Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Sign up

Name: Maxais Inazuma

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 5 ft 8 inches

Weight: 146 lbs

Date of Birth: 10/10/95

Species: Guardian of Fire (basically a dragon that can shape shift into a human form)

Personality: Shy in the presence of absolute strangers, Max is the opposite in the company of friends. Talkative and quick-witted, he is never without something to say, though often lacks the courage to say it. When he and those close to him are threatened, he becomes very serious and quick-tempered, and can be very stubborn when it comes to doing what he believes is right. He studies hard in school and does his best to overcome his shy nature in order to make friends. He seems to attract the attention of women, though he would rather stay single.

Biography and appearance: Scrawny pale red head with striking green eyes. Although he respects the dress code, he prefers his casual wear to be loose and comfortable, so as not to hinder his movements. Though not very muscular, he isn't an absolute twig, and was a hit with the ladies at his old school.

Grew up in the mountains of Japan, and did not socialize much until was told to attend a school for humans. Due to an accident caused by a lack of control of his powers, he was expelled. Now looking to attend a special school for others who are similar to him.

(For quick reference to appearance, use my user avatar. It isnt entirely accurate but gets the point across until i can draw a more accurate picture. If you need anymore information, dont hesitate to ask)
Sensitive, man. Can't you take joking? Name doesn't really matter to me, except that it might remind me of someone. It's cool with me if you join, but I can't decide for the council.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Well...That happened...

Unfortunately yes it did. Sorry about that. I dont usually act like that at all.
And it is stupid, which is why you shouldn't make a big deal of it. v.x I'm sorry for apparently offending you with something that shouldn't be taken offensively, okay?
-Rolls eyes- I command this stupid squabble to finish! -Sitting at 9 in the morning eating a giant lolly dummy.- Welcome to the rp Mordaedel.

Maxi, if you wait we will decide if your accepted if you haven't been already.
Thank you very much. Im glad you find my character interesting. Originality and character designing are some things i pride myself at being good at.
New character time!

Name: AR-E25

Age: technically its only about 3 years old since it was created only recently, but it does not physically age and can look whatever age it wants to.

Species: Atomic Re-Assembler

Species Bio: An atomic Re-Assembler has the ability to rearrange their atoms to turn into anything else. This means that the monster can change everything about it whether it be something simple such as the wavelength of light it's hair allows to reflect off the hair (his hair colour) or something extreme like the chromosomes in it's human body (gender) although it does not have a gender. It can even change itself to non human things such as a puddle of water. The more complex the arrangement of the atoms the harder it is for the creature to become said arrangement. It can only change into something of equal mass to itself.

Human Appearance:
It uses this appearance most of the time, it likes to make it's hair styled like cat ears.

True Appearance: Technically it has no true form as it re arranges itself.

Personality: It loves hanging around with people and loves making friends. It can be quite outgoing and not very self conscious, although it does worry about how it looks from time to time.

Personal Bio: AR-E25 is an experiment to re arrange the atomic structure of an object to turn it into something else. AR-E25 is the 25th experiment in which sentient life was created. When it was created the world couldn't be allowed to know they had created life (OMG I'm sorry for the cheesiness of this). The discovery of monsters was the perfect cover up for AR-E25's existence and so it was sent to Ishika high as a monster.

(yes I know our understanding in this field is not great enough for us to create sentient life, but just go with it. PLZZZZZ)

Other: it doesn't often takes on the appearance of a female human, but when it does it prefers to look like this
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Clockwork Operated Golem Specimen #01000010011001010010000001110011011101010111001001100101001000000111010001101111001000000110010001110010011010010110111001101011001000000111100101101111011101010111001000100000010011110111011001100001011011000111010001101001011011100110010100101110 (Cogs for short)


Depends on who you ask, Archaeologists found him 14 years ago, he was built thousands of years ago


Clockwork Golem/Brass Golem

Human Appearance:

Hasn't tried blending in yet, that might be useful in the future

True Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-21_16-18-40.png.1e64522ad39ec14178191d94c707aace.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5115" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-21_16-18-40.png.1e64522ad39ec14178191d94c707aace.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Cogs is a highly curious automaton, a feature removed in later versions of the metal workers, he often apes other people in an attempt to understand what they are doing. Cogs is technically incapable of emotion, but does get temporarily reclusive if an individual expresses anger or discontent with Cogs' behaviour, he is outwardly very accommodating (being designed as an automated worker tends to do that) and strives to make those he sees as authority figures (which may or may not be accurate) happy.

Personal Bio:

Discovered several years ago by an archaeologist crew exploring ancient ruins, Cogs was reactivated and has been attempting to learn as much as possible ever since. Being powered by recursive clockwork, he never requires rest or recharging, but often does go into stasis at night and just think. He is learning English (or whatever the standard language at this high school is) and currently speaks mostly in a series of clicks binary tones (represented in posts by "1"s for high pitch, "0" for low pitch and " " for a click)


After a recent incident that resulted in an arm locking up for weeks, Cogs is hateful and terrified of insects



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