Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

(Back! I wasn't gone as long as I thought i'd be xD And YAY BLITZY AGREES SO THIS IS A NEW SHIP OK)

"That's... lovely." Nessa replied, trying not to let him see how creeped out she was by this.

Weak-minded? Was Nessa weak-minded? She wondered that, her family always called her stubborn, but was weak-minded a complete different thing, would being stubborn save her from having her soul ate? She wondered how one went about eating souls. It didn't sound very pleasant. She wondered what souls tasted like, then quickly banished the thought from her mind. She hoped never to find out the answer to her question.

"Please try not to eat my soul." Nessa asked, smiling.
(I'M SO SORRY! I was occupied for a a bit, can someone put me on the right track? I'll move Hitagi over to anyone who's willing!)
"That's pool." Eona giggled softly at her little water pun and glanced around the group before awkwardly taking a seat. Noticing the awkard silence, Eona fumbled around with her words before blurting out, "I eat fish and stuff!" As the biggest creature in the sea, Eona could eat anything she wanted to, even other squids. Although, she never did like calamari, the kraken liked her seafood nice and raw.

"Have you ever tried to swallow a cow?" The kraken chattered very loudly about her stories at sea, disturbing the peace in the library once again. "And then it's ribcage collapsed from the pressure underwater-" Eona continued her gruesome tale of the underwater cow, not noticing the pissed off looks the other students around her gave.

((Actually, Idon't even know who Eona would be paired up with.. haha! I'm not going to claim anyone, don't worry. It's more fun to see how the roleplay plays out. xP)) 

meowsarah said:
(I'M SO SORRY! I was occupied for a a bit, can someone put me on the right track? I'll move Hitagi over to anyone who's willing!)
((Psssst! Ajax's in the front of the school!))
When Unbra heard the loud greeting, he resisted the urge to run and hide. He had made progress last night, but not the right kind. The first time he has an actual conversation someone began and ended with sexual harassment. But there's no chance of that happening here? right? He glanced over to the women and shuffled a way a bit. 'I-I'll just look at some of the books.'

(Why is Umbra being paired so much?)
(Yay everybody in the library


Lucien heard the girl from his class say she was a dragon and clearly so had his alternate personality, 'Ooh another dragon, I wonder if I can defeat that dragon in a fire battle and fly off into the sunset on its back like a true badass!' the personality thought in a heroic brave voice which made him sound even more irritating. Then they both heard a boy say something about being the incarnation of fear itself, 'He doesn't look like something I would fear. He looks more like something you would fear. He looks like the sort of thing I would use as fuel for my campfire,' Lucien's alternate personality thought bravely even thought the only person that could hear him was Lucien and after seventeen years of it, Lucien wasn't impressed. In fact Lucien decided to whack his head against the book he was reading, hoping - to no avail - that it would silence his alternate personality,

'Lulu: you know that doesn't work, you're just making yourself look silly.' Still with some degree of annoyance, Lucien turned the page of the book after he had sufficiently rammed his forehead into the part that described that observed atoms behaved differently to non observed atoms. Because he turned the page annoyed he applied too much pressure to his finger and gave himself a paper cut, "Ah, ya' bugger," he said although slightly louder than he wanted to say, but not loud enough to attract anyone's attention further than a table away. He looked at his bleeding finger and popped it in his mouth, licking up the spilled blood so he wouldn't have to get anything to cover it with.

"Yeah! Back in Germany they got a bunch o' cows!" He joined in on the gory talk of killing animals with this new girl. "I ate this one guy's soul, and he was about to die anyways, and his head like exploded ... blood, everywhere, ... death ... explosions of mangled ..." He smirked as he told stories of war and Hell for all to hear. The Librarian looked as if she was about ready to beat him, along with the rest of the library's occupants.
(It's not a scratch, it's an incision made into his skin that is bleeding, which will probably get infected and kill him. But no scratches.)
"No, I have never tried to swallow a cow.." Nessa said, trailing off as she heard more of Eona's story... wow.. Eona really had a lot of extremely weird interesting stories.

Nessa felt really bad for the other people in the library, some had left in disgust, first they had to endure Metus's loudness, then insults from Metus, and now Eona was being loud, and Metus was again being loud, with gory descriptions of eating people's souls.

"Maybe we should all quiet down a bit... we are in a library." Nessa suggested, a touch of horror in her voice as she heard Metus's story. This was the oddest group ever, but Nessa loved it.
(I got you @paipai900 ;} )

Hitagi rushed out to the front entrance of the school quite flustered. She then suddenly felt a hard wall meet her face. As she stumbled back, she saw it was a strange boy standing there. Her eyes wide with shock..she couldn't speak. Her face expressionless as usual, she continued to stare up at the boy cautiously.

Was he new too? Why was he being all mysterious out here alone? Should I say something? She pondered as she blinked her deep blue eyes up at him.
Sedrian approached the school and looked up to see the whole building. 'big, I hope I am able to control my... urges...' Sedrian said entering the large building, he never liked being the new kid, he got too much attention, however, he figured he would just ignore anyone who tired to talk to him, the last school he was in he kinda lost it in a bully situation... And blood was indeed shed. He may have been over 1,000 years old, but his appearance was what kept him in school. He walked into the building and started scanning the area.
Eona's eyes widened at the guy's words, feeling truly amazed with his tale. "Head exploded?!" The kraken shrieked in disbelief. Eona hadn't seen that many things explode, the woman was now very indulged in the other monster's story. "I've sunken a bunch of ships before, but I don't think I've ever made someone's head explode!" The kraken looked up in awe at the man, wondering how she could ever make someone's head explode. "I've cracked people's head open, but exploding...!"

The kraken giggled at the thought of a head going boom, it's brain liquids and pieces flying all over the room. "That's so cool!" Obviously the kraken was ignoring the fact that there would be a bunch of blood everywhere, she was picturing it like a kid's cartoon.
After hearing all this talk about cows, mutilation, and mutilating cows, Umbra felt like vomiting. In order not to make a mess of the library, he headed outside. Curse his vivid imagination!

After releasing the contents of his stomach, Umbra walked outside, wobbling a bit as he did so.

As he walked, he caught sight of a boy, clad in gold. He looked like some kind of royalty. Umbra had read many stories about kind kings who wore jewelry like that. He found those kings to be amazing and it looked like one was right in front of him. 'C-Cool.'

(I have decide to make Umbra admire Ajax! Until he discovers he's not the kind king he thought he was...)
Oblivious to what Nessa had said about being quiet, he continued rambling on with the new girl. "Ja! It was totally cool," he imagined a very similar scene as her, with a young man's head literally blowing up, before realizing he hadn't gotten her name. "Hey," he began, holding out his hand to her, "I'm Metus! You are...?"
Sedrian continued his observations and proceeded down the hall. This certainly was an odd school, either these guys LOVE Halloween, or this was a school for monsters, which would be ridiculous. He entered the Library and surveyed the room with his picture perfect memory, he took looks at everyone who was there, the Library would be quiet he hoped, he sat down in one of the chairs and shut his eyes.
Ajax laid on his little blanket shrine in a very nonchalant way, the sphinx kept thinking that he should've made the cyclops carry more of his stuff here. Leaning back on his bright and very fancy looking shrine, Ajax swiped a small golden lamp and opened it, his face still has expressionless as a brick wall.

As the sphinx opened the magical golden lamp, giggles filled the air as four very beautiful looking women dressed like Jasmine from Aladdin appeared from a dim purple mist that spilled out of the lamp.

Surrounded with women, Ajax had one of the girls pour a glass of wine for him as one sat on his lap and the others just surrounded him in some sort of way. Nodding curtly at the genie that handed him the glass of wine, Ajax smirked as he lifted the glass delicately to his lips and sipped the glorious wine elegantly.
Nessa noticed a guy sit down in a chair, he was alone, and Nessa had never seen him before, which was enough criteria to go over there, introduce herself, and hopefully become his friend.

She decided to leave Metus and Eona to their creepy tales about blood, brains and explosions, which she was rather freaked out by, and go over and introduce herself to this guy.

"Hello!" She said to him, a bit loud, used to the loud volume of Eona and Metus's conversation, before realizing he seemed asleep, she debated momentarily about fleeing, but decided to wait until she saw if she'd woke the guy up.
Eona stared at the hand awkwardly, not knowing what she was supposed to do with it. A sudden realization hit Eona as she recalled a time when she saw someone kiss the hand of another ugly guppy! Smiling brightly, Eona took Metus's hand gently in her own smaller one and kissed the back of it softly. The kraken beamed, feeling very proud of herself for figuring it out.

"My name is Eona, good sir." Eona stood up from her seat and curtsied to the man, looking up at Metus's face with her eyes. She hoped she was doing this right. The kraken had observed a few humans do something like this with their dresses, well, before she attacked their ship, causing it to sail into an iceburg and sink.

Eona had cried when the girl - Rose was it? - let go of Jack's hand, causing him to die from hypothermia. What? Krakens have feelings to! Back then Eona was only a little juvenile, so she didn't really understand what was going on between the two ugly guppies. Them again, now that she's older, the kraken still didn't really understand. After all, seven hundred years in isolation really wasn't good for you.
With one of his fingers still in his mouth, Lucien closed the book and felt quite amazed, the discoveries were simply amazing, it was like a whole new set of laws that apply to atoms and he was excited to find out more about this strange new quantum world, 'See Lulu, you ARE a geek. Also I'm impressed you managed to whack your head against a book several times and cut your finger without attracting anyone's attention. It's as though everyone thinks your as weird as I think you are. Except they get to leave you alone and I don't and that sucks,' the alternate personality groaned. Lucien stood up and returned the book to the librarian who gave him a strange look for having a finger in his mouth, "I thought babies sucked their thumbs," the librarian scoffed jokingly, 'Oh that's a good one, why didn't I think of that,' the alternate personality chirped, giving praise to a person who couldn't even hear him. Lucien sighed and sat back down in his seat with nothing to do. He took his finger out his mouth, dried it against his shirt and looked at the cut, he squeezed his finger to make the cut open and peered inside, now that the blood flow had stopped the cut looked like a very dark hole that went on forever, even though Lucien knew it wasn't a very thick cut.

(Fun fact: Jack and Rose were fictitious characters and such people didn't exist on the titanic. Although there was somebody with the exact same first and last name as Jack.)
Metus stared at her, a bit confused from the kiss to the hand. But, perhaps this was how her people did it, so he stood, and out of respect (or what he thought was respect), did the only thing he had learned from his home country other than the modern 'handshake'. He stood and raised his hand into the air, before shouting. "Sieg Heil!" Metus hoped that it was the appropiate thing to do in this sort of situation, as he had never had a girl introduce herself in the way Eona was. He was almost sure that he did the right thing, for he had seen one of the leaders of Deutschland do it in the olden days, and smiled at his new acquaintance.
Sedrian opened his eyes to the sound of rather loud talking. He turned his head to face the person who was speaking to him. 'Comes right up to me... Oh well, she seems nice enough...' Sedrian looked at her with his blank expression. "Hello, pleasure to meet you, my name is Sedrian."

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