Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Occultus stood in the corner of the room, thinking things over. Lux stood next to him, hands in his pockets. "So, now that you've been unmasked, what do you intend to do?" Umbra turned to his friend and was a little confused. "About what?" Lux pointed to the mask in the boy's hand. "I'm referring to that. Do you intend to continue as your fabricated persona, or will you continue as who you once were?" The black-haired boy held the mask up to his face, observing it closely. "I'm not really sure. As Occultus, I made friends. When I was the old me, I wasn't that good at things like this. People don't remember the old me, so I'm not sure what would happen if I got rid of the mask." Lux place a hand on his shoulder. "All answers come in time. Make the decision when you feel it is the right one."
The imp of hatred only faded then appeared before Nessa, quite suddenly, and snatched back its lantern. "Kekekekek."

The Imp of Truth had watched the game between Coyoty and Happiness from above, its ancient looking mask tilted in slight confusion.
"Hey, give that back!" Nessa cried, frowning at the imp, he was not going to get to keep that lantern, Nessa needed it for Flynn!

She wondered if these times were drastic enough to call for her transforming into her true form, and decided they weren't, at least, not quite yet, and jumped upon the imp in human form, trying to grab the lantern back.

(I've got to go to bed, goodnight)
{I'mma take that as a bring her back moment though, I do like Zephyr's demon form so...}

Coyoty still white haired was nudged ever so slightly by Zephyr's cold nose. She swatted at him as he whimpered at her. He was worried and though he being an immature pervert who liked big breasted women he had a caring bone in his body, though it might have been in his ear, it was there. Coyoty looked up though and saw the imp. She blinked her red eyes not sure what this one was and at the moment believing in her state it was all a dream. "And what are you supposed to be? The imp of dreams?" She laughed half out of it. Zephyr looked up at the imp to, his ears twitched him having more strength then vampire Coyoty at the moment.
The imp of hatred suddenly grew, mutating into a huge doll like monster...and the imp of anger appeared along with the puppet strings leading to Hatred.

"I am Truth." The eldest imp said from his place in the sky. He seemed more polite and controlled than the others.
Noah looked down upon the imp. He took another step closer since it wasn't looking at him and staring at the lantern. "Why would I want to hurt the Little Flame. I am not a person who wouldn't hurt something that was little and helpless. The Little Flame is like you as well. Sad, and little. I wouldn't hurt you or the flame." Noah continues. "Please relinquish it to me."
"I see." Zephyr said his ears pulling back. "Mate, I know this will be hard to swallow but you you see my mate here is a little on the famished side and we kind of need to get her some help, now my bloke here needs you to return safely to him because he well.... Deserves at least that much, do you think not?" Zephyr was incredibly smart when he acted closer to his real age, this however was only brought out in his vampire from. Which wether or not it was noticeable he was in it, unlike Coyoty he had not changed much, there just was not really much to change. Vampires of his game rarely did take human forms even though they had it. So his sis not look much different.

{I gotta go, my friends mother is calling for breakfast. Dunno when we will be back I'm going to a park after that. So I guess technically I'm going to bed, ni-night mates.}
The imp of sadness shook his head. "Answer my question." It held out the lantern in an iron grip. The instant it neared you by that much, Flynn's memories filled your head as did voices from the past.

"What a loser.."


"Just die already! You piece of shit!"

"Just go away..."


A young Flynn being tortured by his abusive father.... 
"I cannot comply with your wishes. But it seems Hatred and Anger have come to play....Good luck." He said, laying down in the air.

A mutated Hatred and a puppet-master Anger stormed towards you in a torrent of destruction.
Slightly shocked and still disoriented from Flynn's memories, Noah barely doges out of the way of the two other imps. Noah always opens with reasons. "Is there a deal perhaps that could allow you to give those lanterns to me?" Noah asks as his spider appendages grow from his back.
The imp of sadness shook his head." You cannot reason with Hatred and Anger. They are the punishment twins...They are very strong....You saw them didn't you? Little Flame's sadness?"

The mutated Hatred turned his head in a disgustingly inorganic way. "Kekekek."
Noah looks at the Imp of Sadness and nods his head before returning his gaze upon the other two imps of Anger and Hatred. Noah thought that he would actually have to fight now. He wasn't very fond of the thought. Noah releases his Kumo-Oni form and his lower body turned into a giant abdomen with three pairs of large legs. "I implore you once again to give up the lanterns. I pity you imps of anger and hatred."
"Oh give it up. You cannot win. Our flames have lived for so long, and not even you can extinguish them." Anger said coldly. Hatred let out a blood-curling shrieking cry, loud and strong enough to distort the air.
Noah knew that they would definitely put up a fight. Flynn had experienced a lot so they should be filled with lots of Anger and Hatred. He should begin to make a plan before they start to overpower him. Noah falls back on his favorite asset to buy him sometime. "Why would I want to extinguish those flames?" Noah asks hoping to stall the two imps.
They ignored your words, and the huge Mutated Hatred charged at you at a blazing speed, claws ready to strike.

(Image a reeeeeaaalllyyy pissed off life sized bear doll with huuuuge claws charging at you....and there you have Hatred...until I actually design him.)
(Ah. Nothing more terrifying than a pissed off bear charging at you. But it being a bear doll throws it off.)

Noah barely reacted fast enough to fire a curtain of web strong as steel to block the attack. Perhaps if he agitated him... "Come on you over-glorified plush toy. A 4-year old would think a battle would be a play date." Noah shouted at it sticking his tongue out.
Hatred's claws nearly break through the web, revealing just how strong Flynn's hatred really is. Hatred only let out another shriek.

"Talking to Hatred is like talking to a wall. He doesn't understand you." Anger said cockily. Hatred had little weakness...only the Anger behind it.
Noah's eyes open wide with surprise at Hatred's claws breaking his web. Noah automatically turns into a more stickier strain wrapping itself around Hatred's claws and his face. "And what about you then Anger? What is your strength? Or do you just lazily sit back while Hatred attacks?"
Hatred pulls at the web, slowly breaking it. "Heheh. You dare to call me a coward. You are more foolish than you look!" Anger shouts, his anger actually fueling Hatred, who gains even greater strength, breaking his webby prison....angering Anger makes Hatred stronger....but Anger definitely is the weaker of the two but more intelligent.
Noah notices Hatred slice up his web. A few beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead. These two are strong. Noah fires another web a Hatred's face blinding him and at his feet immobilizing him. Noah knows that it won't hold him for long, but it will buy him sometime. Noah fixes his gaze upon Anger and fires a web-like rope at him wrapping him in a cocoon.
"How amusing..."an older sounding voice said....as Truth appeared out of nowhere. "But that is quite enough." Truth is the most sophisticated of all the imps.
Noah quickly jumps away from the voice pulling Anger with him. "Another imp? You don't fight fair do you?" Noah said with frustration. "However it is nice to hear an imp with some composure." Noah admitted.
"Indeed. I am Truth. The Eldest and wisest." He said with a polite bow before raising his hand, making symbols appear with its movements. He cast a spell that shattered the webs on hatred and anger. He cast another to return hatred to his imp state. They took the chance and disappeared, leaving this to Truth.
Noah sighs in frustration that more of Flynn's soul is gone. He looks around for the Sad Imp. "Can you at least keep around the sorrowful imp? I pity him the most and he is more enjoyable to me ironically." Noah said. Pondering in his mind, is this imp stronger than Anger and Hatred? If so, then he might not be able to beat him.

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