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Fandom Hunter X Hunter (Detailed)

Exanis said:
Niklas Rabe
"I can make you as beautiful as a dahlia."

no slide

Name: Niklas Rabe

Nickname/Alias/Epithet: Blood Dahlia

Apparent Age: 17

Actual Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 125 lbs

Blood Type: AB-

Nationality: United States of Saherta

Birthdate: October 27th

Star Sign: Scorpio

~Personal Information~


Appearance: Niklas has short, silky blond hair and natural blue eyes, but his hair is about the only thing that remains constant about his appearance. Due to his near obsession with making himself look magnificent, he is always switching up what he wears, and that happens to include an ever changing eye color. On rare instances, he also adds streaks of different color to his hair, though he seems to prefer it completely blond. His seemingly 'favorite', and by that it means the one he's been seen wearing most often, is what seems to be a school uniform. If one were to see him shirtless, they'd find a large scar going up the left side of his back.

Unique Traits: He has been so used to changing his outfit on a whim that it is known that it is known that he can seemingly switch what he wears near instantaneously.

Items/Gear: A seemingly endless wardrobe that he carries in a black satchel. A blood red sickle and a black dagger that he always has hidden on his person.

General likes:

Looking good

New styles

Good food



Manipulating others

General dislikes:



Getting injured

Getting his clothes bloody

Bad food

His scar

Wasting good food

Character Personality: On the surface Niklas seems fairly simple, if not eccentric and flamboyant. He cares for his appearance more than many females around, and enjoys good food. He's always changing what he's wearing, and preaches that everyone should diversify their wardrobe lest they begin looking bland and repetitive, something that is easily seen to irk him. However, when he isn't annoyed by people's desire to always wear the same outfit, he tends to be kind to them, or at least kind enough to offer fashion advice. Though, at times he makes references to the dahlia flower, and most times people don't get what he is talking about, to his displeasure. He calls this his 'people' face and states that it isn't a mask, it's merely showing people what they want to see and nothing more.

However, there is another side to Niklas that he simply calls his 'guilty pleasure', though he truly feels no guilt about it as it is a large portion of his true personality. It usually pops up when he's overly bored or finds something that insults his sense of beauty and fashion. When he is like this his insanity becomes apparent along with a sadistic and cruel streak a mild wide. It is when he is like this that his apathy towards others shows, as well as his general disregard for the lives of everyone and everything around him. To him, things can have beauty even in death. To that point, his fascination with the dahlias not only for their color, but for one of their meanings, that being instability and potential betrayal becomes clearer as he uses them as both a warning and a test to see if people can get the meaning he is trying to convey.

Through both his 'faces', Niklas is always looking to manipulate those around him for his benefit. He doesn't do it for any specific long term goal, only for present time satisfaction, whether that be sexual interaction, monetary gain, information, or whatever he happens to be desiring at the time. One of his favorite forms of manipulation is to implant a sense of loyalty and dedication in a person, and then see how far they are willing to go for him, and the moment he finds their breaking point he tends to either abandon or kill them, depending on how much amusement they've given him over the course of the time they were his 'plaything' as he calls it.

The driving force for his very being, and the core of his personality, are his own selfish desires, and thus, he always puts them first. He lives for himself, and takes pleasure in reminding people that were foolish enough to trust him that as he stabs them in the back, both in the literal and metaphorical sense. To this day, there has been no one that has gotten close enough for him to truly care about them, and Niklas works to ensure that no one will be able to do so in the future.


Runs a hand through his hair when thinking.

References dahlias fairly often.

Tends to always smile while using his 'people face'.

Mental Strengths:




Mental Weaknesses:




Family Members: None - All dead

Relatives: None - All dead

Friends/Team: None yet

Crush/Spouse: None yet

History: Niklas grew up in a fairly large family, though for him that turned out to be more of a curse than a blessing. While his family wasn't the richest around, they were fairly well off, and to his childhood torment, they were rich enough for all his relatives to decide that they wanted to live together in one big household. Something along the lines of wanting to strengthen bonds between family members as to ensure loyalty to the family first and foremost. And the amazing thing is that it worked. However, with that ploys success came one large negative that, in essence, ruined his childhood. His family still had troubles between each other, and a lot of the bad blood between them still lingered, so they needed somehow to release their frustration. In came young Niklas, bastard son of the youngest in the family, already hated by his mother for the troubles that were brought upon her head by the follies of her youth. In a desperate attempt to be rid of him and increase her own standing in the family, she offered him up to the collective as a sort of "punching bag" unaware of how far it would escalate beyond that. Hesitant at first, as he was still simply a child, the family started off fairly easily on him, shoving him around, shouting, fairly true claims of no one loving him. Bit by bit, it got worse and worse, escalating towards physical abuse, though they made sure that nothing left a mark on him, starvation, mental torture, and even sexual abuse. Anything and everything they could do to relieve not only their frustration, but their sick and twisted desires, all unleashed upon him. The whole family got in on it, from the youngest of children, to the oldest of grandparents, all had a hand in his pain. His only escape was through fashion, as the family still had appearences that they had to keep and with that came a diverse wardrobe for Niklas, and with every outfit he imagined himself someone else, in anywhere but with his family. And for a time it worked, staving off the creeping insanity that promised to consume Niklas.

However, one day they hit the breaking point. It started out fairly tame, his mother had demanded food, and when she claimed that the food wasn't good enough for her standards, and went to beat him. For some reason, she paused, and decided to attack him with a knife instead of simply blunt damage as was agreed by the family. As he lay on his face, he felt the knife tear through his left side, and as the blood pooled out and stained his clothes, his favorite clothes, he snapped. He knew for a fact the moment the others saw what his mother did they wouldn't hesitate to escalate their actions as well. He wouldn't last a year and he was keenly aware of it. The rage building up for years on years simply burst forth alongside a tide of insanity. Pushing himself up out of his own blood, he took the knife out of his mothers hand and stabbed her with it. After cleaning up the mess from the both of them and tending to his wounds, he waited to that night where the whole of the family got together to have dinner. Standing back, he watched as they all slowly killed themselves, having put various poisons into the food to ensure that no one would leave alive that night. As the last of his relatives breathed their last, Niklas departed his home, his mind shattered under the torment and a new monster released onto the world. From that point forward he indulged in his desires, deranged as they were, and the legend of him spread, a boy who killed his whole family for seemingly no reason, and every time he hears such a statement, he simply smiles.

~Combat & Achievements~

Aspirations: Niklas doesn't seem to have any overarching goal, content with simply traveling and doing jobs on the side as long as he gets to kill.

Affiliation: None yet

Hunter Type: Youth and Beauty Hunter or Contract Hunter

Achievements: Killing his whole family in one night.

Fighting Style: While Niklas knows a fair bit of various martial arts, he mainly dances around his opponent, using a mix of mind games and intimidation while striking at vital points. His knowledge of martial arts mainly comes into use when dodging and picking apart the weaknesses in his opponents stances.

Weapons: Sickle and dagger

Unique Skills: Knows fashion, can cook fairly well, decent parkour skills

Physical Strengths: Fast, precise, high pain tolerance

Physical Weaknesses: Weak, fairly low endurance


Accepted, also please look at the rules as well.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Accepted, also please look at the rules as well.

Sweet, and I'll be sure to do so right now.
I've also done some edits to the Locations tab to make it suit the RP better than the last bunch. They are basically the same as they were in the actual series but because it's an AU characters and certain events have either altered or changed in a few ways. (For example, the Kurta Clan hasn't been entirely exterminated in this timeline; at least not yet.)

Also, I just wanted to verify the use of the Neutral character's tab for everyone as well. Anyone can make a character there - the CS's don't have to be nearly as long and only need to mention the most vital stuff about the character (Name, small personality, fighting abilities etc.), these character's can range from pretty much anything to antagonists or character's to fill in roles used for plot arcs. These are also limitless, so you can make how many you feel like as long as you're able to control them or find someone to control them. However they are going to be a lot more prone to dying comapred to main character's in the normal character sign up tab who will still have a chance on dying, just less chance. This could also vary between who the character is as well and are essentially counted as 'side characters' so as far as character development goes they won't have much of that either.

For example, if someone wanted to make the current chairman of the Hunter's Association they can! (Actually it would be welcomed) but sometime during the line I might call for a situation where I feel the character should die to spice things up or leave room for character development.
@Sinister Clown

I'm not very creative... but Imma probably draw some inspiration from past characters... and base my character heavily off of a certain character you've met before, altho that rp didn't continue. :3 P.S. I've read the rules.
So I've caught up on the manga, which is pretty good considering I started it a few days ago. I also have finally settled on a character although I'm not going to be able to fill out the CS tonight as I'm seperated from my laptop.

EDIT: Ahh I've been having a lot of trouble with a post for my own rp, I keep losing all of my progress for various reasons so its pushed a lot of other stuff back including this. I'm also not really happy with the picture I drew for this so I'm looking at tinkering with that a bit. Sorry.
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World of Hunter × Hunter[/URL]

By the way, I wouldn't mind having one or two more people joining but once I finish my CS & get up the lore (Which will take about two days max) I'm hoping to try start the Rp. So if you have any questions or want to put your input on something within the next two days would be the time to do that
World of Hunter × Hunter[/URL]

By the way, I wouldn't mind having one or two more people joining but once I finish my CS & get up the lore (Which will take about two days max) I'm hoping to try start the Rp. So if you have any questions or want to put your input on something within the next two days would be the time to do that
Yeah, I don't know the south american representation in the HxH world either, cause I don't think they even mentioned it. xD
Otakuyaki said:
Yeah, I don't know the south american representation in the HxH world either, cause I don't think they even mentioned it. xD
Lol, I wouldn't be surprised honestly. xD
If possible I want to specify Niklas' nationality to be German, though he is living in the HxH equivalent of the US. I dunno what the German equivalent of it is though
Exanis said:
If possible I want to specify Niklas' nationality to be German, though he is living in the HxH equivalent of the US. I dunno what the German equivalent of it is though
Well do you know where Gemany is on the map? Because if you take the wiki link that map it shows is pretty much our map flipped upside down. If you scroll down they also show the V6 map that labels the major 6 countries (Hence why it's call V6).
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]I've always found the nationalities in HxH to be weird.

That is true, but One Piece was always weirder to me. xD Still, I think those quirky things they do with their worlds is what makes it so interesting in the first place.

Then again, Greed Island has got to be up there with the whole 'weird' thing. I am still trying to figure out exactly how it worked...
Alright sweet, also feel free to make NPC characters as well as another main character if you wish
World of Hunter × Hunter[/URL]

By the way, I wouldn't mind having one or two more people joining but once I finish my CS & get up the lore (Which will take about two days max) I'm hoping to try start the Rp. So if you have any questions or want to put your input on something within the next two days would be the time to do that
Sweet! and yeah I will probably make that change.

Also where are we planning to start? With the Hunter's exam?
AtlannianSpy said:
Sweet! and yeah I will probably make that change.
Also where are we planning to start? With the Hunter's exam?
Pretty much, I want to try change things up though with the Hunter's exam. It's what to do that may be a little hard. However, I don't see anyone enjoying writing three of their first posts about running...So if you do come up with any idea's, throw them my way but I should end up thinking of something.
@AtlannianSpy @Exanis @Otakuyaki @Mitchs98

Just making sure who is and isn't joining the thread. Also Mitch, I'm tagging you in this post because I wanted to know if you thought about if you wanted to join or not and if you did your previous CS is still useable. (If you wanted). For everyone else I just wanted to know if they are still keen for this to start and if you aren't please let me know so I can try find someone else to fill up the spot.
Sinister Clown] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36707-atlannianspy/ said:
@AtlannianSpy[/URL] @Exanis @Otakuyaki @Mitchs98
Just making sure who is and isn't joining the thread. Also Mitch, I'm tagging you in this post because I wanted to know if you thought about if you wanted to join or not and if you did your previous CS is still useable. (If you wanted). For everyone else I just wanted to know if they are still keen for this to start and if you aren't please let me know so I can try find someone else to fill up the spot.
Yeah. I said I was and would use my old CS.

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