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Fandom House of Cards|Durarara


S n o w

Roleplay Type(s)
The Spades
Ikeda Tachibana
Natsumi Tachibana Shaded Shaded
Kaito Takahashi AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Jian Choi BLK BLK
The Celestials
Masaru Shimizu BriiAngelic BriiAngelic
Jun Yamaski DewOfTheMountains DewOfTheMountains

Ikeda did something the night before.

He'd known something was off when he woke up—in his and Nat's shared apartment—with Saika in hand. As he stood across the street from a crime scene, complete with cops shooing off onlookers and yellow caution tape, he had the sinking feeling that he was responsible. The day before had been both the best and second-worst day of his life. It was his and Nat's first outright challenge to the Celestials. 'The Spades', spray-painted in black in Celestial territory.

It was the second-worst because it was also the start of his term at the University. He'd skipped class, because the day had been too important, but then his parents called. The whole day had been soured when they told him they were monitoring his academic progress, because, in their words 'the faster you finish, the sooner you can come home'. Wouldn't they be surprised when told them he wasn't going back? But for now, he'd play the role of 'Ikeda Tachibana, heir to the Tachibana enterprise'. It hadn't helped that Saika had chosen yesterday to be louder than usual.

He'd been on the way back from his morning Marketing class when he saw the police activity. Ikeda remembered helping Nat lock-up No Strings Attached. But nothing after that.

Ikeda did something the night before.

He'd known something was off when he woke up—in his and Nat's shared apartment—with Saika in hand. As he stood across the street from a crime scene, complete with cops shooing off onlookers and yellow caution tape, he had the sinking feeling that he was responsible. The day before had been both the best and second-worst day of his life. It was his and Nat's first outright challenge to the Celestials. 'The Spades', spray-painted in black in Celestial territory.

It was the second-worst because it was also the start of his term at the University. He'd skipped class, because the day had been too important, but then his parents called. The whole day had been soured when they told him they were monitoring his academic progress, because, in their words 'the faster you finish, the sooner you can come home'. Wouldn't they be surprised when told them he wasn't going back? But for now, he'd play the role of 'Ikeda Tachibana, heir to the Tachibana enterprise'. It hadn't helped that Saika had chosen yesterday to be louder than usual.

He'd been on the way back from his morning Marketing class when he saw the police activity. Ikeda remembered helping Nat lock-up No Strings Attached. But nothing after that.
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Natsumi Tachibana
Interaction - N/A

Natsumi sat with her legs crossed over one another, her back straight with a relatively subtle arch to it as she sat stiffly on a bench. Her hands were working quickly, dabbing with a napkin at the dark splotch staining her tan and cream colored sweater. She preferred wearing cool colors, as well as dressing warm, and it could be seen in the way she was dressed. Having gotten out of her two-morning classes, she was preoccupied after her classes with ordering a coffee, when she had gotten it she had ended up spilling it on herself. Natsumi was quietly keeping to herself, avoiding all of the different types of people wandering about. She didn't exactly stand out nor did she quite exactly fit in with the appearances of some of the onlookers strolling by, to everyone walking past they'd think she would be weird for pulling off her sweater with an exasperated expression laced onto her face.

She was left in a tank top, her reddish-brown locks fell over her shoulders with the ends curling slightly. Her shoulders were hardly noticeable underneath her hair, but she still felt uncomfortable with her arms bare, as well as the stares she was getting from some people as she clutched the stained sweater in her grip. Natsumi couldn't help but reflect her time when dealing with her work. She had agreed mutually to perform the first challenge that the Spades sent out to the Celestials. Ike and Nat finally put out a challenge against the rival gang, her most immediate worry was the kind of retaliation that would be given back to them. She enjoyed their little and growing group, she hadn't exactly found herself spending her entire time with them, she spent most of it with them though.

Standing up, Natsumi looked out over the crowd of people as they each moved around. Flicking her green eyes around, she spotted some plain looking people and even one student who had gotten coffee right after herself, only recognizing them because he had passed by her when she split her coffee. She wasn't exactly irritatable but she wasn't incredibly awake. She might be considered organized but she was not the best morning person, it was a little obvious when she mouthed off to someone earlier that morning before taking off to her next class.​
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Kaito Takahashi

Mood: Really Tired/Already Embarrassed | Location: On the Ground | With: N/A
Mentions: Ikeda, Natsumi | Tags: S n o w S n o w Shaded Shaded | Outfit: Kai

Kaito loved his siblings, he really did. That didn’t mean he liked waking up to them teasing him relentlessly.

“Nii-san, wake up, wake up! It’s time for you to get up so you can embarrass yourself in front of Ikeda-sama!” Kabuto shook Kai’s shoulders, deftly avoiding the hand that Kai attempted to use to swat at him.

On his other side, Kazuko was poking him in the side, giggling. “Don’t forget Natsumi-sama! You always embarrass yourself in front of her!”

Kai lifted his head, scowling up at his brother and sister with his lips drawn back in a snarl. “Don’t you two have to get ready for school? Why dontcha leave me the hell alone and go eat breakfast?”

“Yes, Nii-san!” they chirped, prancing away with matching giggles. Eleven years old and they were already giving him hell… he was not looking forward to their teenage years.

Now that they were gone, Kai sat up and yawned. He supposed he should probably try to care about classes today—it wouldn’t do for him to not go today, not after what Ikeda and Natsumi did last night. As amazingly awesome and wonderful they were as the leaders of the Spades, Kai was a little worried what their rivals’ response would be. Not that he was scared. Nah, he was ready for a fight. Him and his trusty baseball bat.

A few minutes later, Kai shuffled out of his room into the kitchen, his skateboard tucked under his arm. Kabu and Kazu were already gone, probably satisfied that they’d annoyed him this morning. He grinned despite himself. They were good kids. Thank God they were out of that hellhole they’d called home. Their parents didn’t deserve such adorable twins.

Grabbing a bagel and stuffing it in his mouth, Kai practically flew out of the house, stopping only to put on his sneakers. Then, in seconds, he was off and down the street, rolling on his skateboard.

It was a pretty nice day, considering. Kai closed his eyes and just enjoyed the sunshine. Ooh, was that the smell of coffee he detected? Maybe he’d go stop for a cup.

Unfortunately, it seemed Kai had been enjoying the sunshine too much, because as soon as he was about to turn a familiar corner—BAM!

You see, there was this rock.

This time, Kai literally flew as his skateboard went completely vertical, thus tossing him into the air. Midair, he realized he was perhaps going to feel this tomorrow morning, too, but he managed to position himself so he rolled instead of completely falling on his face. Well. That was just great. Now people were staring. And were those—gulpGIRLS staring at him? Oh come on! Couldn’t he catch a break?! Grabbing his skateboard, Kai ran away.

He’d just about reached the university building where his classes were when his shoelaces came untied. This seriously had to be a joke of a morning, because of course he tripped and fell flat on his face, spitting out the dirt that came with the territory.

As he laid there, lamenting in all the audacious embarrassment he’d been feeling this morning, he had one thought:

Thank God the bosses aren’t here.
Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

  • 73BCEBE5-662B-45A0-B74E-3B64DAD4FFB4.jpeg
    Interacting With:
    ~In Utakami~
    Forest of thoughts || Deva’s CS File
    He honestly couldn’t tell if this was going to be a good day or an utter shit one. The morning started with the damn kitchens of Utakami malfunctioning. He wasn’t that great a cook on a good day much less when the dang stoves were only half working. Shit was that his job did he have to call it in? He wondered if he could just hand this off to Jun. At this point he had to give up on cooking these damn eggs. Realistically his penthouse had a kitchen but that didn’t help when it had no food in it. ‘Sides he owned the place if he couldn’t get some food out of it then what even was the point. He dumped the pots into the sink not even bothering to clean up.

    On the bright side his phone has been blowing up all night so something cool happened, granted he’d read and answered each but damn if he remembers what he wrote, so it was about time he read it with a bit more attention now that the lounge calmed down, aside from some groaning that sounded familiar. Wait groaning…

    These fuckers crashed his pad. Main was he regretting letting Seraphim get his keys, the rest of the gang had copies within the damn hour. He grabbed one of the spray heads from the bar and hooked it up to the sink. Time for some idiots to get soaked. He let the water loose on the gang members closest to him.

    “Hey you idiots wake the fuck up, one of you fix the damn stove since you probably broke it. And then I want a full report as to what went down yesterday that has my phone maxed on voicemails.”


Ikeda turned away from the scene, shoving his hands in his pockets. As much as he would like to have a closer look at the body before the police took it away, a crowd was starting to form. He and crowds didn't get along, so he walked down the street instead.

He would have to man No Strings Attached by himself if Nat was still in class. It was the only place in the world that he could say was his, without his parents' shadows looking over his shoulder. At least, until the Celestials were taken care of.

They were bound to retaliate soon. But he was prepared for it. He knew this fight wouldn't be passive. The Celestials wouldn't just get up and leave if he asked nicely. If they didn't know the Spades were in Ikebukuro, they did now. He hoped it unsettled them.

There Ikeda was, walking down the sidewalk like an inconspicuous student while lost in thought, when he heard a scuffle and a thud. Several people had already stopped to watch the commotion. Ikeda, luckily, recognized the teen on the ground. In an instant, he changed from 'Serious Ikeda', to 'Playful Ikeda'. He stood over his subordinate, purposely casting his shadow over him.

"You've been down there for a while. You should get up, before someone important sees you like this," he said with a grin.
Natsumi Tachibana
Interaction - N/A

Natsumi cast a glance behind her, green hues flicking over a few students behind her that were speaking quite loudly. Her eyes narrowed slightly, a blank look crossing her face before her eyes looked past the two to see someone tumble down. It took her a moment to really identify the person, so instead of continuing on, she stepped aside to get a better look. By the time she took to stop walking along, she noticed that Ikeda and Kaito. The young examined what they were doing, only realizing after that Kaito had been the one to tumble. She turned away after looking over the pair, a little preoccupied with her own issue at hand, strolling along with her shirt tucked under her arm. Natsumi disliked feeling the looks of other people, walking in a tank top wasn't so bad though it just didn't feel right with a few of the glances.

Natsumi had left the two to their own doings mostly because she wanted to rush home, the sooner she got back the better. She'd wanted to toss the sweater in the wash before finding a new top to wear. The brown haired girl kept on her way, thankful that the two behind her would be kept up for a while to give her time to get redressed. She was sure that they'd be off to the store, and since she had one of her classes to go to later in the afternoon she'd have plenty of time to help out. Natsumi dotted on a number of things, and the store happened to be one of the things she loved to work on to be precise. Maybe it was because she enjoyed music, or that it made her have a sense of freedom.

She was tempted to stop and grab some food on the way back, though she hesitated while walking towards the store. Her green eyes landing on a few places that caught her attention before moving along. She was getting distracted left and right it seemed, she usually wasn't the type of getting caught staring at a few different stores or getting stuck spilling her coffee so often. Maybe it was because she didn't have enough coffee. It irked her, she was out of sorts, but it could be explained in a way from what she was anticipating. The backfire from the Celestials. The green-eyed girl had been wondering what'd they be doing in retaliation from the little incident they did. Natsumi couldn't really get a good read up from what they usually did, there weren't many gangs lingering around from what she read aside from the Celestials, she had recalled a few popping up and then dying out but that was few. She was a little uncertain how they'd lash out, or if they even might just casually ignore their attempt, it'd be safe for the Spades, but not the wisest choice so she knew the little hope for that being the case was out of the window.
Jian Choi
Interaction: None
Jian was preoccupied. He had been given the day off by his boss. This usually meant that something had gone wrong or someone above him had gotten fired. Both meant that his entire department was off work that day. He never planned for these days, and as such, he had woken up at his normal time. The phone call had nearly gotten in the way of his run. But Jian was still mostly on track. Nothing had gone wrong for him, yet. With that thought, the man set his toothbrush down and examined his face in the mirror. He applied a thin cleanser to avoid blemishing. While the cream soaked into his skin Jian walked out of his bathroom. He opened the bottom shelf of his dresser and removed two folded pieces of clothing. He wasn't particularly interested in what he grabbed as it was the same thing every day. Instead, he paused. Jian took a second to make sure that everything was in place in the room around him. His dresser was exactly where it had been for months. Neither the table nor chairs had moved either. He felt a slight singe in his cheeks. Jian returned to his bathroom and carefully washed his face in the sink before drying himself off. He finished dressing and gathered his keys and phone. After tying his shoes, Jian left his apartment.

He began his run as soon as he left the building. Various familiar buildings passed by Jian as he pounded onward. As he began to reach a consistent pace, thoughts began to creep into Jian's head, as he had nothing better to do. Why did he run the same way every day? To Jian that question was simply answered. Other inane thoughts continue as he ran. He never had the heart to answer the ones that actually mattered, but that wasn't too important he figured. What good was it to bother about anything other than what is obviously in front of you?

He kept this up for a little under an hour before he had to start heading back. His feet were starting to ache, but it was tolerable. As he rounded a corner, he saw a man, maybe a boy, lying down on the sidewalk with a few others standing near him. The look on the man's face was almost comical. However, Jian ignored it. He didn't have time to stop and see what was going on. Besides, he thought it was none of his business.

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