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Futuristic House of Horrors OOC

Pure Calcium Pure Calcium I was going to be an experimented children whose power was the scream thing. I can't remember the name. Sonic Scream? Super Sonic Scream? Something like that.
Pure Calcium Pure Calcium Wut? If he was actually in there, props to whoever disguised him. If not, who the hay are you talking about?
Pure Calcium Pure Calcium Our family has been on a "vacation streak" so far this week. We just got back from yesterday (our family was gone for four days) Michigan and today we literally went to Chicago ?. I'm sorry for lack of posting though.
Sorry, but I think I am going to leave this RP. It's too disorganized for me.

CharlieBoy CharlieBoy , mainly sorry to you that I'm leaving. I hope people end up interacting with you when I'm gone.

Just assume my characters were let go by Fenrir. Please don't tag me anymore.

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