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Fandom Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Angel Without Morals
This RP is for the next generation of wizards and witches. These are the children of the original characters. Characters can be of your own creation or they can be some of the characters mentioned in the epilogue. We will be starting at the beginning of the first year so plan ages accordingly.
<p>Isla looked down at the letter in her hand. It was addressed in emerald green ink. Isla was slightly creeped out that the envelope had her room on it but she was more interested in the contents of the letter inside. </p>


"Hey, ma," Isla called to her mom. "Do you know anything about a school called Hogwarts?" </p>


When her mom turned Isla saw a small amok that she only saw when her mom talked about being a kid. </p>


"I went to Hogwarts, when I was your age," she said. "I think we need to go shopping." She said looking at the letter in Isla's hand.</p>
kickboxer108 said:
Isla looked down at the letter in her hand. It was addressed in emerald green ink. Isla was slightly creeped out that the envelope had her room on it but she was more interested in the contents of the letter inside.
"Hey, ma," Isla called to her mom. "Do you know anything about a school called Hogwarts?"

When her mom turned Isla saw a small amok that she only saw when her mom talked about being a kid.

"I went to Hogwarts, when I was your age," she said. "I think we need to go shopping." She said looking at the letter in Isla's hand.
Alex looked at her letter oddly.


"Dad! There's a letter from Hogwarts in the mail!" She called walking into the kitchen.

"Here, let me see" Draco said taking the letter gently from his daughter and gave a small smile as he looked at it fondly, remembering everything that happened when he went to Hogwarts.

"It's your letter Alex, you've been accepted to Hogwarts" He said with a smile handing it back to her.

Alex opened it and smiled, her father told her a few stories of his adventures, she was eager to start having her own.

"When can we begin our shopping trip?" She asked him a light in her eyes.

"We'll leave this afternoon" He said with a small smile walking back into the living room.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.5bf33c17a8bedc951a4877e34c02ab93.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132667" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.5bf33c17a8bedc951a4877e34c02ab93.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rebecca had been checking everyday for the whole summer for the owl which would bring her, her future destiny. Then one morning it happened, she saw the adorable brown owl fly to her, and she looked at the owl carrying the parchment, she kindly took it and gave th owl a treat, "Thank you" she said sweetly. She unrolled the parchment and a smile grew on her face by the time she finished reading the letter, she couldn't believe what was happening.

She had been waiting for this moment ever since she was a toddler, she heard all the stories, she knew them all by heart, her father was a hero and his best friends were so brave. Rebecca looked around her empty house, despite all her mother's funny stories about her siblings, Rebecca was born an only child. "Daddy! Mommy! I got in! I got into Hogwarts!" She said running into the living room and into their open arms.

"That's Great, Sweetie!"said her mother, and then her father, the famous Harry Potter, picked her up and swung her in circles before hugging her and saying, "There's my beautiful future Gryffindor girl" Rebecca blushed, "I'll make you proud, Daddy" she said innocently. As her mother grabbed a lot of money and said, "Let's all go buy your new things sweetie." Rebecca knew what to do, she hugged her father and they apparated to Diagon Alley.

(Hey, Um... I was just wanting to ask if we could pretty please avoid spoilers from the last two Harry Potter books? You see I'm just starting Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and I really don't want spoilers.)



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Alex and her father avaperiated to Diagon Alley.

"Where to first Princess?" Draco asked his little girl with a soft smile. She smiled back up at him and looked around the shops.

"Can we go to the book shop first?" She asked sweetly. Draco smiled down at her and nodded as her took her hand and they walked over to the book shop picking up the beginners guides to all of her classes.

Draco couldn't help the tired sigh that left his lips, raising a son and daughter on his own was a hard thing. Scorpio had started Hogwarts last year, his wife died 2 years ago and he'd been raising the children ever since. Alex, having noticed her father's sigh, stopped in the center of the busy street and turned towards her father.

"You don't have to do this Dad, I know how tired you must be" She said softly to him. He gave her a small smile.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world Princess, now lets go get your robes" He said with a grin taking her hand and leading her to the robe shop. As they approached the shop Draco seemed to tense up a little.

"Dad what's wrong?" Alex asked looking in the same direction, only to see Harry Potter, and his daughter approaching the shop as well.
CelestialBunny said:

View attachment 294962

Rebecca had been checking everyday for the whole summer for the owl which would bring her, her future destiny. Then one morning it happened, she saw the adorable brown owl fly to her, and she looked at the owl carrying the parchment, she kindly took it and gave th owl a treat, "Thank you" she said sweetly. She unrolled the parchment and a smile grew on her face by the time she finished reading the letter, she couldn't believe what was happening.

She had been waiting for this moment ever since she was a toddler, she heard all the stories, she knew them all by heart, her father was a hero and his best friends were so brave. Rebecca looked around her empty house, despite all her mother's funny stories about her siblings, Rebecca was born an only child. "Daddy! Mommy! I got in! I got into Hogwarts!" She said running into the living room and into their open arms.

"That's Great, Sweetie!"said her mother, and then her father, the famous Harry Potter, picked her up and swung her in circles before hugging her and saying, "There's my beautiful future Gryffindor girl" Rebecca blushed, "I'll make you proud, Daddy" she said innocently. As her mother grabbed a lot of money and said, "Let's all go buy your new things sweetie." Rebecca knew what to do, she hugged her father and they apparated to Diagon Alley.

(Hey, Um... I was just wanting to ask if we could pretty please avoid spoilers from the last two Harry Potter books? You see I'm just starting Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and I really don't want spoilers.)

Noted, I will try my best to avoid them, but how have you avoided them all this time?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.3d3e9acb8f5ec2f44d975f020a74176a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132684" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.3d3e9acb8f5ec2f44d975f020a74176a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rebecca gasped in awe and smiled for the first time ever, she was in Diagon Alley to buy things for her First Year at HOGWARTS! Rebecca held onto both of her parents hands, her mother on her left side and her father on her right side and she saw the glances that her father received and she smiled. One day she would make her dad proud, she knew it, she had too and soon she will be in Gryffindor, well hopefully.

"So Baby, where do we go first? I was thinking the robe shop, but it's your choice, sweetie" Her mother replied sweetly, before looking to see her older brother's shop. "Oh! Mom? Dad? After doing my school shopping, can we please stop by uncle's shop?" She asked, making her most adorable puppy eyes, guaranteed yes from anyone at anytime about anything. "Sure Princess" her father replied as her mother had a concerned look, "Are you sure, Harry? She could become a troublemaker" she said, "Nonsense, Our Becky-Baby is an innocent angel. Plus, Fred and George will be so happy to see her" her father replied. Ginevra smiled and nodded.

Suddenly they stopped, well Harry stopped, "Daddy? What's wrong?" She said concerned, before she saw Draco Malfoy, she had heard all the story about him too, she saw that he had a daughter like her age. "Hello!" She said sweetly.

(Should Draco and Harry have a good relationship? B/c where I'm up to, they don't but it's up to you)

(Remember. Please, no spoilers from Deadly Hallows or Half-Blood Prince. Please)




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CelestialBunny said:

View attachment 294988

Rebecca gasped in awe and smiled for the first time ever, she was in Diagon Alley to buy things for her First Year at HOGWARTS! Rebecca held onto both of her parents hands, her mother on her left side and her father on her right side and she saw the glances that her father received and she smiled. One day she would make her dad proud, she knew it, she had too and soon she will be in Gryffindor, well hopefully.

"So Baby, where do we go first? I was thinking the robe shop, but it's your choice, sweetie" Her mother replied sweetly, before looking to see her older brother's shop. "Oh! Mom? Dad? After doing my school shopping, can we please stop by uncle's shop?" She asked, making her most adorable puppy eyes, guaranteed yes from anyone at anytime about anything. "Sure Princess" her father replied as her mother had a concerned look, "Are you sure, Harry? She could become a troublemaker" she said, "Nonsense, Our Becky-Baby is an innocent angel. Plus, Fred and George will be so happy to see her" her father replied. Ginevra smiled and nodded.

Suddenly they stopped, well Harry stopped, "Daddy? What's wrong?" She said concerned, before she saw Draco Malfoy, she had heard all the story about him too, she saw that he had a daughter like her age. "Hello!" She said sweetly.

(Should Draco and Harry have a good relationship? B/c where I'm up to, they don't but it's up to you)

(Remember. Please, no spoilers from Deadly Hallows or Half-Blood Prince. Please)

(Oh....oh honey you are in for a world of hurt. Draco and Harry shouldn't have a good relationship but....I don't wanna spoil anything but...I wouldn't talk about the joke shop for now. That's all I'm gonna say. Not a good relationship between Harry and Draco though for now)


I froze, not knowing what to say as the girl said hello to me. Father told me about his and Harry's relationship during school and how it wasn't good. Harry didn't like my father and his children didn't like my father either. Everyone expects me to be 'evil' because they think my Father was. The Weasley's are supposed to be like that also. I could feel Harry's disapproving look on my father, and my father returning the look.

"Come on Princess, let's get your robes" Father says squeezing my hand reassuringly and walking me into the shop. I'm walked onto a pedestal and a tape measure shoots out of the woman's wand and it begins to measure me, to ensure the robes fit perfectly.

"I'll wait for you outside" Draco says giving me a smile and walking out of the shop.

I nod and continue my fitting.
Isla was nearly jumping up and down with excitement. She could barely contain the pure joy spilling from her. Diagon Alley was amazing, on the ride her ma had explained magic. About the world Isla was about to enter. Isla wondered why her ma never told about the wonderful world of magic but she didn't want to spoil the moment.

As the pair entered the wide alley, Isla's mother was almost immediately calling out to one of her old friends. Isla looked around her, she saw a store that said to be selling owls. Isla motioned towards the store and her ma nodded. So Isla walked towards the store, watching as a man lifted barrels just by waving a wand in their direction.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.a4b2aed6a6eb852ff5edf60aaa942fe1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.a4b2aed6a6eb852ff5edf60aaa942fe1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rebecca was slightly surprised when the girl didn't wave back, her father must have told her about Rebecca's father, "Let's go get me my wand first please" she tugged slightly on his father's robe to get his attention. "Sure sweetie, we'll come back later" he replied. "Your mom is probably still shopping got your books. " he added. He took her hand and they walked off, not before Harry looked back at Draco and Rebecca looked back at his daughter.

(Remember. Please, no spoilers from Deadly Hallows or Half-Blood Prince. Please)




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Alex smiled and thanked the lady for her robes before walking back outside and meeting up with her father.

"Ok so we've got books, robes, what's next?" Draco asked her with a smile.

"A wand?" She asks with a smile. Draco smiled back and takes her hand.

"Off to Ollivanders then" He told her with a smile walking her over to Ollivanders wand shop. Alex saw the Potter girl and Harry, but said nothing. She looked up at her father and saw he had a stern expression, as if he was going to ignore Harry and his daughter.

'Maybe it's for the best then' Alex thought as they entered the shop.
It had been cool August morning, and the sun, a golden, glittering jewel held aloft in the sky, shone brilliantly on a meager, modest cottage in Cornwall. The rapid approach of autumn was evident in the encroaching tangerine tint that marred previously verdant foliage and in the wind’s bitter, biting quality, unfamiliar to residents who had enjoyed nothing but warmth in recent months. The mail had come unusually early that morning, dropped through the house’s polished bronze slot and sliding onto burnished wood with a dull thud. A man, stretched and gangly, with thick glasses and receding brown hair, awoke almost immediately at the sound. He always had been the lightest sleeper in the house. His mind was suddenly buzzing and his now opened eyes, a twinkling, beetle black hue, scanned his surroundings. As he gazed upon the bedroom’s familiar walls he was nearly instantaneously assaulted by a chaotic excess of thought, that he, having only just awakened, was unable to decipher for several moments. ‘Intruder? Where was Orion, last he saw? Aria? What was that noise?’ His bones groaning with reluctance, he rose from the bed and, stepping as quietly as he was able and as quickly as he dared, crept downstairs to investigate the sound’s source. An envelope, decorated with thin, green slanting script, had appeared beside the door in the night. Though he was a muggle, unable to manipulate that strange energy that witches and wizards had decidedly called magic, he recognized the object and its significance after a moment’s contemplation. Lavender had informed him shortly before his daughter’s eleventh birthday that such a package was likely to arrive, that summer, an invitation to the magical world. After a few second’s hesitation, he returned to his home’s second floor, and roused his wife.


Aria could hardly believe her eyes, she had finally received her Hogwarts Letter! It had been like Christmas morning, stirring from sleep, a vaguely pleasant dream flitting from her memory, opening her eyes a fraction, to see a foreign object resting on the pink, painted surface of her bedside table, the acid green ink decorating that gorgeous, antique parchment, her heart leaping as if she had been presented with an expensive gift. It was all absolutely perfect, down to the most minute detail. The day was bright, but far from humid, her breakfast delicious (Strawberry scones, her favorite), and Orion had begrudgingly agreed to play her personal favorite game, ‘Princesses and Princes’. It was as if she had taken a swig of Felix Felicis.


The next day found the entirety of the family seated around a large, circular table, covered by a vibrant stretch of woven fabric. Orion, perched at the edge of his seat, short legs dangling, was studiously scanning a retelling of ‘The Ant in the Grasshopper’ that had been scrawled across a set of glossy, kaleidoscopic pages. Aria had opened a magazine and was carefully scrutinizing this month’s collection of Makeup Do’s and Don’t’s. Jonathan was pounding at his keyboard with fervor, recording something about Mars. And finally, Lavender was regarding her family, as would a queen her subjects, awaiting their complete attention. Steadily, each of the Sternes noted that they were being watched quite intensely and drew their eyes from that which had been occupying their attention. Having attained their notice, Lavender began,

“Now that Aria has gotten her letter, we really ought to make a visit Diagon Alley.”

Orion piped up, enthusiastically,

“Can I get a microscope?” It had been his dearest wish to acquire a microscope for the past month. Lavender frowned,

“No, that’s much too expensive, my sweet, perhaps another magnifying glass?” Orion considered the offer for a moment before declaring,



Diagon Alley was wonderful, at least, that was Aria’s opinion. It was bright, bursting with light and life, it was the countless displays of magical goods, the scent of fresh paint and sweets, colors more vibrant than anything Aria had ever seen. It was the witches weighted by elephantine, pointed hats, decorated with floral designs and sweeping, gaudy, glittering robes. It was wizened wizards behind stalls that marketed everything from beauty potions to poisons. It was her favorite bakery, a few doors away from Madame Malkins and stuffed with cakes, creams, and chocolates. Gently guided by her parents, she bounced between shops, purchasing huge, hefty books and sliding, silver scales. Her next purchase would be a wand, a companion as much as an instrument, a vessel that would select her for her virtues and faults, and with luck, accompany her for the rest of her life. After pushing past the large, looming figures of the adults that towered above her, she finally found her destination. The building’s exterior was tall, and dark, constructed from browned bricks and something inky. It was terribly dreary, and Aria decided, in desperate need of renovations, and perhaps a spot of color. She entered, with a mounting sense of apprehension, and found that a pair of girls had already arrived.

@CelestialBunny @QueenEmma
Alex walked up with her father to Mr. Ollivader's desk.

"Ah, if it isn't Alexandria Malfoy, I gave your brother his wand just last year, now lets see what wand will you require?" Mr. Ollivander asked walking into the back. Draco placed a reassuring hand on Alex's shoulder and Alex looked up and smiled at her father. Not seeing the others enter the shop. @CelestialBunny @TheMagicalGirl
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Teetering towers of wands, nestled in fabric, and packaged in brightly colored boxes of all shapes and sizes surrounded Aria, a dizzying display of magic at it's core. The floor was cracked and creaking, marred by marks of magic gone awry, and made inscrutable by a century's worth of dust. Somewhere in the depths of the labyrinthine shop, Aria thought she heard the echo of an owl's screeching cry, though she might have imagined it, something about the dismally dim room frightened her, though she couldn't place what was so jarring. Sucking in a quick, calming breath, she directed her gaze ahead, towards a pair of figures that evoked an image of the sun and moon, hanging beside each other. On one side stood a thin, slight, shadow of a girl with curtains of white-blonde hair that obscured her features. What little skin visible was a milky, porcelain hue. She was a gossamer skeleton, bleached to bone. On the other side stood her opposite, bronze skin that seemed to glow gold, flaxen layered locks, that curled and twisted atop her head, and a cheerful countenance, this girl Aria immediately recognized as the daughter of Harry Potter. She had seen her all over the tabloids. She took a few, hesitant steps forward, before sticking out a hand, and proclaiming, "Hi! My name's Aria Sterne, but most of my friends just call be Ari." She turned towards the Potter child,"You don't need to introduce yourself. I already know who you are, you're Harry Potter's daughter right? I've seen you in all my magazines! You're Becca? Can I call you Bec?" and then to the paler one, "You look kinda familiar... Have you ever been in the paper?"

@QueenEmma @CelestialBunny
Alex turned from Ollivander and looked at Aria oddly. Who was this girl? She wondered. She said nothing and turned back to Ollivander who handed her a wand to try. She tried it out and an array of golden sparks shot out of her wand.

"Phoenix feather core, Apple Wood, 10"." Ollivander said smiling proudly. Alex smiled back and thanked him as did Draco. Alex turned back to the others, her father not dareing to look up at Harry or down at Harry's daughter.
Aria remained frozen in her spot, one arm jutting out awkwardly and her eyes fixed on the point where the enigmatic eleven-year-old had stood just moments previous. Had she just ignored her? 'No,' Aria reasoned, not yet prepared to confront the possibility that her peer, she shuddered inwardly, disliked her. 'She must not have heard me' Ignoring her sibling, who had chosen to begin prodding at her incessantly, she turned on her heel and repeated herself, now carefully enunciating her syllables as loudly as she could manage, without sounding strange,

"You got an apple wand? That is so cool! I have an apple tree in my backyard! What's your name?"

@QueenEmma @CelestialBunny

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.1cbbcb642b4c37609c6578e93a499695.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132942" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.1cbbcb642b4c37609c6578e93a499695.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rebecca entered the shop with her father and immediately they both received stares, and she was nervous about getting her first wand. She was approached by a sweet girl, "Hello I'm-" she was cut off by the girl mentioning seeing her, "Oh,Mathis right..." The magazines, the interviews and the reports on her life, like she was special, she's hated being known just because of her father. "Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind. I don't mind you calling be Bec, Aria" she said sweetly.

(Remember. Please, no spoilers from Deadly Hallows or Half-Blood Prince. Please)



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Alex said nothing as the two conversed with eachother, ignoring the girl as her and her father walked past the Potters. Not dareing say a word to them. She sighed and they continued walking down the Diagon Alley stretch.

"Where to next Father?" Alex asked looking up at Draco.

"Well, whats a young witch without a pet?" Draco said smiling down at his daughter. Alex smiled back as they walked to the pet shop.
Aria shot her new friend a wide, goofy grin that twisted her features, crumpling and crinkling her nose, stretching her lips thin, and brightening her irises to a glistening, glittering grey. This girl was quite a bit kinder than that other one with those ghastly, gaunt features and ghostly skin, much prettier as well, Aria suspected that they would get along famously. Her attention now fully focused on her new companion, she spoke, "It's totally fine, sometimes my dad gets like that when he's doing his wierd sciencey things, because he's a professor." She pointed to a muggle man in the corner of the shop, examining a one of the shelves with intense interest, "So, what wand do you think you're gonna get? I wanna get dogwood, since it's all speckled and stuff. And unicorn hair cores are pretty cool too, have you ever seen a unicorn?" @QueenEmma @CelestialBunny

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.4e418a5827b7cfd3e7fc2b50e4b013a4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132954" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.4e418a5827b7cfd3e7fc2b50e4b013a4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rebecca nodded, "Yeah.. I was just thinking- never mind" she said, about to explain the whole fame thing but she decided against it, Maybe when we're closer , she thought. Then Aria asked her about unicorns and she shook her head no, "I've heard my fathers stories. I bet their really beautiful" she said with a smile. Then she answered her wand questions, "I don't really prefer one wand over another. Just as long at its right for me, I wouldn't mind a sentient wand." She stated, she wanted to truly bond with her wand not just boss it around. "I'll be right back, Aria. It's my turn in line" she said before returning to her father and starting to try out for her arm. After a few ten minutes of trying wands out, she finally found a her perfect wand, "I should have known, with the sparkle in your eye; you would have unicorn hair core and look at that! You have the rare holly wood wand like your dad" he said before handing her her wand and she had a smile on her face. "Daddy! Look" she said the smile on her face shine brighter than the sun as she showed him her wand. "I see, Baby" he replied before lifting her up onto his shoulders for piggy back ride. "Let's go get my robes" she was going to add since Mr.Malfoy and his daughter weren't there but she decided against it. She looked back at Aria from her father's shoulders, "Meet me at the robe shop when you've got your wand! Okay Ari?" She said excited.

(Remember. Please, no spoilers from Deadly Hallows or Half-Blood Prince. Please)

@The Magical Girl



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