House Of Freaks

Max was on the other side of the room curled up in the chair, reading her book. She soon herd Machi's voice but not the words that were coming out. She looked up at him from her book. "Um, sorry what?" she said a bit imbaressed. She could be a real nerd when it came to books, she always got so sucked in.
"Oh, uhh-," he pointed at the fridge awkwardly. "Sorry, the fridge? Did you say it's cool if I take whatever?" I'm pretty sure she did, now I'm making Max repeat herself, great, good job. Max seemed a bit blurry eyed, he smiled to himself, she didn't strike him as a mad bookwork, but her distant expression proved otherwise. "What're you reading?" He asked, tilting his head in an attempt to read the spine.
Luna stretched letting it all hang loose she smiled at Alex "well I guess we would never know..." she picked up her swimsuit putting the bottom on first, then the top she yawned walking back inside "I'm hungry..." she walked up to Micah in the way of the refrigerator "what's in there?" she asked
"Yeah you can have anything you want in the fridge," she told him before he asked the next question. "Oh um I am reading Hush, Hush," she told him then showed him the book cover that he was trying to read.
((I need to read it. . .*cries*))

"Hmm, I'll have to borrow it sometimes, looks interesting," Micah turned to Luna, eyes wide with fake innocence, as he closed the door half way to block her view "I not sure" he whispered dramatically, "but they look like leprechauns." Managing to keep a serious face for a few seconds, he smiled and opened it to let her see. "I really don't know," he complained, "Max, would you mind showing me what's good in here?" Micah secretly hoped Max would help him make something, as he was a hopeless cook.
(My bro read that book or he tried to anyway)

Alex smiled and walked in the house to get her bag that her clothes. She walked by Luna, "Well I am a tiger after all." She headed up to the third floor and found a room that suited her. It was painted a dark blue almost black and the sheets were the same color. Alex took off her jacket and put on a black wifebeater and a pair of black boxers. She closed the door and screamed out in pain because she had shut her tail in the door.
Luna giggled at Micah "haha!, your silly those aren't lerechauns in there" she was somewhat childish sometimes... she bent over grabbing a fish some lettuce onions and lemon she put the fish on a grill after living so long she knew how to cook "I hope your not a vegetarian!" she chimed adding seasonings to the fish
((OMG Its one of my favorites))

"Shure," she said getting up and putting her book down and getting up and went in the kitchen. "Well what are you in the mood for?" she asked him. She was pretty good in the kitchen and could help fix him pretty much whatever he wanted to eat.
(Yeah, but the endings kind of sad... like not the ending ending but that that guy was a Nephilim the whole time...)
((@Mattie. . . a fish. . I see what you did there xD ))

Micah stared at the filleted fish, it's raw meat glistening in the sun. "Uhh-" he muttered, looking away. "I don't care for fish, sorry." Is that considered cannibalism? He wondered, turning back to Max to save him. "Anything, really," he replied, "just not. . .fish."
Alex shakily stood up while cradling her tail as she trudged down stairs. When she reached the bottom she smelled fish and her mouth watered. She took a seat and watched as Luna cooked. "That smells," she said in a strained voice
Luna giggled "fine, me and Alex will share it you can have chicken" she pulled out another pan and sauted the chicken once she was done she added side salads to both dishes squirting lemon on the fish and smothered the chicken in a rich creamy gravy "eat up!" She said cutting off her half of the fish letting Alex have the rest
(lol now I'm hungry)

"Thanks Luna!" Alex forgot about her tail and put the whole fish in her mouth. Ah fish is the best food ever! She was done rather quickly and stood up to go clean her plate. She whimpered lightly when she walked, "You're a great cook Luna."
Seeing that the food was taken care of she went and sat down by the pool just putting her feet in, the icy yet recessing pool water. She put her black hair into a pokey tail with the hair band that was around wrist.
((*Micah shivers in the corner, in horror of them devouring fish* xD ))

Micah plucked a plate from the counter, nodding his thanks to Luna. I haven't caught her name yet, he realized, turning to ask her but seeing her in a conversation with Alex. Not wanting to interrupt, he nibbled on the chicken stiffly, the earthy, creamy dish making him salivate eagerly. Leaning against the kitchen counter, he gazed outside absentmindedly, spying Max sitting beside the pool. Curious about the story the house possessed, as well as it's wonderfully diverse residents, he padded through the door in her direction. "So-" he started, finishing a mouthful, "what's the story with this place?" He asked, taking a seat next to her. "I mean, you just let anyone in?" He leaned closer, whispering so no one would overhear. "I guess Scarlett killed her family," he muttered, "I don't know if it was an accident or not, but still. . ."
"well Me and my sister where pretty much homeless for the past year and a half, we had money but we couldn't stay anywhere for to long or they would find us. So we kept moving. We finolly came across this place and it had more than enough room so we bought it." she said. "So me and my sister dicided this house is for people that don't have a home or a place to live. A place were people can be themselves. Where they don't have to hide from everyone, or be scared that they might not eat for the rest of the week," she said then noticed what she said might have sounded cheesy.
Alex watched him leave and leaned against the counter and watched Luna finish her food while she was lost in thought. I really hope that I didn't break it this time. It's throbbing and hurts like hell. Maybe I can ask Luna if this has ever happened to her. Ah this is embarrassing. "Uh Luna, can I ask you something?"
When Luna was done she took care of her plate and went to where Micah and Max were... she smiled "even if she did she's not alone... I killed my best friend once in a similiar way... I wasn't always able to transform at will it used to happen like all the classic werewolf stories on a full moon she caught me by surprise on such a night and... well it wasn't pretty" 
(Sorry... @Shadow Alpha I didn't see your post when I wrote that)
Micah listened intently to Max's story, nodding understandingly as he stuffed almost the whole salad in his mouth at once. He munched seriously, swallowing carefully before replying. "I think it's great what you're doing here, really selfless. I was doing alright for a kid newly on his own, I can't imagine what it'd be like for someone running for the law or who can't afford housing at all." He flushed when Luna overheard his comment, feeling guilty about making assumptions. "I guess that's understandable," he admitted, pushing a piece of chicken around his plate. "Did it get easier for you? -controlling your powers I mean?"
(Its fine I gots a plan)

She sighed and followed but she was glad that Luna hadn't heard her question. When she walked out she only caught the end of their conversation and smiled. "Well it seems like their deaths were only accidents but they'll have to live with their blood on their hands. I on the other hand killed them with the intent of killing. Are you scared of me?"
Luna's eyes widened "w-what did they do to you?" there had to be reasoning... even if the kill was intended nobody kills for no reason even psychopaths have a reason...

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