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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

-Underground River, Orc Camp-
Lydia felt like she was going to cry as her spell poofed out, "oh of all the times..." She groaned with a mixture of sadness and anger, her pale skin flushing red as the orcs laughed at her. Her green eyes narrowed on them despite her embarrassment. She couldn't just give up. She thought about how she had threatened to break Seifer's bow when they were switched and how he had obviously cared about it just as much as she cared about her journal. She couldn't just let them keep it.

It was around then that Sasha had casually flew down to her. She started just slightly from the surprise of the little owl landing on her and giggled slightly when she began preening her, though when she heard James voice she stifled a reaction and gave a very small nod of understanding.

Her heart fluttered with a bit of trepidation at the thought of casting again after the massive failure of her last attempt, but she did it anyway, "To elude our enemies, sweep this dust up in a gale. Cast them into darkness, leave them blind, Shadow Veil!"

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- James Pendragon -
" Underground River, Orc Camp "

The cavern was engulfed in a plume of dust.

The orcs coughed, yelling sharply and rubbing their eyes, clutching their weapons in combat alert. They were blind, yet for some reason all of Lydia's allies could see as though the dust was a transparent veil.

"I'm getting our stuff!" whispered Seth and crouched along the underground river quickly, the rushing water masking his steps and made his way to the orc and goblin tents; James cast Flamme Garde and Fleche Garde on Renee before she flew out.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
(1-7) Lydia spell success = 3
Evade 3
3/3 Hp

Smug Orc
3/3 Hp

-Unknown 2 vs. 1 battle-

As soon James cast his shield spells on her, Renee jumped out as she transformed quickly, her body covered in plumage. When she got to Lydia, the ferel avian cawed loudly at the orcs and crouched down if Lydia ever does want to ride on her back. You know, kind of like Frey and Butters would do for James and Johnny.

Her owl-like glare stared down at the tall orcs who reach up to her neck and chest in height.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Zer0 Zer0
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-Orc Camp-
Now where was that spell success with her first cast attempt? Lydia had to stifle an irritated exclamation at the fact that a spell that could have ended this in one fell swoop had failed while one that will just prolong it and endanger not only herself but now Renee too had actually succeeded. Curse her ineptitude!

She nodded a greeting to Renee and her face stiffened slightly as her brow furrowed, her jaw clenching. She began her next cast, deciding to focus on just defeating the single orc rather than attack them all, "Burning flame, heed my call. Reduce to cinders, Fireball!"

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Renee nodded back in greeting and hooted low as she heard Lydia's spell. She flapped her wings once as she prepared to leap and scratch the living daylights out of the orc once the fire spell lands.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
- Orc Camp -

The flaming blaze missed, scattering dust as the orc dive rolled to the side. True to his culture, despite looking like he regretted throwing his axe away, the orc didn't go for his weapon but instead roared a war cry and launched itself at Renee, grappling with her talons

With a huge heave, the orc swept the giant owl griffin's feet and wrestled her to the ground, his giant chorded muscles bulging at the effort of keeping her down.

The other orcs cheered on.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
(1-7) Lydia spell success = 8
Evade 3
3/3 Hp

(1-3) Renee avian success = 9
Evade 4
2/3 Hp

Smug Orc +2 success = Total 4
3/3 Hp

(odd # Renee, even # Lydia ) Smug Orc attacks : 1 (Renee)

-Orc Camp-
"Oh come on!" Lydia couldn't help but exclaim at yet another failure! Where was her luck? She groaned but the groan turned into a yelp as the orc flying tackled Renee, jumping back slightly and shielding herself a moment in surprise before she quickly crouched and scooped up a handful of dust, silently praying to herself that her spell attempt would succeed as she rushed over to Renee and the Orc, casting as she ran, "When danger is nigh, I must run! To aid my escape, this dust will Stun!"

She blew the dust into the Orc's face and without waiting to see if it worked, she dashed away again, running to a pile of junk she had spotted earlier when she entered the cavern and had taken note of what was there, swiping her mace from atop the pile.

Katsuya Katsuya Zer0 Zer0
Renee hissed when the orc started to grapple her, trying to hold him down and bite and scratch anywhere she could reach. Though she heard Lydia's spell and thought 'here's a chance to pick him up and whack him against the wall!' If it works, she'll do that. If it doesn't, she'll try to roll on top of him and bite his neck.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
- Orc Camp -

The orc had begun choking the giant owl griffin, wings and dust flying everywhere before he froze, stunned from Lydia's spell and was picked up by Renee and whacked hard against the wall.

"Ooooh!" winced the watching orcs.

Behind all this commotion, Seth crept into the tents and begun stealing things that did not belong to him or the group as it seemed as though one final blow was needed to finish the orc off; watching behind the karst formation James was silently cheering Renee and Lydia on.

"Peck him, peck him!" he whispered punching the air. "Echo, I think I'll take up your offer in training with you every morning. Can we train when we get to the castle if you're not busy?"

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
(1-7) Lydia spell success = 7
Evade 3
3/3 Hp

(1-3) Renee avian success = 3
Evade 4
1/3 Hp

Smug Orc +2 success = Total 4
1/3 Hp

(odd # Renee, even # Lydia ) Smug Orc attacks : 7 (Renee)

-Orc Camp-
When she turned back to Renee and the Orc and saw that her spell had succeeded, allowing Renee to slam the Orc into the wall, she couldn't help doing a tiny fist pump, "yes!" She exclaimed as she hurried back to the fight. Honestly, these Orcs were something else, talking about honor when they very honorlessly stole hers and her friends' things! They didn't even fight to win that stuff, damn scavengers! Digging doesn't count!

Her spells had mostly failed, at least the ones that could cause damage, so Lydia was going to try something else and picking up speed as she dashed over she prepared to use her momentum to swing the mace and thwack the Orc in Renee's grasp, not stopping her motion as she came upon them, she kept her speed going as she spun in a swift circle in order to use her weight in the attack as well. She silently wished on all that was good that she didn't screw up and hit Renee.

Katsuya Katsuya Zer0 Zer0
Echo giggled lightly, nodding in mirth from James' quiet cheers. "Of course!" Her ears twitched when she heard the other orcs groan from watching their comrade get hurt like that.

Renee managed to push him off! Thank goodness, she can breathe again. The avian tries to peck his face as it was the closest part of the orc's body. She heard Lydia's footsteps behind her and would fly to dodge so she'd hit the orc and not her.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Zer0 Zer0
- Orc Camp -
" Victory! "

The orc regained control and head-butted Renee knocking her out, but ---


A mace came out of nowhere and with a loud groan, and a big lump rising from his head, the orc fell on top of the unconscious owl griffin, defeated.

"Yus!" whispered James. Sasha flew down from where she had retreated behind a stalagmite and pecked lightly at Renee's beak. "Renee, wake up." whispered James voice. The owl fluttered to her chest to listen to her heart beat and check if all was well.

The watching orcs were stumped. Most of them muttered disappointedly except for the goblin mage who cheered triumphantly and began making gestures as though telling the orcs to pay up. Apparently they had been betting who would win the fight.

With Lydia's victory, the orcs returned all their belongings, including Serena's burning violin that was now utterly useless and beyond repair. The defeated orc came to and beat his chest in humble acceptance of defeat and bowed his head at Lydia.

"Puny human not so puny." he grunted. "Small, but mighty. What your name, little one?"

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
(1-3) Lydia mace success = 1
Evade 3
3/3 Hp

(1-3) Renee avian success = 4
Evade 4
0/3 Hp

Smug Orc +2 success = Total 6
0/3 Hp

(odd # Renee, even # Lydia ) Smug Orc attacks : 5

Lydia fell on her bottom as soon as the mace hit, the weapon falling at her side where her hand still loosely gripped it. It was partial shock, partial relief, though she quickly crawled over to Renee as she saw that she was unconscious, a worried expression on her features as Sasha checked her friend. She didn't move until she was certain Renee was alright, then and only then did she finally get back on her feet, looking over to see the goblin cheering... well at least he had faith in her? Weirdo.

Once all of their belongings had been returned, hopefully her glasses were among them, Lydia felt an overwhelming sense of pride, she and Renee had done it! Even if it was a bit underhandedly, the Orcs hadn't exactly been honest when they took their things.

She was a bit stunned when the Orc that they had fought came to and actually acted pretty decent about his loss. Well it was nice he wasn't a sore loser. She smiled as he called her mighty, her posture straightening slightly as her pride beamed noticeably, "it's Lydia... and what should I call you, mighty one?"

Yes. Manners. Well, he had displayed them for her, so she felt obliged to show him the same respect.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
-Victory Dance!!!-

Renee woke up groaning, lackadaisically opening her eyes to blink the stars away. She blacked out when that orc head-butted her and-

Wait-! Lydia?!

She quickly lifted her head up, alarmed only to relax when she saw the witch next to her with Sasha checking her heartbeat. Aww~ The avian hooted, reassuring the tiny witch and nuzzled and primed her hair a bit. Then she did the same with the even tinier owl.

The avian felt her chest puff up a bit in pride when the orc recognized Lydia as he called mighty. She stood up as well, shaking off the dirt off her feathers and limped over to help carry their stuff.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
- Orc Camp -

"Ruk son of Bror of the Stonemaul clan." grunted the orc. "Lida", he said, not quite able to say Lydia's name properly, "will remember that name."

"See, I get you stuff back no problem." grinned the goblin, pocketing the handful of gems he won from the orcs. The little mage followed them back to the goblin camp as if they were friends praising Lydia too much, rather it was like he was sucking up. "Nice humanses, we good now, yes?"

Johnny came to and was wondering where they all went; James congratulated Lydia and Renee, while Seth immediately took Serena's violin and bow, wrapping them carefully in some clothes.

Apart from their stuff, they also acquired through Seth's thieving new books, particularly about goblin shamanism that had lore on shadowmancy, poisons, and the summoning of dark spirits, some mined gold and gems, and a shrunken head which the twin kept for himself. There was also a bag of six unknown potions some of which looked sinister, and some trinkets that looked like they had belonged to the people of Holt.

There were three powerful magical items that the twin grabbed: an enchanted rope, a spell scroll written in orcish, and a stone token engraved in runes. Seth was very happy with his haul and could not wait to tell Serena all about their little adventure when they got back.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
-Orc camp-

Renee stayed in her avian form until she got out of the goblin's sight and changed back. She didn't notice that her clothes were intact for once as she was more interested in the book about poisons and the bag that has the six unknown potions, looking a bit sinister. She was curious as to what it can do and wanted to try it out...

The major question is how without hurting or traumatizing anyone, accident or not? Hmm....

Though she took some of the mined gold and gems, thinking she could do something with them and sell it off later.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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-Orc Camp-
She only smiled to his mispronunciation of her name and didn't correct it. At least he tried, "and I will remember yours, Ruk son of Bror of the Stonemaul clan," of course she would. As soon as she could, she would write all of this down. She offered him a respectful bow of her head her hands lightly clasped in front of her chest. Once pleasantries were exchanged with the Orc she rejoined the others in collecting their belongings. She collected Seifer's bow, a look of sadness crossing her features as she did so. It was really weird feeling like she was connected to him somehow even though they hardly new each other.

It was really awkward to have the goblin following them and praising her. It made her feel pretty embarrassed since she hadn't gotten the victory on her own but she didn't want to reveal their scam to him so she just smiled bashfully, though she proudly carried her mace propped against her shoulder, Seifer's bow in her other hand, as they made their way back to the goblin camp, "yes yes... we're good," she tried not to sound too rude since he was being pretty nice despite nearly killing most of them.

She didn't rifle through any of the new stuff which Seth had taken. She felt slightly bad about that, that along with kind of cheating in a match that was supposed to be about honor made her feel a bit guilty. Though once they were safe at Holt again, she wouldn't hesitate to snatch up the book with shadowmancy lore whether or not her glasses had been ruined or lost, afterall, those could be replaced.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Seth Pendragon -
" Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep "

It was another adventure sneaking back into Holt while the dark army pressed their attack on the West Wall and the harbor on the eastern side that had finally fallen into the enemy's hands, but Lydia, Renee, James, Echo, Johnny, and Seth made it back alive.

There was talk that Holt's navy was battling the enemy's fleet out in the sea and Duke Maguire was simply waiting for the outcome. If their navy lost the battle, they can expect the walls of Holt to fall either tonight or tomorrow early in the morning.

The first thing James and Johnny did upon returning was head to the war room where they asked if there was anything they could do to help. They must have looked worse for wear because the duke told them to rest and just come back later since they're no use to him half-alive. The two summoners did not press the issue, but did not concede either. After a hasty early lunch, Johnny looked for a place to train with his frost golem, while James did some exercises with Echo.

Seth on the other hand went straight to Serena and presented to her the scorched blackened remains of her violin and told her the story of what happened down there, albeit changing some details a little so that he seemed just a tad bit more heroic.

"Your violin bow is alright though." said Seth in an attempt to cheer her up. "Though you may want to wash it since an orc used it as a . . . back scratcher."

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
-Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep-
Lydia had felt so down. Now she felt amped. There was absolutely so much to look forward to now. So much to study. So much to recall.

Her first order of business was to give Renee a crazy big hug as thanks and congratulations for their victory. It was probably a little bit overdone because she had been holding it in, waiting until they were safe before she let it all out.

Her next order of business was to demurely thank James for the congratulations he had given herself and Renee earlier before she saw him off with Echo.

And lastly, Lydia took her materials in her arms and went off to find a nice quiet place to place all her books including the latest edition, though as much as it pained her, she didn't go over it completely just yet as she had to check her glasses which thankfully had been protected by the hardened leather of their case and weren't bent, cracked, or smashed.

After these had been placed carefully wiped and placed on her face, resting towards the end of her nose as was commonplace for the young witch, she began surveying the damage to her journal, a clean stack of paper to her left, inkwell and set of quills to her right. Whatever was missing that she could recall, she planned on replacing as soon as possible and after that, well anything less urgent would have to wait.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
-Holt, Duke's keep-

Echo was jogging with James, not panting at all as she cheered gleefully for him. "Come on, James! Pick up those feet!"

When the apprentice summoner came back from lunch to train, she did not hold back and told him that they were going to run around the tower five times, non-stop. After that, she's gonna make him do some planks and have Renee sit on him when that happens. Of course...he doesn't know that part yet.

Lydia's hugs are awesome and Renee hugged back just as tightly and excitedly, screaming a bit like a little girl who's going to an amusement park.

Renee snorted as she watched her brother run off with Echo, wincing as she could already see her father's couching methods in the fawn. Trauma makes the best lesson teachers ever...

'Good luck, James'
She thought in amusement before sitting outside where Johnny is training his frost golem and looked at the sinister-looking potions. She really did wonder what these are and was a bit afraid of testing it on anybody so she asked some of the servants to bring house plants. When they did and placed all six of them in front of her, Renee muttered 'I'm really sorry for this.' before grabbing the least sinister looking one and tilted the vial, letting a drop fall on the plant.

Mica, once again out and about, was sleeping under the shade and nearby the plants. His snores sounds like a wheeze.


As Seth came back and gave her violin, which looks like someone just burned it, Serena stayed quiet. She listened to the younger Pendragon's tale and tried to smile though it looked more like a grimace.

"...Thanks Seth..." The violinist swore to clean her bow once she was alone and away from everyone. She needed time for herself, but she didn't want to seem rude. So she sat there with Seth until he felt like it was time to leave.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
- James Pendragon -
" Duke Maguire's Keep "

Echo was a whole other level of fit. James couldn't keep up with her usual pace and was already panting from one round while she was already doing her fourth, but he wasn't going to be defeated. His competitive side had been roused and he trained dedicatedly, finally collapsing from exhaustion when he finished the fifth round, but he was happy.

"Echo, can we take a five minute break?" panted James who was leaning against the stone wall, drenched in sweat. "I . . . need to get a face towel."

- Seth Pendragon -
" Duke Maguire's Keep "

Seth did leave when he was done talking which had taken about an hour and a half as he gave her a very detailed account of their adventure in the quarry, and their adventure getting back to Holt, but for some reason, he came running back immediately just after a few minutes and stood there by the doorway, panting a little.

"Serena, um, I wasn't able to do this before, but . . . " he crossed the room and gave her a sideways hug in such a way that her back would be facing the door. "Sorry about your violin."

Katsuya Katsuya
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-Echo Muses-

Echo smiled happily before patting on James' back. "Alright, we'll take a break. I'll even get the towel for you, so stretch your body, okay?" She left, seeing Johnny train with his frost warbeast and kissed his cheek randomly before getting James a towel and a cup of water.

She returned back to hand James the face towel and cup of water before sitting beside him. "...So? Did you go see Serena yet?" Echo wasn't blind to romance or the beginnings of one as she saw Seth and James liking the blonde. The fawn wondered if the violinist would choose either one of the brothers or not. She's a bit quirky and whenever they have conversations, Echo noticed how Serena tends to not respect personal space funny enough.

-Serena Lock-

When Seth left after an hour and half, Serena finally let out her sobs as tears gathered on the corners of her eyes but they didn't fall. This violin was the same one that her parents gave her as a present and for it to be charcoal now is just so...

Oh how she really wants to punch something, preferably the orcs who used her violin as firewood.

She can feel her frustrations building up in her chest but she couldn't let it out as per her usual way. Serena was close to punching the wall when Seth came back a few minutes later and she quickly wiped her tears away. Then she put up her smile at him only to widened her eyes in surprise when he hugged her.

"Oh-!...T-thank you, Seth...I mean it this time..."If he was listening closely, he could probably hear her depressed tone mingling with a bit of gratefulness. Then after a thought or two, Serena hugged back though hesitantly.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
-Duke Maguire's Keep-
Lydia was grateful for the fact that her knowledge was intact. Anything she had written involving runes, spells, her hypotheses, theories... it had all been saved. She was actually a little glad that there had been Goblins with the Orcs because she feared that her journal would have been tossed on the fire whole if they hadn't been. While she had lost most of her more personal thoughts and written memories to fire, there were still a few and she could recount what was lost though it wouldn't be with the same emotion as when she had written it all.

During this time, she also took to writing a letter to her mother and very nearly completely messed up her lettering as her hand spasmed. She gasped slightly and removed her hand from the page, surveying the paper and breathing a sigh of relief as she saw that she had raised her hand between her pretty words before she looked at her hand which was no trembling. Then her stomach gurgled and bubbled. She set her quill down and rubbed her tummy, feeling how empty it was. 'When was the last time I ate....?' She tried to recall, her brow furrowing deeply as she realized how hard she had been pushing herself.

She rose from her chair, only to make herself dizzy from the sudden movement, her palms pressing against the table as her vision went dark for a moment. She then removed her spectacles and rubbed her eyes once her sight returned, setting the glasses down with her books and papers and wryly chuckling at herself before she shook her head, slowly so as not to get herself dizzy again before carefully moving away from the table.

Leaving the room she stepped out into the hall, asking a guard where the dining hall was before she would venture forth to seek sustenance.

Katsuya Katsuya Zer0 Zer0
- James Pendragon -
" Duke Maguire's Keep "
MR-351040-642060-23 copy.jpg

"Thanks, Echo." said James drinking from the cup gratefully and patting his face dry after he stretched; at the side Johnny's face was slightly red as some passing soldiers wolf-whistled after Echo kissed him and he, flustered, told them to keep quiet because he was trying to concentrate to help in the war.

The cool water quenched James thirst wonderfully. "No, I haven't yet, Echo . . . she must be really sad her violin's burned. I'll check on her for a bit, but I'll be back before my five minutes are up." said James looking at his watch.

"Want to come?" he added as he made his way back into the keep.


Seth patted Serena's back and he stayed that way for a few minutes. The violinist suddenly heard the door of the group's shared bedroom open behind them, and then close just as quickly before she could see who it had been. Seth smirked, he timed it right.


Outside, James stood with his hand firmly on the doorknob, the other clenching his face towel in a fist so tight that his nails were digging into his skin . 'She likes Seth.' he thought, feeling an unreasonable anger grow within him as his eyes became steely.

He marched away from the room and back down to the training grounds, a cold look upon his calm face. He had been so dim-witted, he totally misunderstood her friendly gestures. 'She likes Seth.'

He knew he was angry because he was jealous, but he didn't understand why the anger wouldn't stop. Rationally speaking, it wasn't any of his business who Serena dated. It had nothing to do with him. Besides he wasn't planning on being in a relationship because of everything that they had to do. So why was he so angry?

Katsuya Katsuya
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"Of course!" Echo replied as she didn't want James to fall while visiting the violinist. She walked with the oldest Pendragon brother, not minding the silence as it was comfortable enough. So when he opened and closed the door just as quickly, it made her a bit nervous. Why is James so angry?

As he walked away, the fawn looked into the room to see Serena turn around looking a bit confused as to why the door opened again. She heard it open and close before she could even look and then open again to see Echo, who has this look of 'Oh no...' on her face. What just happened?

Echo already pieced everything in her mind as soon she saw Seth's smirk and widely opened the door to let her leave the room. "Serena...why don't you go to the training grounds? I'm sure there's a certain someone who would want to talk with you."

The violinist could already tell that something weird just happened and nodded, patting Seth's back a bit before leaving, her violin bow still in her hand. Echo looked at Seth with a raised eyebrow.

"You know that's going to come back and bite you in the butt, right?" Echo said, a bit worried for both of the Pendragon brothers.


In the meanwhile, Serena walked outside to the training grounds and perked up a bit when she saw James. Though she didn't see the cold look on his face.

"James-! How was training with Echo so far?" She asked, hoping to hear a lighthearted joke to ease her frustrations of her destroyed violin.

Zer0 Zer0

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