Eeep sorry I disappeared without a reply for a while, I had a pretty hectic week :'I I'll be more active for the next while since things have settled down.
In the original post Skye dragged him out, but this time it's just a gas mask I believe.

Still though, Hathom has a mass of umbra in his shoulder that isn't going to be pleasant >->
I think I misread Skye post. nvm. ignore me.

In the original post Skye dragged him out, but this time it's just a gas mask I believe.

Still though, Hathom has a mass of umbra in his shoulder that isn't going to be pleasant >->

Well, he apparently did drag him out so I just edited it slightly and no he just picked up his rifle from the floor. 

The pain is intense but luckily I gave him high pain tolerance due to his earlier years
Cue festering wound~

But true, through Hathom's adrenaline and pain tolerance conditioning, he could probably move a little more until it really starts to wear on him. Maybe enough to help take down another daemon then bolt inside the cathedral.
There's still a lot so it might as well be like 2 level 4 daemons xD

39 minutes ago, shadowz1995 said:

Yeah, the sheer numbers is too much. At least for just two people. Run and gun is what I say is the best thing to do lol


I'm thinking the team might try to fight 'em by using hit and run tactics. Iris is not an offensive Exorcismos, so her offensive spells are not much and not really powerful too.
I'm thinking the team might try to fight 'em by using hit and run tactics. Iris is not an offensive Exorcismos, so her offensive spells are not much and not really powerful too.

You should poke at Tobi, Nona and Suzu for strategy ideas 8D
I have grenades as well!~ I'll be delayed on posting for a day or two, however... D^:

Alois is in the group not with the killer butterflies. I don't think AOE attacks for them is a good idea. Seeing as what happened with Abel's smoke bomb. xD
Oh, thought something happened today in our event that got us surrounded...

You know what, since I love you all so much, I might be able to rush a post during my break later today... 

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