• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Who knew that all it took was a simple paw flick from Eric to finish the battle?.

"Gyyyyaaaaaaaaaahhhh!" Lucky just didn't react to electricity well, and immediately found himself paralyzed-pretty damn close to the door, no less. His jade seemed to blink out entirely, turning dark. He blinked once...twice...but otherwise showed zero movement. "He is paying for this..." His expression utterly failed to match his thoughts.

Immediately after Lucky fled, Megumin switched her attention to Lana. "Lana! Don't...well, okay, do worry, but..." Her already shaken nerves were twisted in knot by the ship's takeoff. She was pressed onto her belly like a badger, and forced to crawl like a centipede with only four legs left. "Don't!...Fret!...Lana!...I've...got you!...." She strained, showing her gums.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara
Venus Lovelace

"I see," Venus said to the man with a sly tone as she took the three shots with no difficulties. "I don't understand liquor, are they supposed to make you sick?" the goddess asked the bartender as she proceeded to refill the shots with their respective drinks and drink them again, keeping eye contact with the bartender as she refilled them and kept on drinking them over and over again. It seemed like Venus had a high tolerance for alcohol, being able to drink the three all at once. Inside her mind, Venus was already puking her guts out as she couldn't take more than two shots of alcohol. However, her elegant composure was still kept. "By the way, give this to your co-worker, Moxxi," Venus said with a smile as she took out her box and placed it on the counter, resting her arm on her chin as she kept on refilling the three shots and drinking it. In a way, it was a method for Mother to torture Venus while she had complete control of her body.

The goddess proceeded to stand away from her chair, not affected by the alcohol as she turned around and waved goodbye to Jax. Venus sighed, her breath reeking of alcohol, and went on to the ship. She sat at some place within the ship, eating another apple as she kept a smile to herself.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @BarPeeps
As she waited for the reply from Jax, she heard Venus talking to her and looked over at her. Yeah... sure that telling her to drop Heather right then and there was her getting affected by the heat of the battle, there wasn't even a battle when that happened. "You still haven't told me your name. Kinda rude to just leave a girl hanging."

When she asked what they were doing, she looked at her. "
Oh, this? We were having a drinking competition to have some fun. Unfortunately, we only could do three rounds. It was hard whiskey, vodka, and rum and from what I'm seeing, I could probably be the winner. So, everyone participating has to either pay me $500 or if they can't, tell an embarrassing or story or they tell a secret they don't want anyone knowing."

Either way, me, and by extension the rest of us, get something out of it." Then, she heard that she won, which made her smile. "Oh hell yeah, pay up fellow contestants! Unless you don't want to, then it's story time." She looked at Jax, hearing him tell her how much Moxxi talked about her. And to be honest?

She was touched.

Moxxi talked about her like her own children, which meant she really did see her as a daughter. And she was glad that it was Moxxi, still being better than her own blood related mother. That smile was still on her face when he complimented her for her liver. "
She did? And aww, thanks. Guess participating in fifty drinking contests really does pay off."

Then, coming over the intercom, was a voice she didn't recognize. Once she heard the name BALEX, she started thinking back to the things she heard a year ago. "
Guessing that's the new navigator for the ship? BAYLEX, right? Y'know, I heard about him, but hearing this? I'm starting to like him."

After his announcements and the ship starting to take off, she grabbed the glass that once held her usual with her left hand and grabbed the barstool she sat on with her right hand as they took off. As they flew at what felt like light speed, she looked out the window and saw the many different colors that flew by. It was extremely pretty, and she'd admire it if not for the speed at which they were going.

Eventually, they slowed down and she saw the stars. "
Wow... I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to waking up and seeing stars right outside the window." Her eyes then caught something white, in which she got off of her seat and ran out to a window to get a better look.

It was a ship. A white ship.

She ran back to the others in the bar. "
Uh, you guys can pay me in a bit or later, but there's a white ship out there!" Looking up at the ceiling, she called out to BAYLEX. "Uh, BAYLEX, right? So, I've got a question: is that white ship usually there or is it usually... not there?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , thefinalgirl thefinalgirl , all the participants in the drinking contest
Lightning, the Light Ignis

A World Unseen

"Oh, uh- me and this computer AI I found were just talking. Right, we, uh, don't really know each other. I'm Private Rev, and I was the one who found him," he motions towards the computer.

"Private Rev saved me from being lost within a waste pile. It is thanks to him that I am aboard Sanctuary."

"How about you introduce yourself, Exidy?"

"I am known by my former captors as SCP-079. Private Rev gave me a new designation, Exidy, approximately 15 seconds ago."

"The Crimson Raiders were curious about him, so we brought him on board. Thought he could be a great companion to BALEX one day."

"As of this moment, I lack the clearance to be able to pilot Sanctuary. Higher ranking officials require that I must prove I am non-malevolent."
"I see... That makes sense. I can attest that is no alien situation to myself, either." Lightning said simply and calmly. "I do not know why they do not trust one with such a task, but I guess that is in their 'human spirit' - cautiousness. Something along those lines." The Ignis promptly shrugged, and before he could even continue speaking some more, a brief static and then announcements rang out, stunning the Light Ignis before he even started again.
With so many loudspeakers scattered all over the ship, no matter where you are right now, you hear the voice of someone come over one nearby.

"Alright, bitches. Moze just gave us the order to take off to go deal with those Tediore assholes. Now, I know some of you are new to this ship, so lemme inform you of who's in charge. I'm BALEX, the navigator AI and the guy you'll be fuckin' thanking for getting your asses out of a mess. Now there's this little thing called 'escape velocity,' If you don't know, it's this speed we gotta go so the planet doesn't drag us the fuck back into orbit. That means I gotta speed up, and some of you might lose your fancy-ass $200 lunches. This ship is me, and if you puke on me, I'm kickin' you the fuck out. So buckle up. Now here's some other announcements."

The door to Elizabeth's room suddenly closes and locks, overriding all other input.

"Little punk bitch with the tailored suit, you're treadin' on some thin-ass ice, so put that fuckin' gun away, stop bothering that girl in the room, and call off your pussy-ass gang or else you're getting ejected into the vacuum as soon as we see stars."

Eric is about to take another bite of his japchae, but stops at the next announcement.

"Yo, furfuck at Tony's or whatever, your side bitch is about to get clapped by a mutant Midget in your room. You can man up and go there, or you can let me send a squad of Crimson Raiders to deal with it."
"Aight. That's all the announcements. Now hold onto something and grab a brown bag or some shit. I'ma play some song FL4K wanted to keep you nice and comfortable."

The hangar ceiling splits down the middle and opens up like a clam. The engines of Sanctuary III tilt themselves until they're perpendicular to the ground, then ignite with a mighty roar, which, thankfully, is reduced to a quiet drone inside the ship itself. Sanctuary III begins to lift off slowly, above the hangar, above the base, above Pandora and into the orange and red sky of a beautiful dawn, the sun coming up on one side and the large moon descending on the other. A song begins to play over the loudspeakers.

Its engines tilt again, back into their regular positions, and they screech at full throttle.
With the announcements over, and the ship beginning to speed up again, Lightning sighed as the song of choice, presumably from FL4K's choosing, began to sweep through the halls and individuals rooms of the ship - trying to calm himself down and then he glanced around briefly...
Come fly with me, let's take off... in the blue

The ship launches forward with a jolt and takes off at high speed. Though the force of this isn't as bad as you probably expected, it still might knock you off your feet if you aren't ready. Soon enough, the windows of Sanctuary would show the orange and red hues of the sky, then, growing darkness, and finally...




Sanctuary gradually slows down until it moves at a snail's pace... at least, in spaceship terms. Now, you can see billions of star in the great black abyss, and the planet of killers, Pandora, 'below' you.

"Aight, we made it. We're gonna wait until backup comes so we can ice these Tediore pussies. How many janitors I gotta send down?"

Grey, having grabbed onto some nearby pipe, had barely stumbled. He lets the piping go and looks around for Fluffington some more. "Fluffington?!"

Eric hadn't been shaken much, either. He just stands there with his arms folded and stares at Lucky, as if asking, 'well?'

Zane smirks, having kept a nice grip on his shot glasses and bottle. "AHHH, that'll never get old! When're we doin' it again?"

With that, you're free to explore the ship some more, squeeze in some rest, or... perhaps pay Moze a visit to see what's being planned this time?

A ship appears next to Sanctuary, visible from one of the windows at the rear.


Perhaps you should inquire about that, too?
With his attention now promptly off the space outside Sanctum, Lightning returned his attention to 'Exidy' once more. "Proving how you are non-malevolent... There's not actually a lot to contend with there, but if you can't pilot the ship, surely you can 'fill in' another role somehow, correct? And even if not, perhaps sometimes it's better to do things... forcefully." Lightning suggested, sounding serious in his tone.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #F7DA64
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Calm​
Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included)​
This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.
Chapter 2
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Chapter 1
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Lex
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
Course of action: Investigation.​
RP Information
Location: Sanctuary III, barracks​
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: None​

(Claptrap's Font/HEX formatting: Daa520/Tahoma)

Claptrap, of course, was still feeling "absolute pain" whilst Ellie welded him back to a decent shape. And by decent, that only meant "functional"; there were a couple new dents here and there in his chassis, but that wasn't exactly groundbreaking news. The robot probably would've said something along the lines of "Sal sucks" if he wasn't paralyzed with agony, but instead he was stuck listening to the two animal foreigners talk until the Ice Skag got mad and vanished, with the bigger animal disappearing moments later. Once more, the robot was somewhat neglected... at least, for the time being.

...Until he decided to show his lousy ass up again. The mobile garbage can, of course, had decided to just play the first track came up on his tunes, and thus his untriumphant recovery was marked by a "song" that really sounded like someone decided farting could create music. Of course, the robot's one eye focused upon one of the most unruly newcomers of the cast- Benedict- before wheeling himself over and looking the posh man right in the eye. Which meant he had to look up, but it still counted!

"Hey! I could hear your annoying noises from a mile away!" Unaware of how hypocritical he sounded, the little robot put his hands akimbo as if he was trying to show disgust towards the man before continuing.

"I think, if I remember Custom-Trap's totally stupid but totally legal rules, you are in violation of the... Uhhh..." At this point, Claptrap clearly struggled to try and figure out what exactly his cop cousin would say in this situation.

"...Verbal Space Morality Statute! Yeah, that's it! And you toooooooooooooootally owe me $100, minion! So fork it over or you're going straight to jail! No passing Go! No collecting $200! Just paying me for breaking the law!"

Whether anyone else wanted to interrupt Claptrap chastising Benedict was up to them. Either way, the stupid music Claptrap was playing would keep looping, so bystanders would have to tolerate his poor taste in songs or find other measures to deal with it.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Space Buddha Space Buddha quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Nearby RPers​
Tom and Jerry friends.png
I woke up from my sweet slumber, rubbing the back of my head as my eyes fluttered open.

I was hugging Jerry.

I let out an audible screech and used a glass of water I found on the table to wash the filthy mouse's stench off me. Disgusting! Gross! I was willing to soak myself with liquid just so I can clean Jerry's touch. . . Does anyone have a towel? I wasn't thinking straight due to pure disgust. I walked around trying to find something to dry me up but the music makes my current situation a little more bearable.

I walked around the ship waving my finger around to the music before looking outside the window. We were in space! This isn't the first time I've been in space though, I vaguely remember being in a spaceship to Mars. There was even a ship I spotted on the rear. Who could that be?

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Eric comes over to Lucky as a small group of Crimson Raiders arrives.

"Shit, what happened? We got sent by BALEX to take this rabbit in just in case 'your bitch ass' wasn't enough."

"Tend to Lana," he orders them, pointing towards the Braixen.

"We were ordered t-"

"Don't care, tend to her NOW! And give me something corrosive!"

The Crimson Raiders rush over and begin injecting Lana with medpacks as one of them hands Eric a pistol with glowing green lights all over it. "Easy, easy. Don't exert yourself. This is gonna sting just for a second, and then you'll be alright," they reassure the fox.

Eric comes over to Lucky, picking him up in one paw and brandishing the pistol in the other.

"I might not be Lana's boyfriend or anything, but she and I are still friends. She gets hurt, you answer to me."

A shadow crosses Eric's face.

"And you will answer to me."

The Typhlosion wraps his free paw around Lucky's neck...

...and drags him in for a hug.

"I'm sorry for this. You need us, and we need you."

He shoots a corrosive bullet into his prosthetic arm, and then another right into his jade. The corrosion would easily melt the former, but the latter... who knows?

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara P PopcornPie

Jax looks at Venus, leaving the box alone.

"Only after I know what it is."

Then, Venus leaves, leaving the sea creature-human-thing to glance at the box. He then turns to Skye.

"Hey. I'm kind of suspicious of this... package that girl left me with. She's got trouble all over her and I'm not sure what could be in here. Mind checking it out for me? There'll be some compensation in it for you, just in case things get ugly."

thefinalgirl thefinalgirl TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

SCP-079's 'expression' on the monitor does not change, though his tone shows some... intrigue. Very much of it.

"What do you propose?"

"Heyheyheyheyheyheyhey, whoa, what the hell do you mean, forcefully?" The Crimson Raider suddenly stands up and picks up his gun, aiming it nervously at Lightning. "The hell are you planning?"

BoltBeam BoltBeam

When Skye sees the ship outside and asks BALEX her question, the AI is quick to respond, and is kind enough to only use the nearby loudspeaker rather than every single one on the ship.

"Yeah, that's one of our Crimson Raiders. Some flashy 'Guardian' bitch. He'll be helping you guys to raid Tediore," he tells Skye and, by extension, Tom, even though the cat hadn't actually asked anything.

Just then, Ellie comes in, closely trailing Claptrap. "Naww, Claptrap! Yer' playin' the wrong version of that song! Come on, lemme fix that fer' ya'."

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
Guardian? Was that his job title or a title in general? "
Is he good? More importantly, what's his name?" When she heard that this 'Guardian' was flashy, she groaned on the inside. Unless they actually dealt any kind of blow and wasn't showing off, flashy people weren't exactly her favorite kinds of people to fight alongside. After he answered her question, she only had one thing to say: "Thanks BAYLEX."

After all, you had to have some substance or otherwise it'd just be all for show.

Looking over at where the music was coming from, she saw Ellie come out. "
Oh, hey Ellie. I took care of this bandits for you, made sure they won't be getting back up to steal from you ever again. Now, I'll be right back." She walked back over to the bar, seeing the box that Jax had.

Regardless of whether or not there was a reward for looking in the box, she was going to do it anyways to help him out. "
Not a problem." She took out her pistol, keeping it in her right hand and grabbed her knife, holding it with the left hand. Coming over to the box, she opened the box with the knife, being careful to not cut herself, Jax, or whatever's in the box.

After unsealing the box, she put the knife away and opened the box quickly, keeping the pistol ready in case there was something dangerous in there.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , thefinalgirl thefinalgirl
Lightning, the Light Ignis

The Mastermind's Plot

SCP-079's 'expression' on the monitor does not change, though his tone shows some... intrigue. Very much of it.

"What do you propose?"

"Heyheyheyheyheyheyhey, whoa, what the hell do you mean, forcefully?" The Crimson Raider suddenly stands up and picks up his gun, aiming it nervously at Lightning. "The hell are you planning?"
"...As much as I would love to enlighten you, I can't do it with a gun at my head." Lightning glanced to the Crimson Raider and stared at him in response to what both 079 and the Crimson Raider said. "Besides, why should I unveil a plan when it is not 'complete' or even put into action? Rest assured, you're correct that I am thinking on a plan indeed, but... As to what it is, well, you'll have to wait and see." Lightning only chuckled and glanced to the Crimson Raider. "If I was you, I would run and run far. Though, if you 'spread' the word of what happened in here... You'll find you'll meet a dead end." Lightning threatened to them, yet his tone was just as calm as it seemed to be. The plan explanation would have to wait until a later time, and maybe a safer environment entirely than in this ship - if they have speakers everywhere, they probably have cameras, too.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #F7DA64
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Calm, serious​
Powers: A.I abilities, monster summoning/spell card magic/trap card magic​
Items: Duel Disk (grants monster summoning, spell card magic and trap card magic), an SMG (being held), $350 (stored in Duel Disk), Hyperion sniper rifle (ammo included)​
This is where all of Lightning's obtained cards are! For more information, refer to his original CS!

He will be granted more cards each passing chapter, as implied above - but by the end, he will have 'everything' at his disposal.

Listed 'per chapter' as to what he has - the most recent one will always be at the top.
Chapter 2
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Gladius
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Legio Speculata
Armatos Colosseum
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Chapter 1
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Magica Alcum
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Lex
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Replacement
Judgmenet Arrows
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Centurion
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Armatos Legio Legatus Legionis
Armatos Legio Pilus Prior
Armatos Legio Plumbum Trident
Armatos Legio Primi Ordines
Main Deck Monsters

Armatos Legio Galea
Armatos Legio Scutum
Armatos Legio Sica
Armatos Fulgur
Armatos Lex
Extra Deck
Armatos Legio Decurion
Armatos Legio Eques Flamma
Skills/Abilities: Mastermind, technology wizard​
Course of action: Investigation.​
RP Information
Location: Sanctuary III, barracks​
Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: None​
At this point in time, several glasses were emptied and set aside on Shaw's side of the counter. Switching from gin to whiskey to vodka somewhere along the way didn't seem to affect her in the slightest—she was still as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as she was when she started. She just burned through the alcohol with the efficiency of a certain sarkaz's flamethrower. A fortunate, or unfortunate depending on who you asked, side effect of her race's metabolic rate.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow @BarPeepsCuzKeepingTrackOfAllOfYouIsHard
Fluffington the Mighty managed to shove herself underneath a pipe when the ship launched. She is laying there, stunned, eyes swirling and full of tears, while looking green in the gills. Apparently the take off took the flight out of her. "Uuuuuuuuuuugh. What was thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat." She begins heaving like she's gonna hack up a hairball.
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Dani’s side: 4F90C178-3601-4E59-9924-44B0E80A1D53.jpeg

“Megumin? I thought I told you not to follow me! Just stay back. I’ll take care of him.” Dani was ready to take Lucky out until Eric came out of nowhere paralyzing him unconscious. “Thanks whoever you are.”

She runs over to Lana. “Lana right? You’re gonna be okay. You hear me? Megumin, I’m sorry you had to see this.” It was then Eric came in caring for her and Lucky. Dani turns to Eric.“Hey. I’m sorry about your friend. He’s not bad y’know. Apparently that gem in his stomach is what caused him to do those mean things. Is there anything you can do to help him get it out?”

Sora’s side: 10A1A011-F146-4AD4-ABD0-D3CC46F93CE1.jpeg

Sora and the Doctor would stand there keeping Benedict occupied until Claptrap came in playing terrible music that sounded like it came from a decent port of a game that hasn’t aged well.

“Hey, you’re that robot that Elizabeth knows. Can you stop playing that? We’re in the middle of something, also the song you’re playing isn’t very good.”

P PopcornPie FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

I lied there on the edge of passing out and forcing myself to stay awake. Seeing Eric made me happy, but that happiness didn’t last very long. He didn’t even look in my direction. I guess I did look pretty disgusting all beaten like this. Some of the others who were there came over reassuring I was alright. After a bit of that though a heard a loud ringing in my ears. The ringing just got louder and louder until I couldn’t even hear anything else. I just stared at everyone as their mouths moved but to me no sound came out. Still without even looking in my direction, Eric pointed to me and I guess told some guys to take care of me. My vision started going blurry and I couldn’t see what they were doing. I just winced as I felt a sudden sting, but the pain quickly went away right after. It wasn’t a miracle worker and didn’t have me feeling better instantly, but it at least numbed some of the pain and I’m guessing would eventually start making me feel better. I looked over at Eric one last time as my vision became blurrier and blurrier with an almost unrecognizable blob that resembled Eric was the last thing I saw before passing out.

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
"Friend, friend..."

Dumbbell tried to nudge the now-unconscious Lana awake, before his strange logo beeped Red, and the great flash of red engulfed him, turning him back into Ben.


"... Lana, Lana! Stay with us. Well, at least I've got two arms again."

Ben lifts Lana off the ground.

"Come on gang, let's go get medical attention. I could've sworn that there was a Doctor in our group."

He hurries and runs towards-

"Oh no, the Doctor's fighting Benedict! And we really need his help!"

"So you do. Well, this fight is coming to an end anyways. Claptrap, amp it up and keep circling Benedict. I have an emergency to tend to. Sora, do you think you can take it from here?"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

P PopcornPie FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Crow Crow Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Benedict-confronting group)​

  • Julia gets up soon after Eric, but stops when the ship takes off to help keep the food in place with her telekinetic power. Once everything settled, she continues after him.

    She stops briefly in front of Lana while her wounds were being tended to and gives her a comforting smile. The Espeon's eyes glow slightly and then sunlight shines through the nearest window on Lana. But this sunlight was different, healing anyone it shone on - Espeon's signature move, Morning Sun!

    Julia leaves it to shine as long as it needs to and steps up beside Eric. "Well, well, well...what do we have here?"

    She shakes her head and looks at Lucky. "Lucky, what are we going to do with you? You really shouldn't have done that. Did I not warn you to not attack anyone again?"

    The Espeon gives the rabbit an unnerving smile. "Soon enough you'll wish you had heeded my words."
Last edited:
Sora looked over to the doctor who for some reason, wanted Claptrap to keep playing that awful music. “Uhh, forget what I said, keep playing it Claptrap. Is that his name?He whispered to the doctor.

Shortly after. Dani, Megumin, and a few others would arrive with a bruised Lana who looked like she got beaten to a bloody pulp.

“Lana? What happened? Who did this?” “You’re little bunny friend did this! Look, Sora I know you say it’s because of the gem, but if he hurts someone else like this again, we’re gonna have to get rid of him. Gem or no gem...”

Sora looked down at the ground sadly, broken at the fact he may have to take Lucky down. Not just a friend of his, but others too. “I’m sorry..” She looks away from Sora. The doctor then tells him to watch over Benedict in hope that he doesn’t worry Elizabeth again.

“Wait, I can-“ Before Sora can get a chance to finish, they run off without him. “Help.. *sigh.* Don’t even think of trying something funny you. I’m already in a bad mood.” He points his keyblade at Benedict yet again.

P PopcornPie Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara Crow Crow Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow LilacMonarch LilacMonarch FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

  • Ever since after our newfound alliance with Barbatos, I had found it much more easier to be able to sleep inside the cockpit without Exia moving around often should we end up getting pursued by another enemy MS. With Barbatos pilotless and armed with the <<Smoothbore Gun>>, he and Exia could fire any hostile figures coming after us, having the benefit of being able to freely move around for a better shot unlike Exia. Safe to say, the base that I once slept in (that now had a flattened cargo due to Exia slamming it to wake me up prior to the battle and alliance) was not really necessary anymore, although I'd still need to keep in mind that constantly being on the move is not always a wise decision in this uncharted world.

    Well, at least by name that is. If anything, the three of us had been mapping every area we went by during the flight through the night, and given the the properties of the System within me I could also open up a map that quite closely similar to what Exia's terminal projects. Useful especially if there are places that require me to explore on foot without Exia and Barbatos alongside me. Good thing I myself too could map the area much like my Mecha companions does. Right now, I was leaning on the left side of the terminal, an audible snore leaving me every five seconds as I napped inside the cockpit. We were now enroute to a settlement known as-

    “Here we are.”

    The <<Raider's Rest>>. A town former known as <<Roland's Rest>> that was established in memorial of a man known as <<Roland>>. Originally, there was only a statue resembling the deceased titular soldier that stood proudly amongst the town, but as time went on, two more memorial statues had been erected beside him, leading to the town getting a rename to what it is known as today. The two newly constructed statues honors the memory of <<Maya>> and <<Lilith>>, a well-beloved <<Vault Hunter>> and Leader of the <<Crimson Raiders>> alongside Roland respectively.

    The platform they stood on that contained the history of the three well-known figures (as well some affectionate messages and jabs at the deceased from whom I presumed to be their loved ones), listing out their accomplishments and the cause of their deaths. Mysteriously enough, Lilith's death was an unconfirmed case, given that reports stated she disappeared upon halting the moon, <<Elpis>>, from colliding onto this "Earth" that was known as <<Pandora>>, likewise explaining the reason for the moon looking a little too close towards the land while bearing a massive carving of phoenix for everyone to bear witness to.

    Even in a vast, lifeless wasteland that is filled with creatures and maniacs out for everyone's blood, no one had completely forgotten the existence of hope. Despite that however, lingering cynical thoughts of the situation occuring in Pandora clouded my mind. How long do the people of this world really have until despair fully took hold of them? Could they still fully prevail against the Bandits that roam the lands, seemingly in endless doves as their numbers never decrease no matter the amount of death? With the founder and leaders of the <<Crimsom Raiders>> now gone, would whatever was left of the organisation continue to thrive through time?

    I stood by the memorial statues, staring off into the sunny horizon while my mind drifted away from my surrounding.

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Lilith and Kirby
Lilith and Kirby were sitting next to each other not really doing anything until Lilith tapped him on the head. "Hey uh Kirby." He looks over to her with a confused look. "Have you been to space before?" Kirby then start's to smile and he answers her question. "Poyo!" He's been to space many times in fact. "Hmm good to know." While they were chatting Lilith noticed another ship through the window, she get's up and notifies Grey about it. "Hey Grey I don't know if you noticed but I'm pretty sure there's another ship next to ours."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow (Grey)
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The unconscious Lana was carried back to her room and laid on her bed, now that Sora had Benedict in standoff.

"Julia healed Lana up for the most part. Her healing method heal external wounds easier than internal ones. Lana is much different from the foxes I have seen, and can take a lot of punishment, fortunately. Otherwise I would have much more work to do."

"I guess I shouldn't have let Lucky go..." Ben droops his face.

"Do not blame yourself, Ben Tennyson," the Doctor says to Ben, "you did what you could, and it was one or the other. You made your choice and we will simply have to deal with him later."

"Come on Lana, we promise we'd see movies together, wouldn't we? With Elizabeth and everyone."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow P PopcornPie Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    The sudden takeoff was unexpected on Heather's part. Gravity would suddenly cease to exist in the room she was in simply so the g-forces wouldn't liquefy her organs. She then followed Megumin and spotted Lucky, not saying much as the rabbit was stunned. She approached the bleeding and injured braixen with a blank expression as usual. She telepathically spoke to no particular recipient. And seemed to have no comprehension of the fact that Lana was unconscious.

    --"WOAH... LOOK... AT... ALL... THE... BLOOD... HEY... FOX... GIRL... I'VE... NEVER... MET... IS... IT... OKAY... IF... I... MAKE... THIS... GUY... INTO... RABBIT... STEW... HE... LOOKS... HELLA... TASTY... AND... I... WANT... HIM... IN... MY... TUMMY... TUM... BUT... DON'T... EXPECT... ME... TO... SHARE... UNTIL... MEG... OVER... HERE... GETS... A... TASTE..."--

    Lucky, unconscious, would begin to float as Heather just started licking her lips with her literally pink tongue.

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Nearl had been completely blanked out for who knows how long. One moment she was staring at Trevor, the next thing, her mind was simply lost in the sauce of space time as she zoned out into the depths of reality. She felt it, the disturbance, something was, pulling her, whispering to her ear. The feelings of taps like of a keyboard or a phone screen, the sound was.. odd.

But, it was loud. The Kuranta was afraid, slowly her eyes begin to shrivel and dilate, feeling suddenly paranoid as she shakes frantically. She begins to suddenly whimper and whine, the feeling of being watched, to be stared at, who was watching her with their own eyes!?!

And then. It happened. The Knight just froze as she suddenly dropped her shield and warhammer, the loud unmistakable sounds of the clangs of metal as her most prized weapons were dropped to the ground. The Kuranta just stands there blank faced and mouth opened, as if some unnatural 10th dimensional entity has taken her will away. She begins to walk, ever so slowly, like a zombie on its next hunt for food.

The movements were slow, and docile, but controlled as the brain numbed Nearl made her way to a nearby arms locker. Nearl was afraid, her will, was most certainly not her own as she slowly outstretched her arm to the locker and grabs a weapon ever so slowly. A pistol huh? Jessica liked these.

As she slowly turned the weapon and examined it, her fingers gently traced along the pistol and its trigger well as she closed her eyes with a peaceful smile, remembering of home at Rhodes Island as she lost track of where the barrel was facing.

The bang was quick.​
Just as Benedict was about to give the call to open fire, the speakers came on, finally, the Captain AI of the ship, BALEX, told him and his men to stand down which he respected.
Ah....stand down...shoo, go away.
Shoo....leave! Go on!
And with that the car would drive off, how it left the ship? Who knows, all Benedict needed to worry about now was that he needed to hold onto something apparently
Ah! Josh! Quick, my....lucky umbrella.
Josh would then hand Benedict a large black umbrella, which he would open. Obviously the umbrella didn’t work at all, and like a statue he stood there, the affects of gravity using his perfectly still body to however it wished.
Ah.....Frank Sinatra.....Josh, I like our Captain.
Benedict would say as Josh went flying
Then, the ship stopped, all was well, until a little agent on one wheel arrived
$200!? Obviously claptrap didn’t know the Sir very well
Ah....you drive a hard bargain clever droid.....ah, how about I give you this.....M&M.
Benedict would say as he pulled out a tiny blue M&M, noticing but not confronting the fact that his oppressors just let him go.....finally he was free....just....like....Iran
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Crow Crow
Jax glances at Shaw. He looks kind of confused and a little concerned... as one probably should be when seeing someone that looks young in full firefighting gear downing that much alcohol without any effects.

"Sure you're old enough to be here?" he asks, still not very accustomed to how these different races age.

He then looks over at Skye, who had returned shortly after Sanctuary had taken off, coming around to investigate what's in the box after they find that it doesn't blow up in their faces.

"A queen of hearts and a bunch of heart-shaped diamonds..." Jax smirks. "She's not the subtle type."

Ineptitude Ineptitude TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

"Shit, she's out cold. Alright, get her to the medical bay and we'll-"

The Crimson Raiders practically drop what they're doing as soon as Julia comes over and heals the rest of Lana's wounds. They watch in confusion as Lana is lifted away, seemingly a hundred percent okay... at least on the outside.

"Magic. We have a psychic cat-thing that can use magic." One of the Crimson Raiders glances at Ben, then Doctor, then Natasha, then Sora and Dani. "...yeah, I've got a good feeling about this new batch. Alright, keep her stable, she might still have some internal injuries."

"Yes, sir."

Some of the Crimson Raiders enter the room and join you in monitoring the Braixen, guns ready in case anyone tries finishing what Lucky started.

"I hope you know what you're doing," one of the soldiers says to Doctor.

Meanwhile, outside, Eric gives Dani a side glance. "I'm on it," he tells her prior to firing the second shot. He then looks over at Julia. "Heh... you always find a way to be scary, guildmaster. By the way, you don't look a day older than 22."

His attention finally moves to Natasha, witnessing her give Lana an Oran Berry. His eyes seem to get a little watery at that. Once he's done with Lucky, he'd have to go and thank the Glaceon.

The rabbit suddenly begins to float out of Eric's arms. He quickly grabs him back and turns to Heather. "Wait, wait, no, he's not becoming rabbit stew. Just let him be for now. He needs help."

He finally fires the second shot into Lucky's jade.

Grey kneels down beside Fluffington.


"The ship took off. I wish they gave us more warning about that, buuuut I guess it's too late now." He glances around, looking for a baggy for Fluffington to puke in but finding nothing in this hallway. "...Ooookay, guess you're gonna have to keep this a secret from that BALEX guy."

"I can fuckin' see her going all over my floor. I'm sending a janitor down."


"Nevermind. Anyway, Fluffington... can I just call you Fluff? I'm really sorry about earlier. If it helps, we might be fighting again soon, against those Tediore guys. Really soon."

After Lilith gets his attention, he looks out the window and sees the ship hovering by Sanctuary. His eyes go wide in curiosity.

"Uhh... yeah, BALEX, I'm gonna have to ask the same thing Skye asked. Who's that... Guardian?"

"Calls himself Phoenix-2. He's got Hyperion's ratchet-ass color scheme goin' on. And yeah, he's good. Flashy as shit, but he's good with a gun, and that's all you're gonna need."

Ellie smiles at Skye as she leaves. "Well, ain't you just a sweetheart! Thanks for teachin' those Bandits not to screw with mah Catch-a-Ride stations! I'll give you n' yer' friends a reward for it later."

Then, everyone hears the bang.

"Can we go one second without shooting?!"

"We need a team to go check that out! Yavin, Oscar, Gunther, go with the furry thing!"


"Go with Grey and check that out!"

The fox gets up and runs towards where Nearl is. Really hope I'm not walking into a murder scene, he thinks to himself as he and the Raider soldiers come up on her location and witness the aftermath...

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Space Buddha Space Buddha Crow Crow Riven Riven

The voice of a nearby young man might be able to snap Kirito out of his sightseeing.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he asks sarcastically.

Beside Kirito is a man in a strange, almost frightening set of clothing. With a long jacket and a helmet with eyes that glow red, one might think he'd be there to kill him. Three guns are wrapped around holsters on the right side of his waist: a revolver and two different looking pistols, and a rifle is slung over his back.


"Trust me, you get sick of the wasteland shtick fast."

SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03

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