Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP


Letting a joyful giggle escape her lips, Eona was suddenly shut up by the contact of another's lips, her blue eyes widening in shock of it. Over the few months Eona had been on land, she had just recently learned what kissing on the lips were. It was a sign of affection. Sexual affection.

The kraken didn't know if she was even ready for such a relationship! It's only been seven months since she crawled onto the land of two legs and ugly guppies! What about children? Eona was unable to bear any kids to her mate, isn't that a big put off?

Unsure at what to do, Eona relaxed a little when Chrys put her down and apologized. But, she tensed up again after a few moments went by. What was she supposed to say? If she said that she liked it, like what happens in all ugly guppy romance movies, then what if Chrys had done it out of random? But, if Eona said that she didn't like it, her friendship with Chrys would be ruined!

"I-it's f-f-f-fine." the kraken stuttered out, averting her blue eyes - which contrasted with her bright red face - down to the marble floor, staring at it like it had all the answers to the universe. A few very awkward seconds - that felt like hours - passed by. Eona fiddled around with her fingers, a habit she had developed over the months she has been in humanoid form.

Eona's eyes flickered up to Chrys's face after she had gotten enough courage to do so. "Eeep! I'm sorry!" the kraken suddenly apologized, hoping that the hippogriff wasn't angry with her. Covering her face with her hands, Eona could literally feel her skin heating up like an underwater volcano.

Oh, dear Poseidon, what should I do..?
Ayra smiled feeling better he looked back at Flynn's body. He curled his fingers around the book in his hand and sat down on the ground. "Magic can take a even worse toll on the caster's body, though I've been doing magic for over 300 years." He nodded "Even if I don't know Flynn that well, he is strong."
Noah nods when he realizes that Nessa has been gone looking for other students to help just in case Flynn loses. Where was she? And who was the girl she brought along? Noah decides to introduce himself to her. "Hello the one unconscious is Flynn. He is in a bit of trouble. I am Noah." Noah gestures at Arya, "That is Arya. I appreciate you coming to help."

(Was it Coyoty that was dragged by Nessa here?)
Oh dear Poseidon, what should I do? I mean, she is a sea creature? Aphrodite? Gods, is Helios the only one that talks to me? "I- I don't I was just..." What was I thinking... oh right, "I'm free from a deal, how could this possibly be better?" Me and my big flocking mouth

"I just like you, okay? You are the nicest person I have ever met and the first person since my exile that I could open up to, I got a very Hoity-Toity god to stop pestering me, and for a few seconds I forgot this wasn't a dream"

It was true, Chrys had dreamt the I'm-even-now-and-don't-have-to-deal-with-the-most-overbearing-god-on-or-off-this-planet-anymore scenario on many occasions, and more recently a few new additions were added to the 'perfect day' dream he'd been having, things that made him glad he was never assigned a roommate.

"I hope you aren't mad at me-- wait, there wouldn't happen to be any chance you didn't understand the significance of what just happened, would there?" Chrys asked, still preening.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris](That awkward moment when your character's best friend is your second character...)

((LOLOLOL xD That awkward moment when....okay, I can't think of anything more awkward than that ^))


Hearing Chrys's words, the gears in the kraken's brain seemed to have stopped working for a moment. If you looked closely, you could see smoke coming out of Eona's ears in a very comical way. She was still having a hard time processing what had just happened, and then her friend goes ahead and tell her he likes her.

What does he mean by like? The kraken thought once her brain had started to work once again. She bit her lip in confusion, not knowing what in the Gaia given world she was supposed to do. Did he mean like like? Or just like? Eona gulped, remembering what had happened with Flynn and Nessa. Was she really ready for something like that? Or was the kraken just misinterpreting everything.

After listening to the hippogriff's words, Eona decided it would be best to just pretend that nothing had happened and put on a stupid act. "Um, no...?" The kraken slipped a goofy grin on her face, the soft pink blush dusted over her cheeks could easily be mistaken for embarrassment. "Why? What does a kiss on the lips mean?" Eona did her best to look naive and innocent, widening her eyes and lifting her eyebrows as she did so.
Chrys sighed, "I'm part lion, I sense your heart rate, lying to me isn't really possible," more of a curse than a gift in most cases he thought, "So..." Chrys rubbed the back of his neck "What now?"

Why am I panicking? this is hardly my first kiss, Asphodel I've done much more, so why is this so difficult? Chrys thought to himself,

because this is real, a nagging voice in the back of his head said.

Another thought occurred to him: "That was your first kiss, wasn't it?" he asked. 
(Likes inbound, Nanashi's back)
Noah said:
Noah nods when he realizes that Nessa has been gone looking for other students to help just in case Flynn loses. Where was she? And who was the girl she brought along? Noah decides to introduce himself to her. "Hello the one unconscious is Flynn. He is in a bit of trouble. I am Noah." Noah gestures at Arya, "That is Arya. I appreciate you coming to help."
(Was it Coyoty that was dragged by Nessa here?)
(No, it wasn't Coyoty, it was Melody, my second charrie, whom just arrived at the school. c: I should bring Coyoty too, though, good idea! @CoyotyZephyrWolf, in case you're on, I'm tagging you. c:)

Nessa went back into the school and noticed another girl standing near the door, Coyoty. She grabbed her hand, explained the Flynn situation, and asked Coyoty whether she would come help.


Melody looked at Noah, then down at the boy named Flynn. "Hello, Noah. I am Melody. What is wrong with Flynn?" She asked, frowning at the boy. It was only her first day here, and already more change than during the last 652 years of her life had happened - she had even gotten another friend, the last one she had made long ago, and it was with a kraken. It was amazing! She was glad she had listened to the mermaid and come out to this school.
((Pear!~ You're alive!~ :D ))

Eona the octopus

The kraken paled, her eyes widening in realization. Urgh! I'm so stupid! Why didn't I think of that? Colour came back to Eona's face, leaving it warm and bright red. She wished she could just crawl into a hole and eat fish. Eona covered her face with her hands and nodded, not even saying a word.

That was her first kiss. But, Eona wasn't embarrassed from it being her first kiss, she was embarrassed from it even being a kiss! The kraken's one heart was beating over 200 miles per hour, she felt like it was going to pop out of her chest and lay limp on the floor. Good thing as a giant squid she had three hearts.

"Um...do you like....razzmataz...?" the kraken tried to direct the subject away from what had just happened, slowly removing her hands from her face and calming herself down. It was an odd question, but that was what Eona could think of at that moment.
((Pear, we need to have Melody and Eona have their reunion!~ Do you know how touching it'll be? They're going to have a musical montage!~))
Noah nods at her. "Well as you know everyone has a soul. It basically defines who they are. Unfortunately Flynn here has 1 body with 2 souls. Arya tried to seal the darker soul away but the result is a battle between those 2 souls for control of the body. We can only hope that Flynn wins but should he lose, the darker version of him takes control of his body. That is why I had Nessa bring you here. In case the Flynn submits to his darker side we can restrain him."
(Their reunion is going to be awesome, Pai. ^-^ They haven't seen each other in centuries, it's about time for them to see each other again. :D )

"Restrain him?" Melody asked, she wasn't entirely sure what restraining was, but it did not sound fun. Not at all. It sounded dangerous.

Soul? Wasn't a soul that furry animal her friend, Coyoty, had had? Flynn has two souls? That was amazing! Melody was happy for Flynn, and for the furry animals.

But.. wait? A soul defined what you are? And Melody didn't have one of those animals, so not everyone had one!

Melody wasn't sure if they were thinking about the same thing.

Or maybe those animals were really important...
Ayra looked down at the ground and picked a piece of grass. "He is strong in his darker form. Have you seen what he did to the cafe?" he asked not knowing Melody was new here. He sighed "I have a restraint and confinement spell ready just in case."
Suddenly his body begins shaking and a dark blue aura flows from him, splits off into 9 pieces and all but one soar off into different directions.

"Kitsukitsukitsu" a strange laughing voice came from the last remaining portion of the aura. "9 pieces of heart, 9 of us. Find us if you can." It said before flying off.
Noah returns his gaze back to Melody and notices that she looks to be in deep thought. "Yes to prevent him from moving. Flynn's darker side may have evil intentions. I fear that he might want to bring destruction." Noah continues to wonder why the girl seemed so confused. "You do know what a soul is right?" 
Noah quickly jumps away from the body once Flynn starts convulsing and a dark aura emanates from him.
Zephyr chased after melody he wanted some more of her blood and managed to find her again. He ran up to her his son white wolf companion following him. "Hey, you, mate?" He said his deep British accent contrasting against Coyoty's pure German accent as he addressed Melody. {sorry I was getting paid and I only got forty pounds...}
"...Yes? Actually, everything seems to have taken on a bit of a razmatazz-esque tinge" Chrys replied, calming down a little at the change of subject, he had stopped preening, but that was likely because all his downy tertiary feathers that had sprouted on his wrists had either retracted or fallen off, a quick glance at the floor showed him it looked like he had been roosting!

Chrys nonchalantly swept the discarded feathers to the side, and said "So... do you... Erm.. what... Uhh... is that party still going on?" he asked, searching for an excuse to not be alone anymore

But you want to be more alone the nagging voice said,

SHUT UP!! Is there some sort of personality splitter in the water here? Chrys thought angrily
Cafe? Melody was learning so many human words. What was a cafe?

"A soul is a furry animal!" She told Noah, of course she knew what a soul was, her friend had told her!

Melody then looked at the Flynn person with interest. What was he doing?

She was distracted by Coyoty's furry soul as it ran up to her.

"Yes, Zephyr?" She asked the soul, glad that the fluffy animal was back! It was such a soft nice little soul!

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