Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Sign up

I'm currently making a tanuki character~

My laziness is lagging me behind so I might post it later~

As for now, have this Free! Ending re-done in MSPaint.


Name: Occultus Acrum

Age: 500

Species: Sonarian

Species Bio: Sonarians possess high voice frequencies capable of shattering objects or even rupturing internal organs. In order to avoid such things, they often learn sigh language or use some other way of communication. Not much is really known about them aside from what's already been stated.

Human Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.b128445cff345ef57fddb729b3c2c3cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5177" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.b128445cff345ef57fddb729b3c2c3cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

True Apearance: Sonarians possess some bird like features. Their hair is bright and colorful, sticking up like feathers. Their nails also become sharper, along with their teeth. Their throats grow gill-like features in order to regulate the frequencies of their voice.

Personality: Occultus prefers to be by himself, but he also enjoys being in the company of others. He doesn't like to say a lot about himself or say anything at all, on account of his voice. In order to control his abilities, he wears a mask that simulates speech. He likes to help people, but he doesn't stay around too long to accept gratitude. He is never in one place for very long, but he makes himself known when he is around.

Personal Bio: For the sake of the story, this will remain secret until it is revealed in the RP.

Other: I do realize this character isn't as developed as Lux or the late Umbra, but there is a reason for that and it will be explained in the future.



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{Coyoty's wolf fur turns white in the winter though! She becomes like Zephyr only her normal hair stays black unless she is in vampy form and I can't help but feel this sudden urge that I am left out.. ~was waiting to take a shower then did feels she missed a lot.}
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{Coyoty's wolf fur turns white in the winter though! She becomes like Zephyr only her normal hair stays black unless she is in vampy form and I can't help but feel this sudden urge that I am left out.. ~was waiting to take a shower then did feels she missed a lot.}
Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter. Winter.
Interesting choice of season, Pai. To show you what I mean, go to Umbra's character sheet and read the 'Other' Section.
{Personally I love winter but Aayame and Mikahmia were born in winter and I am currently fighting the urge to bring them into the roleplay... It is hard. ~weeps~ they are such wonderful characters though, ~Weeps some more~ if I did though who would

Roleplay with them...? ~thinks for a second~ every time they see each other or smell each other they attack each other}
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Interesting choice of season, Pai. To show you what I mean, go to Umbra's character sheet and read the 'Other' Section.

....Oh....my...god... QAQ Poor Umbra!!
So, I decided to finally make a character I've been debating about for quite some time.

Name: Melody Lyra

Age: Appears to be 17, is actually 652

Species: Siren

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species): N/A

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):

Link to picture source : http://frozerosemary.deviantart.com/art/The-siren-110437471

True Appearance:

Picture source : http://www.deviantart.com/art/Swamp-Siren-for-Talisman-179881522

Personality (At least a paragraph): Melody is typically sweet-natured, but will turn to her evil nature at the drop of a hat, often nothing will trigger it, often it's accidental, as this is among the first weeks she's utilized this 'human form' and isn't able to control her transformations - and the typical evil intentions that come with it - very well. She is still used to what she did in the sea, and so she will try to seduce other monsters, although she doesn't see the use of using her singing voice to do this, now that it won't result in their deaths. Melody, because of her extremely recent introduction into human society, doesn't know many normal human customs, and so she can sometimes say or do the completely wrong thing.

Personal Bio: Melody has spent her whole life in or near the sea, never turning into her human form until a day or two before she came to this school, she was part of a group of other sirens, and for many years an odd kraken by the name of Eona, and together they would have great fun in luring sailors over then sinking their ships on the sharp rocks, Melody would get into competitions with the other sirens to see how many ships they could sink. Melody isn't used to this whole human thing, and doesn't really see the point of school, but she has decided to give it a try, as she hasn't had any change in the last 6 centuries, so some might be good for her. Besides, now humans got smarter and stayed away from the area where all the ships were sinking, which was a shame as it had made Melody bored with her life as a siren.

Other: N/A
If I'm accepted I may make a girl later, but Ansgar is one of my babies, and this RP seems really awesome, so I thought I'd apply~

...Also, Will I get a message if the council accepts me oR? *I'm really awkward, Sorry.*

Name: Ansgar Madsen (Pronounced 'Massen')

Age: He isn't exactly sure of his real age, although he does not-so-fondly remember when Vikings wandered around his 'home', so he's likely around 800 to 1,000 years old. His favored human form looks around 18.

Species: Nokken

Species Bio: (I didn't make up this species but they aren't very well known, so I thought I'd elaborate, if you don't want to read the article I linked to.) Nokken are male water-spirits who are known to lure women and children, along with the occasional male, by playing beautiful music on their violin. They appear as an exceptionally attractive young man, and they can either be malevolent and drown the people they lure, or they can be completely harmless.

Human Appearance:


True Appearance:

Ansgar's true form is relatively frightening, and is rarely seen outside of a lake. It is somewhat like a horse (Similar to a Kelpie), although a Nokken's skin is described as being the same as a corpse's that has been submerged in water for a long time. His true form is around twelve feet tall, and is rather large in general.


(The picture is showing up MUCH too large for a post, so I decided to link to it, although really, you don't need to see it. There aren't a lot of pictures of Nokken. )


Ansgar is relatively awkward, and doesn't quite know how to interact with others. Be this because he was essentially isolated for hundreds of years, or the language barrier that exists isn't clear. He is rather blunt when talking to people, and won't hesitate to tell others that he doesn't like them. Ansgar is relatively quiet, unless he has something important to say. Despite his age, he is rather innocent when it comes to most things, do to his lack of exposure to the 'real world'. He dislikes violence in general, due to the amount he witnessed caused by Vikings. Ironically, if he sees violence, he will not hesitate to use violence of his own in an attempt to restore the calm.

Personal Bio:

How Ansgar came to exist is something not even he fully understands, nor remembers. He simply remembers 'waking up' in a large lake in Denmark one day a long, long time ago. When he was younger, he didn't understand humans well, and so, in an attempt to do so, he would shift into a human form, and attempt to communicate with them. To get their attention, he would play his violin, then try and bring them to his home, going back into his true form. Unfortunately, the humans were easily frightened by this, and would attempt to run from him which resulted in him dragging them into the lake against their will, ultimately killing them.

For quite a while, Ansgar didn't fully realize why the humans stopped moving in the water. Later in his life, Ansgar stopped trying to befriend the humans, and just played his violin by the lake, warning humans occasionally of swimming in the lake (He believes that only 'chosen' humans can swim; hence why none of the humans he talked to ended up living.).

Rather lonely, Ansgar simply lived, not communicating with anyone, fearing he'd end up hurting them, until he found out about Ishika High, after hearing of it from some of the human population, and was thrilled to enroll, in hopes of trying to 'socialize' and not accidentally scare or kill any humans he was to come in contact with.


  • He can generally be found swimming in his human form in the pool, playing his violin, or attempting to find a lake to 'rest' in.
  • He speaks English, albeit with a slight 'Scandinavian' accent. He learned Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch, and Finish rather early in his life, so all the accents from those regions sort of blend together when he speaks English, which he learned much later.
(I made another character but I understand completely if A- You don't want to accept her, or B- Two characters is too much? *dies in a hole*)

Name: Winifred 'Winnie' Sinclair

Age: 457. She looks around 15-18

Species: Jorougumo/Spider Woman (Winnie, however, is only similar to the Jorougumo, in that she isn't of Japanese descent, nor does she use a biwa lute to lure men to their deaths. )

Human Appearance:


True Appearance:

(I couldn't find a picture that still looked like her.)

Winnie's true form, from the torso up essentially looks the same, with the exception of her mouth; her teeth have been transformed into large fangs, with pincers on either side of her mouth. Because of the crowding, in her true form, it is essentially impossible for her to close her mouth. She has a large, arachnid-like abdomen, and the characteristic eight legs. Winnie's human form is around 5'6", whereas her true farm is around eight feet tall. -- Picture

Personality: Winnie is a rather intelligent, cultured woman, despite her rather young appearance. She acts far older than she looks, which, all things considered, isn't terribly bad, considering she is far older than she looks, however it has caused numerous problems for the Sinclair family in the past. She is a bid morbid, and tends to have a bit more of an interest in macabre things than she should. She's generally not fond of socializing too much with others, be them humans or 'monsters'.

Personal Bio:

Winnie was born in 1555 in England to her jorougumo mother and demon father. They were a rather wealthy, and outwardly 'normal' family wherever they went. They were required to move essentially every five to ten years, so that the people they knew didn't get suspicious when it was made evident that none of the Sinclairs were aging. For the first hundred years, Winnie's family fed on humans, until, after a close call with the local police, they made the decision to eat large animals instead. Later, she and her family traveled to the Georgia colony, and lived in a rather large house. The new land was perfect for the family, as there were animals aplenty.

Despite not killing people, the Sinclairs were obviously far from normal. Much later, when Ishika high was formed, Winnie's parents sent her off, in hopes that she could learn how to interact with humans and be seen as more 'normal'.


  • Winnie plays the double bass (And the cello). Although she does play it in her human form for the sake of 'being normal', she loves to play it in her spider form, where she can utilize more of her limbs, and pluck the strings whilst playing
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(I kinda rushed on this and I'll probably edit it later. :P Also, about my other OC, Shou: I'm not going to exactly abandon him, but y'know just "set him aside" and might use him when the time is right, idk :P .)

Name: Takehiro

Age: 16 years old

Species: Tanuki (Racoon Dog)

Yeaahhh amateur drawings, go!

Human Appearance:

(I'm too lazy to finish coloring him, at the moment).

True Appearance:

(Yeee have some extra sketches as well~)
Personality:Takehiro is very friendly, although he can be a bit of a prankster at times. He's very optimistic, and likes to meet new people and make new friends. He isn't as dumb as he looks, and is actually quite mature, especially when helping other people.

Personal Bio: Takehiro was born in a shrine,located in Kyoto, Japan.

5 years ago, when Takehiro and his family were exploring in a nearby forest, a fire set half of the forest in blazes, killing not only trees but his family, as well. Takehiro was the only survivor because he was ahead of his family, and nearly escaped getting crushed by a falling tree long. Unfortunately, his family was trapped in the forest, and the helpless Takehiro couldn't do anything, as the openings were all inaccessible.

Takehiro enrolled in Ishika high not because he needed to learn how to get along with humans, but because he was curious and wanted to meet other monsters, and wanted to have a comfy place to stay. (Aka: the dorm). In fact, he gets along with humans pretty well, often walking around human society, disguised in his human form.

Other: He can shapeshift into a daruma ( kinda like this: http://sta.sh/01ehy73kzs76 ),

although he may make mistakes like his tail showing/tanuki features noticeable, etc...

Takehiro loves chestnuts, and thinks they are the most delicious thing in the world.
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is there a way I could possibly like make a teacher? I had an Idea if not I can just make him nineteen of something just wanted to know.

Name: Akihito

Age: Unknown

Species: Reaper

Species Bio: Reapers are demonic beings who are tasked with ferrying the dead souls to the underworld.

Human Appearance:

True Appearance:

Personality: Akihito is a wise, grumpy, old man. He enjoys talking to people, but hates it when students think of him as nothing more than a weak old man. He is grumpy most of the time but is friendly toward various people. Akihito is absolutely a clean freak and hates it when people ruin all the cleaning work he does for the school. He takes his job very seriously.

Personal Bio: Akihito is the oldest being in Ishika High. His job is to keep the campus clean and the school clean. Not much is known about him and he is the only monster whose true form hasn't been seen. Akihito may be grumpy, but he cares for all of the students and will help them in any way he can. He has been with Ishika High since its forming and is respected by all of the teachers.


{probably should have snapped up my opportunity when I had it. Okay going to steal my friends laptop.}

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