Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Ayra let out a low growl at the dark aura and rose up his hand started to chant the restraint spell. Bright blue rope like energy tightened around Flynn. "Sorry but it's for your own good. Keep your head even in their bud." He said.
(Ok the glowy thing that spoke is part of a plot thing ive come up with. Each of the tails of Shadow temporarily split into 9 one tailed imps, who broke flynn's soul into 9 pieces. Pretty cool.)
(Flynn's soul is broken now? So what does that mean for Flynn?)

Nessa followed Coyoty out the door, quickly finding Flynn. She'd missed the whole 9 pieces of heart announcement, so she wasn't sure what had happened, but it seemed bad, judging from everyone's expressions, except for that weird girl she'd grabbed from the hallway, the one she'd never seen before she'd grabbed her, who was contentedly grinning at a ferret.
(He wont wake up until his soul is returned. So finding the imps, taking the soul pieces from them and returning them to Flynn...its a quest! Im designing the masks of the imps now. They represent things.)
Zephyr had not fully realised he was the human in this. "Ah, hello mate." He did a smile as he took the girls hand and kissed it. "Such a pretty las." He whispers Coyoty housing a low growl.

"We are not here to HIT ON MERMAIDS!" Coyoty growled at Zephyr putting her front paws on a table to glare at him, in this position she stood just as tall as Zephyr if not a few inches taller, her ears back and her grey eyes were nearly staring into his soul.
"I'm not a mermaid." Melody turned and said to her friend, she didn't know it was rude to eavesdrop, and since her friend and her soul were close enough to her for her to hear, she had been listening in as Coyoty growled at Zephyr.

Mermaids were good, kind beings, normally, Melody was not kind when she was in her true form, she was definitely not a mermaid, and she was surprised her friend did not know this.
(Heres what the imps look like...except the mask is different for each. The lantern its holding is where the piece of flynn's soul is....fire based soul so...lantern.. xD )<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.9286501920572a5f3abad30c4a529304.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5234" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.9286501920572a5f3abad30c4a529304.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Flynn Porter](Yeah. But flynn cant get them himself. So its up to his friends. The imps will be in bold)

((lol what friends? xD jkjk))
(And from now on, anyone speaking in Chrys' head that isn't Chrys (who will be italicized) will be in bold italics
(I keep refreshing page until the number of alerts goes up, the notification rarely works for me)
Coyoty narrowed her grey eyes. "Alright but we are not here to hit on girls," she said blinking and looking around for a second before wondering what is going on. "Zeph," she whispered to catch his attention,

"Aye mates what's going on here?" Clueless zephyr asked as Coyoty pushed through the crowd to glare at the fox. She hated foxes, but strangely felt connected to at least this one, perhaps it was because he was soulless at the moment? She was not sure but she looked at him her ears tilted back.
Coyoty sniffed the air. "I can smell his soul!- err souls!" She said and hopped over him suddenly chasing what looked like nothing through the snow at a certain lantern holding imp. "I can smell you, to know." She knew what talking did so instead of talking she attacked the imp- trying not to hurt it but to reprehend it none the less.
Ayra blinked 'Smell...his soul?' he wondered and spotted the Imp. He noticed that Zephyr had that one under control
{Nico, Coyoty and Zephyr are two different souls, technically half souls joined together, Coyoty is the wolf chasing after a lamp carying Imp, and zephyr is getting weak because he cannot be too far away from Coyoty for too long.}
(Oh my god I just found the perfect reaction shot of Chrys when he kissed Eona
((oh mah gawd! Almost forgot to reply! :D ))


The kraken released an inaudible sigh of relief, thankful that Chrys had changed the subject. "I don't know." Seeing this as a good time to escape, Eona gathered up enough courage to look the man in the eye and blurt out, "I'llgocheck!"

Speeding off, Eona's face was bright red as she tripped over her too legs and face planted onto the ground. "I'm okay!" The kraken called out as she quickly pushed herself off the floor, almost panty flashing her friend. But, Eona didn't have time for that! She needed to get out of here!

Not looking where she was going, Eona sprinted as fast as she could, narrowly missing a few walls, people, and expensive objects. Oh, dear! I forgot to give everyone their presents! Was the only thought the kraken had in her mind as she ran right into another girl.

((@Nanashi I'm going to go look for reuniting music now :D ))

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