If you want my opinion? Book it. Haul what we call ass and get the he'll out of there. The members of The Dark Chapter are the last line of defense against the demons. Their lives are far more valuable than some random old lady on the street who has lived through too many winters. 

That's my opinion. Obaa-chan gonna have to grit her teeth and take one for humanity.
If you want my opinion? Book it. Haul what we call ass and get the he'll out of there. The members of The Dark Chapter are the last line of defense against the demons. Their lives are far more valuable than some random old lady on the street who has lived through too many winters. 

That's my opinion. Obaa-chan gonna have to grit her teeth and take one for humanity.

They are the last line of defence, the last line between the daemons and civilians. On hey, what's the old person again? A civilian.
I was thinking more of something to create awareness they are there. They are right next to the Church. If they can just get a signal up, people should come to their aid. 
I was thinking more of something to create awareness they are there. They are right next to the Church. If they can just get a signal up, people should come to their aid. 

They are the last line of defence, the last line between the daemons and civilians. On hey, what's the old person again? A civilian.

Yeah she is HOWEVER, if the line of defense itself falls then everyone is fucked. Sacrifices gotta be made to preserve mankind. If this was someone younger or even a child, then OK. They still have a lot to live for and can still be very useful in the future. Obaa-chan over there on the other one wants to die but she's lived a full life. 
I ain't gonna lie, but I don't think that losing one or two members would really crack the wall in the bastion for humanity.

The PCs ain't the only members of the church. We got nameless/faceless NPCs for days. o_o

And that's just at this branch of the Dark Chapter!
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I ain't gonna lie, but I don't think that losing one or two members would really crack the wall in the bastion for humanity.

The PCs ain't the only members of the church. We got nameless/faceless NPCs for days. o_o

Oh I can get into numbers lmao. I love the numbers game.
Of course this is just me talking here. You do what you want lmao.

Good sir, it is frowned upon in the church to be a craven. Indeed tis better to be a fool than coward. When you become part of the chapter, at least I'm guessing, you're prepared to die every time you have to face a daemon. For some may be in it for glory, but for most, it's to make a dent in the daemon horde before passing on. To give others a few breaths more, to give them a couple more moments of happiness. To allow those unscared to die of old age. For we are the dark chapter so others may bathe in the light.
Good sir, it is frowned upon in the church to be a craven. Indeed tis better to be a fool than coward. When you become part of the chapter, at least I'm guessing, you're prepared to die every time you have to face a daemon. For some may be in it for glory, but for most, it's to make a dent in the daemon horde before passing on. To give others a few breaths more, to give them a couple more moments of happiness. To allow those unscared to die of old age. For we are the dark chapter so others may bathe in the light.

....well ill respond to that with this. You/they call it being a coward. I call it being smart. So play the fool. Throw the valuable lives away. I'll see you on the other side when there aren't any more lives to throw at them anymore.
....well ill respond to that with this. You/they call it being a coward. I call it being smart. So play the fool. Throw the valuable lives away. I'll see you on the other side when there aren't any more lives to throw at them anymore.

When one places a value on a life, one turns a living creature into a thing.

Things are disposable, sortable and pricable. Lives are not.

At least in my opinion.
....well ill respond to that with this. You/they call it being a coward. I call it being smart. So play the fool. Throw the valuable lives away. I'll see you on the other side when there aren't any more lives to throw at them anymore.

Ah, but they heavens love their fools, didn't you know? That's why the fools live the fullest of lives. With the biggest of impacts. Words are written about cravens. But legends are told about the fools. For the fool who values others over themselves live despite the odds and are given second chances. The cravens aren't nearly as lucky.
 Ange already made his choice the moment he strayed from the safety of the church grounds to check on the woman. He could have easily turned away from the situation. Sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good and life is lost. At this point I don't see any great benefit from Ange running from the situation. Either way his life is now still at risk. He might as well make the best of it and at least make an attempt to save the woman's life. The trick is figuring how to first signal for help and second keep everyone alive long enough for it to show up. 

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