Alrighty, so I started getting caught up and working on an idea for a post but life is getting in the way. My house has turned into a Reality show. Will do my best to bust this out. 
Sorry it's been rather quiet on my behalf. I've got some irl things going on that I'm trying to get through. 
You guys, I don't know what to do. I am not getting over this pneumonia like it was suggested I would. I am barely keeping my head above water with work and other Adulting. I don't want to keep you guys waiting. I am thinking I might need to bow out until after the first week of Nov. 

I keep thinking I am going to get the post done but only get a sentence or two done and fall asleep. 
You guys, I don't know what to do. I am not getting over this pneumonia like it was suggested I would. I am barely keeping my head above water with work and other Adulting. I don't want to keep you guys waiting. I am thinking I might need to bow out until after the first week of Nov. 

I keep thinking I am going to get the post done but only get a sentence or two done and fall asleep. 

Just get better first, posts will come later then. You shouldn't get more stressed over a few silly RP's.
I am busy with real life things as well, but I'll make time to post in the IC!~ Just less... :|
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HOKAY gaiz. Last post was eight days ago. I'm still feeling like shit, but here I go.

//works on posts
Oh thank God Hsthom I'd saved xD

@Lumina work is laaame. Also, were you wanting Nozomi in on the fight with the raptorhounds or the killer butterflies? XDD
Oh thank God Hsthom I'd saved xD

@Lumina work is laaame. Also, were you wanting Nozomi in on the fight with the raptorhounds or the killer butterflies? XDD

Sooo lame.

Killer Butterflies. that's why I said "larger cluster" since you said there was like a swarm of the bastards.

((I chose that one because I there's gifs I wanna use xD))
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