Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

Noah looks back at Arya with a serious exspression on his face. "Well then better have that spell ready on hand. Hopefully one of the teacher's will show up. Mr. Manly could prove to be helpful here since he is so strong and .... manly." Noah looks at Flynn's body. "I hope he can win the battle in his mind. He was powerful enough to keep his dark side at bay."
((I'm alive. Tired and aching, but alive. :3 What happened? Did anyone interact with me charries? Oh god I feel like I'm going to go limp, my fingers are so numb...))
((Actually....I did eat a few unknown substances that my friend shoved into my mouth...it was vile and disgusting, but I got 20 dollars in the end. So worth it. :3))
Ayra nodded and flipped the to the confinement spell page and waited. He hopped this would work.
The battle raged on in his mind, for quite some time. The battle was fierce and very dangerous. Thank goodness it was inside Flynn's head.....

"You wish to distort the mind, to enhance it... Why don't you bare witness to the trouble you have caused." Shadow's voice could be heard. "Enter my domain!" He shouted as the air around Flynn's body began to distort. The world went silent and turned grey, before disappearing into nothing. The world you now saw was a distorted surface of water, still as stone, that stretched on endlessly. Distorted figures of trees showed periodically before vanishing and appearing elsewhere. The sky was pure white, with distorted clouds filling it. Was this Flynn's mind in its current state?

Had a minute to say somethin but wont be back for an hour or so.)
((I want to know what love is!~))


Stepping into the hallways, Eona hoped that she would remember all the lines correctly. Hohoho! Merry Fristmas! The kraken rehearsed in her mind, a very determined look on her face. No, that's not right... Eona shook her head and took out the piece of paper tucked in her back pocket. Hohoho! Merry Christmas! The kraken's eyes narrowed down at the words, reading them slower than a snail on Monday. Her head was beginning to hurt from all the concentration she had to put in to read the words, but Eona needed to remember those very words for her and Ajax's gift to everyone.
Chrys continued running through the halls We're even! No more solar powered Chrys, he thought, still frolicking, people were looking at him like he was crazy, but after his incident with Flynn on his first day, when didn't they. Chrys saw Eona in the halls, barreled towards her and wrapped her in a big Lion-Eagle-Horse hug, lifting her and spinning her in the air, he planted a big kiss on her lips and then he--

WHAT!? Realizing what he had done, Chrys quickly recoiled, dropping Eona and becoming suddenly interested in nervously preening at the brown feathers that had sprouted from his wrists in panic. 
(I had that ready for SO long)
(sorry for the busy weekend guys might just have a post here and there)

Kima had gotten to know a few things about christmas and it sounded kind of fun but he was still wary of the people in strange costumes. Finding himself with a large crowd of other students he tried to blend in though the fact that he was armed probably made him stand out more than anything. He sighed and suddenly wished he was better at making friends or at least making conversation.
Ayra blinked in worry at Flynn's body. This was his idea and if anything happened, it would be on his head.
Noah sits down cross-legged next to Flynn's unconscious body and Arya as they wait for Nessa to come back with more people. He looks at Arya and notices a large amount of tension in his eyes. "Are you all right?" Noah asks.
Ayra looked at Noah and sighed "This was my suggestion. If he doesn't make it out, I will never forgive myself." he shook his head "Plus all this magic using is taking a toll on me."
Noah looks disapprovingly at Arya. "Albeit that trying to seal Flynn's dark side brought it out, you can't punish yourself for it. Flynn here should have considered the dangers of trying to seal his dark side away. But we should still be careful on how we use magic. It can have a bad toll and the body." Noah continues to gaze at Flynn. "With some good new to bring you, I think the Flynn we care for can win. For a body to host two souls is no easy feat and keeping the other soul at bay is even harder. Flynn won't go down easy." Noah said encouragingly but a thought still bothered him. What if the darkness inside Flynn took foothold and kept him at bay leaving the darkness to control the body?

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