House Of Freaks

"Did you get a good look at their faces? Could you recognize them?" He asked, upset. "You should get them arrested for that, drinking is far from an excuse. . .It's not okay" Micah paced angrily, still eyeing Max's injuries agitatedly. "Want me to call the police?" He asked seriously. 
((Haha~ me too xP))
"No. No police, I'm fine really it's okay," she said, not mentioning how one of them were kissing her. He seemed really mad, she didn't want to upset him.
Luna walked up to her looking at the marks looking seriously p*ssed off "d*mn vamps, they smelled me on her... Max where did those low lifes run off to?" She asked growling
"Okay. . ." Micah resigned, sighing. "But if it happens again, especially with the same people, I want you to call on them, ok? Please?" He begged. He watched Luna enter the room, nodding in quiet agreement. Vampires? He thought, startled. Do things like that really exist?!
"I didn't see," she said honestly. After she punched that one guy in the face she ran as fast as she could home. Vampires? She thought that they were human they looked human.
She saw Micah's surprised expression "I'm a werewolf!, of course Vampires exist... and Max this is a serious problem!, a vamp will hunt you down! if my assumptions correct and they smelled wolf on her they will go after her!, and when they find out she's not a wolf herself they'll go after me and by the way it looks their "those" kinds of vamps part of a weird group that wants to combine our species, in other words they want to make a lycan-vampire hybrid they want to create a werepire a rare species that is extremely powerful that's why she was targeted!, they think she's me and they want to make a werepire using me or who they think is me!" 
Luna growled "I need to take care of this before it gets out of hand!, how many were there! if those basta*ds touched you!!" she snapped her canine fangs were showing out of pure hatred for the blood suckers...
((Sorry, I have to be offline for a bit, feel free to just drop Micah from the conversation.))
Scarlett talked through the house yawning, She needed to quit falling asleep, She walked in to the kitchen and stopped as she noticed the tiny cat. "Oh my Aren't you adorable? She says as she gently pulls her hoodies sleeve up.

(Seriously though, I need to quit falling asleep ;o;)
Luna cringed "three of them... two I could handle I don't know about three and if I can't beat them that means they would get what they wanted and that's a sick thought... I really don't think you would want to be around me if that happens... werepires are extremely powerful and I don't want it killing things, next time your over there take me with you if they try anything again I'm sure we could take them down..."

(And lol if you guys forgot she's still naked... xD )

"Yeah, I punched one preaty bad in the face," she told her, together they could take them down. Max then stood up and handed the naked girl some clothes. Her stomach she thought of the men's intentions.
Luna put on the clothes that were handed too her a pair of skinny jeans and a black hoodie it wasn't exactly her style but all her clothes were ripped from her always transforming in them... she smiled "thanks..."
((Nope, had no idea xD Micah's be freaking out if I knew))

"So. . ." Micah interjected hesitantly. "Do these vampires know where you live now? If that's the case, should we be worried about our safety?" He asked, crossing his arms, aggravated. I don't love the idea of getting my throat slit in my sleep. . . Especially if the vampires assume I'm some kind of superhuman fighting machine because I'm living here, and thus a threat to them. "Do you know if anyone else here fights?" Micah asked to no one in particular. "I mean, it sounds like you could get them under control if you had some help. Fair warning though, I'm not a fighter on land."
(lol yeah he was basicly staring at her the whole time just talking to her normally XP)

Luna nodded "yeah, if those 'things' have my scent they might track me or any girl that has my scent on her down I'm Immortal so I don't NEED sleep I'll keep guard at night with what their intentions are thir a serious threat to everyone here even guys, in fact especially guys if he suspects a guy is the wolf's mate or see's him as a threat they'll kill them without hesitation, but they want me alive, for obvious reasons..."
"I can help keep guard," she told the girl, not wanting her to be up all night by herself. What if everyone went away for a while... like on a camping trip or something to lead the vamps out...
"If that's the case-," he paused to collect his thoughts, running his chin absentmindedly, "how will you watch all our rooms at once, with the house being the size it is? Isn't there a possibility they could sneak around the house and climb through someone's window? Killing them if they smelt of you?" Micah raked his mind for a solution. "What if we all stayed in the same room tonight, so whoever's guarding can keep a decent eye on everyone. . ." Giving it a second thought, he quickly added, "or in two separate rooms, if the girls aren't comfortable with that. ."
"I think that's a good idea. Actually we could all stay in the attic. It's pretty big," she suggested. It was bigger than a room and they could set up little beds and things.
"Yeah one person can't stay up all night," she agreed on shifts it was only fear. Plus if someone was tiered from staying up all night they wouldn't be of much of use.
((I think I'd be a good idea to wait up for people before doing the sleepover, yes? So we don't leave someone out. But we can still have our characters chat and stuff until then ^^))

"Sure, that sounds good," he nodded, agreeing. "Though I've never really been in a fight before. . ." he admitted shyly. "Of course, I'd still take my shift, but just as a heads up, I'm pretty useless when it comes to that, and my mutation doesn't help at all. . "
Max wasn't an expert at fighting but she still knew how to do it pretty good. She had to know how to fight, becouse no one else would be there to protect her. It use to be her and her sister and she was suppose to be the strong one.

"Well it's still early, we could always teach you," she offered.
Alex opened her eyes and realized that she had fallen asleep near the pool and sat up. "...Hot," she mumbled as she stood up to enter the house. She waved groggily at Axel before going upstairs and finding the others in a room together. She curled up on the bed and relaxed, "What're you doing up here?"

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