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Horsehair Worm

With the warmth from the fire, and Avery's body, Dunder fell asleep relatively fast, still clutching his bow in hand.
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Avrey stayed awake for some time, practically cuddling his friend. He grinned, and just before he went to sleep for the night, he planted a light little peck onto Dunder's cheek, falling asleep shortly after.
Dunder awoke with a start, feeling the sharp beak against his cheek. In reflex, he pulled out an arrow, and knocked it, pulling back the drawstring, and looking around for a possible threat. But there was only Avery, who, as he realized, had attempted to kiss him. So, naturally, he socked Avery in the gut, hard. "Screw you," He said as he walked off to sit by Gavin and Caulin by the campfire. He realized that Gavin was explaining the relationship between Avery and Dunder to the confused newcomers. "We do not have a relationship together" Dunder said. "He likes me, and I hate him." Then he laid down by the fire, and fell asleep once more.
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Avrey groaned, spitting on the ground. "I can't feel my..geh..." He threw up, laying on his back in agony. "That...hurt...alot..." He thrashed a bit in agony, managing to get on his feet, and shuffle the fire. He coughed, which rattled through his ribs, making him stifle a bloodcurdling scream. He collapsed, unable to think. He was crying somewhat, unable to keep himself from doing so.
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Avrey tried to fall asleep, really, but he got throbbing headaches and a rumbling sickness that wouldn't leave him. He whined as he sat up, cradling his knees and coughing regularly. Something inside him wasn't right, something inside him...was being destroyed. He suddenly screamed in agony, falling backwards, twitching and thrashing wildly.
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"Uh, guys, I think something is wrong with Avery. Is anyone here have any medical experience at all?" Dunder said, staring at his feathered friend, thrashing in the corner. "No" everyone said in unisen. So, Dunder walked over, and observed for a bit. "God, I hope he doesn't have a worm." Just in case, he tied him down to a board, so he wouldn't infect too many people if he did.
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Avrey screamed, pulling away from the board. He wasn't himself anymore, he didn't know his name, what he was, what he was doing...it all...was bleak and blurry. He continued yelling and thrashing, and after a long time, went completely silent. Very silent. Deathly silent.
Dunder went and got the AED. He rubbed the paddles together, and pressed them against Avery's chest, and hoped that he didn't die. Not here, not now, when he needed him most. When they needed him most. He needed to work on 'The Antidote.'
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Avrey's eyes snapped open, and he glared at Dunder his normal self would never glare at him. He remained motionless, holding the gaze. Suddenly, he attempted to lunge, but was still tied down. He rocked a bit, growling in anger.
"Well crap, looks like we have a zombie on our hands guys," Dunder said, lunging away from Avery. "But if my theory is correct, we may be able to kill the parasite inside of him with antibiotics and pesticides. To the fort!" Dunder walked into the fort, grabbing as much medicine as he could find in the loft. Tylenol, asprin, ibuprofen, stuff like that. He also found some tranquilizer liquid, that he could put in there too. He got a big pot, and mixed it all together. The finished product was a green liquid, that tasted disgusting. Now he needed a way to get the stuff into his bloodstream and kill the parasite. As he searched the loft, he came across a paintball gun and paintballs. That brought back memories of the life before the apocalypse, him, Gavin, Caulin, and Aaron, all shooting each other in the friendly competition of paintball. They'd come home, and be covered in bloody wounds, even when they wore protective gear. Those were good ti- wait a minute.... bloody wounds.... but not fatal? He grabbed the box and gun, and climbed back down. Poking a hole in a paintball, he poured out the contents. Then he filled it with 'The Antidote'. He repeated this until he had a lot of Antidote-Balls. Then he loaded them into the gun, and walked over to Avery. He took aim, and fired. It was a direct hit to the forehead, and there was a reddish-green splotch where he had hit. Avery almost immediately knocked out from the tranquilizers. "Now we wait" he said.
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Avrey, went silent when he was shot by the paintball, and for a brief moment, all was calm, very calm. Then Avrey broke free in a bloody flurry of feathers, lunging after Gavin and Caullin. Inside of Avrey, he was fighting a war with the worm. It was terrible and agonizing. "Help..." he choked, while he dived after Gavin.
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Dunder responded by delivering an arrow to each of Avery's arms. Avery fell backwards, but immediately sprung back up. "Run!" Dunder yelled. "The Antidote should kick in any second." Then he bolted for the fort, and returned with a long wooden pole. As Avery lunged at him, Dunder knocked him to the ground, and pinned him down with the pole. Avery thrashed around, struggling to escape.
As Avrey struggled, he choked out barely coherent words. "Dunder...If I.." He screamed, trying to push the pole off of him. "Get out of...this...I would.." He scraped at the ground fiercely. "Like my arms...to be in a working...state.." The sarcasm was a good sign that Avrey was winning the battle.
A small smile formed around Dunder's lips. The fact that he was conciously talking, was good, but the sarcasm was great. Avery was gonna make it. He knew.
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Avrey's gaze went still, he twitched for a moment, but no longer struggled. He was motionless, Wordless, and thoughtless. Suddenly, he gasped for air, and seconds after, screamed a high-pitched scream that shattered the air. "D-D-DUNDER!" He screamed, thrashing. "THERE ARE ARROWS IN MY ARMS GETTHEMOUTPLEEEEEASE!" He begged, obviously in an incredible amount of pain.
"Aw, crap, sorry 'bout that." Dunder walked over and yanked the arrows out of Avery's arms, which caused a loud yelp from Avery. "Sorry, sorry, at least I didn't hit an artery." Then Dunder went into the fort, and returned with some gauze, with which he wrapped up Avery's arms tightly. A little bit of blood seeped through the bandages, but it was fine. "Hey, the Antidote worked!" Dunder exclaimed. "Woo."
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"Yeah...Woo..." Avrey growled, testing the limits of his arms. "I can't....believe you did that..." He said, angered. "And no...Your stupid ANTIDOTE didn't work...YOU JUST SHOT ME WITH A BLOODY PAINTBALL GUN." He screamed, wincing as his arms stung madly.
"Well, your alive now, so it worked." Dunder said, swiftly turning to the campfire, and sitting down. "I did what I had to do to save the group. And we all lived, so be grateful for that. Also, stop screaming or we will be invaded by a zombie horde.
Avrey mocked Dunder's voice in a rude tone, digging into the dirt with his talons. "This only made me hate you...really. The group? You saved the GROUP? Are they idiots? Incapable of defending THEMSELVES? Why Dunder, WHY?" Avrey ranted furiously. "Your no help, You never were. This stupid planet, along with you, is doomed. Enjoy your pitiful existence while you can..." He trailed off, standing up and limping off slowly. "I'm done...Goodbye Dunder, Goodbye all."
Dunder picked up his grappling hook. He hadn't really practiced much, but now would be a good time. He ran up, as close as he could get to Avery, and cast the hook. It barely wrapped around one of Avery's feet, and brought him to the ground. "You can't leave," Dunder said. "We need you." He then reached into his jacket pocket, and retrieved the rose, which was semi-wilted, but no matter. He bent down and placed it in Avery's hand. "Please come back" he said, and then walked back to the warmth of the fire, and back to the group, the little community they had formed.
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Avrey yelped and hit the floor. He got up quickly and stared at Dunder. "You don't need me! You liar! You were just fine on your own, and so am I!" Avrey started to tear up. "You don't use your words for anything, your so physical...Not once did I hurt you, ever! You can't expect me to trust you when all you knownis how to survive in this hell! You never cared! You still don't care! You're the epitome of emotionless! Leave! Me! Alone!" Avrey screamed, turning to run away.
Hearing Avery's words, dunder felt like he had just got socked in the chest. Avery had been nothing but kind to him, and all he had done was act hostile, and mean. He knew it was only to survive, but now that he thought about it.... Dunder rose up from the fire, and put an arrow to his head. "I dont deserve to live anymore" he thought, and he started to cry.
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Avrey sat watching a distance away. He barely breathed, wondering if Dunder would do it. He couldn't.....Dunder wasn't that type of person...he was just fine before he showed up, what made any difference now?
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Avrey watched...And realized Dunder was serious. He was going to do it...He shook his head and got up frantically. "Nononono...." He said, rushed. He ran back over to Dunder. However mad he may be, he still felt like...he needed to watch out for Dunder. "D-Dunder stop...it won't fix anything..." he said, looking down in embarrassment.
Dunder colapased, Avery had returned, he passed out on the ground, breathing shakily, tears still streaming from his eyes. When he woke, the first words out of his mouth were: "I'm sorry" to nobody in particular, because he was alone, in the fort. Then it all came rushing back to him. Last night, suicide attempts, Avery running off, Dunder arguing, it all came in bits and pieces. Then Dunder wondered: what if he had done it, killed himself, and left the group. Thank God Avery came, his plan was to apologise one last time before- well, before he did it. But he passed out, and then woke, and snapped out of it. That was close, he thought. Too close.

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