... But that older guy there..." The sailor pointed at Voss. "... He wanted me to have coupla drinks with him... He thinks I'm stressed or somethin'... I'm not stressed..."

As Abbott tried his drink, he would also watch his sea captain down not one, but two glasses of hard liquor. In response, the sailor would only shake his head before adding, "...Yup... He's not gonna last long..."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore jigglesworth jigglesworth Ineptitude Ineptitude quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Bar_Peeps
Benedict would look around, quietly, as to not make himself look hostile, the entire perimeter is filled with armed personnel...just like the Iran incident....a true tragedy indeed that was.
Ah....Mister Red, I’m obviously not done with my pork....
Sir? You there? I got the call...over.
Ah....no need to surround the area agent....I think mister Red will let me finish my pork.
Pork? Sir I thought you were a Gardeviore salad type of-
Ah ah ah! The locals don’t take kindly to other cultures they do not like....I think they must be foreigners.
Just like the Iran incident.
Indeed....but hopefully I can finish my meal before this does turn into another Iran incident.
Copy that...standing down Sir.
And with that Benedict would look at Red, smiling as he continued to eat his pork
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
P PopcornPie
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  • _________________________________________________________________________________


    Heather would roll over again, sending a few objects falling to the ground and opening her eyes slightly. She would take sight of Trevor, speaking a bit in her cute little girl voice before switching to telepathy.

    "S-Santa..? H-Have... H-have I... BEEN... A.... GOOD... GIRL...!?"--

    The bed would begin to levitate. It would appear that whatever dream heather was having, she still believes she is in it, as evident by the fact that the room starts to smell green.


  • Julia looks at Megumin and shakes her head, spinning the Paw on her...paw. "I'm sure he wanted to, but...well, it's a long story."

    View attachment 710749
    She listens absently to the archwizard lecturing Benedict, then glares at Fluffington when she calls her 'old' again. "Please stop calling me that."

    The Espeon gives Mr. Red a 'thank you' smile for telling Benedict to leave.
"Oooh, may I check out those dungeons? I bet I could find some unbelievable riches!" Megumin's eyes glowed. "Or, better yet, all the EXP I need for my brain to get strong enough to work through its injury as fast as lightning!"

Then she turned her head to Julia, her smile dissipating. "A long story? Can you tell it?" Megumin tilted her head. "I need to know just what that curse is capable of. There must be some kind of counterspell, but I can only find it if I know what the actual spell's name is. And the only way I can only figure out what its name is if I can just learn enough about its effects to narrow it down." She tapped her chin, rolling her eyes into her head. "He said it guarded his heart, made him feel nothing. Somehow, that translated into him becoming cold, and cruel. He bit me, you know."
Benedict would look around, quietly, as to not make himself look hostile, the entire perimeter is filled with armed personnel...just like the Iran incident....a true tragedy indeed that was.
Ah....Mister Red, I’m obviously not done with my pork....
Sir? You there? I got the call...over.
Ah....no need to surround the area agent....I think mister Red will let me finish my pork.
Pork? Sir I thought you were a Gardeviore salad type of-
Ah ah ah! The locals don’t take kindly to other cultures they do not like....I think they must be foreigners.
Just like the Iran incident.
Indeed....but hopefully I can finish my meal before this does turn into another Iran incident.
Copy that...standing down Sir.
And with that Benedict would look at Red, smiling as he continued to eat his pork
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
P PopcornPie
"I...Iran incident?" Megumin's stomach fell. "You have someone surrounding the area?" Collecting her plate, she gently pushed her chair in with her hips. "Okay...Maybe I should just...take this, and leave...Before you do anything that would destroy the rest of us. Julia, you can tell me the story later."

She crept back into Elizabeth's room, peeking her head in. "Hello? Is this a good time?" Let's see. Heather was making things levitate, the old man she had overhead yelling about teen pregnancy was there, and Ben was doing some kind of shapeshifting magic sith his wrist accessory. So the answer to that question was clearly a resounding "no". "My apologies, for barging in. But Benedict was making me uncomfortable, too. He says he has the area surrounded..."

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  • Julia sighs and gives Fluffington a suffering look. "Stop calling me 'old'. That's not very nice."

    Before she can start on the story Megumin wanted, Benedict mentions having the place surrounded and the archwizard runs off.
Lightning, the Light Ignis

Commotion In The Void

From one of the rooms, Lightning would hear two voices.

"You're gonna need a name," says a man's voice.

"I was not given a name at the date of my creation. I was only given a designation," a monotone, robotic voice replies.

"Hey, what about Exidy? That's what it says on your keyboard."

Maybe you should check that out? Food for thought. Or you could keep wandering the ship.
Lightning heard the two voices and was intrigued - surely, he could investigate. And so, the Ignis opted to do just that - peering around and opting to find out just what 'is' going on in here and with these two voices. He dared not speak a word as he would enter as such, and if either of the two would notice him, they would probably just see the Ignis heading towards them with this indifferent stare on himself.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #F7DA64
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Bored, irritably bored​
Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included)​
This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.
Chapter 2
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Chapter 1
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Lex
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
Course of action: Investigation.​
RP Information
Location: Sanctuary III, barracks​
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: None​
"Eh? How is it not nice? Old People like you are great! You know all the best moves, have all the best adventuring stories, got all the best loot, have the most experience, got tons of friends, know where all the best treasures are, have found all the best hiding spots, and are great at cooking!" Fluffington the Mighty wags her tail vigorously as she lists things off. "And since you not only are evolved, have an evolved heir, are super strong and smart, and make friends really easily, you gotta be like, Super Duper Old!"
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
Venus Lovelace

Before she got to respond to Skye's question, she took another bite of her apple and swallowed it. "Sure, I'll be glad to share a room with you," she said in a monotonous tone while proceeding to turn towards Minako's direction, answering her question. "Forgive my forgetfulness, these past few hours have been quite troubling for me," Venus proceeded to stand up and search for Medic, the man that miraculously cured her scars and wounds. She spotted him as she paced herself towards him and held his shoulder, giving him a small 'thank you' while heading away from him.

The goddess of Reality, while under the influence of Mother, headed to the bar. She looked at Moxxi, "Can I get myself a gin on the rocks?" Venus handed over some cash, also adding a lot of money to the tip jar as she waited for her drink. Deep inside her brain, Venus was powerless. She couldn't do anything than to just sit and watch as Mother locked her from her own body. Even Abaddon was under her control, but controlling her body was nothing compared to the chaos that she inflicted. Mother was the goddess of Control and Matter, letting her influence seep into universes if she ever felt like it. Her greed for control fueled Venus's hate towards her and she always favored Aeon more than her. Venus let out a sigh in her mind, hoping that someone could help her out.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @BarPeople
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Restaurant Group

"Yo. Hurry up and leave," Mr. Red urges Benedict, nodding back to Julia and the rest of you as well, as if a simultaneous 'no prob' and 'sorry.' "And if you wanna have a war or some shit..."

Pretty much everyone in the restaurant stands up and readies themselves. A stick figure like Mr. Red joins them, though he's colored lime, has a robotic arm, and wields an impressive single-edged sword.


"'ey, Alfa."


Eric just buries his face in his paw. "Arceus, I hate every moment of this..."

Tonio comes out with the two beverages Natasha and Eric had requested, and stops dead in his tracks, looking around in horror.

"What is this?! Is this a warzone or a restaurant?!"

"Fancy guy doesn't wanna leave, boss."

"Then see to it that he leaves!"

Mr. Red picks Benedict up by the sleeve and kicks Michigan in the face while he's at it. "Come on, up you go. That's enough problems for today. And call off whoever's surrounding the base unless you wanna die." He then proceeds to literally throw Benedict out the door.


"I hate this."

"I hate this."

Tonio comes over and gently sets down Natasha and Eric's drinks on their table. "Please, please, forgive this mess. I have never seen such horrid customers before."

"Not your fault. Someone needs to give Benedict a leash." He sips his iced tea. "Mmh... that's good."

"Oh, grazie, mio amico! Now, are you ready to make your orders?"

"Yeah, I'm ready. I'll just get the japchae." Eric then looks at Natasha expectantly.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Crow Crow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Riven Riven Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Martydi Martydi P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch LilacMonarch LilacMonarch

Bar Group

Jax Bar Outfit Crop.png

Jax is at the ready, already holding a clear glass bottle in his hand. "Second round: vodka. This one might burn a little." Once again, he makes a show out of pouring out shots for you all before turning back to Abbott.

"I think you've had enough for tonight. You already look like you're ready to have one bad hangover later. Tell you what: I'll give you only virgin cocktails from now on. Sound good?"

Jax then turns to 'Venus.' Unfortunately, Moxxi herself is nowhere to be seen. "Coming right up," he smiles before giving the scantily dressed girl her order. "You with these guys?" he asks and points to the others.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Yamperzzz Yamperzzz QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore jigglesworth jigglesworth Ineptitude Ineptitude quadraxis201 quadraxis201 thefinalgirl thefinalgirl


Inside the room Lightning decided to enter is a Crimson Raider guard pretty much indistinguishable from the others. He sits on the bed with an old, outdated looking computer that appears to have some spooky looking black-and-white face on it.


"Rev," it says in its same creepy robot monotone. "Another entity has entered the room."

"Wha-?" the Crimson Raider spins around and faces Lightning. "O-oh, shi-" He scrambles for the gun on the nightstand, then stops. "Wait... aren't you one of the guys who was at Skull's Settlement and Steele's Holdout? Yeah, the uh... the one who became a freakin' Technical!"

BoltBeam BoltBeam

3D Render Credit
Lightning, the Light Ignis


Inside the room Lightning decided to enter is a Crimson Raider guard pretty much indistinguishable from the others. He sits on the bed with an old, outdated looking computer that appears to have some spooky looking black-and-white face on it.


"Rev," it says in its same creepy robot monotone. "Another entity has entered the room."

"Wha-?" the Crimson Raider spins around and faces Lightning. "O-oh, shi-" He scrambles for the gun on the nightstand, then stops. "Wait... aren't you one of the guys who was at Skull's Settlement and Steele's Holdout? Yeah, the uh... the one who became a freakin' Technical!"
Lightning laughed as he heard the Crimson Reader's surprise and then stopping in what he was doing. "It seems you know who you're talking to, that's good." Lightning said simply. "Now then, what is going on in here?" He asked sharply to the Crimson Raider as he glanced to the computer in confusion. He didn't quite understand what that thing was at all, but... There were so many questions all of a sudden, just waiting to be answered - and here Lightning thought that he wouldn't actually find anything remotely like this, because he thought they didn't 'exist' in this world! It seems he was wrong.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #F7DA64
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Bored, irritably bored​
Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included)​
This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.
Chapter 2
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Chapter 1
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Lex
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
Course of action: Investigation.​
RP Information
Location: Sanctuary III, barracks​
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: None​
Lilith and Kirby

While Lilith and Kirby were having their conversation they were interrupted by Benedict getting thrown out the room, this caught the two of them off guard and Lilith got up from her seat. "I should check if he's okay, you stay here Kirby." Lilith leaves the room for a little bit to check if Benedict was still breathing. "Hey uh Benedict are you okay?" Kirby responds to Tonio by simply nodding because he was really hungry after all the battling he's been doing.

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch (Benedict Cucumberpatch)
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Tonio)

  • Julia takes a long breath, trying not to lose her patience. Had this girl never been taught any manners? "That's all well and good, but there's a lot of not so nice things that come with getting really old. You get all wrinkly and stop looking good, and you get frail and aren't able to do things you used to."

    As the situation with Benedict escalated, she readied the Paw o' Death in her lap juuust in case. Fortunately the staff seemed to have it handled. Her mood was brightened a bit by the sight of the businessman being physically thrown out.

    Now that meant it was about time for the Espeon to do as she had offered. She reaches out via telepathy to contact those who had returned to the barracks after the flute incident. Elizabeth? Can you hear me? He got thrown out, so you can come back if you want. Your food is ready.

  • “Five incoming enemies. Three Dom, Two GN-X. And there is one of us that is a Mobile Suit.”

    Exia analysed, the optical camouflage now initiated as the two of us looked from afar. Unlike our fight against the Hildolfr and Lagowe, we were clearly outnumbered this time around in comparison.

    “There's no way out of this isn't there?”

    I asked, feeling my heart sank in disappoint as Exia responded:

    “None. The Optical Camouflage will cease to operate the moment I started moving. They would very likely spot us during our attempt to flee and give chase.”

    Which is a fancy way of saying "We can only fight now". After the close shave that was our battle against the Hildolfr and Lagowe, can I really survive fighting against five enemies that took a far more humanoid-shape similar to Exia? The <<Dom>> is a purple black mono-eyed MS armed with a plasma sword and a rocket launcher that has a pair of feet designed mainly for hovering on the ground. Judging by the speed of which the two Dom-s were moving, they are rather quick too despite looking bulky there. The <<GN-X>> is a grey and white MS that, as its namesake implies, bears an x-shaped visor and is powered by a thruster similar in appearance to the one Exia has. Only difference was that rather than the soothing green particles emitted by Exia's thruster, the <<GN Drive>>, the GN-X's <<GN Drive Tau>> emit scarlet red particles that looked far more alarmingly antagonistic in appearance. Because the only information we have on the MSs are from the visuals alone, Exia and I could not tell if they have more than just the armaments on hand to combat us. The only way to be able to extract information is to either stretch the fight long enough to see every tricks up their sleeves or destroy them.


    In this case however, defeating all of them single handedly is would probably take a miracle without Exia sustaining severe damage.

    “Hang on. Another Mobile Suit has arrived.”

    Another Mobile Suit...!?



    It was a second Gundam...that attacked the enemy squad that was looking for us. Wielding a mace, it swung its weapon of choice sideways towards the feet of the Dom that barely avoided getting flattened.

    “ASW-G-08 Gundam Barbatos,” Exia answered before I could ask for the identity of the new model, “the 08th "Gundam" Frames made out of 72 from the Calamity War Era. the timeline it came from is one where beam weaponry was all but a highly ancient technology beyond the reach of their current generation.”

    A Gundam from a world where the only thing they have are physical weapons?

    “Wouldn't that mean that the Gundam would have a lot of problems against other Mobile Suits that possesses beam weaponry?”

    “Negative, every Mobile Suit and even certain vehicles in their world contains a "Nano-laminated Armour" coating on its armour. As such, until it wears off, the only form of weapons that could come close to harming the Barbatos would be strictly physical weapons.”

    Exia explained. Now that is rather convenient. To hear of such thing that lets them shrug of beam projectiles...

    “This is our chance. Now that the enemies are being distracted by Barbatos, we can leave as quickly as possible-”

    “W-wait!” I immediately cut in, “You aren't actually thinking of letting it die alone while fending them off are you?!”

    “We do not know the reason for the Barbatos arriving to assault them in the first place. For all we know, it may also be after us, but did not want the Doms and GN-X in the way for its hunt.”

    I fell silent at the thought of it. It definitely was odd that all of a sudden, another Gundam had arrived and attacked them personally. However, given it was after us, wouldn't it have attacked us first without much of a hesitance?

    “Exia...” I muttered, “I would rather trust and regret and doubt and regret in circumstances like this. I want to help Barbatos fight against them. We'll see what it wants from us when we're done.”

    A moment of hesitance met Exia, before it deactivated the Optical Camouflage and stood up.

    “Understood. Just remember you'll be held responsible for what happens to us after this.”

    “I know. Let's go!”

    Pushing the controls forward, Exia and I dashed forward to where our second fight against the enemy <<Doms>> and <<GN-Xs>> begins. This time alongside another Gundam that appeared before us.

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Venus Lovelace

"Hm?" Venus asked as she looked over to the crowd near her, shaking her head at the bartender in front of her. "Not really," she replied to the bartender as she took a sip of her gin. She was curious as to what this universe was like, and how she could leave parts of her in it to infect people with. "Do you believe in wishes?" Venus calmly asked the bartender while letting her eyes glow a slight red. She circles the top of her glass that was partially filled with gin, suddenly turning it into whiskey as Venus smiled at the bartender. She proceeded to add another large batch of money to the tip jar, looking back at the man while slightly pouting her lips and forming a slight smirk. The goddess seemed to be up to something.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @BarPeople
David helped Lucky up again, shaking his head with a chuckle. "Looks like you'll have to get used to those feet, there Lucky." He turned back to Abraham and nodded. "Yes, let's go. Johnny," he nodded to the skull settlement resident as he received the supplies, "Thank you for all your help. We truly appreciate it." After shaking his hand, the Pro Hero turned and walked out, eyeing a buggy that wasn't completely destroyed, that had four seats in it along with a cargo area in the back. He closed his eyes and focused on it, then found the pieces that were missing, Grabbing them from other buggies and placing them on this one. Once complete, he memorized the air signature of all their supplies and the fuel inside the buggy.

"Alright. Our ride's ready. Let's go."

P PopcornPie CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
As Benedicts sleeve was pulled he would’ve pulled out his walkie talkie
Agent we have a breach over
Ah.......oh dear.
He would say calmly as he was thrown out the door......just like the Iran incident. Josh would honk in a scared manner before waddling out of the restaurant towards Benedict, laying on the ground smiling.
Indeed....so uncultured.....ah, I miss being around my own kind Josh.....not these ruffians and thugs.
Benedict would say to Josh, then a little ghost person would come out to him, asking if he was okay.
Ah.....I’m fine agent....it’s all going to plan.
He would say to Lilith as he sat up and shot a flare into the restaurant
Ah....they’ll have a hoot about that surprise.
Benedict would then stand up and hand Elizabeth a “Them” card
Greetings, I am Sir Benedict, and since I have been removed from that so-called “Fine Dining” establishment, I suppose I should search for Madam Elizabeth....perhaps I played a note wrong.
In his head though, Benedicts mind was thinking hard....her reaction, did it call something? Something powerful? Could he control it? Weaponize it? He needed to know the answers.
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch
@Restaurant people​
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Hearing Ben's question, she decided to respond as it would be rude to not answer the question. "
A-A man... He was s-sent by... some p-people to come r-r-retrieve me... His n-name is B-Booker DeWitt... A-And no, I-I don't have any romantic f-feelings... if th-that's what any of y-you are w-wondering... He's more l-like a p-p-protector..." She then addressed the creature's offer, feeling like it would be a wonderful idea. "I-I would love t-to... We could h-have the pajama party... a-after the movie, if i-it isn't too late..."

And then... the bed started floating, followed by the room smelling a smell she had never smelled before. These powers were something, but considering that the girl noticed the man on her bed, she was starting to wake up and could potentially stop this. Right now, she couldn't, still frozen by Trevor's presence.

It was then that Julia contacted her, telling her that the rich man is gone. '
Um... there's t-two problems going o-on... The bed is f-f-floating and... and the m-m-man from e-earlier is here... on the bed...' And by the man from earlier, she meant Trevor, if that needed any clarification.

Space Buddha Space Buddha , Crow Crow , LilacMonarch LilacMonarch , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

Hearing someone come in, she turned to see it was Venus. "
So, you decided to join us. And glad you've also decided to come room with me, Heather, Rocket, and Price. We just need one more person and we'll have a full room. Don't believe we're actually introduced ourselves to each other, name's Skye." Despite being nice to her, she didn't forget what happened earlier during the mission when she told her to drop her kid, as it would jeopardize the mission.

No one noticed, so really, there was no need for that to happen.

Round 2 seemed to be up, and this time, it was vodka. Good thing that she was kind of used to the burn, liked it too. Taking the shot glass, she downed the whole thing, placing the glass back on the counter and coughed a bit. "
I really need to get more used to that, but at least the burn's nice. So, what's next?"

She wasn't even that affected by it and wasn't even affected by the last drink... what was she?

thefinalgirl thefinalgirl , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
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Nearl continued to be absolutely lost in the moment as she realizes absolutely everything of what exactly is going on in here. Seriously, back to the whole gets weirder by the second, the madness just continues. Trevor's arrival hasn't been the greatest thing to happen, but now the odd smell, this, odd smell. Aaaand Elizabeth's bed is now floating.

The Kuranta held a frozen face as she just stared in disbelief, what in God's name is happening here.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Space Buddha Space Buddha
Scott Baker

Having finished his meal Scott decided it's time to leave. He picked up his helmet and moved towards the exit. "I'm going to the barracks. Time for me to take a nap. Goodbye everyone." He said to no one in particular. Provided no one stopped him on the way, Scott would head out and go to the barracks.
"...I was hoping ya'd say that..." Abbott muttered to Jax, immediately pushing away his glass of Bramble. He wouldn't drink it again, but he would steal the rest of the blackberries on the drink. While Jax prepares him whatever virgin cocktail he wishes to give the sailor, he watched as his sea captain acquired his shot of vodka. Voss raised an eyebrow at the sight but drank it anyway, clearly not a fan of the vodka. He was coughing a good bit, a little more so than Skye. Abbott chuckled at him, keeping his eyes towards Voss while speaking to Jax.

"...Heh... He drinks a lot more than I do in general, but... It's been a while since he actually had alcohol... Its why I think he's gonna lose... With us being pirates and all, no one likes it when we're on the island... So we have to get supplies for elsewhere far away... It's always a hassle to get anything..." The sailor paused for a few moments to think before adding to his statement. "...Wait... We actually became pirates for that reason, we weren't pirates before... It was because of this jerk guy... What was his name...? Denmoore? ...Yeah, that's it... He ruined it all for us... It's hard to explain..." Abbott said as he toyed with his camera, which was still around his neck using a strap. He seemed mildly annoyed by this person he mentioned as he furrowed his brows and frowned a bit. He was unaware that he was being a little vague about what he was talking about, probably due to a couple of drinks he had so far.

Around this time, Voss finally recovered from his brief coughing fit after the second round of drinks. He wasn't expecting to already feel the effects of the shots he'd drank so far, and he wasn't happy about it. He used to be able to take on a lot more shots in the past, but now he was much older. It also didn't help that he doesn't drink as much as he used to, as Abbott mentioned to Jax. He glanced over at Skye, who seemed to be completely unaffected as of yet. He was completely surprised by it but tried not to show it, as well as any indication that he was losing. Unfortunately for him, this disguise was poorly done. After a few more seconds, the sea captain replaced his look of shock with a smirk of determination.

"Hahaha...! Yer doin' pretty well so far, I'll give ya that... Too bad I'm gonna beat ya... Ya might as well cough up that 500 bucks now... If yer too much of a coward to tell me a little secret, that is..." He crossed his arms and tried to act normal as he examined the rest of the drinkers there.

QizPizza QizPizza thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore jigglesworth jigglesworth Ineptitude Ineptitude quadraxis201 quadraxis201 thefinalgirl thefinalgirl TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @Bar_Peeps​
"It's been a good three years since I've walked on feet, Laddie." Lucky retorted. After being helped up by David, Lucky decided to pay attention to how David used his feet. "Heel, middle part, front, toes, and lift I think I got that."

Watching his own paws, Lucky stuck his tongue out of the corner of his lip, slowly shifted his weight to his left hip, and lifted his left leg. As soon as he heaved his foot over, he nearly lost his balance, yelping. Luckily, he managed to put his foot back down just in time. Halfway there! Now he needed to bring his other foot over. When he did, however, he came even closer to losing his balance before managing to catch himself. Now he was bunched up, all four paws touching palms to toes, and he nearly fell onto his face. Quick, he had to throw his front paws forward!

Okay, he was now stretched out. He had to repeat the process with his back feet, once again nearly rubbing his nose in the sand. When he was bunched up again, he looked back, and wagged his tail. His first pawprints! "Heheh! Somebody get a camera! How am I doing?" He called to nobody in particular. While he sluggishly limped, he watched David throw a buggy together in what has to be a record time. "Jesus, you've gotta come from a family of mechanics or somethin'." Lucky struggled to pick up his pace. "Hold on, now! I call shotgun!"

Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Meanwhile, at Sanctuary...

"I believe I've seen this spell before!" Megumin said happily, seemingly unfazed by the levitating items. "Simple levitation magic. But how does one make it fade away? Hm..." Megumin rubbed her chin. "Ummm...Is anybody here a user of the Magic Canceller spell?" Then she remembered that nobody here was a wizard of Belzerg, she piped up again. "Alternatively, let's just see if we can throw her off her concentration." She climbed into Heather's bed, and lightly gripped her head, firmly swaying it left and right.

Elizabeth Elizabeth 's_Room Space Buddha Space Buddha

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    Seeing the imminent threat to her life, Heather's head would rotate completely around to face Megumin, and her hand would stop before being able to reach Heather's head. She would then be violently forced face-first into the mattress as the bed fell back down.

    --"NO... TOUCHY... TOUCHY..."--

    Heather would begin running her fingers through Megumin's hair like a creep.


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