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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

-Tunnel, Goblin Camp-
Lydia nodded resolutely to James before shifting her gaze to Johnny. Wow... he really was afraid of girls if he found tiny Lydia scary. She considered thoughtfully after everyone called who they were after, she sort of wished that she had focused more attention on learning to use the crossbow she had gotten back in Binks, it wouldn't be a good idea to throw fireballs if there was dynamite to be concerned about.

After a moment of consideration she grinned impishly, "I can try to blind them? That might help," she wondered if she could blind them long enough for the rest of them to scurry in and steal their things back, or at the very least get the jump on them before they can attack.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya

- Quarry -
" Down Tunnel, Goblin Camp "

"That'll really help." said James to Lydia. "I've read of special operations warlocks using Flashfire and smoke bombs before they burst into a room."

"Whoop their buttocks, love." smiled Johnny, pecking Echo's cheek.

When all was ready, they crept in for the ambush. Seth, who had wall-run up the cavern walls, nimbly climbed down, and landing like a cat behind the rifle-goblins, waited for the flash of light, hands holding his throwing knives twitching in anticipation; Johnny, and James had their summons ready to charge into the cave and had cast protective spells on everyone.

The moment Lydia cast her spell, The goblins all shrieked in surprise. Seth immediately whipped out his knives, disarming one goblin and pinning his limbs to a crate of dynamite. The second goblin immediately dived for cover and shot back, taking one of Seth's ears off. The twin was shocked and dived behind cover looking like he didn't want to go back out again, clutching the bleeding hole at the side of his head.

Frey, Butters and Meatballs came thundering out of the passage and mowed down the warriors, just as James flicked his wand yelling, "Protego!" to protect them from the retaliation of the warriors and an earth spell that sent stalactites raining down on them from the goblin mage who seemed to be battle hardened; the ethereal stag caught the mage by the horns and flung him into the wall, but by some spell, the blow was softened and the goblin was back on its feet.

It uttered a spell in gobblegook that made the goblin warriors' eyes turn red. They shrieked madly, as if in a frenzy and three leapt on to Johnny, stabbing furiously at Butters and him. Johnny cried out in pain as he tried to pull them off, the giant ram bucking to get rid of one that had bitten his tail.

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I'm going to try a new style of dice rolling. A kind that will give me less dies to roll. If you succeed in rolling within your success range it's a success, no more taking an opponent's evade into account. For foes, they're just going to have to roll equal or higher than your character's evade rate to hit you, but some foes get hit bonuses. What you two think?

(1-8) James summoning success = 3
James evade 7
3/3 Hp

(1-7) Johnny summoning success = 5
Johnny evade 4
2/3 Hp

(1-7) Seth knife throw success = 5
Seth evade 5
3/2 Hp

Goblin Mage success +1 = Total 4
4/5 Hp

Rifle Goblin Duo success +1 = Total 3
1/2 Hp
*attacks twice.

Warrior Goblin Squad success +2 = Total 7
1/2 Hp
*attacks twice.


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Renee followed Seth, changing into her half form and flew up the cavern ceiling silently. She knocked an arrow and readied to strike down the rifle-goblins when Lydia lets her flash bomb hit.

Once it did, the transformed teen waited until she could see again, hearing the goblins shriek in surprise and shots fired from one of the goblins. Renee aimed at the one who's hiding and let her arrow fly, hitting and pinning through the goblin's arm, making him drop the rifle.

Then she flew over Seth to let Mica, who's currently trembling behind her feathers because why is she flying?!, go down and heal him. Renee cooed at him urgently, which he did and landed on Seth's shoulder. Once that's done, the transformed teen flew up again and aimed at the archer goblins.

Echo stampede with Fray, Butters, and Meatballs but she missed the warrior goblin since he dodged. As that mage uttered it's spell, making all of the other warrior goblins go in a frenzy, the fawn used her strength to pull them off of Butters and Johnny, kicking them in the process.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
- Quarry -
" Down Tunnel, Goblin Camp "

One of the screeching warrior goblins Echo pulled twisted in her hand and stabbed her shoulder before it was knocked out; Johnny and Butters were bleeding badly by the time she had pulled and kicked all the goblins hacking at them into submission, dizzy stars circling around their little green heads.

Johnny unsummoned Butters to keep the giant ram safe while he leaned on to Echo's shoulder for support, "Polymorph! --- Bloody trolls." his spell missed the goblin archer he was aiming for and pulled his cloak around him as arrows rained on them. "Etheris!" The arrows clunked on the enchanted fabric as if it was made of something harder than cloth.

An archer fell from Renee's arrow just as its pair retaliated, clipping a wing.

Seth wouldn't come out from cover anymore even after he retrieved his ear and Mica magically restored it to its rightful place. He was a thief, not a warrior. He wasn't meant for battle, his place was in being sneaky, not fighting head on like this.

Meatballs and Frey were battling the goblin mage, who suddenly uttered a gutteral spell and thrust his green palm on the ground. The cavern ground was suddenly lifted upwards by a small earthquake. The shake caused a stalactite to fall on Johnny, Lydia, and Renee, and outbalance Frey; this allowed a goblin archer to hit James who ducked just as an arrow pierced his hand.

"Uk' talek ta!" cried the goblin mage. He and the last goblin archer began to retreat to an adjacent tunnel while firing spells. "Nish jabun to, uk narhim!"

"The mage is going to call for reinforcements!" yelled Johnny, alarmed. "Don't let him escape!"

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  1. (1-5) Echo strength success = 3
    Echo evade 7
    2/3 Hp
  2. (1-8) James summoning success = 10
    James evade 7
    2/3 Hp
  3. (1-4) Johnny spell success = 9
    Johnny evade 4
    1/3 Hp
  4. (1-7) Lydia spell success = 3
    Lydia evade 3
    2/3 Hp
  5. (1-7) Renee archery success = 7
    Renee evade 4
    2/3 hp
  6. (1-7) Seth knife throw success = 10
    Seth evade 5
    2/3 Hp
  1. Goblin Mage success +1 = Total 6
    4/5 Hp
  2. Rifle Goblin Duo success +1 = Total 3
    0/2 Hp
    *attacks twice.
  3. Warrior Goblin Squad success +2 = Total 10
    0/2 Hp
    *attacks twice.
  4. Archer Goblin Duo success +1 = Total 10
    1/2 Hp
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-Tunnel, Goblin Camp-
After her spell had gone off, Lydia was at a loss as to what to do. Her base spells would cause more damage than good and anything else she could do was pretty useless. Her only options were to stand there and watch or try to find something that she could use in place of her mace.

She watched the chaos ensuing and her comrades getting injured in one form or another before she also was hit by the goblin mage's spell as she was trying to find some sort of blunt instrument that would carry the same force as her mace.

Knocked to the ground and her ears ringing from hitting her head on the ground, she scrambled to climb back to her feet, snatching up one the sword of one of the fallen goblin warriors and using her hand for balance as she scurried after the escaping goblins, casting again before she reached them James' voice a mere echo in the background, “To elude our enemies, sweep this dust up in a gale. Cast them into darkness, leave them blind, Shadow Veil!” after she cast, she hurried over to try and take a swing at the closest fleeing greenskin which happened to be the mage.

Katsuya Katsuya Zer0 Zer0
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-Quarry Battle!-

Echo grunted when the goblin stabbed her shoulder and she kicked him in retaliation, growling quietly as she continued to kick them into submission. As Butters left and Johnny leaned on her, the fawn ducked into his cloak as arrows rained on them. Though she wasn't expecting the stalactite fall on Johnny and yelped before glaring at the mage.

She stomped hard on the ground, muttering her spell "Terra Firma" so the ground can stand tall and block the goblins' way of escape.

Renee got one down but the others retaliated and managed to clip her wing, making her stumble in the air. She tried to stay up but then stalactite hit her too and it pushed her down to the ground.

She felt a bit dizzy when she heard Johnny's yell, but the transformed teen quickly stood up, knocked her arrow, and let it fly at the mage since it seems that he's the head honcho of this group.

Take out the head, then the body doesn't function anymore.

Mica scurried over to where Johnny was and nuzzled him so he could heal.

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- Quarry -
" Victory! "​

It seemed that the stalactite that fell on Johnny hit him harder than he thought, because he took a few determined steps forward before suddenly collapsing, dropping his white wood wand that clattered to the ground; Frey charged at the last archer, its arrows bouncing off of James' deflecting shielding charm and the summoner managed to yank the bow out of its hands before Meatballs, who was following right behind tackled the poor little goblin, knocking it out.

Seth peered out of his hiding place. Enemy reinforcements was worse. He leaped out, and threw knives at the retreating mage that caused another ground shake that hurt Renee, Lydia, and Seth, but it was only after Lydia's blinding spell that the twin was able to trip it; at the same time a wall of dirt rose to cut off the mage's retreat, and he bounced off it in his blindness.

"Ow, ow, ow!" it yelled, as Lydia whacked it. Despite themselves, Seth and James laughed a little. It looked so funny.

With nowhere to go, the trapped goblin mage raised its hands in what was undoubtedly a surrender.

"No more! No more! --- Ow! --- I-I stop, okay? Nice - nice humanses. I no hurt, you no hurt too, 'kay?" it pleaded at Lydia, grimacing with mismatched yellowed teeth, kneeling on the ground. "I have many gold, you want gold, yes?"

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
  1. (1-4) Echo spell success = 3
    Echo evade 7
    2/3 Hp
  2. (1-4) James strength success = 2
    James evade 7
    2/3 Hp
  3. (1-7) Johnny summon success = 6
    Johnny evade 4
    0/3 Hp
  4. (1-7) Lydia spell success = 8
    Lydia evade 3
    1/3 Hp
  5. (1-7) Renee archery success = 9
    Renee evade 4
    1/3 Hp
  6. (1-7) Seth knife throw success = 3
    Seth evade 5
    1/3 Hp

  1. Goblin Mage success +1 = Total 4
    1/5 Hp
  2. Archer Goblin Duo success +1 = Total 5
    0/2 Hp
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Lydia had tunnel vision, she didn't really realize what was going on around her and it showed as she was once more knocked to the ground, wincing from the pain of the fall since she had landed on her arm funny. As soon as she was back on her feet and the flat of the blade she held collided with the goblin mage did she huff breathlessly, keeping the blade pointed at the goblin as it surrendered.

Oh the indignation!! He was actually offering to pay them!? "What?!" Lydia gasped angrily, "you take our stuff and try to bribe us?!" She had half a mind to just drive the blade home. Like gold could replace the irreplaceable things that the goblins had either ruined or destroyed. The clothes were the farthest thing from her mind as they were more common, but her journal and Renee's sketchbook? That's what really infuriated the little witch.

She was making the same raged filled face at the goblin as she had done previously, the one that was significantly marked by disbelief.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
-We Won~!-

Renee had to bite back her grin as she watched Lydia whack the goblin before clearing her throat and walked over to where Lydia was. She glared firmly at the green skin as she transformed back to normal with her hair flowing down and no wings.

"Hold on, Lydia..." Renee gently held Lydia's arm down, giving her a small smile before giving the goblin a stink eye.

"We don't want gold. We want those books..." She points at the books that belonged to James and Lydia, including the ogre tome. "...the items you took from us..."She pointed at her potions and metal items that she carried. "..and tell us where is the rest of our stuff. I want to know and then we'll let you go." Renee frowned disapprovingly at the green goblin as if he did a naughty thing.

Echo snorted angrily as she watched Mica heal Johnny and James, hearing the conversation Renee's having with the little green skin. She picked up Johnny's wand and held onto it until Johnny wakes up. They should just beat the little thing...

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- Quarry -
" Down Tunnel, Goblin Camp "

The goblin quailed under Lydia's look. "Y-your stuff? Oh! That-that your dress? We not know --- if we knew, we would never take, never." it shook its head, green ears flapping. "You no like gold?" he said to Renee, very surprised. "I give you gold and books, okay? We friends, 'kay?"

Meanwhile, after bandaging his hand, James was helping with the healing by sitting and unconscious Johnny up against his knee and tipping some healing potion into his mouth. Seth sat near them drinking a healing potion too as he waited for his turn with Mica who also still had Frey, Butters, and Meatballs to heal.

"Your stuff, I get your stuff. No problem. It with orc friends of mine. I get it for you, okay? No funny moves. I go get it and come back, okay?"

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-Tunnel, Goblin Camp-
Her arms were still hanging at length, though now the sword was pointed at the ground rather than the goblin, but her gaze remained pointedly fixed on the mage, her green eyes squinted slightly as she glared at him. She scoffed slightly as he denied the knowledge that the stuff was their's, "oh, so I suppose you and your cohorts just happened to be wandering around topside and stumbled over a lump in the ground and thought, 'hey! Let's dig here! I bet we'll find something good!'" she spoke overly sarcastically.

Her lips folded against each other and she scrunched her nose up, looking at the goblin in disbelief, though her visage did smooth slightly as the goblin at least pretended to be amiable. She looked over to Renee, shrugging her shoulders slightly before she looked back to the goblin, "I can always follow him and rain fire on all of them if he tries anything," her eyes squinted again menacingly as she stared the goblin down.

Lydia was small, but evidently she was prone easily to anger. Like really vengeful anger.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
-Goblin's camp-

Renee squinted her eyes, for once not believing that it would be this easy. No way...

"Okay...as long you let our friend and my brother's owl to come with you, we won't do anything funny and wait here..." She's not budging until he agrees to let them go with him.

"No, I no like gold, but thank you for the offer. We just want our stuff and books back." She replied quietly to the scared goblin, sighing.

Mica continued to heal Seth and the other summons, nuzzling each and everyone of them though with a smug look on his face as if he was laughing at them for being beaten up like this.

Echo sat nearby Johnny, now glaring at the little goblin. She won't put the wall down until he agrees to their conditions. Once he does, then she will put it down.

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- Quarry -

" Underground River, Orc Camp "

"No problem, no problem. Human girl can come and birdie." nodded the goblin who got up slowly, wincing from his injuries. "I get stuff back no problem, cross my heart and hope to burn, no problem."

Once the earth wall was down, the goblin hobbled forward slowly into the tunnel where it opened to another passage where an underground river was coursing through. The sound of hammering and fighting grew louder until they turned a corner and saw a torch lit cavern where four orcs were drinking grog as they watched two of their companions having a friendly duel, one of which wielded Echo's hammer.

"Miesh no klan!" called the goblin. The four watching orcs looked up, one of whom was scratching his warty back with something that looked like . . . Serena' violin bow. They stared at Lydia, then leaped up yelling something in orcish and pointing at her.

The goblin waved a reassuring hand. "Eeeeh, Ji hab no kul. Uk nalra ---" he pointed at the bow one of the orcs was holding that was definitely Seifers, and a pile of things at the far corner near a camp fire where something familiar was being burned inside as firewood. " --- he she tul nab." and then gestured at Lydia.

The orcs laughed a deep guttural laugh and they hollered at the ones who were dueling to stop.

Orcs stood a little taller than most humans, around six to seven feet, but they were two to three times larger, weighing at an average of five hundred pounds and were strong enough to throw a horse. One of them stepped forward, pushed the goblin aside and bent down at Lydia as though she was a tiny little rabbit.

"Puny human," he huffed, poking Lydia hard in the belly disrespectfully as he looked at her from head to foot. "you not so tough." the other orcs guffawed. "Fight me. Mak' Gora. You win, you get hammer and all things back."

As one who was well-read, Lydia had probably come across Orc culture. Mak' Gora meant "duel of honor" where an orc challenges another one on one for leadership or for the right to own property when it was being disputed.

Orcs were an honorable race, who valued valor and a glorious death in battle. Unfortunately, standings in their society was determined by how many foes they've killed or battles they've won and because of that they have made enemies of a lot of races, humans, dwarves, and elves especially.

Back in the goblin camp, James told them all of this as he observed all through Sasha's eyes.

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-Goblin camp-

Once the goblin agreed, Echo let down her wall and watched the wispy owl and Lydia go into the tunnel. When James told them everything, the white-haired teen grimaced.

"...Oh no..."Renee groaned, now regretting of not coming with her. She couldn't go into the tunnel either because she gave her word to the little green goblin that they weren't going to follow him. Augh~!! She knew it was too good to be true!

"Lydia...Tell Lydia that I'm cheering her on!" She told her brother, collecting all the books together and placing them down so she can pack them in their bags; The ogre tome is in hers along with her sketchbook.

"You can do it Lydia! ...Hey, James, can you check what's burning in the fire?" Something about the wood that's burning made it seem familiar to her and she couldn't help but feel dread pooling in her stomach if it's what she thinks it is.

Serena will be really sad if that was her violin burning.

Echo's eyebrows furrowed in worry and wondered if she should go to where Lydia was.

Mica snorted as he was done with Seth's and Johnny's injuries then he turned to Fray, Butters, and Meatballs with a lazy look on his face. He cackled at the trio as he nuzzled them, like he was telling them 'try not to get hurt next time.'

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-Underground river, Orc Camp-
The sword remained lower, though Lydia took to dragging it as she followed the goblin in order to save her strength since she was still pretty roughed up from the previous fight. She was pretty irritated when the Orcs acknowledged her presence as she had planned to just stay in the tunnel and prepare to cast her spell if the Orcs didn't comply or the goblin told them to attack. She sighed deeply and tightened her grip on the sword she had snatched, though she still let the tip rest on the ground.

She looked around intently, taking inventory of what she could see before her attention returned to the goblin as he gestured at her, her body jumping slightly. She frowned and glared at the Orcs as they laughed and a little voice inside of her was screaming, but she couldn't figure out why. She leaned back as one of them came closer to her, one of her feet stepping back as she looked up at him, her green eyes widening slightly and she winced as he jabbed her stomach, losing her balance slightly but using the sword she still held to steady herself.

She glared up at the Orc, now realizing what that little voice was screaming about as her heart steadily began to beat faster, sometimes her mouth was bigger than the rest of her. Just what had she gotten herself into? She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, thinking carefully about how to deal with this as the challenge was issued. She then nodded resolutely, he was being honorable, so despite her size by comparison, and despite the fact that it was utter insanity, she turned to Sasha and put on a brave face, giving the owl a weak smile, "if I don't make it out... please give what is left of my journal to my mother and tell her I love her."

She then leaned the sword against a nearby rock and offering Sasha a more brave and cheerful smile, "oh... and good luck guys... especially you, Renee."

Katsuya Katsuya Zer0 Zer0
- Quarry -

Frey and Butters snorted at the ferret, refusing his healing, instead they went to James and Renee respectively, nudging their pouches for any healing potions; Meatballs remained blissfully happy, panting at whoever looked at him and sniffed Mica's butt.

"It's Serena's violin, Renee." said James crestfallen.

"What?" said Seth, disappointed. He groaned, there goes his chance to impress the violinist. Maybe he should've stayed in the keep, then at least he'd have a chance to talk to her alone.

When Lydia said those words, Sasha said calmly in James' voice. "We will." but back in the cavern he was already telling everyone Lydia's decision and definitely had no plans to let her die because of some little orc duel. "We've got to help her. I don't care if it's cheating."

Johnny was still knocked out, Frey was out, so was Butters, and Meatballs. James only had his shielding spells, but he had confidence in that. "Renee, Seth, Echo, can you three still fight?"

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Back in the orc camp, her opponent threw away his sword and armor, clearly underestimating Lydia, and took his place in the flat patch of ground his two friends had been dueling on earlier. The goblin was speaking to the other orcs, and it seemed that they weren't impressed by what they were hearing about the witch. After all, all the goblin saw Lydia do was whack him with a sword inexpertly.

"You know hocus pocus?" asked the orc. "You can use. He say you can make little flame." he gave a guttural chuckle as pointed at the goblin. "Do it. You make first move. I give it to you for free."

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-Underground River, Orc Camp-
Lydia turned from Sasha and put a more stern expression on her face, gathering her wits and calming her heart. She really had no intention of letting the others help her, she had gotten herself into this by volunteering to go. Of course she didn't have any idea what they were planning either.

She stepped further into the camp, staying far enough away from the Orcs that they shouldn't be able to get to her too easily when this got serious... well more serious than it already was. Eyeing their placement carefully and taking that into consideration. She also checked for any types of explosives like the ones that were back in the previous cavern.

Her eye drew to the orc that had spoke to her and she snorted slightly. That goblin obviously hadn't read her full journal. It basically cataloged her life. So she wasn't surprised that he at least knew that much despite the fact that she had been careful not to cast any fire magic previously. So she thought he was either failing to do her abilities any justice or he just really didn't know what she could do, "yeah. I make little flame."

She spoke mockingly, a slightly amused smirk playing on her lips, "alright, if you insist..." with that, Lydia drew in a deep breath and focused her thoughts, will, and anything else that she could focus in order to accurately and devastatingly cast her spell in the hopes of maybe not decimating the Orcs and their goblin friend (she felt a little guilty about hurting him after he surrendered) but at least teaching them not to underestimate her.

"Children of the heavens, let them feel my ire. Set mine enemies ablaze, Rain of Fire!" She motioned with her arms as she spoke, really just for dramatic effect as she concentrated her gaze where she wanted the spell to land.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
-Goblin camp-

Mica looked so affronted when Frey and Butters didn't accept his healing. What? He was just telling them the truth, those ungrateful-!

He whacked the giant boarhound away with his fluffy tail and skulked over to where Renee is. Fine, see if he cares. Climbing onto her clothes and shoulders, he nuzzles her cheek, glaring at the other summons who asked to be healed by potions. The white-haired teen scratched the ferret's head before looking into her bag for healing potions to give to Frey and Butters. "Here you go, guys."

Yep, Serena's gonna be sad when she hears about her violin. Aw man...

"Yes, I can still fight... Thank you, Mica." Echo, now with her shoulder all better, stood up and went over to pet the little ferret...who leans into her touch and stuck his tongue out at the other two summons. At least someone appreciates what he does.

"Yea, I can fight too... James, hold on. Let me just..." She felt a little silly for doing this, but it's her brother so it should be fine-! But it's James....

Ah blooming trolls.

Renee walked over to James and kissed his cheek, letting her own healing spell do it's work on mending his hand. It's not much but she can at least close the wound up. Though she wished it wasn't so embarrassing-!

"Ther-there. All done. Now what do we do? What's the plan?" The white-haired Pendragon asked, a bright blush appeared on her cheeks as she wasn't used to being that affectionate to James unless it was hugs.

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- Quarry -
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Meatballs whined sadly, looking like he didn't understand what he did wrong and looked up with hurt puppy dog eyes at Mica.

James squinted his eyes at Renee, becoming narrower and narrower as his expression soured into that of ew-my-sister-touched-me. "Ew, Reneee, why'd you do that?" he moaned, rubbing his cheek vigorously.

His hand was covered by the bandage and had not noticed that the wound had closed up.

"Why does he get a good luck kiss and I don't?" asked Seth indignantly, it was just a hand compared to the twin who had his ear shot off. Granted it was back to normal, sort of, but still Renee should kiss him too since he was younger even if Seth did find it yucky too. Seriously, why do girls seem to favor his older brother when Seth was more fun, more athletic, and more good looking? What did Serena see in James anyway? All he does is stay indoors, read and not talk.

"Anyway, let's sneak into the cavern first." said James. "Maybe we can secretly help Lydia somehow. Seth lead the way."

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There was a sound like something farted, and poof a puff of flame appeared in the battle ring. The orcs didn't understand what it was, but it sure wasn't impressive.

"HARHARHARHAR!" roared Lydia's opponent, doubled up in laughter. " Ish nalek un to?" he asked the goblin in disbelief pointing at the witch. "HARHARHARHAR!" He looked down at Lydia amused and unsure of what to do, like someone who was uncomfortable with bullying the weak. "You cannot do battle puny little girl. Go back home and play with little toys." he waved a pudgy hand and waited for her to surrender, still chuckling.

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(1-7) Lydia spell success = 9

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-Goblin camp-

Mica didn't feel bad when Meatballs did his puppy eyes. He didn't recoil when he felt guilty. He didn't-! Nor did he slightly hide behind his summoner's head...Okay, fine. The mutt didn't deserve his anger, he still should not sniff his butt however.

Renee rolled her eyes in exasperation, though her blush grew brighter when Seth whined about it too. She can never win with her brothers, honestly!

"Shush! Check your hand and you'll see why." Then she quickly walked over to Seth and kissed his forehead too, letting her spell work on fixing his ear. "There! Your good luck kiss! Now let's go and save Lydia." She followed behind her younger brother, pouting in embarrassment as she transforms.

Echo giggled quietly as she watched the whole thing and followed behind James. Though no one, but Renee, noticed how Mica climbed down or hesitantly nuzzled the giant dog in an apology, looking like he didn't know what he was doing was correct.

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- James Pendragon -
" Underground River, Orc Camp "

Meatballs wagged his tail, panting happily, and then rolled over as though asking for a belly rub.

After putting his folded cloak under the unconscious Johnny's head and acquiring an affirming snort from Frey and Butters that the large creatures will of course guard him while they were away, James grabbed some dynamite and followed Seth quietly through the tunnel and into the edge of the orc camp where they watched, hidden behind a karst formation at the six orcs who were laughing for some reason.

"Hmm . . . " pondered James. "What if you pretended to be her summon, Renee? Lydia can make that blinding flash of light and then you appear so that it'll be two against one?"

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-Leading into the orcs camp-

Mica stayed behind as well, now entertaining the boarhound by trying to rub his stomach... Though it looks more like he got lost within the dog's fluffy coat and let out a disgruntled chuckle. He still tried however.

When they hid behind a karst formation, Renee raised an eyebrow at her brother, cooing quietly as she hears the orcs laughing. If she does, she's has to change into her griffin form so the goblin doesn't recognize her...

The transformed teen nodded though a bit scared and concentrated on her recent terrible memory, ready whenever Lydia uses her blinding spell again to change.

Echo wondered if there's anything she could do to help.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
- James Pendragon -
" Underground River, Orc Camp "

Sasha, the little owl that she was fluttered down on Lydia's shoulder and preened itself, like an ordinary owl, except ethereal and ghost-like, and preened Lydia's hair too, nibbling her ear affectionately at which point James voice quickly whispered to her their plan of helping by pretending Renee was her summon if she cast her blinding light spell again.

Her opponent was about three seconds away if the orc decided to sprint, and the others were about seven. The orc encampment was a small one with tents made of animal skin dyed red with war paint. Skulls on sticks decorated the area, and it seemed that this was also the place where the goblins lived because there were crates of dynamite in one corner about fifty meters away from the tents and some tables where machines had been disassembled and cleaned.

There were more modern looking tents that seemed to be where the goblins lived, as small rickety metal chimneys protruded from the top, though there were no other goblins around.

This part of the mineshaft seemed to be rich in ore veins and precious crystals, and one could spy in some of the tents piles of junk and treasure that also composed of their things. It seemed that the group could attempt to steal them back, except for Seifer's bow that was in the hands of one orc, Serena's violin bow that was being used as a back scratcher by another, the burning remains of her violin smoldering in the campfire near the watching five orcs, and Echo's hammer that was being wielded by another orc.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle Katsuya Katsuya


As the group waited, James unwound the bandage around his hand and gazed at the closed wound that now looked like it was a few days older, and at Seth's ear that had a scar around it that also looked old.

"When did you learn how to do this, Renee?" said James.

Katsuya Katsuya
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"Oh!...um...when we got into Holt..." Renee replied, looking a bit strained and anxious as she held onto her emotions needed to change. Her white hair were feathers like and the bird skin splotches randomly on her face.

"After I left the war room, that's when I summoned Mica and help heal with the wounded soldiers that were in the tower." She took a deep breath.

"Then one of the nurses taught me that spell while working with her. Saying it's her favorite because it keeps people off guard. I like it because it's useful for fevers and colds."

Zer0 Zer0

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