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Horsehair Worm

Dunder hugged Avery back, appreciating the warmth from his body. "I'll take watch Avery, you must rest." He laid Avery down on the floor. Then, he took off his jacket, and wraped it around Avery's sleeping form. "Thank you" he muttered softly, and proped his body up on the wall in the most uncomfortable position possible, as to make sure didn't fall asleep. But even as he tries, he dosed off until morning, waking to the sound of banging on the door to the locker room.
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Avrey woke up in the same moment it, tilting his head to the sound. Once he realises what it is, he jumps to life, ready to defend his territory. He saw Dunder awake as well, and nodded at the door. "What do we do?" He whispered, the banging loud and constant.
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Dunder shrugged. "We're trapped!" Caullin and Gavin were awake as well. A plan, a plan, think of a plan.... he glanced over at the creation that he was making. He has almost completed it.... Dunder reached for the object, picking it up, and quickly tying a temporary, easier, quicker knot than the one he was originally using. In a matter of seconds, he completed the tool. "Ready your weapons", he says, handing the bola to Gavin, telling Caullin to stand back, but giving him an arrow as a small defense. "Ok Avery, open the door."
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Avrey collected himself, steadied his breathing and approached the door. Every little bang made him jump in fright. He thought about his life, and everything around him, and swore he'd fight to win his normal life back...even if he was just a feathered freak. Gripping the handle tightly, Avrey opened the door.
A figure rushed in, and the group jumped back, Dunder knocked an arrow. Gavin aimed the bola at the figures feet, and threw. The tool worked perfectly, the figure dropped to the floor. "Oww.... why'd you do that?" The figure asked. "Aaron?" Gavin exclaimed. "Why were you banging?" "There are zombies out the door of the gym, I figured I could hide in here" he replied. "I almost shot you in the- wait, there are zombies outside the door?" Dunder exclaimed. "We can escape out the back door that leads to the field, follow me." He headed out the door of the locker room, towards the back door, the group not far behind.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-4_22-25-39.png.37ddd0b779dbd08e77da67c45b232557.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/upload_2015-2-4_22-25-39.png.37ddd0b779dbd08e77da67c45b232557.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Avrey seemed incredibly relieved. "Oh thank goodness..." he said, leaning against the door. "It's never a zombie, is it?" He said, grinning. "Oh, don't worry about the bird person, I'm just here.." he said, smirking. "If that's our plan, I suggest we get going before they manage to get through."
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Now outside, Dunder and the gang ran across the field, hopped the fence, and ran to the parking lot. "I'll drive this time Avery, ok?" Dunder says as he hops in the front seat. He starts the truck, and looks out the window. A horde of zombies has formed, and now there are about 15-20 of the creatures slowly making their way towards the truck. Dunder stepped on the gas, and pretty soon, they were on the road once more.
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"Good idea.." Avrey says, sitting in the passenger seat as they take off, ignoring the zombies hording about. "So...where to now?" Avrey asks, looking sick from all the lurches and bumps in the road. "I'm sort of hungry..." Avrey suggested they try and find food.
"I think we can all agree on food," Dunder said, stomach gurgling. "Do we wanna hunt? I belive that I can arrange that" he says, pulling out his bow. "Or do we wanna raid some place?"
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"Hmmm..." Avrey said, feeling a little violent. "Let's go raid some poor fool!" He said, grinning maliciously. He eyed the sideroads for any sign of camps or hideouts, but found none.
"Alright, who shall we raid? I was thinking Chinese food, how about you?" Dunder said, pulling off into an abandoned Chinese restaurant. "Why is everything so abandoned in this apocalyptic world that we live in?" He said jokingly, as they walked in to get some food. The group walked behind the counter, and into the kitchen. They scrounged around for something edible, and eventually came up with a large bag of uncooked rice, some raw fish, some uncooked noodles, and seaweed.
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Avrey rolled his eyes. "Not the kind of raid I was thinking of, but...this works." He shrugged. "Guess I'll take the raw fish, since I'm the only one who can properly digest that." Avrey snickered, nibbling at the fish.
The rest if them split the rice, and noodles, but Dunder was the only one to eat the seaweed, not because it was good, but because he needed it. It actually tasted disgusting. After eating, Dunder wanted to go to sleep.
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Avrey ate his fish, and wandered off around the restaurant, looking at things, when he was done, he noticed Dunder asleep in one of the restaurant's tables. Feeling...affectionate, Avrey crawled into the same stall, pressing against Dunder warmly. He pressed an arm underneath him, cooing quietly, feeling giddy.
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Dunder was woken by the strange feeling of another being pressed against him. But he didn't mind, he was cold and miserable anyway. So he fell back asleep, but not for long, as the group was startled by some loud noises. Dunder jumped up immediately, clutching his bow, arrow in place. He pulled back on the string, and searched for the cause of the sounds. He turned just in time to see the door swing closed, and then Aaron and Caullin were gone. He jumped over a few tables, and out the door he flew, down the steps, into the parking lot. He saw two zombies, each one clutching a friend, dragging them by the collar of their shirt. He released an arrow into the zombie clutching Caullin, then another, and another. It took 5 arrows to take down the evil being, and afterwards, there was no time to save Aaron, as he had already been dragged into the forest beyond. Dunder ran over to Caullin, and dragged him far away from the dead zombie. He prayed to God that Caullin didn't get infected, but he looked fine, just unconscious. It took a few minutes, but he finally woke back up, and all was well with the world... besides the fact that the world was in an apocalyptic state, and to top that off, Aaron had just got dragged into a forest of zombies, and now there was nothing they could do to help, he would become one of them. The group went back inside, to discuss what to do next. Dunder suggested going back to the fort, to get more supplies.
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Avrey woke with a fright, hearing noises and...screams? He started up, but hit his head on the underside of a table. "Gah, OW!" He squawked, falling out of the booth, and landing with a thud. He cried out again, getting up, he padded across the floor, but slid and hit his midsection upon a counter. He gagged bending over, the wind knocked out of him. Avrey regained himself, and watched a very unconscious looking Caullin and a saddened Dunder enter the restaurant. "Wh-What happ...Happened?" He wheezed, rubbing his head.
"Aarons gone, he is infected, and Caullin almost met the same fate!" Dunder exclaimed. "We need to do something. I suggest we head back to the fort, we need to get these two a weapon of their own. Dont worry, I'll drive again." He walked over to Gavin and Caullin. "Let's go. You two need a weapon to defend yourself with. We'll talk in the truck about what kind of weapon, but right now we need to be walking out the door."
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Avrey groaned. "Such is life on an apocalyptic terrace..." He said, walking out to the truck and climbing in the bed. "Alrighty, let's go." He said, not happy about his morning mishap. Although he did sleep well, for the most part...Dunder just seemed awkward about it, not saying anything when he brought it up. Maybe it was the fact that, besides Caullin and Gavin, Dunder was the only person he had known on this planet, so it was just...natural instincts. And Protective instincts....A lot of instincts.
When they got to the fort, they were met with a terrifying sight. All of the zombies that were here earlier had gotten into the supplies. That means they had an army of armed zombies on their hands. "Oh, snap!" says Dunder.
"Tis fine, just...." Avrey sighed. "Do what we always do." Avrey seemed...down and saddened, not like his usual cocky and sarcastic attitude. "Not like they know how to use any of the things..." He said, scoffing at the ground.
Dunder readied his bow, handed the bola to Gavin, told him to use it wisely, he only had one shot. He then gave an arrow to Caullin. Hopefully, with a lot of luck, they could make it through this. "CHARGE!!!" Dunder screamed, releasing his arrow into the head of the first zombie.
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Avrey couldn't help but smile a little bit. This was his favorite thing to do: Annihilate and Destroy. He headed into the front lines, shoving zombies aside with his shield, and jabbing through heads with his spear. He snickered, stabbed his spear into the ground, and spun around it, knocking zombies out and away from him, which he took down one by one, most of that flashy move was to impress Dunder, if that was even possible. When they were faced with the last Zombie, he grinned, got a running start, flipped over it, doing and front flip, twirling, and stabbing the zombie through the back, and kicking it off with his talon.

Slowly, he walked back over to the group, covered in blood that made his feathers stick, and smeared some blood on Dunder. "There, now you can feel like you actually did something that fight." He snickered. "Start swooning boys, I'm single and got time to spare."
"Like I actually did something!?" Dunder points to a pile of dead zombies with arrows protruding out of every possible place and smiles. "That is my handiwork! I did that. Oh, and all that showing off- why?"
"Because I'm just that good. Now quit feuding, you know you'll never be as good as me." Avrey said cockily, walking over to the fort. Avrey grinned as he climbed up the ladder, through the loft, and ended up on the roof, grinning. "Admit it, you've never seen tailfeathers like mine." He chuckled. "Probably starin' all the time, I just don't know..." He cracked up laughing, pointing at Dunder.
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"Gavin, give me the bola," Dunder ordered. He picked it up out of Gavin's hand, aimed, and made a direct hit. Avery fell from the roof, and landed with a thud.

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