Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Sign up

UnholyRedemption said:
Yush. Stupid Ajax made Tira believe she was actually cursed... ; n; You are mean Pai-chan~
-Giggle- But the action I just saw was hot...*Q*
Consider that an apology xD a sexy apology.
Quick question before i take time to make sign ups, who should enroll: a reclusive gryphon, a slightly pompous hippogryph, a sarcastic sprite, or a knowitall (i forgot the species but i'd find it if someone wants me to) future seer... thing?
TheKaosophile said:
Quick question before i take time to make sign ups, who should enroll: a reclusive gryphon, a slightly pompous hippogryph, a sarcastic sprite, or a knowitall (i forgot the species but i'd find it if someone wants me to) future seer... thing?
I think a knowitall would be pretty cool! It's your choice, though. :)  
Would you consider Tanuki as a "monster"? I'm interested in making another character, although it's not certain.

(I'm talking about those that shape shift and stuff).
Welp... for once the internet has failed me, i cannot find the slightest hint of what that future-seeing thing was, i think i'll go with the hippogryph, what do you guys think
Name: Coyoty Anné Mathis

Age: 16

Species: guess she's a vampire wolf bird hybrid

Species Bio: She was born a wolf, technically a werewolf but her mother and father were tested upon to make a new species from a vampire, when she was born she got her mothers wolf side but only a part of her father cat side, her father stole her from her mother and preformed tests upon her, making her a bird complete with wings reduced wieight and hollow bones

Human Appearance: {Link}

True Appearance: ah... She's got a few...

Vampire: {Link}

Wolf: {Link} size compared to humans: {link}

Since there are no photos put there that show her with wings and I am a failure artist I can only describe we wings, and they are 60ft in wingspan long, deep black at the base fading to red like her hair.

Personality: Coyoty is more or less the quiet type, she likes relaxing and enjoying a bed of stars, but when it comes to battles she takes things very seriously. She is calm and quite caring for being what she is. She hates what she is and wants to wipe the world of them but she knows that would be impossible since her family is the royal vampire consul. Some times she can get very hyper or loose her mind, this seems to hapen more often when she smells blood or sees it.

Personal Bio: Coyoty, she is a vampire daughter of the vampire family of former glory sir Judge Mathis. He stole her as a child from her mother at age four and killed her mother while her innocent eyes watched. As if her horror was not over he continued her hell by performing tests upon her in a science lap just outside of England. This institute of higher living is governed by British FBI forces searching for a cure to weak soldiers and asked Judge to create them the perfect Warrior. Having seen this opportunity he preformed more tests made more experiments and caused Coyoty over time to completely lose all her original life forces. Quiet, shy and immensely scared of her father she escapes one day while on a fake run in a fake track. She kills hundreds of doctors on her way out and though her father is overjoyed at the beauty he claims to have created his subject has escaped and he will not let this happen for long.

Other: she has to be near Zephyr (her weapon usually takes the form of a wolf) at all times without him he and her will both die.

Chrysos Phaidra


46, equivalent to about 18 for humans


Hippogryph (Horse-Gryphon)

Human Appearance:


lean & muscular

Shaggy, curly blonde hair

wears aviator sunglasses and jacket for the irony of it

bright yellow eyes

True Appearance:

<see attachment>

but with golden-colored feathers and light tawny fur, and bright yellow eyes


Chrys is a slightly pompous but overall friendly individual, though once people
ruffle his feathers he holds quite the grudge, he is rather intelligent, but hates reading, writing, math, he really only likes athletics and art. Side note: when he is hungry, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to get between him and his food.

Personal Bio:

In the world of Gryphons, the Hippogryph is like the commoner, though, for a commoner, Chrysus has always had a charmed life, since hippogryphs are mules of a sort they are less fertile and therefore aren't as picky about pair-bonding as Gryphons and Chrys is hardly an unattractive individual (for a lion-eagle-horse) but when he reached maturity, his parents decided it was an
egg-celent opportunity to mule-kick him out of the aerie and send him to live among humans, to learn a bit about the world outside of the Grecian mountain range. Being stubborn as a mule Chrys still resents his parents for this, and frequently sends carrier pigeons (under threat of death by digestion) with messages complaining about every little problem, though really, he's just peacocking for attention, the small problems are like water off a duck's back.


Wonderful for pest control, Chrys eats rodents (and other small mammals) and the occasional small bird, along with plants and stuff (Hippogryphs ARE omnivores, after all)

also, @CoyotyZephyrWolf do you mean coyote?<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-22_15-28-2.png.82233992237b070531db300aaf552282.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-22_15-28-2.png.82233992237b070531db300aaf552282.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2013-8-22_15-28-2.png
    94.9 KB · Views: 6
{in my username.... A really close friend of mine passed on and had that user name... I have never really changed it... It's been that way for years, I'm sorry for the confusion.}
{Heh, don't, people here make fun of me for the name. It really is an insult. Asking is better then just assuming so thanks.}

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