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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

"Emru City, Sonoran Desert"
Those of Ricket's clan that had elected to run with the rebels were bounding around along the sides of the ship, their feline agility fully utilized as they swung from ropes and kicked off of enemies, keeping them away from the ships and the evacuees. At the call of the captain, Ricket and his fellow felines all made their way back aboard the ship either by using enemies as spring boards and jumping, climbing the sides of the ship, or swinging by ropes onto the deck.

Felix seemed to not be so angry with Ricket anymore as he wasn't acting as gruffly towards him when Ricket made a tilt of his head towards the bow of the ship as they began heading for the blockade. A few of Ricket's clan followed, staying low so they were sure not to be hit by anything, but they also wanted to make sure that any enemies didn't make their way onto the ship from the blockade. Ricket gave Minnie a nod as he crouched with those of his clan that followed including Minuette and his brother, his daggers drawn in preparation for any enemies that might somehow make it aboard.

Ricket (1-7 One-handed)
Phy.Def. 8 || Mag.Def. 2

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya

- Emru City -

" Sonoran Desert Coast, Shoflo Ocean "

Volleys of cannon fire came at them continuously as they surged forth; Sen was busy impeding the cannon balls from wrecking great havoc, while Seth suddenly had an idea.

"Brother! Shoot me into the blockade!" he scrambled up to the crow's nest. "They're blocking our way, they might ram into us and there'll be no moving the ships forward."

Already the much more numerous enemy fleet was closing in like a crescent to encircle them.

"Ricket, Mnnie, let's be cannon balls!" said Seth at the two. "Sen will shoot us into the water, then we'll disable the rudders of the ships and light up their gun powder --- we'll clear a path!"

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Ricket's ears perked at Seth's call, his pupils dilating and retracting as he looked around for Seth and upon seeing him, he shook his head, laughing to himself, "same lookings crazy," though the statement didn't stop him from holding one of his daggers in his teeth after giving his cat clan a brief nod before he scurried off, climbing up after Seth, putting the dagger he had between his teeth back in its sheath after he made the climb, it wouldn't be a good idea to get fired out of a cannon with a knife in his mouth.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
Minnie looked over at the ninja twin before sighing and said in a deadpan, "You just want to be fired from a cannon..." However she nodded in agreement to the plan. It might be the only way to create a path to escape.

"Ready whenever you are, Seth. Sen."

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
- Emru City -
" Sonoran Desert Coast, Shoflo Ocean "

"Hehe!" smiled Seth sheepishly at Minnie. "Alright, I'm ready!" he said after he had wiggled into Sen's clockwork turret cannon.

"Don't die!" said Sen.


Seth rocketed for the blockade, yelling: "THIS IS AWESOOOOOOME!"



Fired the cannon twice more. And the three splashed into the ocean. Now it was time for some mayhem.

  1. Pirate Allies
    3/3 Hp
    *must not be destroyed. Cannot help in battle.
  2. Enemy Fleet I
    3/3 Hp, +1 success

  3. Enemy Fleet 2
    3/3 Hp, +1 success
Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
As soon she saw Seth being shot out of Sen's turret, her teal aqua eyes rolled in exasperated amusement. Then she lightly patted Sen's back as if saying 'We'll be back' before she situated herself in his cannon and-


She was shot out, curled up in a ball, and splashed in the ocean. Minnie gasped out of the water and looked around to make sure Ricket and Seth are alright...

Then she aimed her arm at the rudders, ready to use her explosive bullets to destroy those.

Minnie (Guns 8 ; Unarmed Combat 6 ; Enchanting 6) --------->Enemy fleet 1
Phy.Def. 7 || Mag.Def. 2 +2Warlock Regalia = 4
After Seth and Minnie had been launched, Ricket took his turn, becoming a literal furball as he was launched into the air before he hit the water with a generous splash. He surfaced with a wide eyed, drowned rat sort of expression which was only accentuated by his water slicked fur and ears. After a quick shake of his head, he dove back under and headed for the nearest ship's rudder, using both knives to try and cut the line that led up to the ship's wheel.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya

Ricket (1-7 One-handed) ----> Enemy Fleet 1
Phy.Def. 8 || Mag.Def. 2

- Emru City -
" Sonoran Desert Coast, Shoflo Ocean "

"I lost control of the ship, Captain!" were the shouts that echoed among the crew of the three suddenly, rudderless ships. "What in the bloomin' cannons is goin' on?!"

Seth's head peeked out of the water and he signaled at Minnie and Ricket that he was going to control the rudders and have his ship ram into the others.

"Hard to port! Stop! Pull up the sails! We're going to crash into the others!" Crewmen were roping down to see what the problem was, as at the same time they dropped the anchors. "Intru --- ack!"

Bodies fell into the sea, each with a knife sticking out of them; "Intruder!" yelled the men on the deck. Seth climbed up the anchor chain like a monkey as gunshots were fired his way. Boom, boom, smoke bombs exploded all along the edges as the crewmen coughed and clutched at their throats, eyes watery and closed from the pepper gas.

The heavy anchor chains rattled off the decks as one by one they were loosened. The ship groaned and continued its headlong crash to the next ship, while musket fire, the thudding of bodies, and clashing of steel rang loud in the smoke cloud that enveloped the entire deck. It's ally tried to swerve out of the way, yelled at the ship to stop, but too late, it rammed into the rear and wood splintered and cracked.

Meanwhile, back at the allied pirates who were closing in on the blockade, the enemy had sunk two pirate ships, and now their survivors were floundering in the water. The enemy that had been laying siege on Emru had broken through, and now, apart from cannon fire, evil looking enemy airships were slowly gaining on them.

And on top of one was the hunter that had been causing trouble for them ever since they left Agraba: The Deathknight Gluttony.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
  1. Sen (Physical defense 1-7) ---> Pirate Allies
    3/3 Hp
    Phys. Def. 7 || Mag Def. 7

  2. Seth (one-handed 1-9) ---> Enemy Fleet I
    3/3 Hp
    Phys. Def. 7 || Mag Def. 4
    *re-roll once per battle

  3. Pirate Allies
    1/3 Hp
    *must not be destroyed. Cannot help in battle.

* * * *​
  1. Enemy Fleet I
    3/3 Hp, +1 success

  2. Enemy Fleet II
    3/3 Hp, +1 success
As they succeeded in ceasing the ship's control of the rudder, Ricket resurfaced and gave Minnie and Seth a cat-ish grin, more cat like than his normal grin, a clawed thumb raising. Though as the two pirate ships were ruined, his ears went back over his skull and his eyes widened as though he were reliving some memory that he hadn't wanted to face. His brow furrowed then and he gave a firm nod to Seth before he headed for the next ship, employing the same tactic as he had before and diving under the surface to once again cut the rudder of the next ship.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya

Ricket (1-7 One-handed) ----> Enemy Fleet II
Phy.Def. 8 || Mag.Def. 2
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Minnie's grin had an edge when they managed to break the rudders and aimed her gun again. She nodded at Seth and decided to help Ricket with the other enemy ship by freezing it.

Blasts of ice bursts out from the water, creating an iceberg with spiky ice shooting in and out of the some of the enemies' ships, making them stop in place and crashing each other. The creatures on board either froze along with the ship or had got frostbitten by her strong bullets, suffering as their limbs fall off.

Minnie cheered silently as she swam back up to the pirate ship, using her magnetic spell to help lift her up.

Minnie (Guns 8 ; Unarmed Combat 6 ; Enchanting 6) --------->Enemy fleet 2
Phy.Def. 7 || Mag.Def. 2 +2Warlock Regalia = 4

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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4998457d2170da48fb7118b62715d816.jpg - Enemy Blockade -
" Shoflo Ocean "

The pirates cheered too in all their glorious roguish curses. A path had been cleared for them, and they risked pausing in their escape to aid the shipwrecked survivors. The battle wasn't over yet, as the other enemy ships at the far edges of the enclosing crescent started to descend on them with the enemy airships from the now taken Emru City, and battle was hot with the remaining ships and the allied felines, Jahara loyalists, and citizens who took up pitch forks. Enemy's started to board, hollering as they swung on ropes and landed on to the deck, scimitars and flintlock pistols firing, but the heroes had bigger problems:

There was a monstrous howl, and all of a sudden, the wind shifted and the waves rose. For on the airship, Gluttony had opened his gaping maw and a black hole swirled inside his jaws. He was sucking everything in, and everything by some arcane spell was shrinking and fitting: debris, bodies, too-slow allies swimming for the pirate ships --- they all were being sucked, screaming inside his jaws.

Then there was ominous creaking. The pirate ships were sloooowly starting to be drawn backwards too.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
Pirates (1-4 success)
3/3 Hp
Phys. Def 4 || Mag. Def. 4

Felines (1-4 success)
3/3 Hp
Phys. Def 4 || Mag. Def. 4
*1-7 sneak success, Ricket will command them.

* * * *​

10/10 Hp
+2 success, attacks twice

Enemy Fleet
3/3 Hp
*+1 success

Aerial Foes
3/3 Hp
*+1 success, attacks twice
"This worse than sand worms," Ricket shouted over the howl of Gluttony's vacuuming maw, scrambling up the side of the ship and shaking out his fur before drawing his hood up over his head and looking to the others, "Rrrrrrrricket and clan take care of boat baddies."

Many of the felines had ruffled fur and were looking in the direction everything was being suctioned with alarm scrawled on their features, but Ricket gave a loud whistle and their ears perked, some crouching and some standing, but they all looked at him and he made a gesture towards the enemy fleet before scampering off in that direction, as did the felines' whose attention he called.

Many yowls and screeches were heard as the cat clan all Swung on ropes or swung onto the decks of the enemy fleet before wreaking their own form of feline havoc which seemed to be a lot of confusion causing mayhem as every so often one of the cat folk could be seen bouncing up into the air before coming down again on some poor foe.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya

Ricket (1-7 One-handed) ----> Enemy Fleet
Phy.Def. 8 || Mag.Def. 2
As she landed on the pirate boat, Minnie noticed the enemies coming closer as they get the passengers from the sea. The creatures took advantage and was coming onto the pirate ship, armed and ready to fight; only to meet pirates and passengers alike to fight back.

The blue haired gunner narrowed her eyes, annoyed that their celebrations were cut short and aimed her arm at the invading enemies on the ship; but then she looked up when she heard a howl from above-

Minnie's eyes widened before glaring again at the monstrous wolf, taking in some of the ashed covered air and aimed at the enemies from above; the ones that are flying with Sun bullets.

Minnie (Guns 8 ; Unarmed Combat 6 ; Enchanting 6) ---------> Aerial Forces
Phy.Def. 7 || Mag.Def. 2 +2Warlock Regalia = 4
- Enemy Blockade -

" Shoflo Ocean "

As Ricket came swinging on a rope, he didn't land on the deck. For a startling moment he seemed to float as the sucking gale tilted the groaning ships, waves splashing all about, then he was pulled straight for Gluttony's maw.

Up he was sent spinning to the airships; some of his kin who were sucked in too, tumbled and clawed desperately on to the wooden floor to fight against the massive wolf's power, their little legs and tail all in the air as they were slowly being dragged inside that endless black abyss.

Meanwhile, the enemy airship's cannons blasted Minnie off into the sea where a winged shade, a shadow monstrosity, caught her, its sharp talons digging into her flesh and trying to rip her gun arm off. Yet it seemed that it wasn't trying to kill her as it circled and headed for the enemy airship where gluttony and a feline creature, but not of his desert kind, was grinning wickedly at Ricket who was about to be devoured.

"Minnie! Ricket!" cried the twins as the felines and pirates got the situation on the sea under control, and once more the pirate ships were moving, hurrying with the rescue and leaving those who are too slow behind.

"Shoot me again, brother!" said Seth, climbing on to the crow's nest, all bloody from the battle below.

"I lost you once, what if I lose you again and this time permanently?!" said Sen knowing full well he was going to go up there and attack Gluttony.


"Seth, this is suicide. We need to get Minnie who has Luthien and then disable that airship and then escape! It's too late for Ricket! You're just going to be collateral damage!"

"After all he's done ---"

"It won't change the fact that he will die and then you will be next. Get Minnie. It's too late for Ricket."

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
  1. Sen (Engineering 1-7) ---> Enemy Fleet
    3/3 Hp
    Phys. Def. 7 || Mag Def. 7

  2. Seth (one-handed 1-9) ---> Aerial foes
    3/2 Hp
    Phys. Def. 7 || Mag Def. 4
    *re-roll once per battle

  3. Pirates (1-4 success) ---> Enemy Fleet
    3/3 Hp
    Phys. Def 4 || Mag. Def. 4

  4. Felines (1-4 success) ---> Enemy Fleet (Not included in rolls)
    3/3 Hp
    Phys. Def 4 || Mag. Def. 4
    *1-7 sneak success, Ricket will command them.

* * * *

10/10 Hp
*+2 success, attacks twice

Enemy Fleet
3/0 Hp

*+1 success

Aerial Foes
3/0 Hp

*+1 success, attacks twice
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At the realization that he wasn't going to land where he thought, he cursed slightly to himself in disappointment, though that disappointment turned to fear as he realized where he was going instead. He saw his kin being sucked up along with him, but it still wasn't over. With all of the debris getting sucked up along side them, there might still be a chance.

Ricket whistled to his comrades before he began using the flying debris as spring boards, but rather than escaping the suction, he was using whatever his furry feet landed on to propel himself closer to the monster that was sucking everything up, both of his knives drawn.

He and the other cats managed to jump up to Gluttony fully and started wreaking the same havoc that Ricket's fellows had caused on the ship previously. Ricket crouched low on the last object before Gluttony's maw and at the right moment he used all of his strength to spring from it and land hard on Glutton's muzzle, snapping his mouth shut from the shock of the impact before he began laying into the beast's face with both of his weapons.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya

Ricket (1-7 One-handed) ----> Gluttony
Phy.Def. 8 || Mag.Def. 2
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Minnie screamed, not just in pain but in fear when the flying creature picked her up. It's touching her-! It's touching-! No-!

She struggled against it's grip, knowing why this creature picked her up of all people. She let out a gasp and gritted her teeth when the stupid monster is trying to rip her prosthetic arm off.

With a frustrated and terrified yell, Minnie used her gun again, aiming at the wolf who's the cause of all this with sun bullets.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

Minnie (Guns 8 ; Unarmed Combat 6 ; Enchanting 6) --> Gluttony
Phy.Def. 7 || Mag.Def. 2 +2Warlock Regalia = 4
- Enemy Blockade -
" Shoflo Ocean "

Gluttony howled in agony and all that was being drawn into the black abyss of his maw started falling down; "My pet!" yelled its feline care taker as the giant wolf, bucked and snarled, trying to fling Ricket and his hissing kin off of him.

The twins looked up at the howling Gluttony. "You know what, yeah, yeah, go Seth!" said Sen in wonder as Seth immediately hopped into the cannon and BOOM, off he went whizzing through the air yelling, "Go, Rrricket! Kick his bahoogie!"

Minnie's sun bullets ripped through the evil airship and its metal frames groaned as an explosion blossomed in the rear. It started descending into the sea; Sen turned his clockwork turret and aimed at the flying monster grabbing Minnie just as the beast soared over the damaged airship.

  1. Sen (Engineering 1-7) ---> Gluttony
    3/3 Hp
    Phys. Def. 7 || Mag Def. 7

  2. Seth (one-handed 1-9) ---> Gluttony
    3/2 Hp
    Phys. Def. 7 || Mag Def. 4
    *re-roll once per battle

  3. Pirates (1-4 success) ---> Gluttony
    3/3 Hp
    Phys. Def 4 || Mag. Def. 4

  4. Felines (1-4 success) ---> Enemy Fleet (Not included in rolls)
    3/3 Hp
    Phys. Def 4 || Mag. Def. 4
    *1-7 sneak success, Ricket will command them.

* * * *​

  1. Gluttony
    10/2 Hp
    *+2 success, attacks twice
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Her heart pounded as the monster continued to fly towards the falling mess, her body trembling in her panic of being touched again. Minnie looked around, wondering how to get out of it's grasp only to feel the monster squeeze her a bit.

It squeezed her hard enough to leave her breathless and she fainted from her fear, dangling in it's claws as it flew, unaware of what's going on around her anymore.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
Ricket continued attacking for as long as he could, but with a great growl and a hard swing of his head, Gluttony tossed the feline off his muzzle and with another quick swing of his head, knocked him unconscious. Ricket began to fall.

"Ricket!!!" The shrill cry of a feminine voice could be heard as Minuette leaped from where she was, catching a rope and swinging to catch Ricket's unconscious body, landing elsewhere on the airship. She looked to Gluttony with rage in her eyes before yelling at the other felines to drop the dog before he could hurt anyone else. The felines nodded and went tearing away, flying back at the wolf almost as quickly as he knocked them away.

Once Gluttony was finally defeated, the cats didn't stop there. The ones that had helped free Agraba and liberated multiple other cities were well known to many of the evacuees as well as the cat clans in particular. With Ricket in Minuette's arms and Seth and Sen still conscious, they looked around for Minnie and upon seeing her limp body in the talons of some flying monstrosity, they began springing around on the airship, clutching ropes to swing around to her, others not on ropes using bolas to burden the thing and make its flight more difficult while others began tying lassos to catch the beast and keep Minnie from falling.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya

Ricket (1-7 One-handed)
Phy.Def. 8 || Mag.Def. 2
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5f3c442c7af7fe3d7fd052378fd85072.jpg- Victory! -
" Tortuga, Days Later "

With a loud crash, the great wolf fell heavily on the deck, overwhelmed by the sheer ferocity of the cats; just as his caretaker was slammed against the wood by Seth. The deck tilted as the airship continued its descent for the ocean.


"I'm coming, Minnie!" yelled Sen as he was sent flying from his turret by a pirate. He tried to catch her as the felines dragged the bird down and roped Minnie safely --- he missed, but caught a stray rope and, swinging into a wide arc, collided with the little gunner instead, scooping her before the momentum sent them swinging up and tumbling on to the deck, the twin hugging her to keep her from getting injured even more.

"Thanks, please take care of her!" said Sen to the cats as he quickly scrambled up to fix the airship and keep it from crashing into the ocean.

The felines had the caretaker and Gluttony down. His maw was roped shut. Truly the desert cats were a force to be reckoned with.

"Ricket! Minuette, healing potion quick!" said Seth hurrying with a bottle to help the tough little guy.

Sen got the airship running again as he hurriedly gave instructions to douse the fire as he clambered up to fix the damages from the explosion.

When all was good, Seth yelled "Victory!" and the pirates and the survivors of the shipwrecks cheered.

* * * *​

When the two unconscious heroes next wake up, they'd find themselves on comfy beds without the swaying of a ship at sea. They were in the pirate town of Tortuga, a misty island that can't be found unless one's been there, and a week away from Dalaran.

Katsuya Katsuya Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
Minnie groaned, confused as all she hear is Sen saying something and then a bunch of tiny paws on her with meowing of sorts. "S-Se-" Slurring his name, she fainted again, hearing faded cheering noise from below with someone screaming 'Victory!'.


The tiny gunner moved in her bed, rolling over to her side and sighing slowly. In a few moments later, fluttering her eyelids open, Minnie groaned lowly and quiet. She flinched when she saw too bright white bed sheets, shutting her eyes again as she curled up into the fluffy and comforting bed....

'....Bed?!' That's when Minnie sat up quickly, the blanket over her flipped as she looked around in a hurry; memories from the battles flashed in her mind. She winced from the pain that twinged on her sides where she can see bandages around her waist, torso, and shoulder that's connected to her metal arm. Was that from the flying creature that grabbed her? Guess so.


Then she spotted Ricket, who's also in a comfy bed and safe. The gunner sighed in relief, her tense shoulders relaxed. If her cat friend is well then that means-

"We won...against a Deathknight...." Minnie fell back down on her bed with a real genuine small smile on her face....then she sat up again, searching for a certain pair of twins. "Where's Sen and Seth?" She asked out loud or well...whispered to anyone that's listening in. Then she looked down at the root ring that's around her finger. "Are you doing okay, Luthien?"

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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Minuette nodded at Seth and rifled through Ricket's bag that was attached firmly to his back still and gave the potion to Ricket. The other felines protected and helped Minnie as they were directed and seemed to have a self satisfied air about them as they cheered each other and everyone else that had participated in the battle. They all hoped the army was like a desert snake and with the head cut off, maybe the others would withdraw.

* * * *
Minuette didn't leave Ricket's side after that and was still there as he rested in the comfy bed. Felix had come in and left periodically, checking on his brother but leaving most of his care to Minuette. The feline femme also checked on Minnie often, making sure that both hers and Ricket's pillows were decently fluffed and that they never got too hot or cold while they slept. When she saw Minnie stir, she rose from her seat and hurried over, lifting a pitcher of water and pouring a glass for Minnie before offering it to her.

"We won... everyone is fine," she smiled warmly, her bright eyes highlighted by the natural dark liner around them, "Seth and Sen are fine, they fared a lot better than you and Ricket," she took a glance over her shoulder at Ricket who didn't seem to be unconscious anymore, just sleeping. Minuette offered Minnie the glass.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
Minnie quickly looked over at the female feline, breathing out another sigh before smiling again. There's something Minuette would notice about the little gunner while running away weeks before; it's that Minnie rarely smile and when she does it's either really scary or really heartwarming.

Right now, it's heartwarming.

"Thank you, Minuette." Minnie said quietly so that she doesn't wake Ricket up, taking the cup of water from the feline. After taking a couple of slow sips, she said with a soft relief in her tone. "...I'm glad that we won..." Then she looked at Minuette. "I'm glad that you and everyone else is fine too..."

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
Minuette's ears perked slightly as her eyes widened a bit at Minnie's expression before they relaxed into her own warm smile as she nodded. She just watched Minnie for a moment as Ricket rolled over in the bed, still sound asleep. She laughed faintly, the sound nothing more than a soft snort from her pink nose before she nodded, "me too... everyone was worried that we'd drop you after you lost consciousness and we were reeling in the thing that had you... but Sen swept in and grabbed you."

She paused, grinning brightly at Minnie, her big blue eyes focused on her face as she sat more upright in her chair with both of her hands clasping either side of her seat, "it was very daring and heroic how he swung on those ropes to secure you and make sure you didn't fall when they dragged the beast down."

She leaned in more closely, she had been speaking in a soft tone but lowered her voice to a whisper, "is he your....?" She gave Minnie a look that seemed to imply the end of her question, her eyes glistening curiously. Minuette very much was a girl at heart.

Katsuya Katsuya
"Did he?" Minnie asked, sounding...hopeful? It's too light to really picked the tone up as she coughed into her fist. The heartwarming smile went away, replaced by her usual emotionless expression but...there was a bit of a pink flush on her cheeks as she listened to Minuette's description of Sen being heroic. Her lips quirked a bit before clearing her throat and taking another sip.

Then she froze when Minuette asked, almost choking from inhaling the water. She cleared her throat again. "...No, he isn't...." Minnie looked away from the eager girly cat. "He isn't my....He's my precious boss of his guild. Probably did that because he didn't want to lose a friend and co-worker." The way Minnie worded that, sounded like she repeated it over in her head before. "No way he's interested in...Um..."

It's obvious that Minnie isn't used to talking girly stuff like Minuette and this experience is new to her since she hasn't have any sort of female contact in a long while, other than Luthien but...she's an old OLD tree that was sleeping for a long time now.

Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

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