House Of Freaks

Micah nodded, honestly intimidated by the thought of learning to fight, but not wanting to make himself out to be a coward. "I'll do it," he stated determinedly, "if it's not too much trouble to teach me, I'll give it my all." Spying the groggy Alex entering the room, he started out to explain the situation. "Max got attacked. . .attacked by vampires. . ." He choked on the word a bit, it still felt so alien, that things like that existed. Only a day before, he'd thought himself as a single oddity. "We're thinking up a plan to keep watch, do you know how to fight Alex?" He asked the girl curiously. "If not, Max is going to teach me, and you could always join in if that's ok with her."
"Yeah I can teach both of you if you don't know," she told Alex. She could at least teach them the basics of fighting. She was up to teaching people, she wasn't in to the hole vilonce but if people had to protect themselves then she would help.
Alex looked up at him with a serious face even though she was still half asleep, "Of course I do. I wouldn't be here today if I didn't know how. But I gotta warn you that it isn't safe to be around me when I do." She focused her attention on Max, "Don't worry about me Max I'll be fine," she purred out.
"Okay," she said happy that the girl new how to fight. "I guess I am just teaching you," she said to Micah. She stood up, maybe they should go outside or something where there was more space so that they didn't break anything.
"Alright then," Micah agreed. "We'll agree on the shifts after we make sure everyone on board with this idea?" It still makes me nervous though, having people who are so dangerous after us. . . "I guess it's just the two of us," he confirmed, feeling a bit queasy over being taught one on one, it meant his lack of skill would be on the spotlight. "Should we go outside?" He asked. "It might be better that way." And less people watching me fail.
"Yeah," she said happily and went outside making sure he was following. She could tell that the boy was nervous about learning how to fight. When they were outside and no one was out she said, "Relax okay?" she said with a soft comforting smile. He couldn't be that bad?
She remained on the bed while Max and Micah left to go train. "Have fun~" she called out as they left. Now it was just her and Luna in the room and she remained on the bed. Hmph didn't expect to see vampires here. The last one I met was a nice girl. Her thoughts were on the past and she remembered the good times she had.
((Oh, yes he could xD ))

Nodding stiffly, Micah tried his best to act confident, though he felt clammy and uncertain. "So I guess as long as I have the basics down, that should be ok, right?" He stammered. "I mean, it's not like I can get that far in a day. . .?" He shook his wrists out, biding time, and pulled his hair back to avoid it getting in his face mid-combat. It doesn't look too difficult, I can do this, he encouraged himself silently.
"Okay so put your hands into fist make sure that your thumbs are on the outside, not tucked on the inside," she told him not wanting him to punch someone and break his thumbs. She held up her fist in example.
"Okay," he said softly, mimicking her to the best of his abilities. This isn't so hard, he thought, oblivious. Micah had always figured fighting to be something encoded at birth, a natural instinct he could tap into at will. Unfazed and building a bit of confidence, he had no idea what was in store for him.
This usually came natural for her. "Okay now you keep you hands just above your chin and then you punch. Make sure you don't lock your arm and the back of your hand if facing the sky," she adviced him, Then showed him by punching the air forcefully.
Micah blinked, concentrating to extreme measures. "Ok. . ." he mumbled absentmindedly, curling his hands into fist as he began to mock her movements. His stance was unbalanced, not widened enough, so the punch came out unsteady and weak, his elbow overextending enough to make him cringe despite Max's warning.
He Is bad at fighting, she thougth to herself. He wasn't kidding when he said that he couldn't fight. "You okay?" she asked coming closer to him making sure he wasn't to injured. She found it kid of cute how he was bad at fighting.
Alex was bored and decided to see how Max and Micah were doing. She jumped out of the window and landed on a nearby branch. She climbed a little higher until she could easily see them without being spotted. Alex laid down and watched as Max came closer and asked if Micah was okay. "That's a weird way to fight," she mumbled.
Alex spotted Axel moving through the window. "Oh something interestin', She jumped down and walked back in the house to play with Axel. She pounced on Axel, " Hey kitty, what're you doing?" just wondering'' He shook slightly, trembling almost looking at the way taller alex, looking around. ''y-you seen micath....anywhere'' He was very red. ''I-I got a gift for him;;
Her ears went down, "He's outside training with Max." Alex was a little sad, she wanted to play with Axel. Axel was the first cat that she had met besides her family.
Yay! Her tail waved in the air, "So what were you doing rolling around away?." Alex began to paw at the little pink ribbon.
"Uhh-. . .yeah, I'm good, I'm good" Micah cringed, grunting. I need to take it slow, rushing won't get me anywhere, he thought, talking himself through it. Just keep trying, I'm sure I'll get it. . . He flushed when Max drew closer, embarrassed about his performance. He quickly rubbed the side of his nose to cover his rosy cheeks, giving a few more clumsy punches with a serious and pinched expression. His drawback was sloppy, his wrists knocking together when he recoiled in preparation of the next one. This also left his guard down, making him vulnerable. "Am I doing this right-?" He asked quietly.
In the short time that Axel was gone she wondered what he meant. Trave? Wait travel? He's kinda like an armadillo. "That was quick, what did ya need to do?"
She saw that he was blushing and that made him think that he was more adorable. "Your getting better....," she told him, witch he was.... a little. "Okay you need to keep a lowered stance. Keep your elbows stuck towered your chest. You also don't want to use both hands at once, keep one fist in front of your face," she told him. She then saw the little cat boy coming up and giving Micah something, then leaving going back to Alex.
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