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Magic Type:






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Ria Désiré Leroy












Magic Type:




Force Field


Thoughts. They can be changed by thinking of certain things to distract her from finding information.

Time Limit. She can only hold a field for thirty seconds before feeling physical pain. The pain is completely imaginary, and nothing happens to her body, but it can become excruciating.

Mental Attacks. The force field only blocks physical attacks, not mental ones.


Vain| Sexual| Teasing| Superficial| Easily Angered| Clever| Manipulative| Proud| Superior| Overprotective| Sadistic| Emotional| Crazy Bitch| Spoiled| Defiant|

She loves any sort of sucking up or groveling, and will often forgive those who do this.

She has major influence and is extremely popular to most Hearts, whether they're attracted to her, admire her confidence, or are afraid of her.

She has a couple of close friends, but not very much else.






Stuffed Animals


Taking Care of Her Appearance



Being Dominant

Good Hygiene


Quoting Movies and Anime


Being Surprised



Board Games

Being Denied

Body Hair


Being Nervous


Getting Dirty




Knows French, German, and English

Daughter of the Previous Prime Minister

Twin to Sia Leroy

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.547e68ed431fb76131004f3275788dc1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135518" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.547e68ed431fb76131004f3275788dc1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Jack Corvelle






Magic Type:Mental

Ability:Gamer Law.

His power is a type of reality bending that is triggered by his mind.

It folds reality only within his own body.

Applying the laws of video games from him. His uses include but are not limited too...

Highscore:any positive action Jack does causes numbers to appear over his head temporarily increasing his highscore which is fuel for his abilities.

Health bar:Jack doesn't take damage like a normal person, instead it will cause him to briefly flash red and a red bar over his head will shrink.this means he can't have his limbs split or even bleed until that bar is depleted, once it is he's done.

Extra life:Jack can spend massive amounts of his highscore for an extra life this will fully heal him & even his clothing.

Power ups:these cost points and manifest as small orbs of different colors

They spawn randomly in combat situations.

  1. Red:red orbs increase damage dealt.
  2. Yellow:yellow orbs increase speed.
  3. Green:green orbs heal health.
  4. Blue:blue orbs increase magical power.
  5. white:white orbs form a force field around the person negating the next attack that would hit them.
  6. Black:these orbs grant the wielder a temporary life steal.
  7. Final orb: those multi colored orb grants whoever breaks it an incredibly brief super power up that makes their next attack massive,fast,and immensely powerful.

These orbs can be given to allies, or even stolen by enemies.

Jump game:Jack is capable of jumping extraordinarily high and can deal massive damage to a person by landing on them.

There are several diffent variations of this jump power including, double jump, jump dash, ground pound,spring board jump, and the high jump.

Personality:Jack is a kind and friendly guy who is often unassuming and comes off as weak & soft upon first meeting.

It's true in a sense he's a bit awkward socially, and tends to prefer the company of his games. That being said he isn't anti social or moody, just modest and a bit shy. He can be quite dangerous if he sets his mind to something

Likes:People in general,modesty, coffee or tea, preforming,Video Games.

Dislikes:bullies, his own lack of communication skills, being in large crowds, fighting

Other:Dyes his hair green.

Always has a game system of some kind on him. So far the only power he has revealed is his high jump.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images-69.jpg.b8dc87302d44768f69dd4d4ade898e4d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images-69.jpg.b8dc87302d44768f69dd4d4ade898e4d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Goulde Dazai

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

House: Heart

Rank: King (Can be lowered if you'd like.)

Magic Type: Elemental

Ability: Lightning Charm

Goulde can summon and manipulate pale yellow bolts of lightning for his use. While he doesn't really experiment with its use, he does know how to shoot bolts of it and use it as a type of barrier. Should he put his mind to it, he could probably find some new uses.

Personality: Very laid back and EXTREMELY lazy, Goulde is the perfect visual example of a couch potato. He finds very little motivation in doing things, so he just...doesn't do them. Despite this, he is actually very approachable and friendly. People tend to like him and treat him as if they've known him for years even though they might have met yesterday. For some other unexplainable reason, he also charms nearly every female he comes into contact with. He doesn't try to either, and he loathes the attention, and so tries to keep contact with females to a minimum. Other than that, he's very friendly to people and has a good head on his shoulders.



Eating anything he can get his hands on


Playing games

Watching television



Everything else.

Other: Goulde really is pretty lazy. He tends to get other people to do whatever he needs, and is constantly asking people from the House of Spades to help with his homework. If someone wants, they can have their character already know him from this.​



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Name: Ian Hummel

Age(14-19): 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

House: Spades

Rank(King/Queen/Jack/Member): King (K?)

Magic Type: Arcane (Summoning)

Ability: He can summon 2 little foxes.


Weaknesses(2+): The first one would be that he doesn't know how to fight. The foxes are the ones who fight for him and so if his opponent can defeat the two little animals, Ian is completly screwed. The second one would be that his foxes are still kids. That means they don't have alot of experience and their attacks can nullify each other.

Personality: Ian is very nice to others. He is proud too. He thinks everyone should work to do the best they can and that applies to him too. With that ideal, he kinda is bad to people who are lazy and/or don't do the best they can. He is a bit greedy as he has a big dream. Ian's sympathy is what makes him popular within the house of Spades. He helps everyone who is willing to work. He is really bad at flirting and so he doesn't try at all. He gets embarrassed easily. He also doesn't like when people flirt with him and so he will often just turn them away or ignore them completly.


+Imawa no Kuni no Alice (Manga)

+Card games




+Good Grades


-Lazy people






Other: He is really good at Poker.
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Alphaius said:
View attachment 300477
Name:Jack Corvelle






Magic Type:Mental

Ability:Gamer Law.

His power is a type of reality bending that is triggered by his mind.

It folds reality only within his own body.

Applying the laws of video games from him. This manifests in a series of ways.

Highscore:any positive action Jack does causes numbers to appear over his head temporarily increasing his highscore which is fuel for his abilities.

Health bar:Jack doesn't take damage like a normal person, instead it will cause him to briefly flash red and a red bar over his head will shrink.this means he can't have his limbs split or even bleed until that bar is depleted, once it is he's done.

Extra life:Jack can spend massive amounts of his highscore for an extra life this will fully heal him & even his clothing.

Power ups:these cost points and manifest as small orbs of different colors

They spawn randomly in combat situations.

  1. Red:red orbs increase damage dealt.
  2. Yellow:yellow orbs increase speed.
  3. Green:green orbs heal health.
  4. Blue:blue orbs increase magical power.
  5. white:white orbs form a force field around the person negating the next attack that would hit them.
  6. Black:these orbs grant the wielder a temporary life steal.
  7. Final orb: those multi colored orb grants whoever breaks it an incredibly brief super power up that makes their next attack massive,fast,and immensely powerful.

These orbs can be given to allies, or even stolen by enemies.

Jump game:Jack is capable of jumping extraordinarily high and can deal massive damage to a person by landing on them.

Personality:Jack is a kind and friendly guy who is often unassuming and comes off as weak & soft upon first meeting.

It's true in a sense he's a bit awkward socially, and tends to prefer the company of his games. That being said he isn't anti social or moody, just modest and a bit shy. He can be quite dangerous if he sets his mind to something

Likes:People in general,modesty, coffee or tea, preforming,Video Games.

Dislikes:bullies, his own lack of communication skills, being in large crowds, fighting

Other:Dyes his hair green.

Always has a game system of some kind on him.
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]

Name: Goulde Dazai

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

House: Heart

Rank: King (Can be lowered if you'd like.)

Magic Type: Elemental

Ability: Lightning Charm

Goulde can summon and manipulate pale yellow bolts of lightning for his use. While he doesn't really experiment with its use, he does know how to shoot bolts of it and use it as a type of barrier. Should he put his mind to it, he could probably find some new uses.

Personality: Very laid back and EXTREMELY lazy, Goulde is the perfect visual example of a couch potato. He finds very little motivation in doing things, so he just...doesn't do them. Despite this, he is actually very approachable and friendly. People tend to like him and treat him as if they've known him for years even though they might have met yesterday. For some other unexplainable reason, he also charms nearly every female he comes into contact with. He doesn't try to either, and he loathes the attention, and so tries to keep contact with females to a minimum. Other than that, he's very friendly to people and has a good head on his shoulders.



Eating anything he can get his hands on


Playing games

Watching television



Everything else.

Other: Goulde really is pretty lazy. He tends to get other people to do whatever he needs, and is constantly asking people from the House of Spades to help with his homework. If someone wants, they can have their character already know him from this.​






Sia Beatrice Leroy











Magic Type:






There's sometimes a delayed reaction in animation.

She will lose her voice if she throws it too much.





Shy. She doesn't like strangers at first, but quickly warms up. Until then, she acts like she hates everything and everyone.

Haughty. She likes to appear superior, and her idea of flirting is throwing insults everywhere.

Smart. This goes without saying. She's incredibly intelligent, but has few opportunities to show this. Either way, she isn't really that proud to begin with, so she doesn't feel the need to stand out with her intelligence.




Building/Creating Blueprints for Inventions

Horror Movies

Being Alone








Being Aggressively Hit On



Identical Twin to Ria



Daughter of the Previous Prime Minister



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Name: Kiara Vox

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

House: Clubs

Rank: Queen

Magic Type: Arcane

Ability: Necromancy. She can manipulate the dead for good or evil. She can also communicate with the dead by summoning their spirit or raising them bodily. But she uses her powers for mischief.

Curse manipulation. she curse people for a short period of time. Sometimes the curse is to embarrass people other times, it's to punish people.

Personality: Kiara has a don't care personality. She just goes with the flow. She is not afraid to tell you something that you don't want to hear. If she doesn't like someone she'll make it obvious. She is also very flirty. She can be very blunt with people. She is too busy making fake IDs and smoking weed to care about school. But the thing is she is VERY intelligent. She just doesn't apply herself. She is all about having fun and living life to the fullest.


- Parties

- Firting

- Food

- Dancing



- fake people

- School in general

- Being told what to do

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Tola said:


Name: Kiara Vox

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

House: Clubs

Rank: Queen

Magic Type: Arcane

Ability: Necromancy. She can manipulate the dead, death, the life-force and/or souls for good or evil. She can also communicate with the dead by summoning their spirit or raising them bodily. But she uses her powers for mischief.

Personality: Kiara has a don't care personality. She just goes with the flow. She is not afraid to tell you something that you don't want to hear. If she doesn't like someone she'll make it obvious. She is also very flirty. She can be very blunt with people. She is too busy making fake IDs and smoking weed to care about school. But the thing is she is VERY intelligent. She just doesn't apply herself. She is all about having fun and living life to the fullest.


- Parties

- Firting

- Food

- Dancing



- fake people

- School in general

- Being told what to do

Accepted. But don't make it so she can steal life. Necromancy is reserved for those who are already deceased. Other than that, it looks good.
Name: Speedy (no last name)


Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

House: Spades

Rank: Member

Magic Type: Mental

Ability: Analysis - He can analyze a person's movements and habits to the point where he can predict what they're going to do next. This also allows him to copy another person's moves and use it as his own.

Personality: At first glance, Speedy may seem air headed to most people and they're right to think of that. He's easily amazed by many things but he can't be blamed for that since there are a lot of things he doesn't know since he grew up wandering in the streets. He's also reckless, which makes it easy for other people to manipulate him. Although as klutzy as he may be, he is cheerful and is also approachable most of the time (if he isn't lost in his day dreams). There are also times when he can come up with clever solutions without him realizing it.


+Free food





-anything else that requires money


-Because of watching too many MMA matches, kung-fu demonstrations, and various street fights, Speedy has pretty much mastered 10 different martial arts without him knowing it.

-Before he was enrolled into the academy, he was homeless and survived by stealing money.

-He had no idea he had a magical ability until he tried to steal from a teacher in the academy.

-Because of the nature of his ability, reading Speedy's mind may prove difficult because it is 'too noisy' as his mind is processing multiple information at once.
Alias said:
Name: Speedy (no last name)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

House: Spades

Rank: Member

Magic Type: Mental

Ability: Analysis - He can analyze a person's movements and habits to the point where he can predict what they're going to do next. This also allows him to copy another person's moves and use it as his own.

Personality: At first glance, Speedy may seem air headed to most people and they're right to think of that. He's easily amazed by many things but he can't be blamed for that since there are a lot of things he doesn't know since he grew up wandering in the streets. He's also reckless, which makes it easy for other people to manipulate him. Although as klutzy as he may be, he is cheerful and is also approachable most of the time (if he isn't lost in his day dreams). There are also times when he can come up with clever solutions without him realizing it.


+Free food





-anything else that requires money


-Because of watching too many MMA matches, kung-fu demonstrations, and various street fights, Speedy has pretty much mastered 10 different martial arts without him knowing it.

-Before he was enrolled into the academy, he was homeless and survived by stealing money.

-He had no idea he had a magical ability until he tried to steal from a teacher in the academy.

-Because of the nature of his ability, reading Speedy's mind may prove difficult because it is 'too noisy' as his mind is processing multiple information at once.
JPTheWarrior said:

Name: Ian Hummel

Age(14-19): 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

House: Spades

Rank(King/Queen/Jack/Member): King

Magic Type: Arcane (Summoning)

Ability: He can summon two little foxes. One splits water and the other one splits fire.


Personality: Ian is very nice to others. He is proud too. He thinks everyone should work to do the best they can and that applies to him too. With that ideal, he kinda is bad to people who are lazy and/or don't do the best they can. He is a bit greedy as he has a big dream. Ian's sympathy is what makes him popular within the house of Spades. He helps everyone who is willing to work. He is really bad at flirting and so he doesn't try at all. He gets embarressed easily.


+Imawa no Kuni no Alice (Manga)

+Card games




+Good Grades


-Lazy people






Other: He is really good at Poker.


Name: Lilliana Perditus Lawliet


Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

House: Spades

Rank: Jack

Magic Type: Elemental

Ability: Electrokinesis - The ability to manipulate electricity. This allows the user to create, shape, and control electric fields, charge carriers, electronics, and electromagnetic forces.

Personality: At first glance, Lilliana appears to be a very odd and unusual individual, and you would be correct to assume that. With her many quirks and traits, she is far from being a normal person, even more so with her incredible amount of intelligence, which, due to her often disheveled and languid appearance, is doubted by the many people in her surroundings.

Lilliana tends to second guess everything she is presented with, and is extremely meticulous and analytical. She is good at decieving her opponents, and is willing to take drastic measures to do what is needed. She is also shown to have a dry sense of humor, and isn't above making sarcastic comments to people, although she is usually rather polite.

However, just like everyone else, Lilliana does, in fact, have a secret soft side, which she rarely, if ever shows to anyone. She tends to show this side of herself when she knows that she's alone, or when someone had gained her absolute trust, a task that is rather difficult to accomplish, but is possible.


- Sweets

- Books

- Technology

- Tinkering


- Insults

- Underestimation

- Annoyances

- Disadvantages

Other: Lilliana's height is far below average, a mere 4' 8", and is very sensitive about this fact, especially when around taller people. She also has chronic insomnia, and rarely ever sleeps unless she is completely drained of energy.

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Name:Steve bird

Age(14-19): 18




Rank(King/Queen/Jack/Member): jack

Magic Type:elemental

Ability: create,shape and manipulate metal

Personality:reliable, goofy, positive thinker, ambitious

Likes: cereal, funny people

Dislikes: candy and funerals

Other: @Quarantine
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b37b84194a314938e5bfa35c72f794ce.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135788" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b37b84194a314938e5bfa35c72f794ce.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> @Quarantine



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Aaron775 said:
Name:Steve bird
Age(14-19): 18




Rank(King/Queen/Jack/Member): jack

Magic Type:elemental

Ability: create,shape and manipulate earth/metal

Personality:reliable, goofy, positive thinker, ambitious

Likes: cereal, funny people

Dislikes: candy and funerals

Other: @Quarantine
(You'll have to be more specific on Earth/Metal. Please choose one.)



Name: Ayumi Kurosawa

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

House: Spades

Rank: Queen

Magic Type: Mental

Ability: Telekenesis, Analysis

Weaknesses: Ayumi gets major headaches when holding an object for too long, the time limit depending on how heavy the object is. For example, a small wallet could be held up for a couple of minutes before her brain has to rest. When analyzing, she can only learn a new skill once a day or two, otherwise, more serious headaches, and fainting. Yay!

Personality: She is typically kind, confident, and organized. Ayumi can sometimes be rebellious, persuasive, dominant, and is not very submissive. She is mysterious, clever, and unpredictable, and quite the wild card.

Likes: Sweets, tea, books, writing, drawing, music, nature, animals, traveling, anime, manga, comics, video games, nighttime, games in general

Dislikes: Math, alcohol, drugs, people who are rude, snobby, and self-absorbed

Other: Ayumi is from Japan, and she may or may not have Asperger Syndrome.
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[QUOTE="Reaper chan]



Name: Ayumi Kurosawa

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

House: Spades

Rank: Queen, if not, Jack (I'm still unsure of which spots are taken)

Magic Type: Mental

Ability: Telekenesis

Personality: Ayumi is usually calm, and kind to others. She is confident, and organized. She is very clever, creative, intelligent, and unpredictable. Stubborn at times, and she is emotional in the inside.

Likes: Sweets, tea, books, writing, drawing, music, nature, animals, anime, manga, comics, video games, nighttime

Dislikes: Math, alcohol, drugs, people who are rude, snobby, and self-absorbed

Other: Ayumi is from Japan, and she may or may not have Asperger Syndrome.

Accepted. That last picture is kind of weird because... of Monokuma.
Also, I'm not sure about the whole Queen/Jack of Spades thing. I saw another form that had a character who was Queen of Spades, but I don't see an accepted message. I'm confused ;-; and the roles part wasn't updated

Name: Tyde Santiago

Age: 17

Gender: M

Sexuality: Bisexual

House: Clubs

Rank: Jack

Magic Type: Elemental

Ability: Tyde has the ability to make any and all parts of his body into any phase of water (Ice, liquid, or vapor/steam). In this phase, he can change the form of his body/body part into a variety of shapes. The only real limitation is that he cannot become any larger than he already is unless connected to a source of water.

Personality: Tyde is usually a very nonchalant, calm, and level headed guy. He's so nonchalant that people end up mistaking him for a pot-head, which he doesn't completely deny in front of his peers. That doesn't mean he doesn't get angry; when you strike a nerve, you'll know. He's very sociable and can flow into conversations rather easily, being very open to strangers most of the time. He considers his curiosity and carelessness his handicaps as they often cause him to enter situations he could have otherwise avoided.


- Swimming and other sports

- Piercings

- Haunted houses

- Loud concerts

- The moon

- Spontaneous trips

- Relaxing


- Cats

- "People who always have a stick up their rear end!"

- Country Music

- Meat, he's a vegetarian


- Is fluent in Spanish, which is pretty damn useless in France!

- He broke his forearm a few months ago in his previous school. He hasn't really told anyone the story behind how he broke it.
MisterUniverse said:
Name: Tyde Santiago

Age: 17

Gender: M

Sexuality: Bisexual

House: Clubs

Rank: Jack

Magic Type: Elemental

Ability: Tyde has the ability to make any and all parts of his body into any phase of water (Ice, liquid, or vapor/steam). In this phase, he can change the form of his body/body part into a variety of shapes. The only real limitation is that he cannot become any larger than he already is unless connected to a source of water.

Personality: Tyde is usually a very nonchalant, calm, and level headed guy. He's so nonchalant that people end up mistaking him for a pot-head, which he doesn't completely deny in front of his peers. That doesn't mean he doesn't get angry; when you strike a nerve, you'll know. He's very sociable and can flow into conversations rather easily, being very open to strangers most of the time. He considers his curiosity and carelessness his handicaps as they often cause him to enter situations he could have otherwise avoided.


- Swimming and other sports

- Piercings

- Haunted houses

- Loud concerts

- The moon

- Spontaneous trips

- Relaxing


- Cats

- "People who always have a stick up their rear end!"

- Country Music

- Meat, he's a vegetarian


- Is fluent in Spanish, which is pretty damn useless in France!

- He broke his forearm a few months ago in his previous school. He hasn't really told anyone the story behind how he broke it.
Accepted. Jump in when you want.

@Tola Heeeey.
[QUOTE="Reaper chan]



Name: Ayumi Kurosawa

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

House: Spades

Rank: Queen

Magic Type: Mental

Ability: Telekenesis, Analysis

Personality: Ayumi is usually calm, and kind to others. She is confident, and organized. She is very clever, creative, intelligent, and unpredictable. Stubborn at times, and she is emotional in the inside.

Likes: Sweets, tea, books, writing, drawing, music, nature, animals, anime, manga, comics, video games, nighttime

Dislikes: Math, alcohol, drugs, people who are rude, snobby, and self-absorbed

Other: Ayumi is from Japan, and she may or may not have Asperger Syndrome.

Quarantine said:
You need weaknesses, or faults.

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