I got lost

In Manic Muse's last post, she mentioned Ange and Abel went out and about just passed the cathedral's gates, where Ange heard some cries of an old lady. Muse was asking whether to leave it up to me what happens or if she wants to play it out. I asked high or low (to loyal and Muse) to see the results when I roll my die. So far nothing bad's gonna happen, but it also depends on what Muse gets as well.
In Manic Muse's last post, she mentioned Ange and Abel went out and about just passed the cathedral's gates, where Ange heard some cries of an old lady. Muse was asking whether to leave it up to me what happens or if she wants to play it out. I asked high or low (to loyal and Muse) to see the results when I roll my die. So far nothing bad's gonna happen, but it also depends on what Muse gets as well.

You werent kidding about the random dice rolling for events lmao
I am going with low too! And I offer a half eaten yogurt as tribute!
Nooooooo! I liked Ange!!!! Crap. S-

alright what's the bad news?
so much pressure then

I am working to get my young cousins into role play and D&D. We all went out to dinner after I posted and at the end of dinner I was explaining I had to check it out. 

One thing led to another and the girls had me read the post and explain what was happening and what happened to Abel. 

Now they are both on pins and needles. It's cute. xD  
I am working to get my young cousins into role play and D&D. We all went out to dinner after I posted and at the end of dinner I was explaining I had to check it out. 

One thing led to another and the girls had me read the post and explain what was happening and what happened to Abel. 

Now they are both on pins and needles. It's cute. xD  

do they like my character ????!!!!
do they like my character ????!!!!

Oh yeah. They thought the GM was "totally uncool for just making that Lion attack him" 

They think there should be a dice roll to determine what level of leg replacement he should get. Then again they also thought he should have a leg that's a gun so yeah. Their 13 year old brother chimed in and that conversation digressed into who could think of the biggest weapon. 
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Oh yeah. They thought the GM was "totally uncool for just making that Lion attack him" 

They think there should be a dice roll to determine what level of leg replacement he should get. Then again they also thought he should have a leg that's a gun so yeah. Their 13 year old brother chimed in and that conversation digressed into who could think of the biggest weapon. 

lol fair enough 

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