Well, let's think about it this way; the worse that can happen is that you straight up die . Because if Abel loses another limb, he was already a cripple regardless. :^D 

If we look at the repercussions of the spell he used, I guess the ABSOLUTE worst that could happen is that he could also get other people killed by using a daemon attracting spell during the time period where daemon activity is highest, thus creating a sort of beacon for daemons that might reach, I dunno... miles? 
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I'm just pointing out some worst-case scenarios... I'm sure C.E. isn't going to do any of that, right? Heheh. > ~ >;;
Ah, but they heavens love their fools, didn't you know? That's why the fools live the fullest of lives. With the biggest of impacts. Words are written about cravens. But legends are told about the fools. For the fool who values others over themselves live despite the odds and are given second chances. The cravens aren't nearly as lucky.

Tyrants and anarchist go down in legend just as easily as heroic fools

Leaders and generals who made the tough decisions but because of their "questionable" morals, they won the day and saved their people.

Someone said that you can't place value on life and the sad matter is that you always will. You always value those close to you more than strangers. You're already putting value on life right there. You will more readily save a friend than you will a stranger. We always place value on things whether we are aware of it or not. There are some things that people are just not willing to lose. 

For example, I value my life VERY highly. So if I am capable of saving some one else (stranger) I will. No hesitation. However, if it is a situation where someone is being by three or more armed attackers....well ill do what I can. Now people can say that's cowardly or people can say that you made the right call. Get help but if you aren't STRONG enough to help, then dont. Why lose two lives tonight, when you have the option of just losing one. 

I see life as precious too. That's why I always pick the choice the preserves the most life. If that means sacrificing the few so that the many could live? So be it then
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In this situation, neither thought is wrong. It's simply the difference of moral standpoint.

Good sir, it is frowned upon in the church to be a craven. Indeed tis better to be a fool than coward. When you become part of the chapter, at least I'm guessing, you're prepared to die every time you have to face a daemon. For some may be in it for glory, but for most, it's to make a dent in the daemon horde before passing on. To give others a few breaths more, to give them a couple more moments of happiness. To allow those unscared to die of old age. For we are the dark chapter so others may bathe in the light.

What Tobi said is correct in the spiel the Dark Chapter gives to their members. Their whole purpose is to not only hunt daemons but to also protect civilians. Even if it's a little old lady that forgot her life alert (life alert, lol. I'm so funny). So in normal situations, it would be absolutely shameful to run.

However we know that this isn't a normal situation. Two against three and the odds don't look good. It is safe to say that the smartest choice would be to run. It's not running away from a problem, but a strategic retreat. Better to preserve the self so one can fight another day. 

But remember location. They are RIGHT outside the cathedral gates. And who is inside? Alois, Skye, Gideon, Parthenia, Orlando. We have a shit ton of high ranks just sitting inside not too far away. Alerting them would be the most optimal choice. Whether that's by running inside and telling them that daemons are chewing on a little old lady or by making a shit ton of noise while potentially harming themselves, is entirely up to character.

But all of this is EXACTLY what I want to see from this rp. I want to see deeper thought, strategy, moral dilemmas, conflict in ideas. Most of the time no one is going to be wrong  (unless it's for doing something not according to the confines of the rp), but there will be conflict of ideas.

I want to remind everyone to not take anything personally. No one has to agree with you on how you do things. You play how you want to and they play how they want to. That's the point of cause-and-effect. Your own actions dictates what happens to your characters. No need to reply to this bit here. I don't THINK anyone got offended but I just wanted to throw that out there just in case. 
In this situation, neither thought is wrong. It's simply the difference of moral standpoint.

What Tobi said is correct in the spiel the Dark Chapter gives to their members. Their whole purpose is to not only hunt daemons but to also protect civilians. Even if it's a little old lady that forgot her life alert (life alert, lol. I'm so funny). So in normal situations, it would be absolutely shameful to run.

However we know that this isn't a normal situation. Two against three and the odds don't look good. It is safe to say that the smartest choice would be to run. It's not running away from a problem, but a strategic retreat. Better to preserve the self so one can fight another day. 

But remember location. They are RIGHT outside the cathedral gates. And who is inside? Alois, Skye, Gideon, Parthenia, Orlando. We have a shit ton of high ranks just sitting inside not too far away. Alerting them would be the most optimal choice. Whether that's by running inside and telling them that daemons are chewing on a little old lady or by making a shit ton of noise while potentially harming themselves, is entirely up to character.

But all of this is EXACTLY what I want to see from this rp. I want to see deeper thought, strategy, moral dilemmas, conflict in ideas. Most of the time no one is going to be wrong  (unless it's for doing something not according to the confines of the rp), but there will be conflict of ideas.

I want to remind everyone to not take anything personally. No one has to agree with you on how you do things. You play how you want to and they play how they want to. That's the point of cause-and-effect. Your own actions dictates what happens to your characters. No need to reply to this bit here. I don't THINK anyone got offended but I just wanted to throw that out there just in case. 

Oh yeah I'm not taking this personal lmao. This is a moral debate. And morals are....well undifineable. A person, like myself, who would have no problems abandoning someone if it serves a higher purpose, would also be the first to jump in if someone I cared about is in danger. No matter the risks.

It's all so subjective and situational. Like no one can say with 100% confidence how they would react in a given scenario until that scenario is before them. Even then, in the heat of the moment...I can say from personal experience that there is no such thing as the "right" choice. You just make a decision and hope for the best. Essentially, you make a call and live with whatever follows after. Anybody can judge you IN RETROSPECT. But in the moment? No one has any right to say shit. Why? Because they weren't there. And if they were? Why didn't they do something then. 

Sad truth but it is what it is.
Was that you?? I don't remember who I just knew someone said that lmao

Yeeeah, I totes said something like that, but I didn't say that you can't place a value on life.

I said doing so - in my opinion - objectified life, and that ain't cool - in my opinion.

I ain't in control of what people think or feel, yo, so I can't be goin' 'round tellin' people what they can or can't do.
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Yeeeah, I totes said something like that, but I didn't say that you can't place a value on life.

I said doing so - in my opinion - objectified life, and that ain't cool - in my opinion.

I ain't in control of what people think or feel, yo, so I can't be goin' 'round tellin' people what they can or can't do.

I know what you said mate lmao and don't worry I'm not offended. What I was saying is that you (and everyone else) place value on life. No one is an exception because you will value a friend or lover higher than a stranger. And there is NOTHING wrong with that. However by doing so you are placing value and therefore objectifying
I know what you said mate lmao and don't worry I'm not offended. What I was saying is that you (and everyone else) place value on life. No one is an exception because you will value a friend or lover higher than a stranger. And there is NOTHING wrong with that. However by doing so you are placing value and therefore objectifying

Totes cool and all that you understand, but...

I feel like you're missing my point. o_o;;

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