• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

  • “Hark- ” I stopped at the middle of my tracks upon hearing what the stranger had told me. Now that I think about it, a better look at the town did nothing but prove his point right.

    I rested at the wrong pit stop that was reserved specifically to mourn the fallen, having being more caught up with. Before my palm would swiftly meet up with my face however, I heard the stranger add:

    “Nearest actual town's two miles away, at a place called New Hope Haven. Travel there might get a little rough. I can take you there.”

    I turned back to look at him, wearing an expression that all but indicated I was rather surprised at his willingness to help some young teen wearing black-colored garb in the middle of the wasteland. His response left a hint that he knew about Pandora more than Exia, Barbatos and I do combined, which is going to really beneficial in the long run during my stay in the wasteland. I smile and nodded in acceptance of his offer.

    “Sure thing, my companions there and I would appreciate the help.” I replied, pointing at Exia and Barbatos who were now both looking at the two of us.

    “My name's Kirito by the way, what's yours?”


  • _________________________________________________________________________________


    Somehow, although Skye could have sworn she never put her down, Heather came up behind Megumin and glomp-hugged her, having apparently sensed her friend's cries of fear.

    --"IT'S... OKAY... BEST... FRIEND... I... WILL... NEVER... LET... THAT... HAPPEN... BECAUSE... I... HAVE... A... MAGIC... CARD... GENIE... UNDER... MY... MATTRESS... AND... CAN... FIX... IT... ALL... HEY... WANT... TO... ASCEND... TO... GODHOOD... WITH... ME... AND... CLAIM... THIGHS... AND... ENDLESS... RICHES... OR... SOMETHING..?"--

    Heather said this as she petted megumin's hair, and entirely in monotone telepathy, and hopefully Venus would not be able to hear her.

"Fixing it all? I-I don't know!..." Megumin answered worriedly, leaning her head towards Heather's hand. "I didn't see the beings themselves, I just kept seeing pictures of what they were saying about us...Apparently, they think I'm less trustworthy than Lucky. For all we know, they could be commenting about this very moment in time! They must be powerful, in order to instantaneously send messages to each other, and I don't know if being a god will change anything about that, because for all we know, they could be waiting for that. What if they don't even want us to get home? What if it was a premonition they sent me? U-ugh, I wanna get home as soon as possible, just in case they're real!" She winced, then took a solid hold of reality. Well, her dream's reality. "Huff...How am I more terrified of the possibility of celestial beings than the part of the nightmare that could actually happen? What if we do end up dying in a crash? Am I really that scared that every adventure away from home will be my last? Or maybe it's because I kept staring at my own Explosions. We did get engulfed in flames..."

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Space Buddha Space Buddha

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    --"WAIT... YOU... WANT... TO... GO... HOME..? THAT'S... EASY... I... CAN... JUST... USE... MY... WISH... THING... TO... WISH... US... ALL... HOME... BUT... MAYBE... AFTER... WISHING... FOR... MORE... WISHES... BECAUSE... I... HONESTLY... NEVER... WANT... TO... LEAVE... THI-"--

    Heather looks out a porthole, seeing space.

    --"OH... RIGHT... WE... ALREADY... LEFT... WELL... THEN... SCREW... IT... HEY... CAN... YOU... HELP... ME... CRACK... A... SAFE..?"--

    Julia could definitely hear her at this point. What the hell was she even talking about?

Megumin tried to stare at her blankly, but simply kept crying. "You could wish us home all along?...Why didn't you?" She sniveled. "Oh, I understand that sentiment. I can't say I love this ship, but it certainly is cozy. It bears the best pasta I've ever eaten! On the other hand, it's taking us to a raid, on some dangerous planet. Just as I feared." Her eyes shot open. "Wait, what if my dream is a premonition?! What if Teridore will shoot us down, guaranteeing a horrible death for us all? Moze, that is possible, isn't it?" She nuzzled her cheek into Julia's scalp, whimpering. "Maybe Chomusuke was right. Maybe we should just go to those escape pods and regroup on Pandora while we're still alive! Maybe there's a safer way home that we're not thinking of! Or...maybe..." She mustered a little smile at Heather. "Mayhaps we can use that card of yours to wish the person we want up here, or for us to be invisible, or indestructible!"

Oh, speaking of those escape pods...

"Heh! Found them!" Lucky bust out of the ventilation flap, presumably with Jerry following. "Now I can just get meself back to Pandora. Or, hey, maybe a wormhole will open up that brings me home! After all, they don't call me 'Lucky' for nothin'!" Unfortunately, when he tapped the button, nothing happened. "Oh, for fuck's sake, don't tell me there's a code to get inside..." He muttered, looking for a panel he could enter.

Space Buddha Space Buddha LilacMonarch LilacMonarch CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Chungchangching Chungchangching
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  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    --"I... DIDN'T... BECAUSE... I... JUST... STOLE... THE... BOX... FROM... THAT... LADY... WHO... TOLD... ME... SHE... DIDN'T... SERVE... MINORS... AND... I... CAN... BARELY... LIFT... THE... FUCKING... THING... SO... I... HAD... MY... MANSERVANT... CARRY... IT... FOR... ME... I... HAVEN'T... ACTUALLY... HAD... A... GO... AT... IT... YET... IT'S... UNDER... MY... MATTRESS... THOUGH... YOU... WANNA... SEE..?"--

Julia nods to Megumin. "I'm fi--"

The archwizard suddenly hugs her so tight that it was hard to breathe. "H..ey! I'm not...a plushy!"

The Espeon tries to wriggle out of her grasp. "And stop breaking the fourth wall, it's already enough with Deadpool doing it."

Interactions: P PopcornPie (Megumin) 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower (DP) @planningpeeps
"Huh? Whatever do you mean?" Megumin tilted her head, loosening her grip. "I'm talking about my nightmare, not breaking any walls!-Oh, dear. It looks like I singed that one, however." She pointed to a splatter of ash on the wall east from where they sat. "Furthermore, my apologies. That nightmare just really, really frightened me, and I needed to cuddle my way back to reality." She pulled her fallen bangs out of her eyes. "What I wouldn't give to have the original Chomusuke on board right now...I wasn't allowed to take her along, apparently. I sure hope the others remember what kinds of treats she likes." She turned her head back to Heather. "You stole it?! Oh, that's really not a good idea, Heather. We should return it...After seeing if we can open it, of course!" After all, what wasn't more fascinating to a magic user than a magical artifact?

LilacMonarch LilacMonarch Space Buddha Space Buddha
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Interactions: CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade
Tsukasa doesn't like explaining things in full detail but that would do. However, it appears that there is an island that is unknown to others called "Shin Island", located at the east outside of the mainland. He wants to learn more about it but she hasn't been there before compared to the place that he is currently in.

It could be the equivalent of Korea but he could be wrong. Either way, he points at the place that he is trying to explain to Zane.

"That one." He said.

  • _________________________________________________________________________________

    --"NO... WAY... I... DESERVE... IT... WAY... MORE... THAN... THAT... STUPID... BAR... LADY... WHO... LOOKS... LIKE... MY... AUNTIE... BUT... WITHOUT... THE... SEXY... POINTY... EARS... AND... BESIDES... THE... LADY... WHO... GAVE... IT... TO... HER... TECHNICALLY... STOLE... IT... TOO... BECAUSE... SHE... WAS... JUST... A... VOICE... IN... THIGH... WOMAN'S... HEAD... AND... DIDN'T... ASK... HER... HOST'S... PERMISSION... LIKE... A... NICE... VOICE... IN... YOUR... HEAD... SHOULD... SO... IS... IT... REALLY... EVEN... STEALING... IF... IT... WAS... ALREADY... STOLEN... IN... THE... FIRST... PLACE..? NOW... COME... ON... DO... YOU... WANT... TO... GO... HOME... AND... BECOME... MY... BRIDE... AND... BLOWING... SHIT... UP... OR... SHOULD... I... JUST... USE... THAT... SEXY... MAGIC... TO... BECOME... THE... HIGH... QUEEN... OF... THIGHS..."--

    Heather would cock her head and look at Megumin with a deranged smile, her slitted, milky white eyes suddenly lighting up with a violet glow, and her pointed fangs suddenly becoming far more evident as green venom dripped from them. She would speak again using her telepathy, however exclusively to megumin, as her mind was overwhelmed with images of Thighs, Calves, Feet, and all manner of legs and their assorted components. Long legs, short legs, hairy legs, and smooth legs. Heather would ask her a question.

    ̶͇͉͖̳̪̯͓̹̓͠-̶͚͚̫̯͇̻̥̦̏̆-̸̹̩̆"̴̹̊͑̈́̋̇̒̾̀̈́́̑̚̚S̶̟̯̘͚̣͈͎̫͒̋͌́̀́̕͘͜H̷̨͈̤̻̜͇̙̪̠͍̙̋͜A̷̜͎͙͑̚Ļ̴̡͍͚̟͇̖̪̱͙̋͋͋͌̄̔͌͋̕̚͘͝͝L̵̡̛̛͉͉̀̒͛͛̓͂͐̈́̏̇.̷̗̭͎̞̹͙̜͊̀̽̍̇̚ͅ.̵̢̹̫̞̤̟̼̲͈̻͙̉̅.̴̼̺͚̖̞̱̤̤̻̙̫͇͍̈ ̸̮̹͖̹̣̗̮͊̇̏̏͊̀̀̀̎̕͘̚ͅÍ̵̛̛̖̣͙̜̝̪͚͔̤͈͚͖͇̑̂̐̅̐̈͌̕͘.̴͚̟͔̼͙̻̘̩̣̥͍̎̂̀.̵̹͔͎͚̤̙̫͍̥̐́̀̃͌̎̿̕̕.̷̡͙̫̼̪̓̚ ̷͎̅͐̾̍̑̏́̕B̵̧͖͈̞͖̟̙̻̆̂̓́̈́́͌̈́̈́̀̍̈͌͘Ȅ̷̼̘̰̼̓̀̀͒̍̽̈́̎̈́̂͋̚͠͝C̸̢̡̰̯̝̜̾͛͆̀̏͝O̷͕͛͆́̑̀̏͋̌̂̔̋͌̅̀͝M̷̳̼̙̙͕̏Ê̵̮͚̞͈͙͚̭̖͇͙̬̩̆̄̂̅̀͋̏̈̆͆̚ͅ.̸̨̡̠͙̇́̈́̏̏̅̋͑̊̓̈̐̊.̷̧͔̥̗̃.̸̨̡̫̗̳͕͙̫̗͆̔̓͊̇̋̈́̍̏̔̐̈̕͘ͅͅ ̷̡̨̬͈̊̏T̸̨̛͖̱̠̪̣͔̠̖́͛͗͑́̒͂́͑͗͑͌̚H̸̡͖͖̖̱̳̄̏͑̒̕͠͠Ḗ̷̛͖̳̙̦̜̤̳̞͗̆̋́̈̃͑̾͆̃̈.̶̧̛̫͕͎̤̰̹͆̓͋̓͆̍̈́͘̚̕.̵̧̯̿̔͛̂͆̾͆͗̓̍͆̓́̚.̵̨̧̛͕̙̏͒̋̉̉̑͜ ̵͔̇̀̚L̷̡̡͔͉̙̠̙͙̜̼̳̪̪͊̊̀͜͜E̷̢̢̧̹̱̩̦̩͓͍̠̹̙̿̾͗͐̒͜G̷̪͕͙̦͎͎̳͎͖̓̉̒̆̇̕͝ͅ.̷̢͔͍͎̪͎̈̉̎̌͛̊̍͝.̶̢̲͇͍̫͙͉̺̙̰͔̊̋͝.̵̟͒͆̅͝͝ ̷̮̟͗͋͛͂̏̋͒̀̄L̴͔̞͚͚͖̜̮̭͐͂̓̐̓̽̉̐͘͜Ò̷̢̭̱̯̤̘͉̞̪̊̓͝R̷̛̛̫̲̼̼͈̝͔̱̖̎̃͂̓͒̐̿͝͝D̷̗͈̤͓̬̦̣͊̏͂.̴̧̛͖͕̝͔̙̞̞̲̉͋̐́͝.̷̮͉̟̣̭͓̓̂͗͘?̴̨̡̧͖̝̹̰͚̮͕̩̦͎͉̰̈̄̋̔͒̓"̷̨͚̜̜̻̓̇̌̚-̵̨͇̥̱̺̘͓͕͚̜̒͊̓̇-̵̘̬͍͈͔̜̮̩͇̉͗͆̀̂̋̄͝͝

    Megumin got the sense that she really, really didn't want Heather to become whatever the "Leg Lord" is.


  • Moxxi stared a little too long, at many places other than his eyes, before she handed Price a "Lemon Lime & Bullets," to which he almost hesitantly takes sip of. It was, to his delighted surprise, quite good. John took another gulp, looking over to Skye. "Don't sweat it. I've slept through much worse," he said, taking another sip. The Captain then looked over to the other captain, giving him a nod. "Few hours too long, Voss. Glad to see you on the greener side." His first mate Abbott didn't seem too thrilled to be drinking alcohol. Ah, that'll pass. If this life keeps up for the kid, he'll be staring down the opening of many empty pints. For better or worse. A cat and mouse strolled up to drink their sorrows away as well, but Price paid them no mind. In this economy? Not the weirdest thing he's seen.

    Skye soon turned to the group, offering a friendly little drinking competition. "Oho, this'll be good," John chuckled, turning in his bar stool to face the others. Losers either pay or tell a secret of theirs. Any other day. Any other day and he would be all in. Unfortunately, they are about to steal a magical artifact from a powerful organization, so, maybe not the best time for him to be getting drunk. "I'll have to sit this one out, mate. I can get pissed another night." He took a swig of his Lemon Lime & Bullets, watching the game unfold. "Besides, I'm just a bloke, much unlike your.. enhanced, selves." No way his metabolism would keep up with his odd individuals. Sirens and supersoldiers could likely drink about 5 times more than Price could before passing out. Well, maybe he could beat Rocket, since he is quite small. But then again, he's a talking raccoon that shoots a gun and is all the more excited to participate in a drinking game, so really, what does Price know?

    A lizard man in a sleeveless took over for Moxxi's shift, the latter going to work on a "project." Jax was going to supervise this drinking game, making it all the more interesting. John acknowledged Jax with gesture of his pint, taking another sip afterwards. A few people came in, sitting down at the bar to drink with them. Then, the competition started. First round: hard whiskey. They took it pretty well, but that will likely not be the case 3 or 4 shots in. Chances are this bar has some kind of super-concoction to knock out even the superpowered. Second round: vodka. Skye was almost entirely unaffected by it, only coughing a few times, which is to be expected when downing vodka. Not exactly surprising, considering her "Siren" status. It was taking much more of a toll on Voss, who was likely just as human as Price. It's nice to have someone normal around here, even if he isn't really... normal. Third round: rum. Ah, it's been a while since Price had a good rum. Shame he isn't participating in this. Skye was, very unsurprisingly, completely fine after the rum, ordering another drink afterwards. Well, that was interesting. Pretty tame drinking game, really.

    A voice sounded from the loudspeakers of the ship, informing them that he is the ship's AI, and they are about to launch. Reaching escape velocity will be, as one would expect, a little shaky. Price heeded BALEX's warning, holding onto both his pint and the counter. "This is a first." Oh, shit, he was really going to launch off into space. Frank Sinatra started from the speakers as the ship began shaking violently. The power of explosions sent Sanctuary III into the air, the sound quieting for the most part after a moment or two. Looking out the window, after taking a sip of his Lemon Lime & Bullets, he stared at the stars outside for a moment. He's been in space before, he's seen the night sky in all its glory before, but it still hasn't gotten old.

    A lot of shit happened. When I say a lot of shit, I mean a lot of shit. What was Price doing? In the bar, drinking, keeping his sanity. It all ended in a nice speech by that badger fellow about teamwork, with BALEX then calling everyone to the bridge. John finished his pint, putting the glass back on the counter. Not knowing how much the drink was, but considering it was within a reasonable price (haha) range, placed 25 bucks on the table. They were rewarded quite enough already, so even if it was over, the rest should cover a tip.

    Price walked to the bridge, meeting everyone there. Moze started the briefing, showing a holographic image of a city, Aegina. Tediore has their headquarters locked down tight. The middle of the city, surrounded by hundreds of trained guards with advanced tech. An full frontal assault would draw too much heat, something they might not be able to deal with. A covert op would be risky, they'd have to split up again. No way all of them manage to stay quiet that long. If the Raiders insist everyone goes on this op, an idea Price detests absolutely, they'll need more than one team doing something. Having the stealthy types infiltrate could be an idea, but that leaves the rest figuring out what to do. Suggestions started flooding the briefing, a few of them were intelligent. Ian shared his analysis of the group, grouping Price in with the infiltration experts, which the Captain appreciated.

    Finally, John decided to chime in. "A combination of these ideas might work. Using multiple entry points would split us up, decreasing the likelyhood of detection if we're smart enough. Some of us could go underground like the captain," he gestured to Voss, "said, if there's a way in, that is. If it is guarded, taking out some of the guards down there, away from prying eyes, would give us some uniforms and access to Tediore communications. We'd just need to watch for cameras, but it isn't impossible. Skye can do her Siren thing, posing as Tediore can get you through the courtyard. Preferably people who know when to keep their mouth shut, because if you get made, we're all fucked. You lots'," he gestured to those advocating using the criminal underground to their advantage, "criminal underground, if successfully persuaded, could provide us the distraction we need. If they cause riots around the city, attacking Tediore guards, posts, property, propaganda, that sort of thing, I'll bet they'll divert troops from the HQ to quell the chaos. To make sure they make a big enough ruckus, some of our more... chaotic types can help them out. Just, try not to hurt any civilians in the process. We aren't here to be terrorists. The underground might even be able to provide us another way in, which we can use similarly to our advantage."

After THAT experience, the real Eric the Typhlosion has decided to get the RP back on track with a short post.

"How'd another corporation appear out of nowhere? They don't just appear out of nowhere an' make a name out themselves. Not in one night." Zane tells Tsukasa. "Let's hope they're not wantin' a piece of Tediore, too."

"Yeah, no more fourth wall breaks, please..." Eric mumbles and then glances at Natasha as she runs out, catching a glimpse of the gory mess Deadpool had presented. "U-eugh- oh- wait up, Natasha-" he stammers out before running after her.

Moze smiles at Price after his lengthy plan. "Y'know, if I ever get tired of all this action and go off on my own with Iron Bear, you'd be a great replacement. I'd say that spells out our plan nicely."

Grey raises his paw to get every one of your attention.


"Okay, so, we have a plan to invade."

"What about our plan to escape?"

Cast List
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and The Tom Tom Gang (Blinx)
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
DapperDogman DapperDogman as Jason "Blast Radius" Cooper (OC)
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja as Tsukasa Kadoya (Kamen Rider Decade) and Naoto "Tiger Mask" Azuma (Tiger Mask W)
RedLight RedLight as Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit)
TruthHurts_22 TruthHurts_22 as Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) and Zora (Epithet Erased)
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 as Chimera (A Certain Scientific Railgun/Accelerator OC)
SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 as GN-001 Exia (Gundam Extreme VS OC) and Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya (Sword Art Online)
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Shaw (Arknights)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher as Elizabeth (Bioshock: Infinite) and Sky Rose (Borderlands OC)
P PopcornPie as Lucky O'Chopper (Whacked!) and Megumin (Konosuba)
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Fluffington the Mighty (Pokemon OC)
Yamperzzz Yamperzzz as Voss Eierkuchen and Abbott Calderon (Tembo the Badass Elephant OCs)
Critic Ham Critic Ham as Olivia Silence and Saria (Arknights)
Riven Riven as Nearl (Arknights)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore as Rocket Raccoon (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Trevor Philips (Grand Theft Auto V)
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC) and Kirby (Kirby's Dreamland)
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod as Minako Arisato (Persona 3 Portable) and Kintaros (Kamen Rider Den-O)
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Lana (Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon OC)
LilacMonarch LilacMonarch as Julia Thani and Natasha Thani (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon OCs)
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Tom (Tom & Jerry) and Jerry (Tom & Jerry)
BoltBeam BoltBeam as Lightning AKA Light Ignis (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)
quadraxis201 quadraxis201 as Ryuji Kazan (Danganronpa OC)
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as himself
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Anna (Once Upon A Time OC) and Ripper (Jurassic World)
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 as David Listman (My Hero Academia OC)
darkred darkred as Aloy (Horizon Dawn Zero) and John "Bear" Connor (Terminator Genisys)
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Edward "The Doctor" Richtofen (Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies) and Claptrap/Fragtrap (Borderlands, NPC)
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 as Festung-17 (Destiny 2 OC)
FactionParadox FactionParadox as Yoshikage Kira (JJBA Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable)
@Son of Horus as Mrakus Malicius (Horus Heresy OC)
Martydi Martydi as Scott Baker (Planetside OC)
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins as The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
QizPizza QizPizza as Delsausa SERAPH-099 Samael (OC)
StaidFoal StaidFoal as Vera "Granny Rags" Moray (Dishonored)
Crow Crow as Benjamin Kirby "Ben" Tennyson (Ben 10) and "Doctor" (Arknights)
Smug Smug as Jacket (Hotline Miami/Payday 2)
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun as Pahw'lip Stiwyll (OC)
Stikes Stikes as Izabela Dybas and『KAWAII RAZOR BLADES』(JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC)
92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Danielle Fenton (Danny Phantom) and Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Venom Snake Venom Snake as Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
ManyFaces ManyFaces as The Son and The Henchman (Hotline Miami 2)
jigglesworth jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
Space Buddha Space Buddha as Heather Sagewind (OC)
Hundesteak :3 Hundesteak :3 as Nagisa Shiota (Assassination Classroom)
FoolsErin FoolsErin as Garnet (Steven Universe)

"Six. Courier Six." The man says as he follows Kirito. "You planning to walk all the way, or is that big robot of yours willing to fly us there?"

SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"Tch! Escape? This adorable furry over here is talking about 'escape'. HA! Easy! We hide in a box and/or a oil barrel and wait for the enemy to go away. Simple!" Captain Falcon proposes "Then again...It's notreally a plan to escape more so it's a plan to 'hide'. But! Not all the greatest plan require an escape. Trust me. I've learned from the best."
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
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As everyone moved on from Megumin's nightmare, Megumin brought herself the rest of the way back to reality with a deep breath through her nose. Hush, subconscious demons. Price was speaking, and she liked what he was saying. She would get to choose what team she wanted to be on! "I could help with the guards, maybe?" She asked, a little desperate. "I will gladly take down a hundred guards, if it means I served well as a member of the party!" When Captain Falcon's voice rang out, she chuckled a little. "I don't think it will be that easy, especially for those of us lacking in the 'Lurk' skill." She tapped her chin. "There must be some aspect to this planet we can abuse as a hiding place. We could dig into the underground, like moles, and make a tunnel system to the main enemy's tower and back! Do we have shovels?" Okay, she was smarter than that. "Alternatively...What if we masked our scents? Maybe if we smelled like the rest of the populace, things would fare better for us."

jigglesworth jigglesworth CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

  • “I'm fine with giving you a ride actually.” Barbatos spoke in response to Six's question, the hatch into its cockpit opening seconds later as it stretched it's right hand out for Six to get on so it could let its new pilot climb in.

    “The controls are simplified so it'll be as if you're controlling me like you're moving your own body.”


    “Kirito and I will be following your lead.” Exia responded as its hatch opened, it's palm also leading me into its terminal as I got on.

As she was about to reply to Nearl, wondering how she did this to herself, the doctor that was friends with Dr. Zed came out and started assessing his patients, while doing some dance moves. Her eyes widened when she heard what Nearl had, which was a bullet in the head. So that gunshot WAS the reason why she was there, thank God that it missed her brain. Fortunately, it was fixable, which was very good news.

But, if she did this to herself... then did that mean...? No, it couldn't have been, why would she do that?

Elizabeth was, however, very worried when she snapped out of those thoughts and looked over towards the creature that offered her to come to movie night earlier and heard the doctor's assessment of it. Someone must've done something to it, but why would they do anything to it? Whoever it was, they had to have been heartless and cruel.

When he told anyone with either of the two paitents to step back from said paitents, she complied and stepped back. She watched as he fired some sort of gun at the both of them, seemingly healing them. To say she wasn't surprised and amazed seeing him do this would be an understatement, as she quickly discovered that it was a medical gun. And the healing he was doing was working, it was really working!

After he was done, she looked at Nearl who then proceeded to sit up. She ran over to her, giving her a hug, and looked over at the doctor. "
That was really amazing! Thank you for saving the both of them, sir!"

Riven Riven , Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins , Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara , anyone that stayed in the infirmary

Well, if he wanted a good spot to hide with the Eridium, the storage bay did work for him. "
Alright, we'll be back. Come on Heather and... Oh, I forgot to introduce myself." She looked at the man in the red spandex. "Name's Skye, nice to meet you, now let's go." Noticing that she wasn't holding Heather anymore, she looked to see her with her best friend. "Heather, we're going!"

Skye walked out of the bridge and guessing by where she saw Ellie come out of, she probably had a feeling that she came out of the storage bay. After all, she was their mechanic and the storage bay is where a mechanic would be at so they could work. So, she headed where she saw Ellie exit out of earlier.

Once getting to the storage bay and heading down the stairs that led into the place, it didn't take her long to look and see the hallway with a door at the end of it, seeing it was underneath the entrance to the room. She was pretty sure he was in there. "
Well, that didn't take long to find him. Remember, all we have to do is convince him with words to hand over some Eridium. Maybe we can also make a deal where if he gives me the Eridium, I can bring something back for him, it depends on him really"

The Siren headed towards the door, knocking on it once getting there. "
Hey! Crazy Earl, you in there?!"

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow , 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower , Space Buddha Space Buddha
"Soooounds good to me, amigo!" Trevor shouted in response to Moze, the eagerness to get this mission a-going abundant in his chipper tone. "IIIII already have more than enough experience in taking down greedy FUCKS anyways." Trevor would add onto his previous statement, memories of kidnapping, beating, and brutally murdering one Devin Weston in cold blood alongside his compadres, Michael de Santa and Franklin Clinton. Trevor couldn't help but wonder how they were doing in all this. Then, that Lucky thing began to shout at him again about his name or whatever. Trevor proceeded to growl under his breath as he turned to the miniature beast, clenching and unclenching his fists all the while.


"Shut. The fuck. Up. Okay. Just SHUT. THE FUCK. UP!" The words were spoken with as much anger, bloodlust, and malice as the psychopathic meth dealer could manage. He was getting really sick of this thing's shit by now, what with his constant yelling and always trying to kill everything he sees.

Pot, meet kettle.

Rocket, meanwhile, would glance up as Tanya approached him and started talking about disguises. "Thanks," Rocket said, holding up a paw and shaking his head slightly. "But I don't really need a disguise. Ya know, on account of my general height and ability to fit into tight spaces without being seen." He mused while listing those things off on his fingers. His ears perked up, then, as Skye asked if anyone present was fluent in crazy talk. "Sure, I'll tag along," He would say before hopping down from the small box he was standing on and following Skye. Of course, Tanya was free to follow him if she so wished.

Back with Trevor, the psychopath had sense turned to face Deadpool, smiling and licking at the insides of his cheeks as he strolled on over to the mouthy merc. "You..." Trevor said suddenly, holding up a finger. "I like you. You've got style... and in a good way," Smirking now as he stood right next to the man, Trevor suddenly brandished a white card with crimson spots of blood scattered across it. The card read "Trevor Philips Industries" and had a picture of Trevor on it, as well as his cell phone number. "How about after this is all over, me and you talk about maybe you working for my company, hm? Best crank dealers west of the Alamo Sea?" Trevor would ask with a confident smile. He had seen Deadpool's displays so far, and especially after his ingenuity he displayed in the torture session earlier, Trevor would no doubt want someone like Wade Wilson working for him. Then suddenly, Julia butt in and told the poor guy to stop showing off his art. How rude! Stepping in front of Wade and facing the cat, Trevor screamed, "Hey, why don't you mind your own DAMN BUSINESS, huh!? You are limiting this poor man's creative freedom here!"

Meanwhile, Rocket, who had followed Skye and Heather to go meet that Earl guy, would smile and not-so-subtly-wink in response to her words.


"Right, with 'words'. Got it."

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower Space Buddha Space Buddha LilacMonarch LilacMonarch P PopcornPie 2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B
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"Where do you think you're goin', little bunny?" A sudden familiar (though maybe not familiar to Lucky) southern voice asked. Before Lucky had the chance to be turned around, he would feel his large ears squeezed together by something cold and metallic. When he turned to face the cause of said squeeze while mid-air, he would find none other than...


Joe Baker! Who appeared to be significantly less pissed off and blood stained than before.

"Now," The elderly man began as he held Lucky up in the air away from the pod. "That there pod, the one your happy little ass seems awfully privy on escapin' from, is for emergency use only. Keyword there, son, bein' the word 'emergency'." Joe said, his tone of voice sounding more tired and annoyed than anything else.

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Chungchangching Chungchangching

  • Julia looks at Captain Falcon. "That is a terrible idea."

    She glances back at Megumin. "Not to be rude, but 'smelling like the populace' is not really a concern right now."

    "Now please get off me," The Espeon adds before turning back to everyone else. "We should take note of all possible entry points. Even if we don't use them to get in, they might be a backup escape route. Ideally the best escape would simply be leaving the way we entered without detection during the whole operation, but chances are it will be blocked."

    They then had their planning interrupted by Trevor screaming his head off about Deadpool's 'art'. She simply ignores him.


    "Anyone else have any ideas for an escape plan?"
Hearing that Rocket decided to join them, she figured that if Heather and the guy in the red spandex both needed another translator to translate them, that Rocket could maybe help out. That or make sure she wasn't the only kind of sane one there, either way was fine with her. She was glad that he was feeling better, an angry drunk guy or any angry drunk person with a gun at a meeting wasn't a good thing.

She looked at Rocket, who she could tell was winking or was trying to. Either he didn't know how to do it in a way that made it seem subtle or he was using the wrong eye. Seeing as how she was in front of the door, she had to speak with a volume so low that hopefully Crazy Earl couldn't hear her. "
Rocket, I'm being serious, we gotta try talking to him with words. Plus, I don't think the gun can fit into the hole he has on the door and I don't even know if we could open the door. But if words don't work... we could try other ways of convincing. Just no killing him, someone has to be the one in charge of the Eridium on board and I doubt anyone's gonna volunteer."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
...Yeah, she could tell he didn't understand it. Was she going to bother trying to fight him on this? Probably not. "
...Yep, I can see that you understand it."

This would probably take a bad turn a few minutes later, but when wasn't anything prone to taking a bad turn?

She then knocked on the door again. "
Hey! You in there?!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow

I continued to lie in my bed still in quite a lot of pain. Not as much as when before I passed out and woke up here. Suddenly, what appeared to be a doctor with a German accent walked in. He seemed very... odd to say the least, but he also seemed pretty fun. I needed help not fun though... My ears drooped as I heard him mention something about a fractured ribcage. I guess that noise was something breaking after all. I expected to be cut open and worked on that way, but thankfully it wouldn’t have to come to that. The doctor pulled out some... machine...? Gun...? I wasn’t sure what to call it really. It shot some sort of beam towards the other person in the room. I couldn’t see clearly what happened, but nothing bad seemed to happen so that calmed me down a bit. Next was my turn.

“T-This isn’t going to hurt is it...?”
Before I got an answer, the beam like thing was shot towards my direction. I flinched a bit and closed my eyes expecting it to sting. Instead I didn’t feel anything... not a thing. I wasn’t even sore anymore! My paws quickly felt over my body not feeling anymore pain. My chest didn’t even hurt from the fractured ribcage! Everything seemed to be healed up in a matter of seconds!
“W-Woah... how did you do that!? I-Is that thing like magic or something?”
I sat up with a big stupid smile on my face amazed at how well that thing worked.

Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins

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