House Of Freaks

((Well Max is teaching Micah how to fight and Axel just gave Micah a present but now is gaming out with Alex
(.... so I was just basicly standing in the living room during all that...)

Luna chuckled "I can teach you how to fight better than she can!" she had a psychotic gleam in her eye... "Bwahahaha!!" cartoony flames enveloped her body as she got all pumped up to kill I mean train Micah
Luna dont use fire its bad" his personality seemed to changed he talked abit serious but the way he looked was stilll cute. " was a gift for him. .To help his training" he went red
Luna's head turned to the little cat boy as she started to fangirl all over again "C.U.T.E!!!" he was instantly glomped by the wolf girl who had wolf ears and tail now half transformed she wagged her tail happily "arf!"
Luna sniffed the air "something isn't right here..." she looked honestly worried "the real Axel doesn't say hello like that!, he would tell me to get off and you smell weird!, my little cutie pie smells like rainbows!, and yes rainbow is a smell!"
"o i see you met me... " the one that looked like axel turned when another axel this time with a pink ribbon. "h-hi luna ....sorrry hes siamese twin"
(lol, that's smart axel backwards lexa)

Luna smirked wrapping her legs around Lexa/Axel and pinning her/him down instead it meant a crotch in the face but it was effective legs are more powerful than arms afterall
(yea basssicly hes my opposite, literally to the emotion)

lexa smiled softly ''ooo naughty naughty puppy'' He smiled as his tail coiled around her waist, as axel strugged abit ''g-get off please'' He tried to get out
Luna threw him/her down jumping to her feet she didn't throw her hard just enough to get her to back off not wanting to hurt Axel "well aren't you opposites" she chuckled placing a foot on his/her chest napolean style "let him go now Lexa..."
lexa smiled. ''ehhehe don't you wanna plaaay~'' He smirked, giving a soft kiss, as axel chanted. ''lexa of the split personality, return to the place...of v-v-virtue'' axels pink ribbon absorbed lexa. ''sigh...I-im sorry I should have told you''
Luna blushed deeply even if that was Lexa those were Axel's lips... she tried to hide her red face in her lap "w-welcome back..."
He frowned. ''a-are you okay....your n-not very hyper n-no more'' He looks at the pink ribbon. ''by the way, the ribbon releases several different forms of of each..r-right now...I-im the s-shy person''
Luna looked puzzled "so that ribbon holds like multiple personalities?... that's strange..." she smiled hugging him tightly "that just means there's more of you to go around!" She giggled "so which side of you is Lexa?"
lexa more...ahem...confident side...theres raxl my more rage side, zaxl my sad side, laxl my humour side, taxl my emo side and finally theres me...the shy one''
Alex had watched as another Axel talked to Luna. "This house just gets weirder and weirder," she said as she followed Axel#1 outside. "So how's the training coming along?"
Alex sweat dropped at Luna, "Um why are you so excited about training them? The easiest way to learn is through experience anyway." She glanced at Micah. He's gonna need all the help he can get if wants to survive...
Luna chuckled turning to Micah with a smirk "alright!, first things first!" she made a swift movement behind him holding a firm grip on both of his arms pulling them back a foot in the middle of his back adding pressure the further she pulled back his arms she kept almost perfect balance even with one leg "expect the unexpected now find a way out of this"

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