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Horsehair Worm

Avrey was outside, poking at the embers of a dying fire. He sighed. Just hours before, Avrey carried his friend to his bed, having passed out...from stress he assumed. He had been thinking for the rest of the time, wondering if he could fix the feelings he had. He still felt betrayed and heartbroken...but decided to stay with Dunder...for the time being.
Dunder crawled his way a cross the fort, to a wall, and then slid upwards to where he was leaning against the wall. I must, see, Avery...he thought. I must apologize. He took one step, and was standing, but was still weak. She could just barely walk, bit he managed to get out to the fire that Avery was tending to. "I'm sorry" he said, and tears formed once again in his eyes. "I'm sorry for everything," and he half sat, half collapsed onto the ground next to his friend. All of the others were still asleep, so they wouldn't see him crying once again. "I- I feel so bad... I didn't mean anything hostile that I said. It just- came out. I really hope we can be friends again. I promise I can change. You are the only person- well, not person, but...- who has ever been there for me. Who has always had my back, and made sure I didn't die. Who has even given me a gift in a time like this. And all I've done is treated you like crap. And I feel terrible. So I would understand if you just walked off right now. Heck, it might even be what I would do if I were you. But it won't be the same. Once again, I'm sorry, Avery."
Avrey said nothing. He only prodded at his fire, and looked at Dunder. "No...I won't. I may be weak hearted, Annoying, and easily insulted....but I will persevere. I will not surrender. The world may crumble and fall apart at my very talons, but so help me if I don't cling to that sliver of earth with my life...Same as to you. You are my friend...an inseparable bond has been formed, and, try as we may...it cannot be broken." Avrey pulled Dunder into a tight hug, wiping away his tears gently with a few feathers. This was his protective instinct...This was him...

Avrey looked Dunder directly in the eyes, and kissed him gently.
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Dunder did react, but not in a hostile form. "I thought we already talked about this Avery. Friends, not- not- not.... that. Ok?"
"Nononono, you've talked about that...I didn't quite listen.." Avrey smiled smugly, slipping away from Dunder. "You don't have to deny it all the time, Dunder, really."
"Look, we don't have that going on between us, ok?" Dunder said, hostility slowly bubbling up inside him. He wanted to scream at Avery, but that wouldn't get them anywhere. "Now please... don't do it again, ok?"
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"What about...your sleeping? Orrrrr in a coma? Do those count?" Avrey sighed, already knowing the answer. "Why can't you just make me the happiest birdy in the world and accept it?"
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"I'm sorry.... it doesn't work that way. I mean, I like you and all, but I just don't like you, you know?" Dunder sighed also, and then laid back down on the soft soil. It was at that moment, that he realized that his bow was missing. "Avery.... have you seen my bow?" He said.
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"I'm sorry, but that would have gone too far. But I guess if it would make you happy... which in turn would make us happier... I suppose I could..." aaannnnddddd..... Dunder hugged Avery. "Ok. Now I really need to figure out where my bow- oh God." Dunder pointed at a horde of zombies heading over the hill. There were a lot.
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Avrey, unimpressed. "Have you no backbone, Have you no spiiine? Whatever happened to, NOONE GETS LEFT BEHIND!" He snickered, reciting lyrics from a song. He sighed. "Go find it, I'll go deal with Zombacon."
Dunder went into the fort, and returned with an alternate weapon: his axe. Although he SUCKED at the axe, it was better than nothing. "Are we all ready?" He asked everyone. "There are a lot, so be prepared. Let's GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" He screamed, charging into battle. He hacked and slashed, if any zombies got near his friends, they were instantly killed by the might of Dunder's axe. But he didn't last long though, soon he was on the ground, fending off three zombies, a daunting task. "Avery!" He yelled. "If I don't make it, promise me you'll stay with the group!"
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"Dunder!" Avrey yelled, slicing through zombies with ease. "No promises!" He yelled, too preoccupied to help Dunder. "Oh god, this is so boriiiing." Avrey mumbled, kicking zombies away.
"Maybe I should just stick to long range," Dunder joked as he resumed his h a cling and slashing. Pretty soon, the horde was reduced to just a few zombies. Then, those were killed, and their work was done. "Let's make a priority list," Dunder suggested. "One: find my bow. Two: get out of this hellhole. Three, find more survivors. Aaaaannnnddddd, don't die. Sound good?"
"Mhm. Whatever you say boss." Avrey yawned as he prodded a zombie corpse. "Always with the survivors and the boring scavenging and the yaddayaddayadda. Here's a number one priority: FIND AN ANTIDOTE." Avrey yelled, throwing his arms up. "Are you too stupid to realize this viscious cycle?!" Avrey put his best, sarcastic-teacher voice. "Find survivors, find more survivors, find more survivors, have to scavenge more, lose survivors, scavenge less, find more survivors, scavenge more, all while making LESS THEN MINISCULE PROGRESS ON A CURE." He exclaimed, kicking a body. "I question you. Sqeul OkuOku Poikiou YikiYewq. Pewreq."
"Ok, any ideas?" If your so focused on an antidote, then why don't you find one. That's why you came here, right? Also, if we move out camp lot the city, where we are closer to places where we could get supplies, then that would bring us closer to the solution. Back your bags. We're moving. Just as soon as I find my bow..... Dunder looked around a bit, and then went to douse the fire. It was then when he realized an oddly shaped log in the fire. It was curved, and burnt to a crisp. It almost looked like- His bow! Slowly, he picked up the sad remains of his once magnificent tool. But it was more than a tool. It was his only friend, before Avery came along, of course. And now, he had been careless enough to let it burn. Then he remembered something. He had a spare in the loft! The same model, same everything. His bow's identical twin. Dunder went to retrieve it, and returned, a big grin on his face. "I'm ready to go, let's grab our packs, and go to the city."
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"Anything I could do is better then mixing painkillers and lobbing paintballs at friends..." Avrey sighed. "Dunder...I think I'm going to go rogue for a bit...I can handle myself, and I'll try and stay in contact...that's fine right?" He spoke softly, so only Dunder could hear. "I get the feeling others are uncomfortable around me anyway..."
"How will we stay in contact? I have an idea: we go out to the city, just you and me, but stay in contact with the other people, by means of telephone, which will be here. Whaddaya say? Wanna go into the city together? I'm sure the rest of the group wil be fine. Also, it will be easier if we split up, because we can move around easier, and have less mouths to feed. C'mon, let's go!"
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"Dunder, No, I need time to think for myself alone." Avrey mumbled. "I just...yeah..." He stopped to stare at the ground for a moment. "I'll be back, I promise, just...stay alive."
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"But why can't I come with?" Dunder asked. "Look, I know you hate me, but I've changed, or at least, tried to change. I've been like this my whole life, and now I'm changing- for you. I would do anything to keep you in our group, to be with you. So now, why must you leave?"
"I'm not leaving forever, just..I have things I need to do..." He sighed, looking around. "Important...Avian things. You wouldn't understand...I'll be back..."
"Nooooo!" Dunder exclaimed as he jumped on Avery's back. "You can't leave me heeeeerrrrreeee! I will not let go."
Avrey squawked in alarm, whipping around and tumbling onto the ground. "Ehku Oikurlu FEEEEEERURI?!" He yelled, trying to get up but unable to pry Dunder off.
"What are you saying? You, know, bingle bopple beedle bork? What does that mean?" Dunder sighed. "You're never gonna get me off you know."

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