House Of Freaks

He curled up, tightly his pink ribbon also wrapped up to make him look like a circular present.

(btw could some people think im a girl eheh ;3)

Maybe I was wrong. I don't think boys wear pink ribbons... She continued to study him and her tail moved in curiosity. Alex used her tail to poke her to see if she'd move.
He jolted before leaping and rolling away. ''w-what do you want...why is everyone picking on me...I thought this place is a safe place for creatures''
"Uh it is but you weren't talking but I didn't want to touch you because I heard how you reacted to Lily. I thought that you'd feel better around me since I'm a tiger. I didn't mean to scare you," she said as her ears flattened down in guilt.
That's a weird name for a girl, then again I am Alex and people mistake me for a boy. She held out her hand, "I'm Alex it's nice to meet ya Axel."
"Good, now that you've calmed down you can talk to Lily without freaking out. If you need me I'll be out at the pool okay?"

(I'm about leave, will be on later)
Lily was still picking up glasses and got the huge candalear out of the way and out on the curve. She was almost done.
(You guys post so much T^T)

Dawn woke up as a loud noise came from a room, the noise sounding like glass breaking. She groggily got up from her nap and stretched out her sore muscles before going in to inspect. 'Hm, wonder what happened here... oh we have a new guest.' She thought as she paused in the doorway, curiosity peaking up on her face. She figured that while she was there she might as well also say hi to the person she actually knew the name of. "Hi Lily."
"My name's Lily," she said shaking the cat boys hand. She then turned to the sound of someone's voice calling her name. "Oh Hi Dawn," she said with a smile.
Dawn smiles back, just barley catching the boy's name. 'Hm, acts and looks more like a girl, but I'm not one to judge.' She shrugs her shoulders and with a sigh, puts down her hoodie, which makes her wolf ears pop up, and takes out her tail. "Much better." Dawn looks around the area once again before giving a smile to Axel, hoping to show him that she meant no harm.
Luna's head turned to the cat boy with big sparkly eyes she picked him up in a hug spinning around ecstatically!" Ah!, why aren't you the cutest thing I had ever seen!!" she was smiling so wide her eyes shut as she ran around with the little cat boy fangirling over his kawaiiness
h-h-hi'' the cat boy waves slightly, gaining abit more confidence in his actions. ''m-my name is axel pleasure to meet you'' He was then tackled towards the ground, staring at the girl then hiding himself in his own shirt, like a turtle almost completely in.
"Name's Dawn, pleasure to meet you too!" She shouted out to him as she saw Luna engulf him in a hug. Dawn just rolled her eyes while shaking her head. 'God that girl is a rolled up ball of crazy.' She thought as she leaned against the door frame to watch the interaction.
"My names Luna! and your freaking adorable!" she glomped for dear life like the crazy flamboyant person she was "ehehehehe!" that was the call of the Shota fangirl pouncing at her adorable prey
don't, that hurts you know nyu~'' He lowered his ears and tail then waves pink ribbon to try and shoe her. ''shoe shoe''
Luna giggled turning into a wolf ripping her clothes in the process she jumped on top of him licking his face and wagging her tail like a puppy

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