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Name: Taka Minamoto

Nickname/alias: One-Armed Genji, Taka-kun (Selene exclusive)

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual



Height/Weight: 5’11” / 160 kg

Affiliations: The Half-Lidded Moon Gang (second-in-command)


Calm, cool, and collected. Everything their leader lacks, that’s what any Moonie would tell you. He acts as the foil to Selene’s madness, the yin to her yang, and sometimes literally the hand that’ll grab her by the collar if she goes too far. Loyal to a fault, with a steadfastness that brings bedrock to shame. Plus, his natural friendliness makes him quite approachable by anyone, especially if they’re scared of talking to Selene about something. The Moonies trust him well enough to talk to her on their behalf.

Taka has his sharp tongue, yes. It’s a necessity, whether he’s reprimanding the Moonies, reigning in his leader, or talking back down at his enemies. In fact, Taka has a knack for hiding gruesome threats beneath innocuous words, something most Moonies find scarier than Selene’s outbursts.

But push him enough -- either by harming his comrades or even just talking shit against Selene -- and he bares his fangs. Beneath that calm exterior is a wild beast straining against its chains; give it a chance to go wild, and all hell will break loose. It’s something that he tries hard to hide, but it’s definitely there.


  • Jazz Music
  • Coffee
  • Tinkering with his arm
  • Listening to people
  • Card Games on the Net


  • EDM
  • Soda
  • Sudden Arm Malfunctions
  • A Rowdy Selene
  • Getting a common card in a rare card draw


  • Failing Selene
  • Turning Completely Mad
  • Losing His Arm... Again


The Minamoto name held great honor in the early days of Japanese history. It was a name reserved for the greatest of warriors, and revered by the people. Great rulers in the old castles of the Land of the Rising Sun came from the bloodline of the Minamoto. To be a part of this clan was to carry decades of tradition and prestige in a time when both were considered the greatest commodities.

But as the world decayed and progressed into the future, tradition and prestige became as useful as pretty doilies. The Minamoto family came into Neon City alongside the Fujiwara and Taira families. While Fujiwara rose up the ranks and Taira vanished from the radar, Minamoto went back to its roots and made a living in District #3 as a freelance protection agency. They’d long ago swallowed their pride, working for people they should’ve ruled over. But that did not diminish the fact that they were some of the most effective bodyguards in the entire District. This was the kind of family Taka was born into, and he loved every second of it.

Once he learned how to hold a stick, the family began his training in the arts of combat. Marksmanship, kenjutsu, aikido. In the years that followed Taka grew up to become a splendid yojimbo, in demand with the richer families of District 3. And then came the unthinkable. Their friends, the Fujiwara, had requested a cadre of their best yojimbo. Taka found himself numbered among them. He was eighteen then. It was during that time that he became well-acquainted with Tsukiko Fujiwara, heiress of Fujiwara Technical Industries. He was assigned to be her personal guard when Tsukiko was crowned CEO of the company.

At the beginning, Tsukiko was distant, sometimes even downright hostile. It was only when he caught her conversing with a fixer from Downtown that Tsukiko changed her outlook on him. Sure, she became outright hostile for a few seconds, but when the fixer started shooting, Taka didn’t think twice and disabled the fixer with a stun gun. Tsukiko’s opinion started going towards the opposite spectrum, until eventually she recognized him as the bodyguard that he was. Two years passed and Tsukiko finally began trusting in him, a feat in and of itself.

However, despite earning Tsukiko’s trust, he wasn’t prepared for the fallout the little madwoman had prepared. In the aftermath of the Fujiwara’s downfall, both the remnants of the family and the Minamoto’s enemies took this chance to strike against them. The Minamoto didn’t stand a chance, and they scattered amongst the winds. Taka himself fared a cruel fate, having his entire right arm cut off.

The next time he awoke, he was staring into the pale green eyes of the woman called Selene. A dull pain echoed from where his right arm should be… only in place of flesh and bone, there were steel plates and gears and wires. And before he could even consider it, Selene had already taken him under her wing, as the second-in-command of her gang.

In the end, he grew to like the gang, the people working under him, and Selene herself. There were still seething memories of the Fujiwara fallout, and of Tsukiko’s complete betrayal. It was only through enforcing Selene’s ideals in Downtown that he could channel his rage. It also helped that Selene -- though different in some ways -- reminded him of all the good things about Tsukiko.


  • Handy Man - Taka is handy with tools, which helps whenever their HQ needs some work down on the walls, the lighting, etc.
  • Martial Artist - His knowledge of various Eastern martial arts makes him a terror in close combat.
  • Tactician - In gang warfare and split second firefights, Taka has a knack for figuring out what to do, where to do it, and when.

Did he/she commit any acts of certain badassery?:

One time, he picked up a smuggled anti-tank rifle in a fight. The Moonies were intending to stash it, keep it away from the streets in case some wannabe junkie trips over it and kills himself. But before that, Taka held it with his mechanical arm, one-handed, and decimated the rival gang’s ranks, one shot after the other.


Multi-Form Cybertronic Arm “Genji”

Built from a prototype Fujiwara blueprint, hover scraps found all across Downtown, and dismantled U-guy weaponry, Genji is Taka’s main mode of defense and offense. It’s powered by a plasma core at the shoulder that allows it to project a kinetic field to dampen or repel incoming projectiles. The forearm has a built-in vibroblade, laser blaster, and taser-tipped fingers. A pneumatic pump is also installed, allowing him to throw punches that could break through walls. Lastly, it has shock absorbers that greatly reduce the effect of recoil on him.

However, the arm itself is imperfect, and every use carries a risk. Since its neuro circuits are directly connected to his nervous system, feedback from intense and extensive use of the arm can cause severe damage to his brain. In other words, he can go irreparably berserk if he isn't careful.


X-0023 “Kusanagi”

An experimental model of the Fujiwara Energy pistol. This does away with laser rounds, and instead uses “energy rounds,” a term for batteries loaded in the gun’s magazine. Kusanagi has two modes: Pulse and Shock. Pulse launches a compressed beam of energy at a target, while Shock sends out a blast of electricity that aims to stun and incapacitate.


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Name: Gary Greendigger

Nickname/alias: Gremlin

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual



Height/Weight: 5'11 | 179 lb

Affiliations: Formerly a fixer | currently teamed up with Grendel and Leviathan

Personality: Intellectual and decisive. He actually never got angered or excited in his entire life and prefers a subtle approach to situations rather than using aggressive tactics, much like grendel, though he mostly keeps to himself, either being quiet or using catchy or tacky lines. He's really ambitous and enthusiastic, and prefers to look at the bigger picture, often forgetting or neglecting the more smaller ones. He likes a tranquil environment and area, and expects most about everyone to follow this thing. He's a mostly emotionless guy, who shows almost little to no emotion except being a chill and calm guy. While he's definitely not a slouch or a sloth, he may be seen as being a slacker, mostly due to the fact that he stays in home all the time, and uncommonly comes to field. Being more of a techie guy.

He's surprisingly courteous, though not at a high scale but in a rather moderate scale. He's extremely intelligent and unpredictable, and difficult to interpret too.


Programming (action)

Poultry (food)

Watermelon juice (beverage)

Tranquillity (behaviour)


Melon (food)

Melon juice (beverage)

Whining (action)

Chaos (environment)

Fears: N/A

Biography: Born in District #2 in an upper-middle class family. His father was an IT programmer while his mother was a doctor. Both jobs meant that the parents had little to no time for the then little Gary. He was mostly raised by his grandmother, who of course, didn't work all the time. His father actually cared for Gary, but was also one of those fathers who couldn't express their love for their kids, thus turning him into an uptight dad. Though, his father also taught him how to do programming and such.

He was a really good and intelligent kid while he was in school. And attribute which helped him to rise way more quicker than the average student. Though his life didn't go without its problems, his mother had a bipolar disorder, meaning that either she was extremely depressed or extremely excited. This furthermore, ruined his and his father's life.

Once he graduated, he took a job as an editor in a film company, this job turned out to be one of the most boring stuff he ever experienced. His mother died soon afterwards because of a major shock she received when she received the news of his new job. Apparently, she wanted him to be a farmer.

His father also died in a knife fight. He was stabbed multiple times with a trowel or so it seems. And he was killed by a crazed teenager.

Gary, who was way too depressed at that time, was kicked out from the company. This in turn, forced him to work as fixer and use his dexterity and intelligence to earn some bucks.

That was until he met two veterans, codenamed grendel and Leviathan.


Dexterity: He was always an agile guy, an attribute which made up for his lack of brute force.

Parkour and freerunning: He was always an adventurous kid, this thing also helped him practice his climbing and running skills.

Intelligence: it is a natural thing, and his father taught him a lot of stuff about programming. He's a intelligent guy and a fantastic tactician.

DId he/she commit any acts of certain badassery?: None so far.



Using the revolutionary Acu-Shot tech, which uses internal compressors to make the more unstable laser shots more accurate. This weapon doesn't use any laser packets or laser bullets, and instead, uses pure shots of fiery photon. Powered by batteries, the battery compartment is located on the top.


98U 'DUKE'

Uses heavy plasma carrier bullets. This guns has an adaptive fire rate controller, a mostly complex mechanism that increases fire rate, this gun uses a two-shot burst system and holds about 12 bullets in each clip. This gun has a moderate recoil and an extremely good range.



A short hard-hitting shotgun which can be used in a pinch. It uses regular buckshot chambers, which are filled with incendiary pellets which explode on impact. It has an insanely high rate of fire, at the cost of having only two in the clip. Still, it's a real dangerous gun. Especially at the hands of a guy who can use it properly.

@Lana Valentine

Make it a bit less OP. The serum makes us vomit out our intestines? Its disgusting and powerful. Don't make it insta-kill, give her something less powerful...
NAME: Marcus Higgins

AGE: 43



POSITION: Special detective

BIRTH DATE: 30/01/1973




He's basically somewhere along the lines of heavy and medium in terms of weight and body frame. His seemingly hefty weight is just about 200 lb, although it's a rough figure and the actual number may vary, yet stay near that 3 figure sum. Nevertheless, most of his weight is contributed by his height, which is approximately 6'3, and hopefully, that's also not a rough digit too. Other than that, he's generally not of a very good physique, however he does have a slight amount of muscle still left in him, which if defined more clearly, means he's actually slightly muscular.

His clothing style is mostly characterized as formal to semi-formal, more suitable of your stereotypical detective to wear, especially one that's old enough. His outfit typically consists of a trench coat or an overcoat and a fedora or a trilby. Really just some simplistic clothings, with plain templates and dark tones. Although, one is more likely to see him without a hat, which is just the way he seems to prefer it in most occasions and situations, or that he just doesn't have time to fish through his old collection of hats. Either way, formal clothing is his thing.

He also has this cross-shaped scar on his forehead. It was most likely inflicted by his nemesis, some random person.


"Yeah, my childhood was bland, yet bitter at the same time. My adult life was much worser, like eating a plate of rotten, dank and moldy pasta. Everyone's eaten that stuff— Metaphorically. But mine was different... Mine was a spaghetti."

-Marcus Philips

Born in the hard streets of Detroit, to a father who was an overtly dedicated patrol officer, simpleton and a very stupid guy, and a mother who was a tattoo artist, pill popper and alcoholic. This actually quite ruined Marcus' life, as his father failed to realize any of the verbal and mental abuse instilled by his wife to his son. His mother would drink all day long while tattooing drunken hipster's butts with an artistic rendition of a dick. His father and mother were bad parents in terms of your general common sense, and both of whom failed to provide or endow any wisdom upon Marcus, except for one thing, that he had to be among the ranks of the police force. Nevertheless, the fact was already cemented that his dumb father would die a dumb death, and true enough, that happened. In a city where the good cops are ridden down like pigs, quite literally, is a city where dirty cops thrive. His father was shot down to death in a hit-and-run by an unknown contract killer, in an effort to actually take down another guy, who was saved by a well placed table. And that was how stupidly his father died. No heroics. No 'died fighting' scenario. He was just another background death. An extra. A cannon fodder.

Afterwards, Marcus' mother moved away to Obitus Nox because she thought it would be a better environment for his son. She was wrong. Really wrong. Though don't worry, nothing had happened other than his mother getting killed by a random mugger who happened to think that the lady on the side of the road who was flashing random strangers was a rich gal. As you can guess, his mother's full remains were never uncovered, as the only thing actually missing was an ear. Marcus was 7 at that time and was sent to an orphanage home, were he was not adopted, by anyone. They really seemed to have a broad dislike for the kid who had a bleak outlook of life. Nevertheless, after two years of waiting, he was taken into custody by his uncle, who was a newcomer to Obitus Nox. As it seemed like, news seem to travel real slow in his whole family.

His uncle and aunt was fairly generic and kind. Nothing too strict, nothing too cheesy. Just your average American parents, stereotypically. The rest of his years passed by like a breeze, except he seemed to he outgrow his bleak shell— and grow up to be even more dark and edgy, but with a tinge of cynicism, humour and raw sarcasm. After passing his high school years, and entering college. He developed a dry wit and a knack for solving things and coming up with unconventional solutions and methods, his morbidity and stupid fearlessness came up moments later. Fast forward to 6 years and we can clearly see that Marcus gained a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. Both in criminal law and administration of criminal law. The reasons were left unknown. Soon afterwards, he joined a police force academy as a cadet, obviously, before passing the usual tests with fairly good marks. After about 4 years in the police force, he resigned before going for the more lucrative FBI. He enlisted there, and was easily accepted due to his past experiences, number of degrees, and his massive levels of intuition and technicality. After plowing through the tests with ease, he finally passed the tests with flying colours before he was officially enlisted to FBI.


"You know, I've seen all the different types. We all fit a certain category— the bully, the charmer, the, uh, surrogate dad, the man possessed by ungovernable rage, the brain— and any of those types could be a good detective, and any of those types could be an incompetent shitheel."

— Martin Hart, True Detective

Marcus seems to have a very potent and heavy constitution of deterrence from any type of corruption and a broad, fearless nature, if not a bit too dark and edgy. Like your average hardboiled cop. He's the kind of guy you'd wish you never ended up with in a dark alley, which may actually be exaggerated since he's just an old man with a good aim. Whist his motives are certainly not all that bad, he's a really tough albeit cynical guy who cannot perceive justice as your stereotypical hero would do, but instead goes for a more different ideal, believing that killing is what's necessary, most of the time. Lacking a strong sense of magnanimity, which in turns him into a very ruthless individual, even if it's quite very mitigated and indefinitely blurred. In a more metaphorical way, he has tough yet malleable chain of determination, which makes him absolutely relentless in his pursuits, and comes complemented with a dry (and a bit rude) sense of wit, which is quite good for him. He's also quite sharp and intuitive, which is a good thing, of course. His quirky sense of wit and humour may or may not seem a bit too morbid, even to the point of seeming too dark, or borderline to gallows humour, which if defined in a bit more rough way, means humour in the face of death or about it. He's also quite bit of an alcoholic, although not to an excessive or overtly obsessive point, no. But do expect to see a partially completed bottle of scotch at the corner of his desk at all times. He has a somewhat difficult-to-crack pride and a bold sense of honour and prejudice, mostly for himself. Nevertheless, he was never one to graspy the idea of cheerfulness so very properly, making him quite grim and a bit sarcastic, also considering the fact that he also has a flair for humour of all kinds, lame or cool. Whenever he's not being cynical, he's being pragmatic or realistic, although that tends to happen in few occasions. He's also mildly, if not a bit too casually serious in his endeavours.

Other than that, he's a generally charitable and protective, often going to great lengths to keep anyone close to him safe from harm, often making him a lone wolf type of character. He obviously goes for a 'good' mind set, but vices and virtues often get blurred in his line of work, and as such, expect him to be rarely merciful. He has a bit of an anger management issue too, although he mostly keeps it hinged and closed off, preferring to keep himself calm and represent himself as 'cool'. Nevertheless, he's been working on the force for too long that he's starting to blur the lines between evil and good, making him a bit of a lawful neutral kind of guy. However, he still knows the difference between 'pure' and 'corrupt', which also sums things up.


Alcoholic drink: He mostly prefers scotch or bourbon, and if you do happen to enter his office, you're mostly likely to see a bottle of partially complete alcohol in the corner of his table, steadily gathering dust and an air of neglect.

Coffee: Coffee tends to rejuvenate him. Which is why he likes it, most preferably black.

Poultry: Chicken. He likes chicken. Everybody likes chicken except for self-absorbed hipsters.

Nuts: Nuts taste good and he doesn't have any allergy for it. Plus they're really wholesome.

Night | Rainy weather: He just kinda likes, or to he more precise, lives in the night, or in the rain, or simultaneously.

Peace: He likes his environment quiet and with a sense of serenity that he relentlessly pursues at all times.


Bacon | Turkey: He just doesn't like the dry and bland taste of both of them. Preferring beef and chicken over both bacon and Turkey.

Tea: Especially if it's a black tea. He's basically repelled by its taste and its British stereotypical origins.

Corrupt people: Like I said earlier, he's deterred by corruption, and therefore, seeks to eliminate it. Which in turn, makes him



Getting afflicted with corruption, similarly, getting off on the wrong side of morality. He tends to avoid corruption, but deep in his heart, he believes that every man is vulnerable to the deep reaches of corruption, and thus, a fear was born in that very mind.

The ones he cares for getting injured, maimed or killed. Also the reason he likes to go it alone, most of the time.


Strokes his chin or caress his forehead whenever he's disturbed, baffled or just annoyed. A habit he received from the paternal side of the family, his father, who also seems to stroke his chin at all times.


Marcus doesn't actually hate his job, but neither does he like it. Maybe it's because he's drowning in a washed up pool of despair or maybe because it's just a thing. Nevertheless, Marcus is dedicated to his job, and always waits for the next big thing.


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