Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Junko walked over to a girl (Eona). "Hi," she said, rubbing the back of her head, "so what's your name?" She hoped she could make friends. She had to learn English before coming here for communications purposes and it wasn't exactly her best language.
"Noo..." She replied awkwardly, thinking of what he wanted.

OMG. Could this be?

'AM I THAT PRETTY?!' She screamed in her head, weirded out by the thought. 

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris][media]

(Umbra's Flying Song...Just picture it...)

(WTF... xDD)
((Sarah-chan!~ Lucem and I planned this out in the PMs so you don't have to worry about it :3))

Ajax growled at the little man between his paws, was he trying to defy him? This Umbra didn't have the right to speak to him in such a way! People had no respect nowadays. "Are you challenging me?" The sphinx hissed at Umbra, moving his large pàws over the girls and towards the arena. He had spent a little of his time reading the introduction book of Ishika High, apparently you can only fight in the arena.

The genies all sensed the aggression in the sawarineko, attcking her suddenly to keep her away from their master. "You're dead meat little kitty."

((Ajax the Asshole is hilarious, ess??))
Lucien smiled with relief, "Oh.. good," he said and sat on a chair next to her on the table,

"so... er... what are you?" he asked, noticing people ask that a lot around here,

'Lulu? Are you telling me that is the only conversation supporter you have 'what are you' dude that sucks! I'm ashamed to be stuck with you.'
Umbra began waving his hands arounds furiously. "N-No!" He couldn't believe this was happening. He didn't want to fight! 'M-Maybe the school won't allow it! They wouldn't just make someone fight unwillingly, right?'

As soon as he finished that thought, a voice came over the intercom. "Attention all students! A fight will be taking place in the arena! Anyone who attends is excused from class! It's going to be a massacre! That is all."

Umbra's face turned a sickly pale. 'Why!?' He turned his head to his roommate and Ajax. "U-Uhm, c-could you please ask them to l-leave her alone?" He didn't want to get her caught up in this mess.
She thought for a second. Why exactly was he here? Was he a pervert? Or some other weirdo? Or, some dude who is extremely bored and is looking for a conversation. That is the most likely reason but, she still keeps her eyes open to reality. If it ever existed... She looked at him as he spoke. Instantly, laughter.


She laughed quietly though, since it is the library...
"Um, no. Sorry..." Eona giggled softly as she scratched the back of her head in embarrassment. The kraken barely knew how to get to her own dorm! She always got lost and couldn't read the map, so it wouldn't be a good idea to have her lead you to the cafeteria, if she even knew where it was.

The kraken turned her head to face the girl who greeted her, a bright and friendly smile stuck on her face. Another friend? Does she like razzmatazz to? Eona ran up to the girl and kissed her on both cheeks. "Hello there!" The woman giggled in a very bubbly way, trying to get her mind off the evil Russians in space. She had seen two people do this on the streets, they were dressed in a very fancy way and kissed each other's cheeks. At first, Eona thought it was very silly, but this was the first time she had actually tried it out!
"Wha-what is wrong with you people?" Hitagi wasn't fully in her true form. She grabbed as many arms coming at her as she could, trying to save herself from getting hurt. This is what I get for trying to make a better impression on my roommate. Hitagi could feel new energy running through her body as she touched foreign skin, causing her eyes to turn an amber yellow.

The hindering cat pounced back, landing on one knee as she placed a hand on the ground for balance. Hitagi's head snapped up. "I didn't attack your 'master'! Get your brains out of your boobs!" She scoffed at the genie. Why did she even bother helping? Her roommate was already about to be in an unfair battle against that snobby sphinx. She didn't even try to rescue him when she had the chance...she felt horrible. Hitagi let out a hiss to let the genie know to stay away from her as she turned her back to them and proceeded back up to the school, she didn't want to see the battle that she couldn't even prevent.
Metus grinned, laughing at what Eona had done. It was quite funny to see how others greet each other. He jumped in front of the new person, and Nazi saluted once again. "Heya!" He called out, despite being close to her. "Do you know where the foods are?" He asked the girl that Eona had kissed on the cheeks. He hoped that she would know, as he was getting more hungry by the second.
Lucien looked at the girl confused, "Run? what do you mean?" he asked. He heard an announcement about a fight in the arena and began to wonder who was involved in the fight and if the girl would want to see the fight.
Ajax sighed, frowning as much as a cat could. "Denali," What looked like to be the lead genie froze in place and looked up at the sphinx. "Stop it." Ajax then continued to walk towards the arena, even though it didn't take more than five steps to get there. It was such a bother to have them attacking everyone that spoke their mind, so annoying. The sphinx threw Umbra in the area, as Ajax stepped in, he almost broke the glass wall that kept them in.

The genies blushed in embarrassment, they had just showed an unlady-like manner in public, in front of their master to! The four girls hurried away into their lamp, feeling like children that had just been scolded by their mother. And we all know that genie moms are very strict.
"First, your mind goes loco then you die. So, now that you have an idea, that's what I am!" She cheered, turning back to her phones for a sec and then looked back at him in wonder why he wasn't as scared yet.
Junko blushed. Kissing wasn't something she normally did, but if it was the custom, she guessed that she would do it too. She hugged the girl and kissed her on the lips. She didn't know if it was okay to do it, but she had started the kissing. Backing away from her, she asked, "So what's your name?"
Lucien laughed a little and thought about his alternate personality, 'Sometimes I think my mind has already gone 'loco' ' he thought. He looked around at everyone in the library to see if any of them were going see said fight in the arena, "Er.. do you want to watch that fight?" he asked the girl, realising he had changed the topic as if he didn't want to talk about her powers, so he decided to go back to that topic, "That's very... interesting?" he told her.

'Lulu, you are in shambles...' Lucien's alternate personality thought, 'Stop calling me Lulu!' Lucien thought back.
When Umbra landed on the ground, he began to shake. Why did he have to open his mouth!? He could've just stayed in his room and read a book or something. Instead, he tried to make a friend and ended up getting in a fight.

Umbra stood and wasn't able to move. He was scared for his life. No, now wasn't the time to be scared! It was time to be a man and show this guy what he was all about! "I-I'm sorry!" Umbra immediately began to run, looking for a way out of here. He paled when he saw a few people walk in. Some of them even brought snacks! This was torture!
"You don't even know me... And If I were to get in a fight.. I might win..." She chukled, got up, and walked the halls whilst knowing he will follow. And using the song she was listening to, she projected it to nearby minds and they cleared her a path.

"Zank you, come again..."

'My favorite words... Hehe...'
When the girl got up, Lucien's instinct was to follow her, even though he has no social instinct...

"I don't mean like that, there's a fight going on in the arena, do you want to watch it?" he asked wondering why nobody else listened to the announcement and hoped that his alternate personality wasn't playing tricks on him.
Eona giggled when the girl kissed her, is that what it's called? Kissing? As the group wandered around looking for the cafeteria, Eona pulled out a Fish-On-A-Stick, it was a fish on a stick. The kraken bit into the raw fish, hoping that she wouldn't get salmonella in her human form, because that would suck.

"Do you think that the ugly guppies actually accept us?" Eona frowned at the thought, as much as she loved the idea of going to school and meeting other monsters, the kraken's years of abuse from the humans made her a little mistrustful to them. What if this was just to gather all the monsters and then kill us all? Eona's overactive imgination began to run wild as she opened a random door to find the cafeteria.
Turning her head around with no warning, her face was in his. "I barely know you dude... Besides... I'm a monster..." Raven said, turning back around while putting her headphones back on. Well, he did ask her a question. She wanted to see, but, not really since fighting usually makes her want to fight back for the looser.
"Ugly guppies?" Junko said, looking a the fish, "Oh you mean people! I think so, I mean, before I went into hiding, people were kind to me. I mean, they came to the mountains and we traded. You know, like gifts in exchange for healing or something like that."

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