Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"Nessa, you know flynn best, can you take the lanterns everyone finds to flynn and keep them safe?"

Noah said:
(Everyone has progress at different rates. I think to become a well-known member, one must join and post frequently in other threads or accumulate a lot of likes.)
(and with Pai and Nashi, it'll happen in no time)
Coyoty really hated being called silly, her father did that to her when she was younger and it pissed her off a great deal. She furrowed her chops into a growl but stifled it away realising she was catching up with this imp, she needed to make it have fun, to have happiness. It was testing time, she tripped, on purpose, not accident to see what would happen, would the imp stop and laugh like she wanted, what would happen?
"Sure." Nessa said, nodding to Chrys, "I'll keep them safer than..." She thought for a moment about the things she held most sacred. "my books." She said, earnestly, deciding not to mention the thought she had after about them all falling over on top of her.

(And that will be my new excuse for liking everything, I WANT TO MAKE EVERYONE WELL-KNOWN~)
Noah slowed down his approach. "Well they would be mad at me wouldn't they? Not at you." Noah said trying to persuade the Imp. "Why must you even worry about thee other imps. What would they do for you? Probably just bring you more sorrow." Noah says
The imp of happiness turned and giggled. "Bakaaa~"

Yay for random Japanese) 
The imp of sadness looked down at the lantern. "If you can tell me why Little Flame is sad, I will give you it. It is very precious to me...I don't want anyone to hurt it."
Coyoty spat out snow she seemed to eat while falling, unlike a loving human it did not melt, she was not livig and now the weakness from being so far away from Zephyr was setting in, she had to get that imp back, wait it carries around that lantern! she thought to herself honing in I that lantern realising that was where all the energy she was sniffing came from. I need to get that lantern she thought again and stood. "Alright so I am clumsy," how to play with kids, wait THERE WAS NO BOOK ON THAT! How she wished there was someone to this a snow ball at her- SNOW BALLS. She was not expending any energy in this form Zephyr wasn't either, he was just blood thirsty, Coyoty in order to have a snow ball fight would need to take her human form wich would expense energy unless she was in her demon form.

She took her human form almost grunting in pain and grabbed a pile of snow. Knowing snowballs were created when heat was a applied she drew in air using more energy and breathed on the snow ball tossing it at the imp. "Gotcha" she joked trying to get him to advance to forget about the lantern long enough for her to slip by and get it.
"I have an idea, roll with it." Chrys said to Nessa before shouting "HEY, ANY KITSUNE... LAMP-WIELDING... THINGS, YOU HAVE TO BE THE ******** ****** ***** * ****** ******* pleaseforgivemeformyfoullanguage * * ******* * **** * *******, AND YOUR MOTHERS, TOO."

(Countdown 'til hatred; 3... 2... 1...)
"Kitsukitsukiii~!" It giggled. Hanging the lantern from its tail, it grabbed snow and formed it into a ball and threw it at you. 
A sudden chill filled the hall Chrys was in. "Kekekek." The laugh sounded like a puppet's jaws clacking together.
{my mother would slap my pretty face if I EVER cussed like that... I would have no face left! It would be down the block! I do not even cuss in RP! I fill in words like FAWK... And beach! Wow I must be the single dullest teenager on the globe. ~Goes to crawl in hole now~}

Coyoty repeated her process getting weaker by the second this was not doing well, he had it on his tail now but Coyoty would need her vampire skills to grab it. She decided using her powers was better, breathing in one last time she breathed onto an empty palm and formed a ice cube from that, then melted it and froze it again until it was mush, seemed more work but used less energy then breathing required. She tossed the snowball at the imp laughing falsely once more. It was clear fu was not her cup of tea. Or maybe clear that Coyoty only smiled to those she loved.

Meanwhile Zephyr as a wolf lay still in the snow his pink tongue hanging from his mouth, being a vampire he needn't not to breathe so technically he looked dead at this point with all both half souls energy playing on this one imp with entertainment, things would not look well for him.
"Kekekekek." A slow steady set of footsteps neared...and from the dark emerges the imp of hatred. His mask was like the face of a puppet, the eyes soulless. Its movements made it seem like it was controlled by strings.

(Hatred controls you as though you are a puppet. Clever no?)
It has got to be now or never. Coyoty thought to herself tossing the last snowball she had in her hand preparing for this. Her hair turned Snow White and her eyes became blood thirsty red. She dove quick as lighting her ice cold fingers wrapping around the lantern with incredible speed, she was in vampire form now, and now all she needed was her Zephyr to complete the total assassins look. "Gods you are slow." She said her voice cold, oh so cold. "Looks like I win this game little imp." She tossed her head up for a laugh her fingers like her own mothers deep black, most vampires nails went this colour it was normal, but for her and her mother it was what defined their powers, speed, strength and elemental power.

{did I do it right- no I did it right this playing around was just killing me! ~Throws hands in the air~ I'm tiered of trying to wake my friend! I HAVE DOEN LITERALLY EVERYTHING IN THE BOOK!!!!!}
"You do realize you can't possibly bear as much hate as I do, don't you?" Chrys said, taking a step towards the imp

(Sh**'s about to get REAL)
The imp chuckled. "Well done. You won the real game. A game of intellect." It faded into blue mist and flew back to Flynn's body....something weird happens the instant anyone touches the lanterns. Your head is filled with flashes of memories based on that piece.

Flynn and the few friends he had hanging out

Winning a talent show in elementary

Scoring a winning goal in gym

Meeting his friends

More time with his friends

Being praised

Meeting the people at the academy.  
"Kekekekek." It laughed, its head twisting in an inorganic fashion.
"Jesus Christ, that was sick!" Coyoty turns her hand flying to her mouth and then she throws up, happy memories in this form were not so great. She sighs slightly her eyes rolling back a second, her throw up is one hundred percent her meals, and since she cannot eat it is blood there. "Great," she hisses and closes her eyes, she would need blood but first she would need the strength to get to Zephyr. Like a vampire would she stands and almost teleports to Zephyr looking down upon the wolf. "Got rid of the imp." She whispered before blacking out.

(Guess that means Chrys got a good viewing of Flessa moments. Looooove!) 
The imp of happiness was gone...but another floated in the air...had it been watching?
{And now I am out of the game... For now- FOR I WILL GET YOU!!!! and your little dog to! MLWAHHAAAAAHAHAHA! Wait Coyoty is passed out and unless this is hatred or pain I don't think I can pay may more respects to finding more imps homes. xD or of t is human and can lend a lonely wrist neck ankle or arm I think she's pretty much all for not, I can though bring her back but it's gonna take a cheese load of human blood to bring her back after that....}
(He was a bit distracted)

"I have had my sister murdered, my own family vote against me in my trial for murdering that bastard in vengeance, a god who thought he owed me living in my head, not leaving me alone for eight years, I finally get him out of my head and some new weirdo moves in," Chrys' voice starting to waver with a combination of rage and regret, taking another step closer with each item, until he was right in the imp's face "I had to deal with your sibling scratching at my face, and, worst of all, I hate myself for falling in love!" Chrys shouted at the end, panting for a moment or two before continuing "So if you think I'm going to take even the SLIGHTEST bit of crap from you, you are dead wrong he said, snatching the lantern out of the imps paws, taking it outside to Nessa, tossing it to her and saying "Good luck, now if you'll excuse me, I AM FINALLY TAKING A NAP AND NOBODY IS GONNA F***ING STOP ME!!!" before stomping off to his dorm

(good night, guys)

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