Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"You are an idiot...bakaaaaa~" it said before disappearing. "I may have lost, but the others are stronger." Its voice echoed throughout the hall.
(Chrys has the spirit of fortune in his head, Flynn's unconcious in the snow, everyone is trying to find the aspects of his soul, chrys got love, and did you know what happened in terms of Chrona?) 
(the love aspect I mean)
{Coyoty will not like that... God this is a terrible post... I should pay attention when I post.

"Fawkin a!" Coyoty cursed when the imp disappeared, she did not curse often, not unless she was in her demon form. Zephyr blinked and glared down at the wolf. "I am guessing with that imp you just play with it for a while, it seems to like games." "IT CALLED ME SILLY!" Coyoty interrupted snorting. "Coyoty come on just play with it for a while." Coyoty's ears twisted down but she turned and nodded. "Fine you stay here, and when I need blood you get it."

Zephyr nods and in sync and sits down as Coyoty walks off. "Alright you creep show happy imp, you wanna play?" She asked flicking her tail.
"Alright what type of game?" Coyoty asked seeing the imp now siting though curling her tail half around her paws flicking it at the tip.
Noah slowly approaches the sad imp staring at it's lantern. Hearing it's conversation he tries to persuade it. "I pity you. You seem so sad little imp." Noah continues to slowly approach it. Slowly taking one step at a time. "Why are you so sad?"
The imp of sadness looked up at the one who had spoken. "Because of the suffering Little Flame has felt." It said. The mask it wore resembled that of a crying child.
"Alright." Coyoty stood, happiness was never anything she was good at achieving but he seemed to like being chased. "Shall I chase you then? That is a game, no?" Coyoty was reminded of a slightly brutal memory of a pair of kids whom she played with, they loved chase.
{oh, yes by the way, apparently Frau is 27.... Zeeghraknnjjnjshhasdfgjk. Can I make him a teacher or something... Or... A teacher- bishop- pervert-ghost who protects humans~ okay I'm officially crazy.}
Noah edges a step closer. With lots of pity and sorrow in his voice "So you become sad because how others feel? Do you seek to feel sadness?" Noah asked hoping to distract the imp so he can steal the lamp.
Coyoty took off after it. Her light weight hollow bones allowed for her to go fast, on top of that she was a wolf hybrid, she had speed there and on top of that she was a vampire, if she took her vampire form in her current wolf form she would crave more blood and she would need a lot of it as it was splitting herself from Zephyr. She assumed getting blood would not be hard but from a fresh human would be, so she stayed the way she was and chased after the imp.

She slowed slightly making it look like he was gaining speed. "You do not play fair!" She tried laughing but her fake laughs were so, just that, it was hard to make them real. "Come on play fair." She said slowing a bit then gaining speed once more. Most times as a wolf vampires would need to breathe to sustain their wolf forms, but Coyoty on the other hand did not need to and because of this she could run as fast as she wanted too for as long as she wanted to, provided she was not in her vampire form, otherwise she would need more blood.
"Do you want to get rid of that sadness?" Noah asked taking another step closer. He notices that the closer he gets to the imp, the more sad he becomes as well. "Why does one want to stay ridden and burdened with such sadness?"
{sadly I am not a well known member. ~still an active member~ even Flynn is a well known member and he's been here a whole month less then me! ~is sad all of the sudden~}
(Everyone has progress at different rates. I think to become a well-known member, one must join and post frequently in other threads or accumulate a lot of likes.)

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