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Fandom Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


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Anna walked through the platform calmly as her brother Michael run ahead of her excitedly.

"Wow!" Michael exclaimed "Isn't this so cool!" he turned his wide golden eyes on her.

"I've been here before." She chuckles at her brother's enthusiasm.

She understood why he was so excited he was never allowed to accompany her to the train and wave goodbye like all the other children's siblings; their parents thought it was undignified, that is why they never came themselves.

She grabbed her brother's only free hand the other carefully holding his kitten whom he named Oreo- after some muggle treat he snuck when he and their parents went on holiday to America last year. Her kitten-Cleo after the famous witch Cleopatra; she kept in a beautiful cage with a feathered pillow in her other hand. Their bags should be already in the storage center of the train so she just boards the train giving the people she recognized a cool nod. She found an empty seats and slid the door shut hoping no one came to bother her and her brother.

@Serenity_Black @Redemption @stoof
a 16 year old wizard was not walking through platform 9 3/4 he was riding a skateboard yea a muggle toy that is used to do small tricks on. he was riding it through the crowds while he does a small trick here and there like a small grind over the steps up of the train when he passes them. his luggage was already in the train the only thing he was carrying was his skateboard, some food, some drinks and his wand of course for in the train. when he passes Anna and Micheal he smiles a bit towards the 2 of them before he makes a small quick wink with his blue gray eyes towards Anna before he rides straight towards the entrance. he kicks on the tail of the board so the nose shoots up and he can catch the nose in his hand making it easy to carry it into the train. this young wizard was named Steven one of the three chasers from hufflepuff
Areea followed Silenus through the portal, she took a moment to look up at the large scarlet train that would be taking her back to the school that she loved, she helped Silenus to get his things to where they needed to be so that someone could get his trunk onto the train. She picked up the golden cage with Shadow, her owl, in it, then motioned for Silenus to pick up the cat carrier with his kitten, Nix. Once they made it to the school they could always let the animals go free and be where ever they wanted. Areea walked with Silenus toward their parents which were gathered to say goodbye to them for a year, she hugged her mother and her father, then waited while they said their goodbyes to Silenus.

Areea stared at the train with a small smile on her face, she still wasn’t wearing her robes yet, but they will be lined with blue when she does put them on. She couldn’t wait to get to Hogwarts, she wanted to know what house Silenus would be in, she would just have to wait and find out when they made it there. She turned some as she noticed a guy on what muggles called a skateboard, she never understood why he had such a fascination with that thing, but it was just because she wasn’t that into things like that.

Silenus gave his parents one final hug and then walked with his sister to the train, they began to look for a place that they could sit. They were a bit late because of saying goodbye to their parents and there weren’t very many places that they would be able to sit together. After a while they found a place with a young woman who, Areea told Silenus, was named Anna, though she didn’t know the little boy.

“Hello, Anna… can my brother and I sit here?” she asked with a smile.
Anna sighed with irritation and Michael gave her a disproving look. "Fine." She replied. At least Areea was somebody she could stand, Anna saw her from time to time and had classes with her. She didn't know Areea had a brother.

They sat down and Michael smiles widely at the other boy and introduces himself. " How was your summer." Anna asks with slight disinterest they way she was taught to.
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Echo sighs as she hugs her mother and father. "Goodbye, have a nice year." She says before stooping to pick up Stubs' small cage. The rat's claws made scratching sounds in the sawdust as Echo walked, her head turning from side to side to see if she recognized anybody on the platform. She saw some, but not many, and as she steps onto the train she shivers at the sight of multiple full compartments. Her hair was styled in a loose bun, and she wore a simple black jumper and a pair of tight jeans. On her feet were sandals that clasped around her ankles. "Where to sit, where to sit." She whispers to herself, her soft voice ringing in her ears.
Draco sulked as he was picking up his luggage and boarded the Hogwarts Express. "Pathetic, Pathetic." His words spat out of his mouth like fire while he passed the Gryffindor carriage, pitying the new students as he did so. "Come on, hurry up!" Draco shouted towards his younger sister, averting his eyes to find her after he had turned around. "You're so slow." After regaining his strength to pose a small smirk on his face, he then laughed and walked further along to find the Slytherin carriage, in which he sat down and shooed off a few attempting, but hopeful, girls from the year below.

Vera stumbled after him, keeping a firm grip on her luggage, smiling apologetically at the Gryffindor students as she passed. "I'm sorry." she mouthed. They shrink back in their seat and Vera frowns and focuses on following her brother. She hurriedly slipped into the carriage after him and plopped down on the seat opposite him, placing her bag gently on her lap. "Have you got a girlfriend yet, Draco?" she asked politely, smiling subtly at her brother.


Zoe sat snoring, her head propped on her elbow, leaning against the window, her eyes closed in peaceful bliss. Her bag was propped against the side of her leg, and her hair was tossed messily over one shoulder as she slept. She'd hardly gotten any sleep last night, what with finally getting back to Hogwarts. Sometimes her mum could be such a fuss, making her stop magicking at home because of her father. It wasn't like Dad didn't know about her being a witch, and he didn't mind either. But you are a half-blood, and you shall act like a muggle from time to time, young lady. Ha.
"N-No!" Draco exclaimed, outraged at her witty sentence. "Well, I'm sure everyone fancies me or something. I am good looking, after all... But, you. Er.. not so much?" He smirked, placing his luggage extremely carefully on the top compartment, seeing as he didn't want anything valuable inside his suitcase to break. Grasping his fist and putting his chin on top Draco stared out of the window, watching the clouds in the sky brush gently across the landscape and the trees brussle around, some of them occasionally falling off of their branches.

Vera pretended to look offended and brought her gaze to her knees. He was right though, he was more popular, and she'd always lived in his shadow. Half of her friends were probably there because they thought she'd put in a good word for them with Draco, but he'd reject them anyway. Sometimes she wondered if her brother just had someone else he loved in mind, which is why he always rejected everyone else. It was possible. "Are you sure you're fine with rejecting all these girls, brother? Denise Thomas does have very good connections to certain things." The girl looked up and stared at her brother watching the landscape, her gaze flicking to his suitcase in the above compartment.

"Did...did Father and Mother task you with anything again...?" she asked tentatively {lol}, her tone worried and a look of concern flitting across her freckled face.

{she doesn't look at all like a malfoy though. I might change her model just to suit the roleplay's needs a lil}
Draco sighed. She was so annoying--like it was any of her business. He figured he would just lie so she wouldn't get involved in anything more. "No. They didn't." He didn't say it in an angered tone, more of a relaxed but annoyed one, as he noticed she was looking up at her suitcase. "Why are you looking at my suitcase?" Draco's arm, specifically the spot where his dark mark was, suddenly started to sting. He flinched once but then learned that Vera was a good observer. She didn't know about him being a death eater after all, only her mother and father did.

@Mayfly (haha, nice joke xD )
Areea smiled some and came into the compartment with them, she sat down, placing Shadow’s cage down near her so that she could keep an eye on the owl. “Thank you.” she said, she didn’t seem to notice the fact that Anna didn’t really want them there, or maybe she was just pretending not to notice; it was hard to tell with Areea. “Oh, I had a good summer, we went to visit our grandparents.” she said as she slowly looked out the window.

Silenus smiled at the other boy who introduced himself as Michael. “I’m Silenus. And this is my big sister, Areea.” he said, he seemed kind and energetic, he was obviously excited about finally going to Hogwarts. He looked at his sister as she told Anna about their summer, about visiting their grandparents and about some of the more exciting things that happened. It was hard to even know that they were siblings since Areea took more after their father, and Silenus took after their mother. “So… do you know what house you want to be in?” he asked Michael, tilting his head a little as he spoke, he kind of hoped that he wasn’t in Ravenclaw with Areea, he loved his big sister, but she was so overprotective of him, and he really wanted to be able to do things on his own, which meant that being in a separate house would be better.
Vera tipped her head to one side, squeezing the knowing look off her face and plastering on an innocent and accepting one instead. "I was just... admiring the design. It's really in fashion, yeah?" she said hastily, switching her attention to the door of the carriage. Her brother seemed to flinch in his seat and she raised her eyebrows slightly. "Are... you okay?" she asked in alarm, but couldn't help but her gaze was drawn to his wrist for some reason, covered by his sleeve. She shook her head slightly, causing her locks of hair to bounce lightly before she glanced out the window.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine." He placed his hand behind him and frowned, muttering: "That must be why." Draco stood up from his seat reluctantly, pulling his suitcase down from the compartment that previously held it. "I... have to do something. Don't follow me, you'll regret it." He said to her, concerned about her safety somehow, and walked out of the compartment, slamming the door and travelling to the other side of the train--an empty compartment, apparently haunted.

Draco opened the door to the other compartment and walked inside, slamming the door behind him and placing the suitcase on the floor. He then took a few steps back as his wand appeared in his hand from his pocket, gripping it tightly.


The Suitcase unlocked due to the spell. Draco gulped in fear and took a few more steps behind until he reached the door, stopping in his tracks. "A-Alright, all I have to do is pick it up..."

Although Draco was saying this, he didn't feel worthy enough to pick it up--somewhat scared, actually.

It was the elder wand. Voldemort had asked for Draco to give it to the D.A.D.A teacher, for who knows what reason.

Walking down the corridor Echo searched for an empty compartment, and finally found one. It was dusty and slightly mistreated, showing that this compartment hadn't been used in quite some time, but Echo continued in anyway. She set down her Rat's cage and opened it's door to allow the rodent to take a stretch. "Hello, Tubs." Says Echo sweetly, and the rat looks up to her with wide eyes. "Oh, right." Echo's hand ventures to her pants pocket and pulls out a small chunk of cheese. "Breakfast." As the Rat chewed on his cheddar Echo pulled out her wand and got rid of the dust. "Maybe this year we'll make friends."

As the train flies past various landscapes Echo sits quietly with Tubs, her hands clasped together on her lap and her thumbs circling each other. Once she swore she heard someone say a spell not too far away, but she ignores it and changes into her robes, getting used to the familiar feeling of being in Hogwarts' dress.
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Anna sat back and nods at Areea's response "My summer was lovely as well." for a second Ann's lost control of her emotions and her face showed that the summer wasn't as 'lovely' as she claimed. But she got back in control hoping the other girl wouldn't notice her slip.

"Hello Silenus! My name is Michael, I'll probably be in Slytherin." Michael frowns clearly not happy with the thought of being in Slytherin. He cleared his mind of it and started to bounce "I hear that the feast has a million different types of ice cream! What are you looking forward to doing.?"

Anna sat back and nods at Areea's response "My summer was lovely as well." for a second Ann's lost control of her emotions and her face showed that the summer wasn't as 'lovely' as she claimed. But she got back in control hoping the other girl wouldn't notice her slip.

"Hello Silenus! My name is Michael, I'll probably be in Slytherin." Michael frowns clearly not happy with the thought of being in Slytherin. He cleared his mind of it and started to bounce "I hear that the feast has a million different types of ice cream! What are you looking forward to doing.?"
Areea watched Anna with her dark blue eyes, noticing the momentary slip, but she decided not to ask about it. If Anna wanted to tell her about it then she would, asking about it would probably just upset her, or make Anna angry at her, so she decided not to ask.

Silenus smiled some, "Oh, you don't know that for sure... Just because Areea is Ravenclaw doesn't mean that I will be too, I'm kind of hoping for Gryffindor... but I don't know if I'm actually brave enough for that." he said with a small laugh. "Oooh ice cream sounds great! Oh! And getting to learn how to fly, my sister would never even let me try on her broom." he said with a frown, he thought that she should have allowed him to give it a try, yet she had always refused, saying that he would learn when he went to Hogwarts.
"Oh! I love flying Father said that every pureblood heir needs to be able to fly impeccably" Michael smiled " But its okay if you don't know how yet I could teach you." Michael offered.
Silenus smiled wide, "Oh, I would love to learn, maybe you can give me some pointers." he said, he was sure that he would learn at school, but to have a friend that would give him pointers and make it a bit easier was a great idea.
Steven was wondering around the train while he carries his skateboard on the truck looking for a spot to sit although after all does time he still didn't find one until he sees a compartment where 4 people are in. he shoves the door open calmly and notices that Anna and Areea are sitting it in with 2 first year student he was guessing it are there sibling "hey room for one more in here. i can't find another place"he said friendly while a smiles a bit making his blue gray eyes sparkle a bit. Although Steven wasn't wearing his school clothes yet just his normal clothes where his athletic muscle built was hidden under that he kinda shows with ones in a while

@Serenity_Black @Mikaera
Areea looked at the door as it was pulled open and there was Steven, asking for permission to sit with them. She smiled a little and shrugged her shoulders a little, "I don't mind." she said, though she did give a quick glance to Anna, she knew that the other girl might not want Steven to join them, but if there was no where else then it didn't matter too much.

Silenus looked at Steven, then looked past him at his trunk and the skateboard on top of it, he stood and went to look at it. He turned his pale blue eyes up to Steven and smiled widely, "I'm Silenus, Areea's brother. Is that one of those things Muggles like? A skateboard? Is it hard to ride?" he asked, sounding excited to get to ask these questions since he had never even seen a skateboard, much less been on one.

Areea sighed some and stood, placing her hand on Silenus's shoulder, "Come on, you don't want to scare him away with all of your questions do you?" she asked him, she looked at Steven and shrugged some, "Please don't mind him, he could ask a million questions if no one stopped him." she said as she gently pulled Silenus back toward his seat.
Steven simply chuckled at the response of Silenus about his skateboard. Steven simply nods towards the first two questions but didn't answer the last question. When Areea calms Silenus down Steven puts his suitcase in the rack before takes a seat on the other bench where the other 2 are sitting "Hey Silenus. I am Steven Burton. 6th year hufflepuff and one of the chaser well the best chaser around"he smiles a bit before he stands up again and grabs his skateboard out of the rack. "you want to know if it is hard to ride? Try it yourself" he said calmly before he dropped the skateboard on its wheels in the cabin waiting calmly for Silenus to take place on the skateboard "just remember this thing isn't magical it means you have to do everything yourself" Steven smiled towards Silenus before he looks outside the window wondering how long it would take before they reach Hogwarts

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