Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Sign up

Name: Chiaki Satou

Age: 19

Species: Okami (wolf)



True Appearance:

Personality: Chiaki is an energetic person, with loads of spunk and determination. He defines the term "strong willed" and will not submit to anyone. That is if they are not a person of power, such as teachers and other people who naturally should be respected. A true ladies man and a loyal best friend to anyone, Chiaki's appearance may be that of a depressed looking man and/or a graceful wolf, he is quite the contrary.

Bio: He is one of the last great Okami of Japan, and holds the responsibility of his people on his shoulders. At a very young age, his parents were killed mysteriously, leaving him to live in a foster home. He enjoyed his foster family, and he was set to attend school for humans. Unfortunately his Okami status prevented this until high school, where he met and became friends with Flynn. After Flynn was exposed, he was determined to fix his best friend's emotional issues, and to do so, he enrolled in Ishika

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