House Of Freaks

Luna whimpered giving him a puppy dog eyes begging face with her paws up in the air letting out tiny barks and whines "arr... arf!, arf!" she pulled her head to the ground ears pulled back butt in the air in the classic submissive wolf pose then rolling on her back wagging her tail her belly in the air she was acting as cute as she could even reverting herself from a wolf to a tiny wolf pup with big soarkly eye balls
Luna wags her tail faster wiggling her butt at her belly being rubbed she started licking his hand playfully "arf!, arf!"
Micah awoke early, leaving the house quietly to collect his belongings from the place he'd been staying previously. Last night he'd contacted the landlord, explaining he'd be moving, as well as another tenant of the apartment who'd agreed to let him borrow their truck to transport his stuff. Riding back to the apartment, he packed everything quickly, using the boxes still stacked in the corner from when he'd moved in a few months ago. Placing them in the back of the truck, double checking that they were secure and wouldn't fly out the back, he drove back to the house, parking in front. Grabbing a box from the back, he entered through the front door, recognizing the boy from the day before when he'd greeted the fellow newcomer. Luna appeared to be strangling him on the floor, and Micah'd be worried if it wasn't for the laughs emanating from the two. Smiling quietly, he nodded in their direction, making a few trips to the truck until the back was empty. Finished packing, he returned downstairs, watching them amusedly.
Max was at the diner a little ways from the house. She was taking orderes and helping to clean tables. She didn't get paid that much but it helped. She was almost done with her shift.
Luna's ears drooped down as she tilted her head slightly again she could use telepathy in this form "what's wrong?..." she nuzzled into his shoulder
"Oh, yes, hello," he greeted, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Umm, sorry, but I didn't catch your name. . " He explained. I guess he's another mutant, he observed, eyeing the boy's ears and tail. A cat? I hope I don't smell too much like fish, I've never thought I have, but I don't have a cat's nose. Stepping forward to offer a hand, he smiled brightly.
"Hello Axel," he soothed calmly, noticing how red the boy had gone. It was clear he was shy, so Micah did his best to look friendly and keep a smile. "Pleasure's all mine," he replied, shaking his hand softly. "How are you this morning Luna?" He greeted, turning his gaze to her. He was still a bit sleepy despite being awake for a few hours, and he yawned lazily.
Luna wagged her tail "I'm doing great!, you know this guy?" she jumped out of his lap pawing up Micah's leg "ruff!"
((@Lich, as a heads up, Micah is kinda crushing on Max, but I always enjoy love triangles, so I encourage Axel liking Micah xP))

Micah blinked at Luna, surprised by her puppy-like behavior. Crouching to pat her head, he replied laughingly. "Well, I do now, and I can see you guys have gotten to know each other" he grinned, turning to see Axel's face bright red. Did I say something wrong to embarrass him? He thought, oblivious. "So what's your story?" He asked Axel, trying to spark conversation to make him feel more at ease.
After when her shift was over she clocked out and started to walk out, and back to the house.. there were some shady looking boys standing in one of the alley ways. They whistled as she walked by and started to follow her. She walked a bit faster hoping that they would just leave her alone, but she knew better.

"Why in such a hurry?" One of the men asked and pushed her hard. The men where much stronger than her. One man got way to close to her and put his lips on her neck. She tried to push the man away but wasn't working. She soon kicked him, in the place that guys don't want to be kicked. He groaned in pain, and she moved away. As the man was groaning, one of his buddy's graved her hard before she could run then pushed her to the floor, having her cut her lip on a pointy rock.

She quickly got up punching the boy right in the face, and he stumbled back suprised. Then she ran as fast as she could back home. There was a also a few other big scratches on her face that were drawing blood but she just came in the house, went up stairs before anyone could get a good look at her and went in her room. She looked in the mirror seeing that the face wasn't to bad, the blood just made it look that way.
(okay :3)

axel jolted and looked. ''w-well m-my mummy and daddy told me to leave cause they where ashamed of my did...but now im here.....I-I mean if that's okay'' He went red again my god, hes cute.
"Really?" he replied, brow knotted in concern. "That's terrible, I'm sorry to hear that," he stared down at the floor unsure what to say in this situation. My parents were strict and controlling, but at least they still accepted me. . . he thought, frowning. "Of course that's okay," he assured, pulling a smile back on his face. "I mean, I'm not in charge here, but Max seems quite welcoming," he explained, just as she came through the front door. Opening his mouth to greet her, he barely caught a glimpse of her injured face, making his voice die in his throat. What happened to her? He thought, alarmed, as she briskly climbed the stairs, making him assume she didn't want anyone to notice. "I'm sorry, excuse me for a moment," he told Axel and Luna, following her quietly up the stairs. He knocked on her door softly. "Max?" he called through the door. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah," she said her voice coming out shaky. She sat on her bed wiping the blood off of her face with a rag that she had. She didn't want to alarm him.
"Are you sure?" he asked, knocking again. "Is it alright if I come in?" He didn't want to barge in and invade her privacy rudely without her permission. Did she get into a fight? He wondered thoughtfully.
"Yea," she told him. She got off most of the blood off of her face. There wee still teeth marks from where the boy was sucking her neck. The thought made her shiver.
(OMFG I love love triangles!, Luna should like Axel and make him oblivious where its going to become a web!, she likes Micah too but to a lesser extent y'know what I'm going to make her like Alex too just for the heck of it she's going to end up being all dramatic having a crush on practically everyone)

Luna went back to human form again completely naked for the world to see she turned to the red Axel "what's wrong with you cutie?" that pink ribbon he carried around combined with his feminine appearance was absolutely adorable in her eyes from his kitten ears to the way he talked he was everything she adored...
Micah unlatched the door carefully, opening it and coming inside. He pressed his lips together at the sight of her face. It was scratched and cut, small amounts of blood still bleeding from the deeper gashes. Painful looking bruises were also starting to form, evidence of someone hitting her with conviction. "What happened?" He asked grimly, frowning. "Did someone attack you?" 
((@Mattie omg yes!~ xD That sounds amazing~But poor lovesick Luna. . . ;w;))
"Um.." was all that came out at first she was tall debating tell him. "There were just thesis guys I think that they were drunk or something.," She told him not looking up.

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