House Of Freaks

"Huh? Oh no I had a reason. The stupid humans began to poach tigers and were targeting my 'aunt' and me. They were determined to get us so we had to take into our own hands and kill them first. It wasn't just poachers either, there were people that wanted me dead for being born and I was shot in the chest." Everything she said came out in a low growl and her body was tense.
She let out a sigh of relief she knew there was a good reasoning to why she did what she did she wrapped her arms around the girl "its okay..." she said comfortingly rubbing her back
Alex's body slowly relaxed and her tail slowly moved back and forth. She usually wasn't one that would allow people she barely knew to touch her because she never knew if they were out to get her. "I'm fine I don't regret what I did and besides getting shot was a new experience for me that I never want to happen again," she said with a bored tone.
(sorry i fell asleepp)

Axel looked around lightly holding the ribbon, he lolked almost like a girl with his pink ribbon and vouce. "i...i ...." he was almost too terrified to speak as his tail softly swayed side to side.

(my ears and tail do show :3)
The young cat like boy wondered around before bumping into someone. ''o-im sorry....'' He landed on his butt hard, trying to get up.
She sleepie rolled around in bed, a loud knock was heard on the door, sounded like a police knock. She sits up being jarred from her sleep and she scrambles to look out the window, Two police cars were sitting out from of the house. "No..." She says loudly "How did they find me already?!"
(Kay :) )

Lily felt someone bump into her hard. She almost fell to the floor but regained her balance. She realized she was getting bumped into a lot today. "Are you okay?" She asked the boy holding a hand put to him. Her wolf like ears were showing and so was her fluffy tail, that was wagging playfully behined her.
The young boy looked abit feminine his cat ears and tail waved side to side. ''nyu...ow...huh....I-I..'' He runs up the wall and holds on to a chandelier. ''AHHH PLEASE DONT HURT ME!!!...'' He slightly trembled.
"Hurt you? Why would I hurt you?" She asked her tail stopped wagging and was pulled to her. She back away from the boy, not wanting to upset him.
your a dog...and im a cat! you could eat me'' He curled up, before the chandelier breaks and lands on the ground with the cat. ''ahh'' tries running but tail is stuck. ''owww'
"I'm part wolf not dog and why would I want to eat you that's just sick?" She said before the chadaleer.fell to the floor. "Here let me help you," she told him and helped him up and lead him to a chair close by, then sat him down.
Scarlett comes running down the stairs almost tripping down the stairs and looks a scared look on her face. "Did you guys hear a knock on the door?" She said breathing heavy, she wasent wearing her usual hoodie, she was wearing a pair of shorts and a tanktop, she looked like she had just gotten out of bed.
It's okay," she told him as she started to sweep the floor from the broken glass from the cadilear.

"Um, no knock, why what's wrong?" She asked the nervouse.looking girl.
Alex heard something crash and came to see what it was. She was surprised to see another feline and she suddenly felt territorial but she tried to ignore that feeling. "What's goin on? Who's that?"
She sighs loudly.. "I thought i saw the cops outside this morning.. I musta been dreaming. " She then realized that all the scars all over her body was showing, she gasps and pulls a blanket around her body.
Alex had seen some of the scars but decided to stay quiet about them. Her attention was focused on the little kitten and she walked over to him with her tail and ears showing. "What's wrong kitty?"

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