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Horsehair Worm

Taunt, Laugh, Squawk, Thud, Groan. "That..." Avrey said painfully. "Was not...very nice..." He wheezed slightly. "My light...and hollow bones..." Avrey was being overdramatic at this point. "Are shattered..." he reached out in pseudo-agony at Dunder.
"Oh, shadap" Dunder says, "Stop being g a wimp." He walks off, hoping that Avery is in fact all right.
Avrey wimpered pitifully. "But, Dunder..." he groaned again. "I'm Dying.." He said, coughing. "It's too much...go on without meee...." He said, flopping over and closing his eyes.
"Yee" was all Dunder said as he went and rolled Avery back over, checked him out, and concluded that he was just being dramatic, nothing was wrong.
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"Geh..." Avrey got up, he wasn't hurt that bad, but he was sore. "That was very rude..." Avrey said, shuffling after Dunder happily. "Hey, I expect an apology..." he said, kicking in the shin. He coughed hoarsely, shaking his head quickly.
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"Well sorry theennnnn..." Dunder said sarcastically, and turned to walk into the fort. He beconed for Gavin and Caulin to come with. "Take your pick," he said , gesturing to a large array of weaponry hanging on the wall. From spears to swords, axes, to bows, he even had Chinese ninja stars! Gavin chose a black metal slingshot, and some throwing knives. Caulin got a bow and a spear. Dunder plucked an axe off the wall,which would be his second best weapon, and it was not long ranged. He asked Avery if he wanted anything while they were here.
"Uhm..." He looked around. "An Aspirin and a hug. Maybe some hot cocoa..." he yawned, stretching and walking out of the fort. He coughed more, wheezing. "Must have caught a bug roaming around..." he noted sitting down, and crossing his arms over his legs, watching the horizon.
Dunder disappeared into the loft space once more, and returned with a brown bag of cocoa, a box of asprin, and a blanket. Dunder had taken Avery's request seriously, because he actually had the supplies to fulfill it. Dunder had everything up in that loft space, everything but the kitchen sink. Anyway, he set the stuff down on the ground, and went back up, this time returning with firewood, a pot, and matches. Pretty soon, they had a fire going, and we're all gathered around, listening to the big pot boiling the water for the cocoa. "And for the hug..." Dunder said.... He hesitated for a few moments, and then gave Avery a short, but tight squeeze, then quickly turned back to face the fire.
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"Oh...Oh..." Avrey was stunned, unable to move. He just stared at the fire, gazing off. "T-Thank you..." Avrey smiled giddily, staring at Dunder while he wrapped up in the blanket. He cleared his throat, not raising any conversation or anything, just...watching the fire burn away. Slowly, he inched closer to Dunder, making sure to avoid his gaze. He stopped, coughed a storm, and continued the slow journey. Feeling...particularly exhausted, Avrey bravely put an arm around Dunder, leaning on his shoulder and falling asleep moments later, coughing regularly.
Dunder tried to stay awake as well, but failed, falling into a deep sleep, feeling the fire's warmth on his face. He woke to the sound of birds chirping. It was nice not to be disturbed by the sounds of zombies.
Avrey awoke calmly, smiling. He thought for a moment. "Hey, I was doing some research, Dunder, and I found out that today...is Valentine's day." He chuckled, and socked him on the shoulder. He walked off and came back with a rose, handing it to him. "Happy Valentine's Day!"
"Ain't nobody got time for 'dat!" Dunder says, slapping the rose out of Avery's hand. "We must prepare to search for survivors! We must gather equipment and put it in backpacks, then we must search the city. Please go get some water from the stream, we will need more water." But as Avery walked off, Dunder secretly picked up the rose, and tucked it in his jacket pocket, before giving Gavin and Caulin some tasks.
"O-okay..." Avrey sighed, frustrated. It'll never work.. He told himself, frowning as he ran to the stream. He filled up a few canvases, capping each one of them and running back, tucking them into different bags and backpacks, along with other items of survival. He sharpened his spear, and beat a dent out of his shield. He had never really been to the city before, so he wasn't really ready, but he trotted up to Dunder anyway. "Ready to go?"
"Yes, I am carying food suplies, Gavin has a tent and cots, and Caulin is bringing materials and things from the loft. What are you carying?" Dunder had changed into clean clothes, and washed the blood and dirt from his body. Just then, the rose that Avery gave to him fell out of his jacket pocket, and landed on the grass, right in plain view.
"All of the above times two, plus weapons, water, and survival equipment, rope, compass. You know, that..." Avrey turned so Dunder could see the two packs he was carrying each filled to the brim, along with a duffel bag. "So, ye-huh?" Avrey looked at the rose, then back at Dunder. He said nothing, and began walking south, towards the city.
Dunder searched the rubble of the city, leaving no stone unturned. He had suggested that they split up, he and Avery went solo, Gavin and Caulin a group. With his bow clutched tightly in his hand, he continued through, half expecting to find survivors around every corner, but finding nothing, not even zombies. He approached an old building, the interior dark, and contemplated whether or not to enter. "Hello?" He called, his voice echoing off the concrete walls. He was about to enter when a figure leapt out from a large stone slab. "Drop your weapon and get on the ground!" The figure ordered. Dunder noticed it was a feminine voice, and that the figure was pointing a loaded bow directly at his face. He did not like to be bossed aroumd, nor was he used to it. So, he pointed his bow at her face. Now, if one shot, both died. "Look, I don't want anyone to get hurt, I am just a person, looking for survivors, like yourself. We have an odd group of them, and in order to live through this apocalypse we must stick together, and get along. We have a lot of supplies, so are you in, or do you just wanna go off on your own, and die like the rest of this apocalyptic world." The woman paused for a moment, thinking. She finally accepted. When she stepped out into the sunset, Dunder could see that she had blonde hair, tied up in a pony tail, and a light blue shirt, covered in dirt and blood. "I'm Ali." She said. "And this is Hailey." Another woman jumped out from behind a olid pickup truck. She had brown hair, also in a tail, with an orange shirt and a baseball cap. She held a sword in her right hand. "Great" Dunder said. "Welcome to the team."
Avrey had been watching Dunder, as he usual did, and just let that whole scenario play out. When everything seemed safe, he walked up, and poked Dunder in the back. "Ahey, got yourself some new friends?" He asked, looking at the two. "Ehm...Hellooo...I'm Avrey...that's A-V-R-E-Y" He grinned, twirling a feather.
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"Yeah, they were in that old building over there," he said pointing to it. "No offense, but what are you?" Ali asked. "He can tell you later, but I really dont want to be caught out here in the dark, I think we should head back to the fort" Dunder said, gesturing to the setting sun. "Let's go find Gavin and Caulin."
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"Well, I'm an Avia- Oh well, I guess what Dunder has in mind is more important than me, huh?" Avrey said, glaring at Dunder. "Alright, let's go fetch those idiots." Avrey said, walking off again.
Dunder socked Avery in the arm. "They are not friggin idots Avery, and don't want you going around calling them so, ok? They just so happen to be my friends." The group eventually found them, and headed back to the fort. By then, everyone had introduced themselves, and were ready for anything. Dunder got a fire going, asked anyone if they needed anything (tools, weapons, food, drinks) and then disappeared into the fort once more.
Avrey watched Dunder head into the fort, and after a brief delay, shuffled in after him. "Dunnnndeeeerrrr..." he spoke, looking around. "Can you get me some cocoa?"
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Dunder smiled, and brought out a pot, part full of the brown, powdery stuff and handed it to Avery. Then he setc down some supplies and started working on a new tools. When he was finished, he had made himself a grappling hook, and a sheild.
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Avrey cooked the stuff happily, watching Dunder as he crafted. "Which is mightier, the pen or the sword?" Avrey laughed. "The Shield is mightiest." He poured himself a mug of the cocoa and sipped it lightly, plopping down next to Dunder.
Dunder sat next to Avery. He thought for a moment, then picked up 2 burning logs. He then walked over to the pile of dead zombies (which he had already pulled all th arrows out (a gruesome task)), and chucked them in, creating a burning zombie bonfire of death. Pleased with his work, he sat back down by the fire.
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Avrey crawled over to the zombie bonfire of death, and leaned against Dunder, clinging to him. He wasn't just going to give up on Dunder, something inside him really, really cared...and he wasn't going to give that feeling up.
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